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‎2019届一轮复习人教版必修一Unit5Welson Mandela--a modern hero单元学案设计 话题词汇 ‎1.achievement n.成就;成绩;功绩 ‎2.ambitious adj.有雄心壮志的 ‎3.background n.背景 ‎4.characteristic adj.典型的;独特的 ‎5.contribution n.贡献 ‎6.outgoing adj.爱交际的;外向的 ‎7.outstanding adj.优秀的;杰出的 ‎8.have a gift for对……有天赋 ‎9.be enthusiastic about对……热心 ‎10.make efforts to do sth.努力做某事 话题佳作 请根据以下信息,介绍一位传奇人物。‎ 姓名:Allan Stewart 国籍:澳大利亚 出生日期:1915年3月7日 世界纪录:2006年获硕士学位时年龄最大 学习态度:挑战自我,永远为时不晚。‎ 第一个学位:1936年获得 第二个学位:医学博士 第三个学位:80多岁时决定学习法律,2006年获得硕士学位。‎ 第四个学位:2012年通过网络学习获得,善于合理安排学习时间,受到老师表扬。‎ 参考词汇:硕士学位master’s degree;博士doctor 佳作欣赏 Here is a legendary Australian named Allan Stewart,who was born on March 7,1915.He holds such an amazing attitude towards learning that one is never too old to challenge oneself.He has attained 4 degrees,the first of which was obtained in 1936.After getting his second degree,Doctor of Medicine,Mr.Stewart decided to take up law in his eighties and in 2006 he succeeded in winning his third degree,which led him to set a world record of being the oldest holder of a master’s degree.He was awarded the fourth degree in 2012 by learning online.And he earned praise from his teachers for making good use of his study time in a proper and reasonable manner.‎ 名师点睛 本文有机整合题目所提供的信息,通过简朴的语言和合理的行文顺序把写作要点准确地表达出来。文中过去分词短语作定语、定语从句等高级句式和诸如never too old to...,take up,succeed in doing...,set a world record,make good use of等短语的综合运用,使得语言富于变化,增强了文章的表达效果。‎ Ⅰ.写作必记单词 ‎1.quality n.品质;质量;性质 ‎2.active adj.积极的;活跃的 ‎3.devote vt.献身 devoted adj.忠实的;深爱的 ‎4.peaceful adj.和平的;平静的;安宁的 peace n.和平 ‎5.vote vt.& vi.投票;选举;n.投票;选票;表决 ‎6.attack vt.进攻;抨击;攻击 ‎7.equal adj.相等的;平等的 ‎8.willing adj.乐意的;自愿的 ‎9.escape vi.& vt.逃脱;逃走;避开;(气体、液体等)泄漏 ‎10.beg vi.请求;乞求 ‎11.reward n.报酬;奖金;vt.酬劳;奖赏 ‎12.opinion n.意见;看法;主张 Ⅱ.阅读识记单词 ‎13.mean adj.吝啬的;自私的;卑鄙的 ‎14.generous adj.慷慨的;大方的 ‎15.self n.自我;自身 selfish adj.自私的 selfless adj.无私的;忘我的 ‎16.found vt.建立;建设 ‎17.principle n.法则;原则;原理 ‎18.lawyer n.律师 ‎19.guidance n.指导;领导 ‎20.president n.总统;会长;校长;行长 ‎21.legal adj.法律的;依照法律的 illegal adj.非法的 ‎22.violence n.暴力;暴行 ‎23.educate vt.教育;训练 educated adj.受过教育的;有教养的 ‎24.relative n.亲戚;亲属 ‎25.sentence vt.判决;宣判 语境活用 [用所给词的正确形式填空]‎ ‎1.He did not compromise easily,but was willing(will) to accept any constructive advice for a worthy cause.(2016·江苏)‎ ‎2.Hopefully(hope) that gives you a good start.Let cooking and living simply be a joy rather than a burden.(2014·新课标全国Ⅱ)‎ ‎3.Project ORBIS also aims at promoting peaceful(peace) cooperation among countries.(2014·江西)‎ ‎4.She plans to start a foundation(found) for homeless children and wants to build a community centre in Waterhouse.(2016·江苏)‎ ‎5.Stay in active(act) communication with your friend.(2016·浙江)‎ ‎6.Practise under the guidance(guide) of some experienced writers and teachers who can help you with basic writing skills.(2014·湖南)‎ ‎1.out of work失业 ‎2.as a matter of fact/in fact事实上 ‎3.blow up使充气;爆炸 ‎ ‎4.in trouble在危险、受罚、痛苦、忧虑等的处境中 ‎5.turn to求助于;致力于 ‎6.lose heart丧失勇气或信心 ‎7.come to power上台;当权 ‎8.set up设立;建立;搭起 ‎9.be sentenced to被判处……(徒刑)‎ ‎10.in one’s opinion在某人看来 语境活用 [运用上述短语完成片段]‎ The situation has become worse and worse since the new government 1.came to power(上台;执政).I am 2.out of work(失业);I don’t know whom to 3.turn to(求助于).I thought of my headteacher one day,who always encouraged us not to 4.lose heart(失去信心) and be hopeful about the future when we are 5.in trouble(处境困难).‎ ‎1.不定式作定语 ‎ He was the first man to land on the moon in July 1969.‎ ‎1969年7月,他成为第一个登上月球的人。‎ 仿写 张衡是世界上发明地震仪的第一人。(2016·北京)‎ Zhang Heng was the first man to invent the seismograph.‎ ‎2.where引导定语从句 ‎...until today we have reached a stage where we have almost no rights at all.‎ ‎……直到今天我们到了几乎没有任何权利的地步。 ‎ 仿写 我们到了这样一个阶段:为了挽救我们自己我们必须开始采取有效措施来保护环境。(2016·北京)‎ We have reached a stage where we must start taking effective measures to protect the environment so as to save ourselves.‎ ‎3.“only+状语(从句)”引起的倒装 ‎...only then did we decide to answer violence with violence.‎ ‎……直到那时,我们才决定用暴力反抗暴力。‎ 仿写 只有父母和孩子都改变态度,这种不利局面才能改善。(2016·上海)‎ Only when both parents and children change their attitudes can this unfavorable situation be improved.‎ ‎4.the first time引导时间状语从句 I felt bad the first time I talked to a group.‎ 第一次给旅行团作讲解时,我感觉很糟。‎ 仿写 我还记得上次你来我们学校参观时,你向我展示了关于那个主题的一些照片。(2016·全国Ⅱ)‎ I remember you showed me some photos on that theme the last time you visited our school.‎ ‎ devote vt.献身于;致力于;专心致志于;把……用于 ‎(1)He’s devoted most of his time to his painting.‎ 他把大部分时间都用来搞绘画创作。(麦克米伦高阶)‎ ‎(2)Only when we realize the importance of helping each other can we be devoted to building a harmonious society.‎ 只有当我们意识到互相帮助的重要性,我们才能致力于建设一个和谐社会。‎ ‎(1)devote...to...把……致力于……,专心于……的;把……用于……‎ ‎(2)devoted adj.忠实的,忠诚的 be devoted to致力于,献身于;热爱……‎ ‎(3)devotion n.奉献;关照 基础知识训练——[用devote的正确形式填空]‎ ‎(1)He is highly thought of because of his devotion to duty.‎ ‎(2)His life is one devoted to the people.‎ 写作能力提升——[句式升级]‎ ‎(3)He devoted himself to community activities and was praised by the people around.‎ ‎①Devoting himself to community activities,he was praised by the people around.(用现在分词短语作状语改写)‎ ‎②Devoted to community activities,he was praised by the people around.(用过去分词短语作状语改写)‎ ‎ equal adj.相同的,相等的;平等的;相当的;能胜任的 n.同等的人;相等物 v.与……相等,等于;比得上;抵得过 ‎(1)In fact,when it comes to the art of war,ants have no equal.‎ 实际上,当谈到战争的艺术时,蚂蚁无与伦比。(2015·安徽)‎ ‎(2)I believe he is equal to the occasion.‎ 我相信他能应付这种场合。‎ ‎(3)He is a player without equal.‎ 他是个无与伦比的运动员。‎ be equal in在……方面比得上 be equal to sth./doing sth.等于……;与……相等;胜任……‎ on equal terms在对等的条件下 without equal/have no equal无与伦比 基础知识训练——[单句语法填空]‎ ‎(1)He is equal to Tom in ability.‎ ‎(2)The two countries had a conversation on equal terms.‎ ‎(3)Women are still struggling for true equality(equal) with men.‎ 写作能力提升——[一句多译]‎ ‎(4)他能胜任这项工作。‎ ‎①He is equal to the job.(equal)‎ ‎②He is up to the job.(up to)‎ ‎③He is fit for the job.(fit)‎ ‎④He is qualified to do/for doing the job.(qualified)‎ ‎ escape v.逃脱;逃走;逃避;被遗忘;(气体、液体等)泄漏 n.逃脱;逃避;解脱;漏出 ‎(1)Fortunately,Natalie’s family escaped to Brooklyn shortly before the city’s bridges closed.‎ 幸运的是,娜塔利一家人在城市桥梁关闭前不久就逃到了布鲁克林区。(2016·北京)‎ ‎(2)Mike often attempts to escape being fined whenever he breaks traffic regulations.‎ 无论什么时候违反交通规则,迈克总是设法逃避罚款。‎ ‎(1)escape from从……逃脱;逃避……‎ escape doing/being done逃避(被)做某事 ‎(2)a narrow escape九死一生 注意下面两个短语的区别:‎ escape from prison越狱 escape prison逃过牢狱之灾 基础知识训练——[写出下列句子中escape的汉语意思]‎ ‎(1)I’m sorry,but your name escapes me.被遗忘;被忽略 ‎(2)How will we know if there’s any gas escaping?流出;泄漏 ‎(3)The cinema allowed people to escape from the depressing realities of their lives.逃避(现实)‎ ‎(4)Three people died in the fire,but John escaped through the bedroom window.逃脱 写作能力提升——[一句多译]‎ ‎(5)你很幸运逃脱了惩罚。‎ ‎①You are lucky to escape punishment.‎ ‎②You are lucky to escape being punished.‎ ‎ reward v.酬谢;奖励,奖赏 n.奖金;回报;报酬 ‎(1)The students have been working hard on their lessons and their efforts will be rewarded with success in the end.‎ 学生们一直努力学习功课,他们的付出最终会获得成功的。(2016·北京)‎ ‎(2)The government rewarded him for saving the child.‎ 政府因他救了那个小孩而奖赏他。‎ reward sb.for sth.因某事而奖赏/酬谢某人 reward sb.with sth.用某物回报某人 in reward for 为奖赏……;为报答……‎ as a reward for作为对……的奖赏/回报  reward,award,prize ‎(1)reward作名词表示“赏金,奖励”或一些非金钱的报酬;作动词时则表示“奖励,酬谢”,只能以人或人的行为作宾语。‎ ‎(2)award作名词指“奖品,奖金等”;作动词表示“授予,给予;判给”,可以跟双宾语,award sb.sth.把某物授予/判给某人。‎ ‎(3)prize只能作名词,表示“奖赏,奖金,奖品”,尤指在比赛中获得的荣誉。‎ 基础知识训练——[用reward,award,prize的正确形式填空]‎ ‎(1)He was awarded a scholarship as a prize,which was also a reward of his diligence.‎ 写作能力提升——[一句多译]‎ ‎(2)我送给他一本书来答谢他的帮助。‎ ‎①I gave him a book in reward for/as a reward for his help.(reward n.)‎ ‎②I rewarded him with a book for his help.(reward v.)‎ ‎ turn to 转身;求助于;致力于;翻到;转向 ‎(1)Nobody seems to understand,I don’t know who to turn to.似乎没有人懂这个,我不知道该向谁求教。(朗文词典)‎ ‎(2)They take turns to look after their sick father in the hospital.他们轮流照顾生病住院的父亲。‎ turn to sb.for help向某人求助 turn out结果是;证明是;(为看热闹)蜂拥而至 take turns to do.../in doing...轮流做……‎ in turn依次;逐个;相应地 by turns 轮流地;交替地 基础知识训练——[单句语法填空]‎ ‎(1)The weather was mild and rainy by turns throughout the week.‎ ‎(2)Thousands of people turned out to watch yesterday’s match against Ireland.‎ ‎(3)We are at your service.Don’t hesitate to turn to us if you have any further problems.‎ ‎(4)He asked each of us in turn to describe how alcohol had affected our lives.‎ 写作能力提升——[一句多译]‎ ‎(5)当你处于困境的时候,你可以向我求助。‎ ‎①When you are in trouble,you can turn to me.(turn)‎ ‎②When you are in trouble,you can ask me for help.(ask)‎ ‎ vote v.投票,选举,表决;建议 n.选票;投票;表决 ‎[单句语法填空]‎ ‎(1)Trump was voted(vote) the most promising new president of the U.S.A.‎ ‎(2)If we can’t agree,we’ll have to vote on it.‎ ‎(3)Fearing that most of the citizens voted against him,he wore a smile.‎ ‎(4)A majority of staff voted to accept(accept) the offer of an 8% pay rise.‎ vote sb.sth.选出/推举某人担任某职务;表决授奖给某人 vote for投票赞成 vote against投票反对 vote on就……投票表决 vote to do...表决做……‎ ‎ lose heart灰心;泄气;丧失信心 ‎[短语填空]‎ ‎(1)I found I’ve lost my heart to you.‎ ‎(2)My grandfather became fierce when he lost his temper.‎ ‎(3)We’ve kept waiting for almost an hour.I’m beginning to lose my patience.‎ ‎(4)When you fail,you should never lose heart.‎ ‎ He was the first man to land on the moon in July 1969.1969年7月,他成为第一个登上月球的人。‎ ‎(1)For 25 days,she never left her baby,not even to find something to eat!‎ ‎25天中,她寸步不离她的孩子,甚至不去找东西吃!(2016·四川)‎ ‎(2)I caught the bus with only a few seconds to spare.‎ 我在离开车只剩数秒时赶上了公交车。‎ ‎(1)动词不定式可以用来修饰人和物,一般置于被修饰的名词或代词之后,即作后置定语。‎ ‎(2)当被修饰成分前有序数词或形容词的最高级及the only,the very修饰时,常用不定式作定语。‎ ‎(3)to come将来的;to spare剩余的。这两个短语常放在时间名词后面作后置定语。‎ ‎(4)一些特定名词,如ability,chance,ambition,offer,anxiety,answer,reply,attempt,belief后,常跟不定式作定语。‎ ‎(5)作定语的动词如果是不及物动词,或者不定式所修饰的名词或代词是不定式动作的地点、工具等,不定式后面须有相应的介词。‎ 基础知识训练——[单句语法填空]‎ ‎(1)The captain is the last to leave(leave) the ship.‎ ‎(2)Would you like something to drink(drink)?‎ ‎(3)Volunteering gives you a chance to change(change) lives,including your own.‎ ‎[单句改错]‎ ‎(4)At present,I have a comfortable house to live .‎ 写作能力提升——[高考小作文]‎ ‎(5)许多人都知道居里夫人(Marie Curie)是获得诺贝尔奖的第一位女士,同时也是第一个两次获此殊荣的人。‎ Most people know that Marie Curie is the first woman to win the Nobel Prize,and the first person to win it twice.‎ ‎...only then did we decide to answer violence with violence.‎ ‎……直到那时,我们才决定用暴力反抗暴力。‎ ‎(1)Only in this way can we hold the activity perfectly.‎ 只有这样我们才能顺利举行这次活动。(2016·全国Ⅱ)‎ ‎(2)Only by saying polite words can you get on well with others.只有说话礼貌你才能和其他人相处得好。(2014·江西)‎ ‎(3)Only when he returned from work did we know the truth.只有当他下班回来后,我们才知道真相。‎ ‎(1)“only+从句”放在句首时,倒装的是主句,从句不倒装。‎ ‎(2)only修饰主语时不倒装。‎ 基础知识训练——[单句改错]‎ ‎(1)Only when we had studied the data again we realize that there was a mistake.‎ 写作能力提升——[完成句子]‎ ‎(2)只有用上你全部的时间和精力,你才能把这项工作做好。‎ Only with all your time and energy can you do this job well.‎ ‎(3)只有以这种方式我们才能学好英语。‎ Only in this way can we learn English well.‎ ‎(4)只有知道密码的人才能读到这则信息。(2016·全国Ⅰ)‎ Only people who know the keyword can read the message.‎ ‎ I felt bad the first time I talked to a group.‎ 第一次给旅行团作讲解时,我感觉很糟。‎ ‎(1)Li Bai expressed his emotions in poems directly every time he was frustrated by his unsuccessful career.‎ 每当李白官场失意而郁郁寡欢时,他就在诗中直抒胸臆。(2016·北京)‎ ‎(2)He paid back the money he owed us immediately he returned home.‎ 他一回到家就把欠我们的钱还上了。‎ the first time作连词,引导时间状语从句。类似的还有:the moment,the minute,the second,the instant,the day,the week,the month,the year,each/every/next/any/last time,immediately,instantly,directly等。‎ for the first time在句中只能作状语,不具有连词功能,不能用来引导状语从句。‎ For the first time,I feel good about myself because I’m doing something.‎ 因为有事可做,我第一次感到身心轻松自在。(2016·北京)‎ 基础知识训练——[单句改错]‎ ‎(1)Naturally,you were nervous when you went on the platform the first time.‎ 写作能力提升——[句式升级]‎ ‎(2)I fell in love with you the moment I saw you.‎ ‎①I fell in love with you as soon as I saw you.(用as soon as改写)‎ ‎②I fell in love with you immediately/directly/instantly I saw you.(用以ly结尾的连词改写)‎ Ⅰ.教材与语法填空 Elias,a poor black worker in South Africa,said that the time 1.when he first met Nelson Mandela was a very difficult period of his life.In 1952,he went to see Mandela,2.a black lawyer,for advice.Mandela was generous with his time,for which Elias was very grateful.‎ Elias began school at six,but he had to leave school two years later 3.because his family couldn’t afford the school fees and the bus fare.As a result,he had very little 4.education(educate).After trying hard,he got a job in a gold mine.5.However,to live in Johannesburg,one had got to have a passbook.Not having one because he was not born there,he worried about 6.whether he would become out of work.‎ Then Mandela helped him,telling him how to get the correct papers 7.to stay(stay) in Johannesburg.He became more hopeful about his future and later joined the ANC Youth League 8.organized(organize) by Mandela.Just as Mandela put it,the blacks were so 9.badly(bad) treated that they had reached a stage where they had almost no rights at all.‎ In 1963,he helped Mandela blow up some government buildings.He knew that only 10.by answering violence with violence could they achieve their dream of making black and white people equal.‎ Ⅱ.教材与短文改错 THE REST OF ELIAS’ STORY You cannot imagine what the name of Robben Island made us afraid.It was a prison from where no one escaped.There I spent the hardest time of my life.But when I get there Nelson Mandela was also there and he helped me.Mr.Mandela began a school for those of us who had few learning.He taught us during the lunch breaks and the evening when we should have been asleep.We read books under our blankets and used anything we could find make candles to see the words.I became a good student.I wanted to study for my degree and I was not allowed to do that.Later,Mr.Mandela allowed the prison guards to join in us.He said they should not be stopped from studying for their degrees.They were not clever than me,but they did pass their exams.So I knew I could get a degree too.That made me feel good about me.‎ 答案 THE REST OF ELIAS’ STORY You cannot imagine the name of Robben Island made us afraid.It was a prison from no one escaped.There I spent the hardest time of my life.But when I there Nelson Mandela was also there and he helped me.Mr.Mandela began a school for those of us who had learning.He taught us during the lunch breaks and the when we should have been asleep.We read books under our blankets and used anything we could find make candles to see the words.I became a good student.I wanted to study for my degree I was not allowed to do that.Later,Mr.Mandela allowed the prison guards to join in us.He said they should not be stopped from studying for their degrees.They were not than me,but they did pass their exams.So I knew I could get a degree too.That made me feel good about .‎ Ⅲ.教材与微写作 写作素材(关于人物介绍)‎ ‎1.作为律师,我热爱我的工作。‎ ‎2.我相信法律面前人人平等。‎ ‎3.在大家处于困境时,我乐意不计报酬为大家提供帮助。‎ ‎4.事实上,很多人就法律问题向我求助。‎ 提示:黑体部分用本单元词汇表达,并且请使用when引导的时间状语从句。‎ 连句成篇(将以上句子连成一篇50词左右的英语短文)‎ As a lawyer,I am devoted to my job and I believe all people are equal before the law.I’m willing to give a hand without rewards when people are in trouble.As a matter of fact,a lot of people turn to me for legal advice. ‎ Ⅰ.单句语法填空 ‎1.The two groups remembered the information equally(equal) well.(2015·安徽)‎ ‎2.Secondly,such an inclusion may give rise to prejudices of the educated(educate) against those with little knowledge of English.(2014·江苏)‎ ‎3.Confucius believed knives would remind people of killings and were too violent(violence) for use at the table.(2016·全国Ⅲ)‎ ‎4.Ants are completely fearless and will readily fight against a creature much larger than themselves,attacking(attack) in large groups and overcoming their target.(2015·安徽)‎ ‎5.You will never gain success unless you are fully devoted(devote) to your work.(2014·湖南)‎ ‎6.We should not do anything under the guidance of instincts(直觉).‎ ‎7.In my opinion,those who have received her donation will be encouraged to study even harder and try their best to achieve success.(2014·广东)‎ ‎8.In our class there are 46 students,of whom half wear glasses.‎ ‎9.Sales director is a position where communication ability is just as important as sales skills.‎ ‎10.The driver declared guilty may be fined a maximum of HK 25,000 and be sentenced(sentence) to up to 3 years in prison.‎ Ⅱ.阅读理解 ‎(2016·广东河源高考模拟)‎ Twenty years ago,Oliver’s back injury ruined her childhood dream of becoming a ballet dancer.But the injury led her to tai chi when Oliver saw a poster for a tai chi class and decided to try the mysterious Chinese sport.“I was active and could not bear resting in bed and I thought I had to find some way to recover,” she recalls.‎ She was struck by the beautiful movements and the “nice,patient instructor—Nelson”,who later became her husband.The couple opened a tai chi school in the UK.But they soon found themselves in a bottleneck.So the couple decided to move to China.They taught English in universities and learned tai chi under various masters.After years of practice,Oliver found her occasional backaches had disappeared.‎ But three years after moving to China to pursue their dream,Nelson died,bringing her much pain.She thought of quitting,but considering the career in which her husband took pride,she stuck to it.She says her tai chi “family”—the masters and students—also provided great support,including her then tutor Dong Bing.‎ She speaks of their first meeting:“I had been told that his skill was of a very high level and for some reason I had a mental image of a powerful,big man.But my fellow pointed to a small,thin old gentleman,sitting on the ground.Then a sudden feeling of pleasure hit me.Of course this was exactly the kind of person who would be a tai chi master—the last person you could imagine.His idea is that one should not pursue wealth and fame but should endeavor(尽力) to be happy and share one’s knowledge and wisdom with others.”‎ Following the master,Oliver now learns to live a simple life—one perhaps more traditional than many Chinese.She does tai chi in the morning,makes kung fu tea for guests and draws inkwash bamboo paintings.She spends her time outside tai chi attending cultural exchange events.‎ 语篇解读 本文为记叙文,讲述的是Oliver 因一次背伤断送了自己成为芭蕾舞演员的梦想,后来她坚持练习太极并治好了背伤的故事。‎ ‎11.Why did Oliver decide to try tai chi?‎ A.She couldn’t join in other active sports.‎ B.She had no other choice.‎ C.She wanted to continue her dream.‎ D.She wanted to recover.‎ 答案 D 解析 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“I thought I had to find some way to recover”可知,答案为D。‎ ‎12.What is the TURE cause leading the couple to China?‎ A.Being attracted by Chinese culture.‎ B.Desiring to learn more about tai chi.‎ C.Developing their career in China.‎ D.Being invited to teach English in China.‎ 答案 B 解析 推理判断题。根据第二段中的“But they soon found themselves in a bottleneck.So the couple decided to move to China...and learned tai chi under various masters.”可知,他们遇到了瓶颈,因此决定搬到中国,在不同的大师的指导下学习太极,即他们去中国是为了更多地学习太极。‎ ‎13.What made Oliver keep playing tai chi?‎ A.Her love for tai chi.‎ B.Her tutor Dong Bing.‎ C.Her fellow’s encouragement.‎ D.Nelson’s pride in tai chi.‎ 答案 D 解析 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“but considering the career in which her husband took pride,she stuck to it”可知,太极是丈夫引以为豪的事业,因此Oliver 决定坚持下去。‎ ‎14.What’s Oliver’s attitude towards Dong Bing?‎ A.Appreciative. B.Doubtful.‎ C.Supportive. D.Satisfied.‎ 答案 A 解析 推理判断题。根据第四段中的“a sudden feeling of pleasure hit me.Of course this was exactly the kind of person who would be a tai chi master...happy and share one’s knowledge and wisdom with others”可知,Oliver 对董兵是很欣赏的。‎ Ⅲ.完形填空 When you eat out in a restaurant,it is not unusual to hear people yelling,“Let me get this one!” Sometimes you can see them 15 or arm wrestling to fight for the 16 for paying the bill.These fights are often very loud and active.Each person 17 shows an honest desire to ‎ pick up the bill,and in the end,all the people at the table give the winner praise and 18 .‎ In fact,figuring out who will get the bill is always a 19 for Chinese people at formal meals.Although the people who 20 the meal are very likely to pay the check,it is a 21 practice to make an effort to pay the bill.But you will 22 them if you do end up actually collecting money.‎ In recent years,going Dutch has been embraced by many young people. 23 ,older generations who fear “losing 24 ” still find it embarrassing and mean to calculate each person’s 25 of the bill.‎ But these days, 26 digital payment apps,splitting(分摊) the bill 27 is becoming widelyaccepted idea.Even people from 28 generations may want to do so.By scanning a code 29 paying their share via WeChat or Alipay on their phones in one easy click,Chinese are 30 it easy to relieve the embarrassment of figuring out each person’s payment when they order a meal.This function has made going Dutch less 31 and more fun in China.“Many of us are never without our phones 32 they are convenient.And persontoperson mobile payment services are incredibly 33 to use and at the same time save the trouble of 34 change,” said 18yearold Han Chen,a student from Senior High School.‎ ‎15.A.talking B.arguing C.pushing D.carrying 答案 C 解析 talk谈话;argue辩论;push推;carry搬运。有时候你会看到饭店里吃饭的人推搡着抢着付款。可知C项符合题意。‎ ‎16.A.turn B.privilege C.order D.right 答案 B 解析 turn转弯;privilege特权;order顺序;right权利。争取付款的特权。故选B。‎ ‎17.A.involved B.called C.selected D.invited 答案 A 解析 involve涉及,使参与;call打电话;select挑选;invite邀请。此处是过去分词作后置定语,指涉及到的每个人。故选A。‎ ‎18.A.courage B.comment C.apology D.gratitude 答案 D 解析 courage勇气,胆量;comment评论;apology道歉;gratitude感激。所有吃饭的人都给获胜者以赞美和感激。故选D。‎ ‎19.A.headache B.tradition C.plan D.conflict 答案 A 解析 headache头疼;tradition传统;plan计划;conflict冲突。事实上,在中国吃饭时谁付款总是一件令人头疼的事。故选A。‎ ‎20.A.eat B.cook C.host D.enjoy 答案 C 解析 eat吃;cook做饭;host做东;enjoy喜爱。尽管做东的人很可能付款。故选C。‎ ‎21.A.unusual B.strange C.unexpected D.common 答案 D 解析 unusual不寻常的;strange奇怪的;unexpected未料到的;common共同的,普通的,常见的。这是一个惯例。故选D。‎ ‎22.A.disappoint B.frustrate C.embarrass D.inspire 答案 C 解析 disappoint使失望;frustrate挫败;embarrass使尴尬;inspire鼓舞,鼓励。实际上如果你真的以收集钱而结束的话,这将会使他们尴尬。故选C。‎ ‎23.A.However B.Therefore C.Moreover D.Besides 答案 A 解析 however然而;therefore因此;moreover而且,此外;besides另外。最近几年,AA制已经为大多数年轻人所采纳。然而,害怕丢脸的更老的一代仍然认为计算每个人的付款是令人尴尬的和吝啬的。故选A。‎ ‎24.A.promise B.face C.credit D.money 答案 B 解析 promise许诺;face脸面;credit信用;money金钱。句意见上题。lose face丢脸,故选B。‎ ‎25.A.task B.part C.ability D.share 答案 D 解析 task任务;part部分;ability能力;share份额。由此处指每个人该付的部分可知选D。‎ ‎26.A.as well as B.according to C.thanks to D.apart from 答案 C 解析 as well as还,又;according to根据,按照;thanks to多亏,由于;apart from除……之外。由于电子支付的应用,以电子形式分摊账单已成为被广泛接受的想法。故选C。‎ ‎27.A.personally B.electronically C.separately D.immediately 答案 B 解析 personally就个人而言;electronically电子地;separately分离地;immediately立刻,马上。句意见上题。故选B。‎ ‎28.A.younger B.newer C.older D.later 答案 C 解析 younger更年轻;newer更新的;older更老的;later更迟的。上文提到更老的一代认为AA制非常丢面子,而此处指甚至更老一代的人也想这样做。故选C。‎ ‎29.A.and B.but C.or D.for 答案 A 解析 and和;but但是;or或者,否则;for因为。通过扫描一个密码来付款。可知此处是并列的递进关系,故选A。‎ ‎30.A.hoping B.finding C.looking D.making 答案 B 解析 hope希望;find找到;look看;make制造。中国人发现当他们点餐时用这种方法很容易缓解计算每个人付款的尴尬。故选B。‎ ‎31.A.sadness B.excitement C.quarrel D.trouble 答案 D 解析 sadness伤心;excitement兴奋;quarrel争吵;trouble麻烦。由空前的less和空后的and more fun及上文说吃饭时由谁付款是一件令人头疼的事,可知此处选D。‎ ‎32.A.although B.because C.if D.so 答案 B 解析 although尽管;because因为;if如果;so所以。我们中的很多人都离不开手机,因为它们很方便。故选B。‎ ‎33.A.easy B.expensive C.difficult D.complex 答案 A 解析 easy容易的;expensive昂贵的;difficult困难的;complex复杂的。个人对个人的移动支付服务是非常容易使用的。故选A。‎ ‎34.A.putting on B.setting aside C.providing with D.dealing with 答案 D 解析 put on穿上;set aside储存,留在一边;provide with提供;deal with处理。同时节省处理零钱的麻烦。故选D。‎ Ⅳ.书面表达 假设你是高三学生李华。你所在学校的英语协会将于十月三十号举办一场英语演讲比赛,请根据以下要点写一则英文通知,呼吁大家踊跃报名参加。‎ 要点如下:‎ ‎1.参加群体:高三年级全体学生;‎ ‎2.报名截止日期:十月十八号;‎ ‎3.比赛奖励:前三名由学校颁发荣誉证书;‎ ‎4.举办目的:激发大家学习英语的兴趣。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ 参考词汇:荣誉证书certificate of honor 参考范文 NOTICE Dear students,are you eager to speak in public and be surrounded by applause?If your answer is yes,the English Association will help you realize your dream.With the aim of boosting our passion for English learning,an English speech contest is going to be held on October 30th.All Senior Three students are welcome to participate,and should sign up for it at the English Association office.The deadline is October 18th.The top three students in the contest will be presented with certificates of honor from the school.The contest is guaranteed to be enjoyable and rewarding for all its participants.Please join us!‎ The English Association

