外研版八年级下册英语同步教学课件-Module 6 Hobbies Unit 2 Hobbies can make you grow as a person.(A)

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外研版八年级下册英语同步教学课件-Module 6 Hobbies Unit 2 Hobbies can make you grow as a person.(A)

6 Unit 2 Hobbies can make you grow as a person.(A) • Hobbies can make us relaxed / happy. • Hobbies can make our life interesting. • Hobbies can develop our ________. • Hobbies can help us learn new ______. … Hobbies are good for people. What do you think of hobbies? interests skills climbing exciting They like climbing because…. dancing She likes dancing because it’s …. What’s the hobby ? growing vegetables Children like growing vegetables, Because they think it can bring them______________ looking after animals They like looking after animals because ... enjoyment/ pleasure/ happiness Sailing He likes sailing. Because he thinks it’s ______. playing volleyball Many people like playing volleyball. They think it can make them relax and keep ______. healthy exciting writing He likes writing ,because his parents often _________ (鼓励) him to write anything he wanted to write when he was a primary school student. As a result , He has ______ (出版) many books His hobby has brought him _________pleasure and success encouraged come out • Hobbies can make us relaxed / happy. • Hobbies can make our life interesting. • Hobbies can develop our interests Hobbies can bring us pleasure and success Hobbies can help us learn new skills Hobbies can make us grow as a person So hobbies are good for people. Do you remember them ? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2. Work in pairs. Choose the words from the box to describe your hobbies. active dangerous healthy interesting relaxing What’s your hobby ? I like… because it’s… Find a hobby to help you improve your English, if you like football, follow an English team. If your hobby is watching films, try to watch English films. Para.2 Para.3 Para.4 David’s other hobbies and his future plan David became successful. David's writing experience at a summer camp Fast Reading Para.1 Hobbies' advantages to young people 2.What hobbies does David have? 1.Match the meaning with each paragraph David likes writing, playing volleyball and many other things. Part A para1 Hobbies' advantages to young people Part B para2-4 David’s story Watch it carefully.(多项选择) 1.Which hobby has been mentioned?( ) A .looking after animals B .reading C. growing vegetables D .painting 2. What can hobbies make you do?( ) A.grow as a person B. develop your interests C.look beautiful D. help you learn new skills ABD ABCD Careful Reading Read para 2. carefully and help her finish the conversation with David. R:Hello, David,What's your hobby ? D:.......I went on a summer camp in 2010. A:What activities did the camp have? D:……the usual activities,…sailing and climbing, there was a writing class. A:what is the teacher like there? D: She is kind. She asked us to ……our lives and tell……. she ……us ……. the experiences at the camp. A: Thank you so much. Careful Reading: Read for information Para.3-4 1. Repair the burnt(烧坏的) newspaper A burnt(烧坏的) newspaper David Smith is a student ______ ______ _____ a successful young writer. Guess how he became successful? Oh, it's an interesting story. He was at a summer camp in 2010.Then he wrote a story about a ____________boy and it_____ ____as a book in 2010. Then book won the hearts of the young people. ____ ___ _____, he has become a successful young writer came out As a result as well as David __ also ______ ___many other things, ____ ____playing volleyball. He said it brought him great _______. such pleasureas as well as such as as a result come out pleasure sixteen-year-old be interested in sixteen-year-old is interested in David’s hobbies Many students have hobbies, ________reading, painting, growing vegetables and ______________ animals.Some hobbies are relaxing and others are active. Hobbies can ________________as a person, develop your __________ and help you learn new skills. David’s hobby is _____. He______four weeks ___________in 2010_________usual activities, ______ sailing and climbing, there was a writing class. David wrote a story and it _____ as a book .______ ,David has become a successful writer. His hobby has brought him______ and _____ .He ____also _______ many other things, _______playing volleyball. 3. Complete the passage. such as looking after make you grow interests writing spent at a summer camp as well as such as came out As a result pleasure success is interested in such as Hobbies can make you …, develop your… and help you … _____usual activities, _____sailing and climbing, there was a writing class. David wrote a story and it____as a book. ___,David has become a successful writer. His hobby has brought him___and ___ He __ also ___ many other things,___ playing volleyball. David’s hobby___ He ___four weeks ______in 2010 What’s the meaning of hobbies? What do you do for your hobbies? What do the hobbies bring you? What other hobbies do you have? Hobbies are… such as… can bring /help/make you… I … as well as… I … , as a result, … Discuss and Writing ØDisscuss and write a short passage about your hobby. You can write like this: It can make me relaxed, develop my interests improve my skills dancing I have different hobbies and they all make me enjoy a colorful life. I am interested in many things, such as reading, writing as well as dancing. I think dancing can make me relaxed, develop my interests and improve my skills. Dancing is also good for my health. As a result, I have become a good dancer. Li Kai is my classmate. His hobby is music. He enjoys playing music as well as listening to it. His favourite music bands are..., such as... As a result, his band is now … Now write a short passage called My classmate's hobby. Use as well as, such as or as a result. Use the following example to help you. 4. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box. activity pleasure result skill success 1. What _________ do you enjoy doing? 2. What new ______ have you learnt through your hobbies? 3. Has any of your hobbies brought you _______ and _______? 4. Have you made new friends as a(n) ______ of your hobby? activities skills pleasure success result 5. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in Activity 4. 1. What activities do you enjoy doing? 2. What new skills have you learnt through your hobbies? 3. Has any of your hobbies brought you pleasure and success? 4. Have you made new friends as a(n) result of your hobby? Students own answers. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words or expressions in the box. 1. I get lots of __________ from my hobbies. 2. I like doing outdoor _____________ best. 3. I hope David will have great ___________ in the future. activity as a result come out pleasure success pleasure activities success 4. The Harry Potter stories are very popular. ___________, the writer of the books, J.K. Rowling, has become very famous. 5. I buy the magazines when they _________ each month. As a result come out Unit3 Activity3 P53 Complete the passage with the words and expressions in the box. P53 as a result fan hobby interesting model stamps such as ticket tidy up When I was (1) ______________ my room yesterday, I found an old box of my father’s. He gave it to me two year ago. It was really (2)_____________ to discover something about my father’s life as a child.He once told me about his (3) ________ as a child. He wrote to people from all over the world, and they sent him letters back. (4)___________, he had a book of interesting (5)__________. People also gave him things from different countries, (6)_________ a silk (7)________ from China, a little model car from Germany, and a small (8)________ ship from Australia. My father even kept the (9)______ from his first football match. The box made me think about my hobby. I want to keep my old picture books and magazines for a long time too. tidying up interesting hobby As a result stamps such as fan model ticket Thank you

