八年级上英语课件《What's the best movie theater》 (12)_人教新课标

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八年级上英语课件《What's the best movie theater》 (12)_人教新课标

2.40米 tall taller tallest 形容词最高级的构成 A: tall short quick thick light cool warm quiet wild calm the -- est B: heavy easy tidy dry busy happy healthy hungry early y -- i-- est C: large late nice -- st biggestD: big hot hottest thin “双写” thinnest wet wettest fat fattest Adjective delicious dangerous interesting popular beautiful careful friendly the most -- adj . Adjective better best far little worse worst more most farther farthest less least good well bad badly many much 1. good 2. comfortable 3. big 4. happy 5. cheap 6. many 7. difficult 8. little better best more comfortable most comfortable bigger biggest happier happiest cheaper cheapest more most more difficult most difficult less least 副词的最高级和形容词最高级变化规则相同, 但是形容词放在be后作表语或名词前作定语, 副词放在动词后修饰动词 1. A + be + the 形容词最高级 + 表示范围的 介词词组of all ;of the three或者in the class等等 表示“三者(或以上)中最……的” 的句型: e.g. Dream Clothes is the worst of all. 梦想服装店是所有面里最差的。 radio radio station better good the best radio station A radio station B radio station C Radio station C is the best of all. strong stronger the strongest lily Lucy Li Li is the strongest of the three. heavy . heavier heaviest C is the heaviest of the three. A B C funny funnier funniest Xiao Shenyang is the funniest (of all). 2. A + 动词 + (the) 副词最高级 + (表 示范围的介词词组) e.g. The DJs choose songs the most carefully. 音乐主持人选择音乐最细致。 Mary Mary runs the fastest of all . Tom Jim Mike writes well writes better writes best Mike writes best of all Jinan movie theater movie theater= cinema comfortable seats 舒适的座位 big screen friendly service in a fun part of town has comfortable seats. has more comfortable seats. has the most comfortable seats. comfortable The first cinema The second cinema The third cinema Which cinema do you like to go to? has friendly service. has friendlier service. has the friendliest service. friendly The first cinema The second cinema The third cinema Which cinema do you like to go to? ¥30 ¥25 ¥20 is cheap. is cheaper. is the cheapest. cheap The first cinema The second cinema The third cinema Which cinema do you like to go to? is popular. is more popular. is the most popular. popular The first cinema The second cinema The third cinema Which cinema do you like to go to? has a big screen. The second cinema The third cinema has a bigger screen. has the biggest screen. The first cinema Which cinema do you like to go to? screen is close to home. is the closest to home. The first cinema The second cinema The third cinema is closer to home. Which cinema do you like to go to? close Which cinema would you like to go to? why? comfortable seats big screen friendly service new movies Close to home in a fun part of town popular cheap tickets 1aHow do you choose what movie theater to go to? Write the things in the box under “Important” or “Not important”. comfortable seats big screens best sound cheap new movies close to home buy tickets quickly popular Important Not Important big screens comfortable seats best sound popular close to home cheap new movies buy tickets quickly Listen and match the statements with the movie theaters. 1b Qualities Movie theaters It has the biggest screens. It’s the most popular near here. It’s the closest to home. Town Cinema It has the shortest waiting time. It has the best sounds. It has the most comfortable seats. Movie World Screen City Town Cinema Screen City Movie World What’s the best movie theater? Sun Cinema. It’s the cheapest. 1c But I think Moon Theater has the most comfortable seats. Practice the conversation. Then talk about the movie theaters you know. Listen to a reporter interviewing a boy. Circle the boy’s answers. 2a Green City Survey 1. Which is the best clothes store? a. Miller’s b. Blue Moon c. Dream Clothes 2. Which is the best radio station? a. 970 AM b. 97.9 FM c. 107.9 FM √ √ Miller’s Blue Moon Dream Clothes ____________ It’s the most expensive. ____________ It has the best clothes. ____________ It’s the worst store. ____________ You can buy clothes the most cheaply there. Blue Moon Miller’s Dream Listen again. Write the correct store or radio station next to each statement. Miller’s 2b 970 AM 97.9 FM 107.9 FM _________ It has the worst music. _________ They play the most boring songs. _________ The DJs choose songs the most carefully. _________ It’s the most popular. 970 AM 97.9 FM 107.9 FM 97.9 FM Student A, you are the reporter. Student B, you are the student. Role-play a conversation. Sure. Hello! I’m a reporter. Can I ask you some questions? 2c I think Miller’s is the best. What’s the best clothes store in town? Well, Miller’s has … Why do you think so? 1. What is the newest cinema? ________________________ 2. How does Helen like it? __________________________________ __________________________________ 2d Read the conversation and find the answers to the questions. It’s the most comfortable because they have the biggest seats. Sun Cinema. 1.Tom is the tallest in our class. This apple is the biggest of all. 1)形容词最高级: 用于三者或三者以上的人或 事物相比较。 2)标志词: 形容词最高级前须加the. 表比较范围时用in/of 观察与发现 2.Which do you like best? Chinese, English or math? Tom is one of the tallest boys in his class. The Yellow River is the second longest river in China. 观察与发现 常用句式: 1) Who/ Which…+ 最高级…, A, B or C ? 2) one of +the +形容词最高级 +名词复数形式, 意为“最…之一”。 3)序数词后可以跟形容词最高级。 3.上海是中国最大的城市。 Shanghai is the biggest city in China. Shanghai is bigger than the other cities in China. Shanghai is bigger than any other city in China. 小结:形容词比较级可用来表达最高级的意思。 比较级+than any other+单数名词 比较级+than the other+复数名词 可与最高级转化。 1. Sam is the shortest in his class. (改为同义句) Sam is _________ than _______ _______ student in his class. Sam is _________ than ______ __________ students in his class. Sam is _________ than_________ ________ in his class. 2. How do you like Screen City? (改为同义句) _______ do you _____________ Screen City? shorter any other What think of shorter the other anyone elseshorter worst good the best more expensive the most expensive worst most comfortably best better most interesting GOOD , BETTER, BEST Remem ber: We’ll try to do everything the best ,not the worst.(尽 力把所有事情 做到最好.) most boring most creative loudest worst most serious Write these words and phrases next to their opposites in the chart 1a quietest best funniest They try to look for the best singers, the most... and so on. The people who watch the show. Because they think that the lives of the performers are made up. Because they are fun to watch. I think they can make people’s dream come true. 2b the fastest the most crowded the most creative the most quietly the cheapest the most popular the most comfortably the worst the best 1.We are going to the Green Restaurant for lunch. (就划线部分提 问) ________________ you going for lunch? 2. Sam is the shortest in his class. (改为同义句) Sam is _________ than _______ _______ student in his class. Sam is _________ than ______ __________ students in his class. Sam is _________ than_________ ________ in his class. 3. How do you like Screen City? (改为同义句) _______ do you _____________ Screen City? Where are shorter any other What think of shorter the other anyone elseshorter Ⅲ. 请从括号中选出适当的词语完成下列句 子。 1. Mr Green often _______ (puts on / wears) a white shirt in summer. 2. I think Vera is the best ______________ (perform / performer). 3. Who do you think is the funniest _____ (actor / act) 4. Which do you like best, chocolate, apples ___ (and / or) hamburgers? 5. They need some _______ (another / more) singers for the talent show. wears performer actor or more Can you find some “best” from our classmates!(班级之最) For example: …is the tallest in our class. …’s … is the … in our class. ...jumps highest of all (girls) in our class. Pairwork 写六个句子来说一下“我们班之最……”。 In my class, Lin Tao is the tallest. 1. In my class, …. 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