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They______the Great Wall yesterday and they     ______very happy. A. visited; are B. visit; are C. visit; was D. visited; were ( )2. Mr Wang______us Chinese last year. A. taught B. teach C. teaches D. teached ( )3. She often______her bike to school when she was young. A. is riding B. rides C. rode D. will ride D C A ( )4. —When did they______?  —Last month. A. got married B. get married C. got marry D. get marry ( )5. I told my mother I wasn't worried about my exam. But in fact, I ______. A. was B. did C. had D. have B B. 二、翻译句子 6. 玛丽十年前成为了一名医生。 ___________________________________________ 7. 昨晚我父亲读了一本杂志。 ___________________________________________ Mary became a doctor ten years ago. My father read a magazine last night. 8. 你过去是骑自行车上学吗? ___________________________________________ 9. 他昨晚没做作业,因为他生病了。 ___________________________________________ 10. 谁能找出那些问题的答案? ___________________________________________ Did you ride a bike to school in the past? He didn't do his homework last night, because he was ill. Who can find out the answers to those questions? 三、完形填空 One day, a great boxer(拳击手), Tom Black,  11  to a restaurant for dinner. He took off his coat and 12  it at the door, but he was 13  that somebody would take it away. So he took out a piece of paper and 14 on it. The great boxer, Tom Black, has left his coat 15 . He will be back in 16  minutes. He put the paper on his coat and went 17  his dinner. When he 18 , however, his coat was not there. He just saw a piece of paper in its place. 19  said,“ A great runner has taken away your coat, and he will  20  come back again.” ( )11. A. go B. went C. goes D. going ( )12. A. left B. leaves C. leaving D. leave ( )13. A. happy B. sorry C. sad D. afraid ( )14. A. said B. told C. wrote D. read ( )15. A. here B. there C. everywhere D. around ( )16. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little ( )17. A. had B. to have C. has D. have ( )18. A. came B. went C. turned D. returned ( )19. A. He B. They C. It D. She ( )20. A. always B. never C. often D.sometimes A B D B A B C B C D 四、阅读理解(C篇) 配对阅读。左栏是五位名人的简介,右栏是七种职业, 请为左栏的名人与他们的职业匹配起来,并将其字母编 号填写在题号前的括号内。 ( )21. Li Shizhen was born in 1518.His father was a poor doctor.Li Shizhen often saw people fall ill.He decided to study medicine so that he could help people who were ill.After years of hard work and study, he finished his great work Ben Cao Gang Mu. ( )22. O·Henry was a pen name used by an American writer of short stories.His real name was William Sydney Porter.He was born in North Carolina in 1862.His short stories were easy to understand and finished with a sudden change in the end, to the readers'surprise. A. A great physics scientist B. A famous doctor C. A famous poet D. A great pharmacologist in China F B ( )23. Tu Youyou, born in 1930, is a great pharmacologist (药理学家) in China.She found artemisinin (青蒿素)for curing malaria(疟疾),so she won the 2015 Nobel Prize in Medicine. ( )24. George Stephenson was born in 1781 in a poor family.George invented(发明) many things in his life.The train was the greatest one among them. ( )25. In 1942,Stephen William Hawking was born in Oxford,England.He went to Oxford University in 1959.There, he studied physics.In 1988,Stephen's greatest work A Brief History of Time was published(出版). E. A great inventor(发 明家) F. A famous writer of short stories G. A popular singer E D A 五、读写综合 A. 回答问题 请阅读下面这篇文章,根据所提供的信息,回答问题。   Helen Keller was a bright and beautiful girl.At the age of six months, she could already say a few words.But before she was two years old,she was badly ill.She could not see or hear,and soon she could not even talk. When she was six,her parents invited a teacher for her.With the help of the teacher,she began to see and hear the world around her through her hands.She learned to read the books for the blind(盲人).The teacher took Helen for long walks,and told about all the beautiful things.Helen tried to learn.She also learned how to swim and ride a horse. After she grew up,she became a famous writer in America.Her first and famous book is The Story of My Life.Her story encouraged(鼓励) many blind and deaf people. Answer the following questions. 26. What was the career(职业) of Helen? ___________________________________________ 27. When was Helen badly ill? ___________________________________________ Helen was a famous writer. Before she was two years old, she was badly ill. 28. Where did Helen come from? __________________________________________ 29. Who helped Helen to learn? ___________________________________________ 30. What's the name of Helen's first book? ___________________________________________ Helen came from America. Helen's teacher helped Helen to learn. The Story of My Life. B. 书面表达   你了解父母过去的生活吗?询问一下他们的一些情 况,写一篇短文来介绍他们过去的生活。 作文要求: 1. 不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校真实的名称 和学生的真实姓名。 2. 语句连贯,词数60个左右。 My mother was born in a small village. When she was young, her family was not rich. There were not any buses, so she had to go to school by bike or on foot. In the evening, she watched TV.The TV was white and black. My mother liked playing games with her friends. But they didn't play computer games, because there were no computers then. My mother said life was hard at that time, but they felt happy.

