陕旅版英语六年级上册unit 8 part B优质课件

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陕旅版英语六年级上册unit 8 part B优质课件

Unit 8 New Year’s Party 陕旅六年级上册 Part B Lead-in Happy New Year Happy new year. Happy new year. Happy new year to you all. We are singing. We are dancing. Happy new year to you all. Happy new year. Happy new year. Happy new year to you all. We are singing. We are dancing. Happy new year to you all. New words everything colorful at the beginning poor finally 每件事物;一切 富有色彩的 开始;起初 贫穷的;可怜的 最后 New words Let’s learn more Class One had a New Year’s party on December 31st . At seven o’clock, everything was ready. The classroom was beautiful. There were many colorful lights and balloons in it. At the beginning , all the students sang Happy New Year together. Then , Li Shan and Wu Chen acted a short play about a poor girl. It made many students cry. After that , Liu Zhaoyang told a joke. It was funny and made everyone laugh . Finally , the students played some games. Everyone was excited . “It was really a great party. We all had a great time.” said Kevin. Language points 1.Class One had a New Year’s party on December 31st . 一班在 12 月 31 日举办了一场新年派对。 在表达日期时一般情况下是先写月份,再写日期,日期使用序数词。 November 11th 11 月 11 日 December 1st 12 月 1 日 2. It made many students cry. 它使许多同学都哭了。 本句中有一个固定结构: make sb. do sth. “ 使某人做某事”, make 为使役动词。 那部电影使我很悲伤。 The film makes me sad. 3. At the beginning... Then... After that... Finally... 这是描述事情发生先后顺序常用的词语,可以使文章更有条理。 类似的短语还有: at first 开始 then 然后 next 接下来 in the end 最后 at last 最后 at the end of 在 …… 的末尾 Read again and tick the right pictures 1.When did the party start? 2.What did Wu Chen do at the party? √ √ 3.Who made all the students laugh? 4.Did the students play games at the party? √ √ Let’s play Alice: I sang and danced at the party. What did you do? Kevin: I ... Play roles with your partner A: I ...at the party. What did you do? B: I ... Ask and answer A : What do you think of the music ? B : It is beautiful . It makes me happy . book/cry 书本 / 哭 Play roles with your partner A: What do you think of the book ? B: It is sad . It makes me cry . TV show/laugh 电视节目 / 笑;大笑 A: What do you think of the TV show ? B: It is funny . It makes me laugh . film/excited 电影 / 令人兴奋的 A: What do you think of the film ? B: It is exciting . It makes me excited . Read the words oa ou c oa t b oa t g oa t h ou se l ou dly cl ou dy oa ou r oa d l oa d s oa p r ou nd s ou th sh ou t Try to read more Tips of pronunciation 字母组合 oa , ou 在单词中的发音 字母组合 oa 在重读音节中读双元音 ,发音同元音字母 o 的发音; 字母组合 ou 在重读音节中读双元音 /au/ 发音时口先张大,发出 /a/ 的音,再双唇慢慢收圆发出 的音,双元音发音时要注意从第一个音素向第二个音素滑动的过程要流畅。 一、选词填空。 1.The film makes me very _______ (happy, delicious). 2.I _______________ (sing and dance, sang and danced) at the party yesterday. 3.He _____ (tell, told) a joke. It was funny. 4.Li Shan sings _______ (well, good). 5.Everyone _____ (have, had) a great time yesterday. happy sang and danced told well had Exercise 二、根据汉语意思完成句子。 1. 所有的事情都准备好了。 ___________ is ready. 2. 教室里有许多彩灯和气球。 There were many _________ lights and________ in the classroom. 3. 每个人都很兴奋。 Everyone was___________. Everything colorful balloons excited

