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Unit 15 Learning ‎1. arrow n./ v.‎ an arrow (箭头,箭号,箭) ‎ arrow toward the airport arrow one’s way飞速前进 ‎2. oxygen / carbon dioxide / air / atmosphere ‎3. tick Tick ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to each question.‎ ‎4. ox /oxen / cattle/ cow / bull ‎5. spell / spelling ‎ ‎6. backwards / forwards He looked backwards over his shoulder.‎ ‎7. correct /correction a correct answer ‎ correct your pronunciation look carefully at the correction(s)‎ ‎※connect with in connection with make connections with ‎8. simple / complex ‎ a simple question/ heart simplify vt.‎ Simplify a word by breaking it up into parts.‎ simplified a simplified version of the story simplification ‎9. break up Sentences can be broken up into clauses. (分解;分割)‎ The ship broke up on the rocks. (粉碎)‎ The meeting broke up at 7. (结束)‎ Their marriage is breaking up. (解散,分手)‎ Police were called in to break up the meeting. (驱散)‎ break down 崩溃;故障;垮掉 break out break into break in break through突破;冲破;克服 Lesson One ‎1. qualify使具有资格,使合格;有资格,胜任 This training course will qualify you for a better job. ‎ qualified有资格的,胜任的,合格的 a qualified teacher/accountant qualification资格(证书),执照 ‎2. secure ‎1. 安全的,无危险的[(+from/against)] Now my house is secure against burglary. 现在我的房子无被盗窃之危险。‎ ‎2. 安心的,无忧虑的[(+about)] You have made me feel secure. 你使我觉得放心。‎ ‎3. 有把握的,确定无疑的[(+of)] Our success is secure. 我们的成功是有把握的。‎ security public security公安部 security guard 保安人员 ‎3.frankly speaking=to be frank honestly speaking=to be honest strictly speaking exactly speaking=to be exact personally speaking ‎4.lay off解雇;下岗;不理会;停止活动 lay off workers laid-off workers lay off fatty food He has decided to lay off smoking.‎ ‎5.blank n. / adj.‎ Sign your name in the blank space below.‎ Fill in the blanks with the following words.‎ Suddenly my mind went completely blank.‎ My mind was a complete blank.‎ blank cheque go mad go hungry go blind go wrong ‎6. swell (swelled, swollen)‎ Her arm was beginning to swell up when the bee had stung her.‎ Her heart swelled with pride as she knew her son was admitted into Beijing University.‎ ‎7. suspect v./ n./ adj.‎ suspect sb’s motives suspect the truth of the statement I strongly suspect that they are trying to get rid of me.‎ I suspected Tom to be a liar, for what he said was not true.‎ The police suspected him of giving false evidence.‎ ‎8. lump ‎ a lump of / two lumps ‎9. throat have a sore throat / in the throat ‎10. status地位,身份[C][U]; 情形,状况,状态[C]‎ Women have very little status in many countries.‎ seek status ‎ the status of the job market at the moment ‎11. chief主要的,首席的,总的 chief editor Smoking is one of the chief causes of lung cancer.‎ ‎12. say / saying ‎‘More haste匆忙, less speed,’ as the saying goes. 欲速则不达。‎ ‎13. postage U邮费 邮资 airmail / surface air an airmail letter The postage for airmail is 50 cents. 一封航空信的邮资是五十美分。‎ Surface mail takes longer than airmail.‎ ‎14. user使用者、用户 ‎15. instruct I’ve instructed them to keep the room locked.‎ I’ve instructed them on how to drive cars.‎ My job is to instruct her in English.‎ instructor教员;教练;指导者 instruction In this course students receive instruction in basic engineering. ‎ ‎( U传授)‎ Follow the instructions on the packet carefully ‎(pl. 用法说明,操作指南; 指示)instructive有教育意义的;有启发性的 The lecture was instructive and interesting.‎ ‎16. aside from=apart from Aside from his nose, he’s quite good-looking.‎ Apart from the injuries to his face, he broke both legs.‎ ‎17. bury The miners were buried alive when the tunnel collapsed.‎ She buried her face in her hands and wept.‎ Working as a shop assistant buried his musical talent.‎ bury oneself in ‎ He buries himself in books.‎ buried treasure ‎18. alphabet The English alphabet has 26 letters.‎ ‎19. distinguish distinguish between A and B distinguish from A and B ‎20. Here’s what they have to say about...‎ Here comes the bus.‎ There goes the bell.‎ Now comes your turn.‎ ‎(here, there, now, then, in, up, away, out, off, down...)‎ The boy came in.‎ In came the boy.‎ In he came.‎ The boy rushed out.‎ Out rushed the boy.‎ Out they rushed.‎ ‎21. people of various ages and backgrounds ‎22. It’s never too late to learn ‎ It’s never too late to mend ‎ It’s never too late to stop smoking.‎ ‎23. fail (in) the exam fail to pass the exam ‎24. graduate from Beijing University ‎ graduate in Civil Engineering ‎25. by distance learning Can you jump that high?‎ She had changed that much ‎26. I felt as if I had done sth. wrong.‎ It looks as if it is going to rain.‎ He talks about America as if he had been there before.‎ She treats him as if he were her own son.‎ Tom raised his hands as if (he was) to say sth.‎ ‎27. set up ‎ set up a statue/tent The government has set up a working party to look into the problem of drug abuse.‎ A fund will be set up for the dead men’s families.‎ set up a new record set off He set off for his remote farmhouse.‎ set off the alarm/ a bomb set off an event/ a chain reaction set aside (some money) ‎ set about doing=get down to doing ‎ set out to do ‎28. I think that getting laid off will prove to be the best thing that ever happened to me.‎ Can you prove it to me?‎ prove sb’s guilt/that sb is guilty The task proved to be more difficult than we had thought. (turn out to be)‎ ‎29.You can’t teach an old dog new tricks.‎ Love me, love my dog.‎ Let sleeping dog lie.别多事 Every dog has its day.风水轮流转 ‎30. go up The price of petrol is going up New office blocks are going up everywhere.被兴建 ‎31. I decided that it was time (that) I became an Internet user.‎ It is time (that) you went to bed.‎ It is high time (that) the students set off for the camp.‎ It is time for sb. to do It is time for the students to set off for the camp.‎ It is time for class.‎ ‎32. at a speed of ‎ ‎33. I really enjoyed the speed at which my messages get sent and answered. ‎ get laid off get promoted get bored get married get changed get charged get caught in the rain get stuck in traffic jams get lost get separated ‎34. in person = in the flesh ‎35. switch off = turn off Lesson Two ‎1. drill tense drills boring drills There will be a fire drill sometime tomorrow.‎ ‎2. motto school motto ‎‘Live and let live.’ 待人宽容、和平共处That is my motto.‎ ‎3. conservative adj./ n.‎ She is very conservative and does not like modern fashions.‎ He belongs to the Conservative Party.‎ ‎4. assign vt.‎ The teacher assigned a different task to each of the children.‎ The teacher assigned each of the children a different task.‎ They have assigned their best man to the job.‎ ‎5. assignment / homework complete three written assignments ‎6.alternative n./adj.‎ You can be paid in cash weekly or by cheque monthly; those are the two alternatives.‎ We had no alternative but to accept the offer. (choice)‎ Do you have an alternative solution to the problem?‎ alternative lifestyles alternative energy ‎7. pace to set off at a steady pace It is difficult to keep up with the rapid pace of change.‎ We encouraged all students to work at their own pace. ‎ keep pace with ‎ 与……并驾齐驱/步调一致 ‎7.outstanding/ excellent an outstanding player ‎8. punish / punishment avoid punishment= being punished ‎9. reflect 反映;映出(影像)‎ The still water reflected the full moon. ‎ 显示,表明,表达(事物的自然属性或人们的态度、情感等)‎ That choice reflects your good taste. ‎ 反射(声、光、热等)‎ reflect the heat reflect on the matter 认真思考 reflection Your clothes are often a reflection of your personality.‎ ‎10. slight a slight difference He is, without the slightest doubt, the greatest living novelist.‎ They didn’t allow even the slightest loose conduct.‎ not …in the slightest = not at all He didn’t seem to mind in the slightest.‎ slightly ‎11. loose a loose button/tooth Check that the plug has not come loose.‎ a loose shirt a loose leaf loose conduct loosen vt.‎ ‎12. obey / disobey obey rules /the law /an order ‎13. mild ‎ a mild punishment a mild climate She is a very mild-mannered person.‎ ‎14. select We must select the best players for the school team.‎ Hilary always selects the best fruit in the market. ‎ Now the competition to get selected for university is much greater... ‎ selected works 选集 ‎ selected poems 诗选 ‎ selection ‎15. to a certain extent = to some extent ‎ to a certain degree = to some degree To a certain extent you are right.‎ To what extent can he be believed?‎ To such an extent that…‎ ‎16. misunderstand Don’t misunderstand me --- I am grateful for all you’ve done.‎ misunderstanding (of/about sth) ~ (between A and B)‎ There must be some misunderstanding.‎ It's no more than a misunderstanding.‎ ‎17. test-focused learner-centered Our school took a learner-centered approach to teaching ‎18. hand out hand out papers 分发 hand out advice 提出建议 hand out punishment 给出惩罚 They are not there to hand out punishment.‎ hand in homework hand down stories handed down from generation to generation hand over移交 hand on to = pass on to hand on the magazine to me ‎19.Founded in 1896, “Tredona School” is proud of its long list of outstanding past students. ‎ ‎_______in 1636, Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the US.‎ A. Being founded ‎ B. It was founded C. Founded ‎ D. founding ‎ Encouraged by his words, I wanted to try again.‎ Blamed for the breakdown of the school computer network, Alice was in low spirits.‎ ‎20. Our goal is to contribute to the students’ whole being by giving each of them real- life skills.‎ one’s whole being 全身心 ‎21. place importance on ‎ attach importance to We attach great importance to the project.‎ ‎22. give preference to sb. 优先考虑 We give preference to applicants with some experience.‎ ‎23. what will become of sb./sth.‎ What will become of my child?‎ I wonder what become of the people who lived next door.‎ 24. take things easy ‎ take it easy take your time ‎25. I think that this approach prepares us better for university...‎ ‎26. in a bad mood/in a good mood ‎27. go over ‎28. put off = delay Lesson Three 1. in sb’s eyes=in the eyes of...‎ ‎ look sb in the eye ‎ an eye for an eye ‎ fix one’s eyes on keep an eye on sb/sth We’ve asked the neighbors to keep an eye on the house for us while we are away.‎ 2. give presentations to the class 3. The only thing I can remember from school maths is that the angles of a triangle add up to 180 degrees!‎ All these figures add up to 200.‎ Please add up all these figures and see…‎ ‎3.a subject (which is)full of strange words…‎ ‎4.He used to explain things with practical examples and simplified things that seemed difficult.‎ ‎5…he let me pour some powder into the rocket and then another student lit a flame to set it off.It was great fun.‎ pour Pour some milk into the jar.‎ Blood was pouring from the wound.‎ Let me pour you a glass of wine.‎ It’s pouring down.‎ Letters of complaint poured in.‎ flame The whole building went up in flames The house was in flames.‎ Pour oil on the flames.‎ set off Do be careful with those fireworks; the slightest spark could set them off.‎ I accidentally pressed the button and set off the alarm clock.‎ They set off on a journey round the world.‎ ‎6….but it was probably because I lacked confidence.‎ lack He lacks courage/creativity. vt.‎ They lacked for nothing. vi He seems to be lacking in humour. adj.‎ He hasn’t finished the painting for lack of time. n.‎ A lack of water caused the plant to grow weak.‎ ‎7.ask for his opinion ‎8.Once I caught him and a friend seeing who could spit the furthest off the school stage.‎ catch sb. doing sth.‎ spit spit spit / spit spat spat / spitting It is considered rude to spit in public He took one sip of the wine and spat it out.‎ ‎9. The first day he walked into my class, he was dragging his school bag behind him and looking bored.‎ drag oneself home/along He dragged the heavy chest across the floor.‎ Don’t try to drag me into your plan.‎ The police dragged the football fans off the pitch.‎ draw pull Draw/pull your chair a little closer.‎ draw one’s attention ‎10. He was very bright and should have done much better in all his other subjects.‎ I should have been kinder to my fellow students.‎ The government should have put more money towards science education.‎ ‎11…decrease the size of classes---it’s not easy doing lessons in labs with big groups and it must be even worse in the poorer schools.‎ He works even harder than before.‎ ‎(even, still, much, a lot, a bit, a little, slightly, far, by far, yet…)‎ ‎12. The thing about a teacher is that you have access to children’s minds when they are open and eager to learn.‎ access Students must have access to good libraries.‎ Only high officials had access to the president.‎ The only access to school was across a river.‎ ‎13…turn a child like Graham into such a successful adult ‎14. …then I know what I’m doing is worthwhile.‎ Nursing is a very worthwhile career.‎ It’s worthwhile taking the trouble to explain a job fully to new employees.‎ It’s worthwhile visiting Beijing It’s worthwhile to visit Beijing.‎ be (well) worth doing/sth be worthy of sth be worthy to do sth. ‎ sth. be worthy to be done ‎ be worthy of doing sth.‎ sth. be worthy of being done Lesson Four 1. acquire / inquire / require We acquire knowledge by observing the world, studying the facts and testing answers to find the right ones.‎ acquire a good knowledge of English He has acquired a reputation for dishonesty language acquisition [.ækwi'ziʃən]‎ 1. be/get/become accustomed to doing sth.= be used to doing You’ll soon get accustomed to studying here.‎ She was not accustomed to mixing with people of high social ranks.‎ 2. rank等级;排;军衔 people of all ranks He was ranked second in his age group.‎ The university is ranked No‎.1 in the world for engineering.‎ 3. religion/ religious 4. defend ‎ defend our country against enemy to defend the borders defence = defense ‎ self-defence Some soldiers died in defence of their country.‎ come to one’s own defence开始进行自我保护 the Department of Defence国防部 5. tend to The church and many people tended to ignore the facts that…‎ Women tend to live longer than men.‎ People tend to think that…‎ tend (to)‎ She tended him day and night until he began to recover.‎ tendency Boys have a strong tendency to fight than girls.‎ There is a tendency to/ towards regional cooperation.‎ 1. ignore vt.忽视;不理睬 We cannot afford to ignore their advice.‎ She ignored him and carried on with her work.‎ ignorance of/ about 无知,愚昧;不知 be ignorant of 无知的,没有学问的;不知道的,不了解 He is ignorant of what happened. 他不知道发生了什么事。‎ 2. be willing to do be unwilling to do 3. assume假设,认为;呈现(外观,样子),采取;承担,取得 Let us assume for a moment that the plan succeeds.‎ It is generally assumed that stress is caused by too much work.‎ I had assumed him to be an American.‎ He assumed an air of concern.(put on)assume the role of CEO assumed name化名 It was impossible to make assumptions about people’s reaction.‎ 4. approve vt.‎ The Congress approved the bill.‎ The course is approved by the Department for Education approve of Do you approve of my idea?‎ He doesn’t approve of me leaving school this year.‎ approval [U] 批准;认可 The plan had the approval of the school authorities.‎ 计划得到学校当局的认可。‎ 1. urge She urged him to stay.‎ The report urged that all children be taught to swim.‎ I had a sudden urge to hit him.‎ ‎12.inspire inspire sb to do=encourage sb to do inspired ‎ inspiring inspiration ‎13. shadow c./un./ shade un.‎ The shadows影子 lengthened as the sun went down.‎ The ship’s sail cast a shadow阴影 on the water.‎ I don’t want to cast a shadow on their happiness.‎ Her face was in deep shadow. [U] 背光处;阴暗处 sit in the shade [U] 阴凉处;背阴 ‎14. conventional thought传统的,惯例的 ‎ conventional behaviour / approaches ‎ conventional forces / weapons ‎15. vital / very important or necessary The police play a vital role in our society.‎ Vitamins are vital for/ to health.‎ Reading is of vital importance in language learning.‎ It is vital that we (should ) move quickly.‎ 16. benefit/ benefit from ‎ beneficial A good diet is beneficial to health.‎ ‎17. image (头脑中的)形象,概念;影像;肖像 His public image is very different from the real person.‎ The ads are intended to improve the company’s image.‎ He stared at his own image reflected in the water.‎ ‎18. focus on ‎19. reference words ‎20. work out meaning ‎21. to start with To start with we have not enough money, and secondly we are too busy.‎ The club had only 6 members to start with.‎ We’ll have melon to start with.‎ ‎22 .go against Her thinking goes against all logic.‎ go against nature ‎23.hold an important rank under King James ‎24…but his true interest was not the day to day bureaucratic details of the government, but the worthy search for knowledge.‎ ‎25. At that time, people believed more in religion than in facts and people (like Galileo ‎ Galilei,) (who proved scientific ideas such as “the earth is not the center of the universe”) were often punished by the church with no one coming to their defence.‎ come to one’s defence 来为……辩护 ‎26. The church and many people tended to ignore the facts and were unwilling to challenge what they had always comfortably believed.‎ ‎27. It is not surprising that people wanted to believe these ancient views as they had been put forward by the great philosopher…‎ put forward we have put the wedding forward by one week.‎ put forward a plan/suggestion ‎28. They didn’t want to challenge what they’d always thought was true.‎ ‎29. someone important and respected ‎30…move round the sun in a perfect circle ‎31…is constantly growing and changing.‎ ‎32. in other words ‎33.So much of our knowledge and understanding of the world today is due to people like Bacon and Galilei, (who were brave enough to step out from the shadows of conventional thought in order to find the kingdom of knowledge that today’s civilisation is built upon.)‎ built…on/upon rest…on/ base…on build one’s hopes on the economic strength of the country an argument built on sound logic Communication Workshop ‎1. adapt…to It took him a while to adapt himself to his new surroundings.‎ to adapt a film from a novel ‎2. For a start, it would be hard adapting to a new culture.‎ adaptable ‎3. as a whole The festival will be great for our city and for the country as a whole.‎ ‎4. express one’s views ‎5. in order of importance ‎6. I get your point I’ve got a point there ‎7. imaginary school ‎8. optional subjects ‎9. literary appreciation ‎10. in conclusion ‎11. a good variety of ‎ ‎12. in preparation for make preparations for/ prepare for ‎13. further education ‎14. vocational courses ‎15. for a specific career ‎16. take time out from study ‎17 one in three=one out of three ‎18. leave lasting impressions on sb.‎

