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2019 届二轮复习 完形填空中出现的高频名词词组考点( a-f ) 名词词组的核心词: 1. behalf 2. case 3. chance 4. common 5. company 6. condition 7. contrary 8. control 9. credit 10. date 11. ear 12. delight 13. demand 14. despair 15. difference 16. difficulty 17. effect 18. envy 19. example 20. exception 21. expectation 22. expense 23. face 24. favor 25. fear 高考复习 1. behalf a. The teacher accepted the award  on behalf of the whole class. b. She's been elected to go before the town council  on behalf of the county's farmers. c. They're willing to do anything  on their child's behalf. (in support of someone ) 高考复习 2. case a. We usually ask for a 100-dollar deposit, but  in this case we'll make an exception. b. We brought extra money just in case . c. That door is for use  in case of   (=in the event of) fire. d. Today is our anniversary,  in case  you've forgotten. e. I'm not sure if I'll be at the next meeting, but I'll see you Sunday  in any case .  高考复习 3. chance a. There's still a slim chance   (=a small possibility) that we can win. b. Are you free tonight,  by any chance ? c. By (pure/sheer) chance , I saw him again at the grocery store. d. She  stands no chance of winning. 高考复习 4. common a. It is  common practice for one town's fire department to help another town when there is a big fire. b. You're a musician too? I guess we have a lot in common . c. She's very nice, but we have nothing in common . d. The town,  in common with   (=like) others in the region, depends on the tourism industry. 高考复习 5. company a. You can tell a lot about people by the  company they keep . b. If you're confused about the new system, you're  in good company . (=other people are also confused) c. I turned the radio on  for company . (=so that I wouldn't be lonely) 高考复习 6. condition a. She was running every evening to stay/keep in condition . (strong and healthy) b. She hasn't been taking care of herself and is  in poor condition. c. He taught me the trick  on condition that  I never tell anyone else how to do it. d. Under no condition  are you to answer the phone. (=you are not to answer the phone at all) 高考复习 7. contrary a. The test will not be easy;  on the contrary , it will be very difficult. b. Unless there is evidence  to the contrary , we have to believe them. c. Contrary to  orders, he left the campsite. 高考复习 8. control a. He managed to stay  in control of his emotions. b. In spite of the pressure to pass the test, he felt calm and in control . c. The campfire got  out of control  and started a forest fire. d. He  lost control of himself and yelled at his students. 高考复习 9. credit a. Back then, stores allowed their customers to buy food  on credit . (you take it and promise to pay for it later.) b. It's  to her credit  that she admitted her mistake. (causes people to have a more favorable opinion of you.) c. On the credit side , the restaurant offers a wide range of choices . (used when mentioning the things that you like about something) 高考复习 10. date a. They needed to bring the first edition of the textbook  up to date . b. She reads the magazines to  keep up to date  on the latest fashions. (=to know what is fashionable) c. I'm going (out) on a date  with him tomorrow night. d. The information in the tourist guide is already out-of-date . 高考复习 11. ear a. When I told my story, my brother listened with only half an ear . (=did not listen closely) b. She's always willing to  lend a sympathetic ear . (to listen to what someone has to say.) c. The company president  turned a deaf ear to my proposals. 高考复习 12. delight a. The kids screamed  in delight  as they chased one another around the park. b. We watched the fireworks with delight . c. To the delight of his proud parents, he has made a full recovery. d. Chris takes great delight in teasing his sister. 高考复习 13. demand a. Tickets for her concerts are always  in great  demand . ( needed or wanted by many people ) b. Help is available 24 hours a day  on demand . (when needed or wanted ) 14. despair a. Left all alone in her room, she was in despair . b. To the despair of the workers, the company announced the closure of the factory. 高考复习 15. difference a. The weather didn't make any difference  in our plans. (=didn't change our plans) b. One more person wouldn’t make any difference to the arrangements. c. Having a good teacher has  made all the difference  for Alex.  (=had an important influence) 16. difficulty a. They had great difficulty in finding a replacement. b. He got to his feet with difficulty . c. The business is in financial difficulty . 高考复习 17. effect a. The new regulations may  have an effect on  small businesses. b. The medication should  take effect  half an hour after you take the pills. c. The suggestion was  in effect  an order. d. The law  went/came into effect  today. 18. envy Our car was  the envy of  the neighborhood. (=the neighbors envied us for our car) 高考复习 19. example a. It was obvious that her memory was failing.  For example , she would often forget where she put her car keys. b. Parents should  set an example for their children. I suggest you follow Rosie’s example  (=copy her behavior)   and start doing regular exercise. c. You should be setting an example for your little brother. 高考复习 20. exception a. Her parties are always elegant, and last night's party was no exception . b. I  take exception to the tone of her remarks. (=I am offended by the tone of her remarks) c. Everyone should be there,  with the (possible) exception of my brother. 高考复习 21. expectation a. The crowd waited  in expectation of  her arrival. b. Gina has succeeded beyond our expectations . c. His performance did not live up to our expectations.   (=was not as good as we expected) 22. expense a. They  spared no expense  in building the house. b. The tour is free, but all meals are  at your own expense.  c. She acquired power  at the expense of  friendships. 高考复习 23. face a. I've spoken with him on the phone but I've never met him face to face . b. He slammed the door  in my face . c. The coach got in my face  because I was late for practice . (you are criticizing or shouting at someone in a very direct and angry way.) d. She showed great courage  in the face of  danger.  e. He  made a face  when I mentioned his name. 高考复习 24. favor a. Not surprisingly, most voters are  in favor of  the tax cuts. b. We hope the final decision will be  in our favor . (in a way that helps or benefits someone) 25. fear a. He was trembling with fear . b. The children looked at her in fear . c. Celia was in fear of her life when she saw the truck coming toward her. 高考复习 That’s all, and see you next time! 高考复习

