牛津译林版九年级上册Unit 7单元测试

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牛津译林版九年级上册Unit 7单元测试

Unit7 A.根据中文、首字母提示填写单词。 1. Eddie says he will be tomorrow’s _______(超级明星). 2. It’s an____________________(动作)film starring Zhou Xing chi. 3. Would you like to enter the film__________ (产业)? 4. Jill is a good at telling stories, and she is a good __________(讲故事的人) 5. Many young people like watching ______________(西部电影). 6.My father_______(坚持)on my going shopping with him yesterday. 7. If you put more _____(努力)into your English, you can learn it better. 8. Because of her beauty, she played the__________ (主角)role in the film. 9. I’m a teacher in a high school. Teaching is my ____________ (事业). 10. Our success was far _________(超过)what we thought possible. 11. Can you tell me the story about the __________ (恐龙) ? 12. He doesn’t like horror films. __________ (也不) do I. 13. I t’s ___________ (愚蠢的 of you to laugh at others. 14. ___________ (故事) of Old Beijing will be on at the cinema. 15. We will___________(取消)the visit to the museum because of the heavy rain. 16. I will go with him if he __________ (坚持) ? 17.She watched the development of __________ (工业) in southeast Asian countries with joy. 18.That old man always think of others during his ___________ (一生). 19. The scenery(景色) there was beautiful___________ (超过) expression. 20. His grandpa passed away___________(宁静地)on a cold morning. B.用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. That ________________(luck) girl got the first prize in the writing competition. 2. Why not stop ________________(have) a rest? We are very tired. 3.---- Would you like _____________(become) a superstar? ----- No, I would rather _____________(teach) in a school. 4.This TV programme is not _____________(suit) for children. 5.Sandy is good at _____________(act) , and she is a good ____________(act). 6. The people all over the world felt sad about the ________________(lose) of MH370. 7. She used to be a _________(dance) ,but now she is a famous actress. 8.He will give his _____________(finally) lesson in English today. 9He is famous for his _____________(achieve) in this area. 10.The little girl wants to be an_____________(act) when she grows up. 11. He likes the job because he wants to work _______(close)with children. 12. The war has led to the _____(lose)of many people’s lives. 13. Tom fell in love with the girl because of her __________ (beautiful)and purity. 14. We are satisfied with the (finally)result. 15. She loved dancing and her dream was to become one of the successful ballet____________(dance). 16. The world felt sad about the ___________(lose) of a great beauty. 17. Hepburn is one of the greatest _____________(act) in the world. 18. That event marked the ________________(begin) of her successful career. 19 Hepburn made her final ________________(appear) in the film Always. C.翻译 1.米莉非常喜欢表演,她想当一名演员。 Millie _____________________ very much and she wants to be an actress. 2.我喜欢观看科幻片。 I like watching ____________________________ . 3.张强想做一名摄影师而不是做导演。 Zhang Qiang would like to be a photographer ________________a director. 4.我认为米莉会成为未来的电视超级明星。 I think Millie will become ________________________. 5. 我梦想做一名电影明星。 I would like to be a film star _____________________________. 6.昨天汤姆的精彩表现吸引了那位导演的注意。 Tom’s excellent performance _____________ the director’s _____________yesterday. 7.那次事件标志着她成功职业生涯的开端。 That event __________ __________ __________ __________her __________ ___________________. 8.莫言是世界上最杰出的作家之一。 Mo Yan is ____________ ________________ ____________ __________ _________in the world. 9. 他坚持认为她是演那个角色的合适人选。 He insisted that she was the ______________for the role. 10.在成为演员之前,他是一位老师。 He ____________ ___________a teacher before __________ an actor. 11.我认为这部电影不适合儿童看。 I don’t think this film __________________ _______________ 12.爱情片通常有着优美的故事情节。 Romantic films usually have ______________________________________. 13.今晚有特价优惠。 There will be a ___________________________. 14.在 1998 年,Tom 被她的美丽所吸引并且两人彼此相爱了。 In 1998, Tom was attracted by her beauty and they ___________________________each other. 15.赢得许多奖项___________ 16.被认为。。。。。_________________ 17.不仅。。。而且。。。_______________________18.把幽默和激动人心的动作放在一起 ________________________ 19.建立 _______________ 20.作为。。。。。而工作_______________________ C.单项选择。 ( ) 1. She is a ____ .She is one of __________women in China. A. beauty, beautiful B. beautiful, the most beautiful C. beauty, beauty D. beauty, the most beautiful ( ) 2. Dear friends, please read every sentence carefully. Details decide_______ or not. If you take it seriously, you will achieve your goal. A. success B. successful C. succeed ( ) 3. Chinese President Xi Jin Ping and his wife Peng Li yuan set off on their first state visit to Russia __________March22, 2013. A.in B. on C. by D. at ( ) 4.We don’t have enough nurses to look after the patients. At least __________are needed. A. ten another nurses B. more ten nurses C. other ten nurses D. ten more nurses ( ) 5. In 1951, while _______France, Hepburn met a famous writer. A. acting in B. act in C. act on D. acting on 6 I really enjoyed your speech, __________ there were some parts I didn’t quite understand. A. because B. for C. until D. though 7.. Teresa is _____________nervous ____________she can’t talk in front of the class. A. such; that B. so; that C. too; to D. enough; to 8. It isn’t warm today, ________ the sun is shining. A. or B. because C. and D. although 9.___________ they are twins, they don’t look the same at all. A. Because B. Though C. As D. Since 10. It was _________ lovely weather ___________ we decided to spend the day on the beach. A. so ; that B. such a; that C. such; that D. such; as 11. __________ we don’t save water, we will have no water to drink one day. A. Where B. When C. Although D. If 13. He had _________much homework _________he stayed up late yesterday. A. so; that B. such; that C. too; to D. enough; to 14.He opened the window_________ he could get some fresh air. A. in order to B. in order that C. all that D. to 15. Mr Green speaks very loudly ____________all the people can hear him clearly. A. so that B. such; that C. when D. in order to 16. A lot of famous doctors gathered in Harbin _____________save “China’s most beautiful teacher”------ Ms ZhangLili. A. so that B. in order to C. in order that D. as a result 17. The old man asked the girl to take another seat ____________he could sit next to his wife. A. so that B. in order to C. so D. though 18. LinShuhao is __________ famous ___________all the basketball fans in China know him. A. too; to B. enough; to C. so; that D. as; as 19.Zhoulibo is good at making people laugh. His lively shows are _________ popular that the tickets are usually sold out quickly. A. very B. too C. such D. so 20. ____________the girl is only nine, she takes care of her brother and cooks meals every day. A. If B. Because C.Although D.As 21. She is ____________nice a girl __________we all want to help her. A. so ;that B. too; to C.such; that D. very; that ( ) 22.People will remember her final _________on TV. A. appears B. appearance C. appeared D. appear ( ) 23.Not only my friends but also I _______ interested in those plays. A. are B. am C. is D. were ( ) 24. Jackie chan is one of the most famous __________in the world. A. actress B. actresses C. actor D. actors ( ) 25. The driver hurt the girl _________badly __________she had to see a doctor. A. so; that B. enough; to C. too; to D. such; that ( ) 26. ----I’m not going swimming tomorrow afternoon. ------_________. I have to clean up my bedroom. A. So am I B. Neither am I C. Neither I am D. So I am ( )27. He’s very tall. He’s chosen _________a player in the basketball team. A. to be B. being C. be D. of be ( ) 28 Yaoming is considered ____a great basketball player. A. to be B. as C. be D. A&B ( ) 29. --- What do you like doing after class? ---- I like not only reading _______ painting. A. and B. but also C. or D. for ( ) 30. “You can’t have them both. You can choose __________the kite ______the toy car,”said the mother. A. either; or B.both; and C. not only; but also ( ) 31.Not only you but also your brother __________crazy about playing basketball. A. is B. are C. am D. be ( ) 32. He doesn’t like _______very much. He ‘d rather ________a director. A. action; become B. acting; be C. action; to become D. acting; to be D.同义句转换 1.The old man appeared for the last time yesterday morning. The old man __________ __________ _______ __________ yesterday morning. 2.The film is very popular because there are two superstars in it. The film is very popular ___________ ______ two superstars in it. 3 The actress died peacefully in her sleep. The actress _________ ________peacefully___________ ____________. E. 用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空 Catch one’s attention, play the role of, fall in love with, mark the beginning of, be considered as 1. My friend Tom ___________________as English learner by us, for he knows a lot about English. 2. Zhang Li ____________________a mother in our play last weekend. 3. Jane _______________________Mike, and they will get married next month. 4. Her first job _____________________________her success in business. 5. The girl’s colourful hair ________________________. We all turn to her and have a look. F.用适当的介词和副词填空。 1. What is ________ at Sunshine Cinema this evening? 2. The film isn’t suitable _________ children. 3. It is an exciting film, which brings dinosaurs alive __________ screen. 4. It’s __________a woman who falls in love _____________a man. 5. Why don’t you _________ (work) hard at your lessons? 6. I like romantic films because they usually have interesting stories. What ___________ you? G. 用 so…that 和 such…that 填空。 The book is ___________ interesting ____________I want to read it again. It was ____________a fine day ___________we couldn’t wait to go out for a walk. Jim is ____________clever ___________he can work out this difficult problem easily. 4. My cousin ran ____________fast _____________I couldn’t catch up with him. 5. He left in ____________a hurry _____________he forgot to close the window.

