人教版九年级英语复习课件(Unit 3-4)

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人教版九年级英语复习课件(Unit 3-4)

教材系统复习 考点精讲 人教版九年级 Units 3 - 4 restroom stamp beside postcard pardon bathroom rush grape convenient corner request correct impolite address underground silent helpful score background interview Asian dare private require European British public seldom influence absent fail examination exactly general introduction eastern speak spoke spoken European helpful suggestion introduction dealt politely impolite indirect direction Africa pride centre center humor generally take pride in be proud of be absent from pass by look forward to make a decision do well in in public in person from time to time in a rush boarding school underground parking lot rude effect begin with do with take pride in miss once in a while It ' s how politely politely than directly Hanging     out     with was     absent     from   take pride in that a number make giving     up fought on Could you please tell me how to get to the post office ? You used to be short , didn ' t you ? Yes , he did. No , he didn ' t. A B B A D B B C B A C D C B advises speaking C C D C D C A scientific C southern B A D B C A B A A D C B B impolite helpful speaker direction introduction B D E C F 考点精练十六 九年级Units 3-4 C B A C D A A A D D C B C A D C A C D D C D A B A period picnic capital take off value up fewer half avoid/stop/prevent follow

