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Section A(3a-4c) 任务: 根据Model, 用for或since写句子 Model: Q: How long have you worked in this restaurant? (two years) A: I’ve worked here for two years. 1.Q: How long has your sister worked here? (last June) A: She has worked here since last June.  2.Q: How long has that man waited? (twenty minutes) A: He has waited for twenty minutes.  3.Q: How long has that woman sat there? (8:30) A: She has sat there since 8:30.  4.Q: How long has that boy talked on the phone? (five minutes) A: He has talked on the phone for five minutes.  5.Q: How long have you had the bike? (ten years) A: I’ve had the bike for ten years.  1.It also encourages governments and social groups to think about ways to improve toilets in the future. 它还鼓励政府和社会团体考虑在未来改善厕所的方法。 剖析 encourage作动词, 意为“鼓励, 激励, 支持”, 常用结构为: Parents should encourage children to do things by themselves.父母 应该鼓励孩子独立做事。 Don’t encourage him in laziness. 别助长他的懒惰行为。 拓展:encouragement为名词, 意为“鼓舞, 鼓励”。 2.—I’ve never been to a water park.我从没去过水上公园。 —Me neither.我也没去过。 剖析 这里“Me neither.”相当于“Neither have I.”。 拓展 ①neither为副词, 意为“也不, 也不是”, 常用于 “Neither/Nor+助动词/情态动词/be动词+主语”结构, 相当于“主语 +neither”, 表示前面所说的否定情况也同样适用于后面的人或物, 意为“某人/物也不……”。该结构中的助动词/情态动词/be动词必 须与前句的谓语部分以及后句的主语的人称和数保持一致, 时态 和前句保持一致。 Mary can’t swim. Neither can I./Me neither. 玛丽不会游泳。 我也不会。 You didn’t go to the park. Neither/Nor did I. 你没去公园。 我也没去。 ②如果前面的句子是肯定句, 不能用neither/nor, 要用so, 用“So+ 助动词/情态动词/be动词+主语”结构, 意为“……也是……”, 说明前 句的肯定情况也适用于后面的人或物。 I feel very happy. So does he. 我感到很高兴, 他也是。 They went to the zoo yesterday. So did we. 他们昨天去了动物园, 我们也去了。 3.There are some special German paintings there right now.现 在在那儿有一些特殊的德国绘画作品。 剖析 German 作形容词, 意为“德国的, 德国人的, 德语的”。 That is a German car.那是一辆德国轿车。 拓展 国家、 国人与语言

