【英语】2018届人教版必修4一轮复习:Unit4 Bodylanguage学案(16页)(1)

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【英语】2018届人教版必修4一轮复习:Unit4 Bodylanguage学案(16页)(1)

Unit 4 Body language学案 ‎ 要 点 梳 理 高效梳理·知识备考 ‎●重点单词 ‎1.state vt.陈述;说明→statement n.陈述;说明 ‎2.greet vi. & vt.迎接;问候→greeting n.迎接;问候;招呼 ‎3.represent vt.代表;象征→representative n.代表(人士)‎ ‎4.association n.社团;联系;联想→associate v.把……联系起来 ‎5.flight n.飞行;航班 ‎6.curious adj.好奇的→curiosity n.好奇心 ‎7.approach vt. & vi.接受;靠近;走近 n.接近;方法;途径 ‎8.defend vt.保护;保卫→defence n.防御;保卫 ‎9.major adj.主要的 ‎10.misunderstand vt.误解;误会→misunderstanding n.误解;误会 ‎11.adult n.成人;成年人 adj.成人的;成熟的 ‎12.spoken adj.口语的→unspoken adj.非口语的;未说出口的 ‎13.function n.作用;功能;职能 vi.起作用;运转 ‎14.truly adv.真实地;真诚地;真正地 ‎15.false adj.错误的;假的 ‎16.anger n.怒气;怒火→angry adj.生气的 ‎17.subjective adj.主观的→subject n.主题;对象 ‎18.rank n.等级;军衔 ‎●重点短语 ‎1.defend against 保卫……以免受 ‎2.on the contrary 相反地 ‎3.in the same way 以相同的方式 ‎4.at ease 舒适;快活;自由自在 ‎5.turn one’s back to 背对;背弃 ‎6.get close to 靠近;接近 ‎7.be likely to 很可能……;有希望……‎ ‎8.in general 总的来说;通常 ‎9.lose face 丢脸 ‎10.watch/look out 小心 ‎●重点句型 ‎1.Not all cultures greet each other the same way, nor are they comfortable in the same way with touching or distance between people.各种文化背景下的人互致问候的方式不尽相同,身体接触和相互间距离的程度也不尽相同。‎ ‎2.Making a fist and shaking it almost always means that someone is angry and threatening another person.把手握紧,朝着别人晃拳头几乎总是意味着愤怒并且威胁别人。‎ ‎3.With so many cultural differences between people, it is great to have some similarities in body language.人们之间的文化差异非常多,但好在身势语有一些相似之处。‎ ‎●高考范文 假定你是李华,从小喜爱大熊猫,一直通过有关网站关注三年前在美国圣迭哥动物园出生的大熊猫“苏琳”和她的母亲“白云”。现在苏琳即将三岁。请根据以下要点给动物园工作人员写一封信。‎ ‎1.自我介绍;‎ ‎2.祝贺苏琳生日;‎ ‎3.感谢工作人员;‎ ‎4.索取苏琳三岁生日照。‎ 注意:1.词数100左右;‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;‎ ‎3.开头和结尾语已为你写好。‎ Dear Sir/Madam,‎ Greetings from China!____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎ Yours truly,‎ ‎ Li Hua 写作要点:‎ ‎1.本文是一封书信,根据材料要求,时态应以一般现在时为主,人称为第一人称。‎ ‎2.内容要点:(1)自我介绍;(2)信息来源;(3)祝贺生日;(4)感谢照顾;(5)索取照片;(6)合适的结尾。‎ ‎3.重要词汇:introduce, express, wish, congratulate, be grateful, give birth to, a happy birthday, a photo of...‎ ‎[范文]‎ Dear_Sir/Madam,‎ ‎ Greetings_from_China!‎ I'm Li Hua, a student in Sichuan. I've been a panda lover since I was a child. About three years ago I was delighted to learn that Baiyun gave birth to her daughter Sulin and I've been ‎ watching her grow on your website. ‎ Now she‘s going to be three. I’d like to wish her a happy birthday and to express my thanks to you for your hard work, because of which Sulin and her parents are living a happy and healthy life in the US.‎ ‎ By the way, could I have a photo of Sulin taken on her third birthday? Thank you very much in advance.‎ ‎ Yours_truly,‎ ‎ Li_Hua 考 点 探 究 互动探究·能力备考 Ⅰ.词汇短语过关 ‎1.represent vt.代表,象征;作为……的代表或代理人 representation n.代表,代表团,代理 representative adj.代表性的 n.代表,代理人 represent sb. as/to be 宣称某人为……‎ represent sth. to sb. 向某人说明某事;向某人传达某事 represent sth./sb. as sth./sb. 把……描绘成……‎ ‎[即学即练1](1) The rose _____________ love.‎ 玫瑰花是爱情的象征。‎ ‎(2) This picture _____________ a storm at sea.‎ 这幅画表现的是海上风暴。‎ ‎(3) He ____________ China in the conference.‎ 他代表中国参加了这次会议。‎ ‎(4) He ___________ himself ________ an expert.‎ 他称自己是专家。‎ ‎  ‎ represents represents represented represents to be ‎2.curious adj.好奇的,爱探究的,奇怪的,难以理解的 curiously adv. 好奇地,奇怪地 curiosity n. 好奇心;古玩 be curious about 对……感到好奇 be curious to do sth. 渴望做……‎ from/out of curiosity 出于好奇 meet/satisfy one‘s curiosity 满足某人的好奇心 with curiosity=curiously 好奇地 ‎[即学即练2](1)The child ______ very ____________ the origin of mankind.‎ 这个孩子对人类的起源很感兴趣。‎ ‎(2)I'm __________________ what he said.‎ 我极想知道他说了什么。‎ ‎(3)__________________ he left without saying goodbye.‎ 真奇怪,他不辞而别了。‎ ‎ ‎ is curious about curious to know It’s curious that ‎3.approach vt. 向……靠近;接近 n. 入门,接近;方法,途径 approach sb. on/about sth. 与某人接洽/商量某事 approach to 接近;近似;(做某事)的方法(途径)‎ a new approach to language teaching 一种新的语言教学 方法 at the approach of 在快到……的时候 make approaches to sb.和某人打交道 ‎[即学即练3](1)A new year ________________.‎ 新年快到了。‎ ‎(2)He ______________ the question as a scientist.‎ 他从科学家的角度来处理这一问题。‎ ‎(3)I like her ____________ the problem.‎ 我喜欢她解决这个问题的方法。‎ ‎(4)Did Mary _________ you ______ lending her some money?‎ 玛丽找你商量过有关借些钱给她的事吗?‎ ‎   ‎ is approaching approached approach to approach about ‎4.defend vt. 保卫,防卫,为……辩护 defense/defence n. 防卫,防御 defense works 防御工事,防御工程 a defense satellite 防御卫星 defend one's argument 为某人的论点辩护 defend...against... 保护……,防御……‎ defend...from(harm) 保护……不受(伤害)‎ ‎[即学即练4](1)They couldn't ________ us __________ our rights.他们不能阻挠我们捍卫我们的权利。‎ ‎(2)We need some lawyers to ____________.‎ 我们需要几个律师为我们辩护。‎ ‎(3)We should ______ the child ______ harm.‎ 我们要保护这孩子不受伤害。‎ ‎(4)Their duty is to ______ the country ______ its enemies.‎ 他们的职责就是保卫国家抵御敌人(入侵)。‎ ‎      ‎ prevent defending defend us defend from defend against ‎5.likely adj. 可能的 adv. 很可能 It‘s likely that...=Sb./Sth. be likely to do...……‎ 是可能的。‎ not likely (坚决不同意)绝不可能,绝对不会 ‎[即学即练5](1)John ______________ be in London this autumn.今年秋天约翰可能在伦敦。‎ ‎(2)The park is a ______ place for the picnic.‎ 这公园倒是个适合野餐的地方。‎ ‎(3)______ isn’t likely that I should accept such an offer as that.要我接受这样的建议是不大可能的。‎ ‎(4)We will ___________ likely be late.我们很有可能会迟到。‎ ‎ ‎ is likely to likely It most/very ‎【注意】likely做副词的时候多和most, very连用。‎ ‎6.ease n. 安逸;舒适 vt. 减轻(痛苦、忧虑)‎ at ease 舒适,快活,自由自在 with ease 轻易地,毫不费力地 feel/look at ease 感到/看上去心情放松 put/set sb. at one‘s ease 使某人放松、松弛 take one’s ease 休息,轻松一下 ‎[即学即练6](1)The medicine __________________.‎ 这种药镇痛。‎ ‎(2)He is living a life _________.他过着舒适的生活。‎ ‎(3)He passed the examination ____________.‎ 他轻松地通过了考试。‎ ‎(4)I never feel completely _________ with him.‎ 我跟他在一起总感到不是很自在。‎ ‎   ‎ eased the pain of ease with ease at ease ‎7.in general 总的来说;通常 as a general rule 一般而言;通常,总之 generally speaking 一般而言 It's generally believed that... 普遍认为……‎ ‎[即学即练7](1)He has been promoted to ________________.‎ 他已被提升为总经理。‎ ‎(2)_________________, we enjoyed the trip.‎ 总的来说,我们这次旅行很愉快。‎ ‎(3)____________ commanded his men to advance.‎ 将军命令他的士兵向前挺进。‎ ‎(4)____________, her work has been good, but this essay is dreadful. 总的说来,她的作品不错,不过这篇文章糟透了。‎ general manager Generally speaking The general In general 拓展:on the whole总的来说 generally speaking一般说来 as a whole就整体上来看 in a word总之 As a whole, the book is worth reading.就整体来看,这本书值得看。‎ Ⅱ.重点句型详解 Not_all_cultures greet each other the same way, nor_are_they comfortable in the same way with touching or distance between people. 各种文化背景下人们互致问候的方式不尽相同,身体接触和相互间距离的程度也并不一样。‎ ‎(1)not all...是部分否定,与 not构成部分否定的词还有:both, every, everyone, everywhere, everybody, everything, always, entirely, wholly, altogether。‎ Not every student passed the exam.‎ 并非所有的学生都通过了考试。‎ Not all of us can speak English.‎ 并非我们都会说英语。‎ 提示:表示全部否定的词有:none, nobody, neither, never, nothing, nowhere, no one, not at all。‎ ‎(2)本句后半句是 nor 引起的倒装句,nor 位于句首时,句子需要部分倒装。‎ She doesn‘t like dance, nor does her sister.‎ 她不喜欢跳舞,她姐姐也不喜欢。‎ 归纳拓展:含有否定意义的词置于句首往往引起部分倒装:‎ ‎①含有否定意义的副词放在句首,如:not, never, seldom, hardly, rarely, little 等。‎ Never before has our country been as united as it is today. 我们国家从没像现在这样团结。‎ ‎②含有否定意义的连词置于句首,如: neither...nor, no sooner...than..., scarcely...when..., hardly...when...等。‎ No sooner had he left home than it began to rain.‎ 他一出家门天就开始下雨。‎ ‎③含有否定意义的介词短语置于句首,如: by no means, in no time, in no case, on no account等。‎ On no account must you accept any money against your conscience.‎ 你无论如何不能违背自己的良心而得到钱财。‎ ‎[即境活用] Bill wasn't happy about the delay of the report by John, and ______.‎ A.I was neither B.neither was I C.I was either D.either was I 答案:B 解析:考查 neither 用于句首,倒装。‎ 易 错 点 拨 自我完善·误区备考 ‎1.represent/on behalf of/stand for ‎(1)represent用来表示“代表某人/某个团体/政府等”“某种标志代表什么”“某物(书、雕塑等)表现的是什么”和“把某人/物描绘成什么”。‎ ‎(2)on behalf of只能用做状语,表示“代表/代替某人”。‎ ‎(3)stand for往往用来表示“(字母、数字、符号等)代表/象征什么”。‎ ‎[应用1] 用represent/stand for/on behalf of填空 ‎(1)He ___________ our school to take part in the competition and all of us were proud of him.‎ ‎(2)_____________ everyone here, I wish you a very happy holiday.‎ ‎(3)What does the letter “E” ___________?‎ ‎  ‎ represented On behalf of stand for ‎2. protect/defend/guard ‎(1)protect指采取一定措施,使用某些器具以保护人或物免遭损害,使用范围广泛。‎ ‎(2)defend着重指用武力抵御攻击和侵犯。‎ ‎(3)guard强调通过看守警戒,以确保安全。‎ ‎[应用2] (1)The PLA Navy ______ the coastline of our motherland.‎ 中国人民解放军海军守卫着我们祖国的海岸线。‎ ‎(2)We must ______ the children from harm.‎ 我们必须保护儿童免受伤害。‎ ‎(3)We shall ______ our country, whatever cost may be.‎ 无论付出什么代价,我们都要保卫我们的祖国。‎ ‎ ‎ guard protect defend ‎3. likely/probable/possible ‎(1)likely 强调表面上看来有可能,与 probable 意思接近,有时可以互换,但 likely 常暗示从表面迹象来判断。常用句型:‎ ‎①Sth./Sb. be likely to do...‎ ‎②It is likely that...‎ ‎(2)probable 表示有几分根据的推测,比 possible 表示的可能性大。换句话说,probable的“有可能”,是指有实际的依据或逻辑上合乎情理。‎ 常用句型:It is probable that...‎ ‎(3)possible 表示客观上潜在的可能性,也许实际发生的可能性并不大。‎ 常用句型:①It is possible (for sb.) to do sth.‎ ‎②It is possible that...‎ ‎③sth. is possible ‎④as quickly/much/soon...as possible ‎[应用3] (1)It is _________ that it will rain, but with such a blue sky it doesn’t seem ___________.‎ ‎(2)The weather is ______ to be fine.‎ ‎(3)It is _________ for us to get from Beijing to Tianjin in less than an hour.‎ ‎  ‎ possible probable likely possible 高 效 作 业 自我测评·技能备考 Ⅰ.单词拼写 ‎1.He was c______________ about everything he saw and kept asking questions.‎ ‎2.In some countries, a visitor will be g_________ with a kiss on the cheek.‎ ‎3.What does X r___________ in this equation (方程式)?‎ ‎4.G_________ speaking, women cry more easily than men.‎ ‎5.I prefer c____________ to tragedy.‎ curious ‎ greeted represent Generally comedy ‎6.The _________(主要的) subjects in senior high schools are Chinese, English and mathematics.‎ ‎7.Quarrels are usually caused because of ‎ ‎___________________(误解).‎ ‎8.As you ____________(接近) the town, the first building you see is the church.‎ ‎9.His __________ (口头的) English is pretty good.‎ ‎10.Can you show me to the ___________ (宿舍)?‎ major ‎ misunderstanding approach spoken dormitory Ⅱ .单项选择 ‎1.—It's a very interesting book.‎ ‎—______.‎ ‎—And thank you very much for letting me keep it so long.‎ A.I‘m glad you like it   B.That's all right C.Don't mention it D.I hope you like it 答案:A 解析:考查交际用语。由 thank you very much for letting me keep it so long可知书已看完,选A。‎ ‎2.Living in the dormitory means ______ to take care of yourself, understand each other's differences and share ______ interests.‎ A.to learn; common B.learning; ordinary C.to learn; ordinary D.learning; common 答案:D 解析:考查非谓语动词和形容词的用法。mean doing sth表示“意味着……”,mean to do sth表示“打算做某事”,结合语意可排除A、C两项;common interests意思是“共同的兴趣爱好”,符合语意。‎ ‎3.The Olympic mascots are the Olympic flame, the fish, the panda, the Tibetan antelope and the swallow, ______ a close group of friends.‎ A.to represent B.representing C.represented D.represent 答案:B 解析:考查非谓语动词。representing 为现在分词做后置定语。‎ ‎4.-Is your husband good at cleaning up the room?‎ ‎-Not very, but when it ______ cooking, he is much better than I am.‎ A.talks about B.refers to C.comes to D.deals with 答案:C 解析:考查动词短语。“When it comes to...”是常用句式,意思是“当谈及某事的时候……”。‎ ‎5.He sat back on the chair, listening to the MP4 and ______.‎ A.looking at ease B.looked at ease C.being looked at ease D.to look at ease 答案:A 解析:looking “看上去,看起来”,为现在分词做状语,表伴随,与 listening to...并列。‎ ‎6.Many youth went to the shanghai Science and Technology Museum on Nov. 16, 2009, ______ U.S. President Barack Obama delivered a speech during his four-day state visit.‎ A.which B.in that C.where D.that 答案:C 解析:考查定语从句的用法。where引导的定语从句修饰先行词the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum.‎ ‎7.From then on we never saw her again, nor ______ from her.‎ A.heard we B.had we heard C.we have heard D.did we hear 答案:D 解析:否定词 nor 放于句首,句子部分倒装,且与 saw时态一致,故选D。‎ ‎8.I do every single bit of housework ______ my husband Bob just does the dishes now and then.‎ A.since B.while C.when D.as 答案:B 解析:while 表示对比,对照,译为“然而”。‎ ‎9.At the meeting they discussed three different______to the study of mathematics.‎ A.approaches B.means C.methods D.ways 答案:A 解析:四个词都有“方法”的意思,但只有 approach 后接介词 to+n./v.-ing。way后接 of sth./doing sth. 或 to do sth.; means 和method 后接 of sth.或 of doing sth.。‎ ‎10.The city______by an army of 600 men was difficult to take.‎ A.defending B.having been defended C.having defended D.defended 答案:D 解析:过去分词短语 defended by...做定语,相当于一个定语从句 which was defended by...;B项只做状语,不做定语。‎ ‎11.Wise teachers know it’s impossible for all the students to learn all the subjects well because ______ of them are not fit for them.‎ A.every one B.all C.none D.not all 答案:B 解析:此处all与后面的not连用,表示部分否定。‎ ‎12.______, most teenagers now listen to rock music. However, John likes classical music better.‎ A.In a word B.In general C.In time D.In total 答案:B 解析:in a word意为“总之,一句话;总而言之”;in general意为“大体上;一般地”;in total意为“总共”;in time“及时”。通过句意可以看出,“大多数青少年喜欢听摇滚乐”是一种一般的、普遍的情况,所以选B。‎ ‎13.______ different kinds of pianos, the factory is sure they can satisfy people’s needs.‎ A.To produce B.Being produced C.Produced D.Having produced 答案:D 解析:根据后半句说,“工厂确信能满足人们的需要”,那么前提应该是“生产各种各样的钢琴”已经成为事实,所以用现在完成时,动词ing形式做状语。‎ ‎14.If you hurry up, I think it quite ______ that you will catch the flight to Hong Kong. There are 40 minutes left.‎ A.probably B.likely C.possibly D.certainly 答案:B 解析:由句子结构可知此处应填形容词做宾语补足语,likely adj.可能的。‎ ‎15.-Was that the new book that they all mentioned at the fair?‎ ‎-______.‎ A.They must be B.It must have been C.They were D.It mustn’t have been 答案:B 解析:考查情态动词表推测。上文的was是解决该题的关键,由此可知,B项正确。对过去的推测一律用“情态动词+have done”结构。D项表禁止而非猜测。‎ Ⅲ .完形填空 When I entered Berkeley, I hoped to earn a scholarship.Having been a StraightA student, I believed I could __1__ tough subjects and really learn something.One such course was World Literature given by Professor Jayne.I was extremely interested in the ideas he __2__ in class.‎ When I took the first exam, I was __3__ to find a 77, Cplus, on my test paper, __4__ English was my best subject.I went to Professor Jayne, who listened to my arguments but remained __5__.‎ I decided to try harder, although I didn't know what that __6__ because school had always been easy for me.I read the books more carefully, but got another 77.Again, I __7__ with Professor Jayne.Again, he listened patiently but wouldn't change his __8__ .‎ One more test before the final exam.One more __9__ to improve my grade.So I redoubled my efforts and, for the first time, __10__ the meaning of the word “thorough”.But my __11__ did no good and everything __12__ as before.‎ The last hurdle (障碍) was the final.No matter what __13__ I got, it wouldn't cancel three Cpluses.I might as well kiss the __14__ goodbye.‎ I stopped working hard.I felt I knew the course material as well as I ever would.The night before the final, I even __15__ myself to a movie.The next day I decided for once I'd have ‎__16__ with a test.‎ A week later, I was surprised to find I got an A.I hurried into Professor Jayne's office.He __17__ to be expecting me.“If I gave you the As you __18__, you wouldn't continue to work as hard.”‎ I stared at him, __19__ that his analysis and strategy(策略) were correct.I had worked my head __20__, as I had never done before.‎ I was speechless when my course grade arrived: Aplus.It was the only Aplus given.The next year I received my scholarship.I've always remembered Professor Jayne's lesson: you alone must set your own standard of excellence.‎ ‎1.A.take B.discuss ‎ ‎ C.cover D.get ‎2.A.sought B.presented ‎ ‎ C.exchanged D.obtained ‎3.A.shocked B.worried ‎ ‎ C.scared D.anxious ‎4.A.but B.so ‎ ‎ C.for D.or ‎5.A.unchanged B.unpleasant ‎ ‎ C.unfriendly D.unmoved ‎6.A.reflected B.meant ‎ ‎ C.improved D.affected ‎7.A.quarreled B.reasoned ‎ ‎ C.bargained D.chatted ‎8.A.attitude B.mind ‎ ‎ C.plan D.view ‎9.A.choice B.step ‎ ‎ C.chance D.measure ‎10.A.memorized B.considered ‎ ‎ C.accepted D.learned ‎11.A.ambition B.confidence ‎ ‎ C.effort D.method ‎12.A.stayed B.went ‎ ‎ C.worked D.changed ‎13.A.grade B.answer ‎ ‎ C.lesson D.comment ‎14.A.scholarship B.course ‎ ‎ C.degree D.subject ‎15.A.helped B.favored ‎ ‎ C.treated D.relaxed ‎16.A.fun B.luck ‎ ‎ C.problems D.tricks ‎17.A.happened B.proved ‎ ‎ C.pretended D.seemed ‎18.A.valued B.imagined ‎ ‎ C.expected D.welcomed ‎19.A.remembering B.guessing ‎ ‎ C.supposing D.realizing ‎20.A.out B.over ‎ ‎ C.on D.off 答案及解析:‎ ‎1.A。这里用take a subject/course,take表示“攻读(某课程)”。我在中学的学习成绩都是“全优”,我想我可以学比较难的课程,真正学点东西。‎ ‎2.B。本题用动词present表示“陈述;呈现(观点、计划等)”。我特别喜欢世界文学课的Jayne教授在课堂给我们陈述的那些观点。‎ ‎3.A。我对自己的能力很自信,对老师的课也很感兴趣,可是考试结果我只得了77分,得了个C+,这让我觉得诧异。‎ ‎4.C。本题选C表示原因,正因为英语是我(学得)最好的科目,所以得了C让我觉得惊讶,并由此去找教授评理。‎ ‎5.D。教授只听我理论,没有说话。从四个选项的含义看,这里用(he remained)unmoved表示教授听了我的争论与辩解却无动于衷。unmoved表示“没有被打动”。‎ ‎6.B。教授不为我所动,没办法,我只能更努力地学习。但我也不知道更努力地学习“意味着”什么,因为我的学习一直都很好,学习很顺利。‎ ‎7.B。更努力地学习的结果是第二次考试还是77分,于是我再次去找教授理论。这里用reason与上文的argument呼应,表示作者对自己这么低的考试分数不服气,与教授辩论。‎ ‎8.B。前面说了,第一次找他的时候,他无动于衷,这次还是一样,他不愿意改变初衷,不愿意改动我的分数。‎ ‎9.C。期末考试前还有一次考试,这是我提高考试分数的又一次“机会”。‎ ‎10.D。我再次加倍努力学习,并且第一次充分明白了什么叫“彻底”地学习。‎ ‎11.C。可是我所付出的这一切努力都没有任何作用。这里用effort指前面提到的我一次次加倍努力学习。‎ ‎12.B。这里表示一切照旧,但不能用系动词,因为句中没有表语,而是用不及物动词go表示“进展,发生”。‎ ‎13.A。无论期末考试结果如何,这都改不了一个事实:我已经得了三个77分,三个C+了。‎ ‎14.A。学习成绩不优秀,拿奖学金是没有指望了。这里不是说和课程、学位告别,而是连续三个C+使我拿不到奖学金了。‎ ‎15.C。本题用treat表示“招待,款待”:期末考试的前夜,我甚至放纵自己去看电影了。‎ ‎16.A。我开始放弃学业了,在考试的前一天晚上去看电影,笫二天,我就决心把考试当做好玩的游戏了。‎ ‎17.D。前面几次考试我都去找他理论,这次他似乎也早就在期待我的到来了。‎ ‎18.C。假如前几次考试我遂你的心愿,每次都给你个A等,你就不会继续努力学习了。‎ ‎19.D。我意识到他的这些分析与学习策略是对的。‎ ‎20.D。本题用动词短语work off表示“(通过无礼的方式等)发泄(怒气、沮丧之情)”。‎ Ⅳ.短文改错 Once there lived a boy was very fond of 1.______‎ reading. But he was so poor to buy any 2.______‎ books. So he had to borrow them from a rich man 3.______‎ lived far away. The boy always tried 4.______‎ hard to finish read the books and returned 5.______‎ boy后加 who so→too ‎√ ‎ lived后加who read→reading them to the owner within the giving time. So 6.______‎ the rich man was ready lend him any of the 7.______‎ books he wanted them. In this way he read a lot 8.______‎ and late became a wellknown writer of his time. 9.______‎ However, the rich man's son who didn't like to study remained a man with a little knowledge. 10.______‎ giving→given lend→to lend 去掉them ‎ late→later 去掉第二个 a

