人教版八年级英语上册Unit1--2 练习及答案

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人教版八年级英语上册Unit1--2 练习及答案

八年级上考点练习 Unit 1-Unit 2 考点 1 seem 的用法 l. It seems that no one knows the right answer. (改为同义句) No one seems to know the right answer. 2. The girl seemed to leave last night. (改为同义句) It seemed that the girl left last night. 3. She seems ________ a new student. A. to be B. is C. that she is 4. ________ my father likes the ring very much. A. It seems that B. It seems to C. It looks like 考点 2 decide 的用法 5. He is old enough to make a decision on his own. ( decide) 6. We didn't decided when to leave (leave) . ' 7. Don't decide _________ important matters too quickly. A. on B; in C. with 8. I decide _________ him a surprise on his birthday party. A. to give B. giving C. gives 考点 3 try 的用法 9. I will try to study ( study) hard to make a progress. 10. The foreign guests are trying ( try) chopsticks. 11. Let me have _________. I think I can do it. A. a try B.try C. tries 12. We must try our best _________what we can _____ the old. A. to do, to help B. to do; help C. to doing; help 考点 4 wonder 的用法 13. The Great Wall is one of the seven wonders in the world. ( wonder ) 14. I _________ if she is a good friend for Lucy. A. wonder . B. wonders C. think 考点 5 enough 的用法 15.1 don't have enough time to eat ( eat) breakfast. 16. My sister isn't _________ to go to school. A. old enough B. enough old C. young enough 17. He didn't write _______ though he had ________. A. carefully enough; enough time B. carefully enough; time enough C. enough carefully; enough time 考点 6 mind 的用法 18. Would you mind _______ the window? -Of course not. A. me open B. my opening C. me to open 19. I will keep your words _______ my mind. A. in B. on C. with 20. He made up his mind _________ hard for getting a good job in the future. A. to study B. studying C. studies 21. Would you mind not _________ this pants? A. wearing B. to wear C. wears 考点 7 辨析 because 与 because of 22. I can't go to school today because I hurt my leg yesterday and I had to be in bed. 23. I can't go to school today because of my illness. 24. The football match was put off because it rained heavily. 25. The football match was put off because of the heavy rain. 考点 8 常见频度副词的用法 26.太阳总是从东方升起。 The sun always rises in the east. 27.他通常骑自行车上学。He usually rides a bike to school. 28.他从不吸烟。He never smokes. 29.他有时候坐地铁上班,有时候坐公交上班。 Sometimes he takes the subway to work, and sometimes he takes the bus. 30. Though he is very tired, he still works ________ A. hard B. hardly C. hardly ever D. heavily 综合练习 I.用所给词的适当形式填空。 31. When we walk across (cross) the road, we should follow the traffic rules. 32. Though the little boy is only three years old, he can dress himself (he). 33. When you learn English, you should pay more attention to the differences between the words. (different). 34. How wonderfully the boy sings! No wonder he has so many fans. (wonder) 35. These moon cakes are do delicious! Can I have one more? Sorry, there is ______ left. A. none B. no one C. anything C. nothing Ⅱ. 改错 36. Be quick! Someone are waiting for you at the school gate. ( is ) 37. I can't see the words on the blackboard clear. ( clearly ) 38. It took my three hours to finish my homework. (me ) 39. It's important learn a foreign language. ( to learn ) 40. The question is very difficult, and only few students can work it out. ( a few ) Ⅲ.单项选择。 41. Cathy, join us in the summer camp if it _______ this weekend. I’d love to. But nobody knows if it _____. A.is fine; rains B.is fine; will rain C.will be fine; will rain 42. There is ______ juice in the fridge. Let's go and buy some. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little 43. Writing is hard _______ especially when you want to write good _______. A. work; works B. works; work C. work; work 44. When something _______us, we should try to share our problems with our friends. A. worries about B. worries C. worry 45. My father often _______ me do some housework at the weekend. A. asks B. tells C. makes 46. ______ my mother ______ my father are interested in watching TV series. A. Neither; nor B. Both; and C. Either; or 47. Mr White wanted nothing but _______ here. A. to stay B. stay C. stayed 48. Our Maths teacher is a _____ young man and he is kind to us. A. handsome B. pretty C. lovely 49. Please don't make any _______ I can hardly hear the speaker's _______. A. sound; noise B. noise; sound C. noise; voice 50. -Mom, I'm thirsty. Can I have _______ to drink? -OK. What about ________ sweet? A. something; anything B anything; something C. something; something

