小学英语五年级上册单元检测试题 全册

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小学英语五年级上册单元检测试题 全册

PEP小学英语五年级上册第一单元检测题 班级_________ 姓名________ 分数_______‎ 听力部分 一、听录音,选出听到的单词。‎ ‎( ) 1.A.old B. shy C. teacher D. music ‎( )2.A. funny B. finish C. strict D. homework ‎( ) 3.A. sometimes B. art C. young D. maths ‎( ) 4.A. kind B. know C. robot D. polite ‎( ) 5.A. helpful B. candy C. kind D. like ‎( ) 6.A. his B. he C. she D. they ‎( ) 7.A. science B. sorry C. family D. very ‎( ) 8.A. English B. man C. tall D. home ‎( ) 9.A.short B. but C. grandpa D. strong ‎( ) 10.A.who B. what C. white D. our 二、根据你所听到的句子选择合适的答语。‎ ‎( ) 1.A. Yes, she is. B. She is kind. C. She is Mrss White.‎ ‎( ) 2.A. He is old. B. She is funny. C. He is a maths teacher.‎ ‎( ) 3.A. Yes, he is. B. No, he is. C. No, she isn’t.‎ ‎( ) 4. A. Ms Song. B. He is hard-working. C. She is helpful.‎ ‎( ) 5. A. He is young. B. He is 13 years old. C. No, he isn’t.‎ 三、听录音,补全对话。‎ A: Hi, Amy, __________ your Chinese teacher? ‎ B: Mr Hu.‎ A: __________ he __________?‎ B: He is __________ and __________. He is very funny.‎ A: Do you like him?‎ B: Yes, I do.‎ 笔试部分 四、读一读,判断划线部分发音是否相同,相同写“T”不同写“F”。‎ ‎( )1. A. peach B. tea C. see ‎( )2. A. happy B. baby C. shy ‎( )3. A. blue B. black C. brown ‎( )4. A. windy B. sunny C. sorry ‎( )5. A. try B. fly C. play 五、选出下列各题的正确答案。‎ ‎( )1. ---Who is your English teacher? ---_____________.‎ A. Ms Yang B. She is funny. C. No, she isn’t.‎ ‎( )2. Mr Li is my maths teacher, he is not strict, he is very__.‎ A. old B. helpful C. kind ‎( )3. ---______ your music teacher like? ---He is funny.‎ A. What’s B. Where’s C. Who’s ‎( )4. ---_____pretty? ---Yes, she is very pretty.‎ A. Does her B. Is she C. is she ‎ ‎( )5. Chen Jie and Sarah _____ my friends, Chen Jie ___ very funny.‎ A. is; are B. are; are C. are; is ‎( )6. ---Is he strict? ---No, he is _____kind.‎ ‎ A very B. much C. very much ‎( )7. ---Who is that girl? ---___________.‎ ‎ A. She is young. B. Yes, she is. C. She is my sister.‎ ‎( )8. John can play basketball because he is _________.‎ A. funny B. tall C. clever ‎( )9.--- ____ are your music teacher from? ---He’s from China.‎ A. What B. Who C. Where ‎( )10. Amy is very quiet in class. She is very_____.‎ ‎ A. shy B. funny C. strong ‎ 六、根据单词的首字母及汉语提示补全单词。‎ ‎1.My sister is very c_________. She knows many things.‎ ‎2.She often helps her mother do housework. She is very h_________.‎ ‎3. He is good at study, because he is h_________(辛勤的).‎ ‎4. Is he p________? (有礼貌的). ‎ ‎5.Our art teacher is very s__________(严厉的).‎ 七、连词成句,注意标点符号以及首字母大写。‎ 1. like, what , John, is (?)‎ ‎___________________________‎ 2. your,  is , maths , who , teacher (?)‎ ‎ __________________________    ‎ ‎3. strong, short, Robin, and, is (.)‎ ‎__________________________‎ ‎4.he, funny, is (?)‎ ‎___________________________‎ ‎5. English, my, mother, is, teacher, an (.)‎ ‎___________________________‎ 八、为下列句子找出正确的答语。‎ ‎( ) 1. Who’s that tall man? A. No, she is old.‎ ‎( ) 2. What’s Wu Yifan like? B. I’m from China.‎ ‎( ) 3. Is Miss Wang young? C. He’s tall and strong.‎ ‎( ) 4. Where are you from? D. He’s my art teacher.‎ ‎( ) 5. Is Mr Young funny? E. Yes, he is.‎ 九、阅读短文,判断正“T”误“F”。‎ ‎ I am Chen Jie. I have three new teachers, a science teacher, an art teacher and a Chinese teacher. My science teacher is Mr Liu. He is tall and thin. My art teacher is Miss Zhao. She is young and pretty. My Chinese teacher is Miss Zhang. She is and old woman. She is funny and kind. I like all my teachers.‎ ‎( ) 1. I have two new teachers.‎ ‎( ) 2. My science teacher is an old woman.‎ ‎( ) 3. Miss Zhang is my Chinese teacher.‎ ‎( ) 4. My art teacher is young and pretty.‎ ‎( ) 5. My Chinese teacher is funny and strict.‎ 英语角(附加题):你能用本单元所学内容形容一下你自己的父母吗?‎ 提示: 1、描述一下父母的外貌特征。‎ ‎ 2、介绍一下父母的职业和性格特点。‎ ‎ 3、至少5句话。‎ PEP小学英语五年级上册第一单元检测题答案及评分标准 听力部分(共30分)‎ 一、1.D 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.D 7.B 8.A 9.A 10.C(共10分,每题1分)‎ 二、1.B 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.B(共10分,每题2分)‎ 三、who’s What’s like young strong (共10分,每空2分)‎ 听力原文 一、1.music 2.funny 3.young 4.know 5.helpful 6.they 7.sorry 8.English 9. short 10. white 二、1. What is Miss White like?‎ ‎2. Who is that man?‎ ‎3. Is he strict?‎ ‎4. What is your sister like?‎ ‎5. How old is Mike?‎ 三、A: Hi, Amy, who’s your Chinese teacher? ‎ B: Mr Hu.‎ A: What’s he like?‎ B: He is young and strong. He is very funny.‎ A: Do you like him?‎ B: Yes, I do.‎ 笔试部分(共70分)‎ 四、1.T 2.F 3.F 4.T 5.F(共10分,每题2分)‎ 五、1.A 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.C 8.B 9.C 10.A (共20分,每题2分)‎ 六、1.clever 2.helpful 3.hard-working 4.polite 5.strict (共10分,每空2分)‎ 七、1. What is John like?‎ ‎2. Who is your maths teacher?‎ ‎3. Robin is strong and short. 或者 Robin is short and strong.‎ ‎4. Is he funny?‎ ‎5. My mother is an English teacher.‎ ‎(共10分,每题2分)‎ 八、1.D 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.E (共10分,每题2分)‎ 九、1.F 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.F (共10分,每题2分)‎ 英语角例文:(附加题)‎ I love my parents. My father is a PE teacher. He is tall and strong. He is very kind and funny. My mother is a doctor. She is young and pretty. She is very thin. She is strict with me. They love me very much.‎ PEP英语新五年级上册第二单元检测题 年级______班级 ______姓名 ______等级______Listening Part(听力部分)‎ I. Listen and choose.听音,选择你所听到的单词。  (    ) 1. A. see           B. tea               C. eat   (    ) 2. A. feed          B. repeat             C. beef   (    ) 3. A. meet          B. feet              C. read   (    ) 4. A. Monday       B. Sunday           C. sunny   (    ) 5. A. funny         B. play              C. party II. Listen and tick. 听音,看图,判断听到的内容与图片表达的意思是否相符。  1.        2.          3.        (    )                 (    )                   (    )   4.         5.        (    )                   (    )III. Listen and tick. 听音,判断你听到的句子与看到的句子是否一致  (    ) 1. Today is Tuesday.  (    ) 2. I like Wednesdays.  (    ) 3. We have maths, English and science on Fridays.   (    ) 4. Our music teacher is young.  (    ) 5. I like Mondays, because I like P.E class.IV.Listen and choose.根据你听到的句子,选择合适的答语。  (    ) 1. A. I often play ping-pong.            B. I like English.            C. Yes, I do.  (    ) 2. A. Yes, she is.                         B. Yes, she isn’t.                    C. No, she is.  (    ) 3. A. It’s 7:00.                         B. It’s Friday.                  C. Yes, it is.  (    ) 4. A. We have English and maths.            B. Yes, we do.              C. We do homework.  (    ) 5. A. It’s Thursday.             B. I like Mondays.              C. We read books. Writing Part(笔试部分)‎ V.Read and choose.读单词,选出读音不同的一项。‎ ‎ (    )1. A. feet B. beef C. tea D. bread ‎ (    )2.A. read B.headC. repeat D.eat ‎ (    )3.A.skyB. sunny C. many D.happy ‎ (    )4.A. windy B. baby C. sorry D.by ‎ (    )5.A. see B. meet C. feed D.sweater VI.Read and choose. 读句子,选择正确的选项.  (    ) 1. ________ is the second day of the week.       A. Sunday     B. Monday      C. Tuesday       D. Wednesday   (    ) 2. --What do you have on Mondays?             -- I ______ Chinese and English on Mondays.        A. have       B. am          C. has           D. is   (    ) 3. We have computer and music _______ Fridays.       A. at         B. on        C. for           D. by   (    ) 4. _________. Where is our science teacher?        A. Sorry      B. Hello       C. Excuse me       D. Hi   (    ) 5. We often ________ TV on Saturday evening.       A. look        B. watch         C. see         D. say   (    ) 6. It’s time ________ do homework.        A. at          B. for           C. to          D. on   (    ) 7. What does your mother do ____ weekends?       A. about        B. on         C. at          D. to   (    ) 8. I can play football ________ my father.       A. and         B. to         C. for            D. with  ‎ ‎ (    )9.Do you often play football here?‎ A. Yes, I do.     B. Yes, they do.       C. No, I do.        D. Yes, I don’t. ‎ ‎ (    )10.Is he funny?‎ ‎  A. Yes, he isn’t.  B. No, he is.   C. No, he isn’t.    D. Yes, she is. VII. Read and choose.(情境交际)  (    ) 1. 询问今天是星期几,应该说:______________       A. What day is it today?               B. What day it is today?  (    ) 2. 询问周二的课程安排时,应该说:_____________       A. What do you do on Tuesday? B. What do you have on Tuesday?  (    ) 3. 介绍完自己后,想了解一下对方,‎ 应该说:_____________       A. What about you?                 B. How are you?  (    ) 4. 询问别人周五做什么事,应该说:________________       A. What do you do on Fridays? B. What do you have on Fridays? ‎ ‎ (    ) 5. 告诉别人自己周六踢足球时,应该说:_______________       A. I play football on Sundays.        B. I play football on Saturdays. ‎ VIII. Read and match.读句子,连线配对.  What do you do on Sundays?               It is Monday.  What day is it today?                       I often play football.  Who is your best friend?                     Yes, he is.  What do you have on Tuesdays?            Wang Dong. Is he kind?        I have maths and science.‎ IX. 连词成句  1.have  what  do  on  you  Saturdays(?)  ____________________________________________________       2.I  wash  often  clothes  Sundays  on  my (.)   ____________________________________________________       3.   day  what  today  it  is(?)   _____________________________________________________     4.   Sundays  what you do   on  do  (?)     _____________________________________________________     5.    do often  play  you football in park this  (?)   _____________________________________________________   X. Read and choose.根据短文内容选择.  My name is Amy. Today is Wednesday. We have Chinese, English, music and science in the morning. We have P.E. And art in the afternoon. I like music class. I like singing. Kerry is my friend. She likes our art teacher. She can draw well. Jerry likes Chinese class. He likes China very much. All the boys and girls in our class like science. The teacher s very funny and kind. I like my class.   (    ) 1. --What is the girl’s name?          --_____________      A. Lily           B. Mary        C. Amy         D. Kerry   (    ) 2. --What class do they have in the morning?       --______________     A. Chinese, English, music and science   B. Chinese, math, music and art    C. Science, English, P.E. and ‎ Chinese B. Chinese, math, music and science  (    ) 3. --What class does Amy like?     --_____________      A. Chinese       B. Music        C. Math        D. Art   (    ) 4. --Are Kerry and Jerry in the same(相同的) class?    --___________      A. No, they aren’t.           B. Yes, they are.        C. I don’t know.             D. They are sisters.  (    ) 5. --Why are they like the science teacher?               --Because he is very _____________      A. clever       B. strict       C. funny and kind      D. Young PEP英语新五年级上册第二单元检测题答案 Listening Part(听力部分)‎ I. Listen and choose.听音,选择你所听到的单词。‎ ‎1.B 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.A II. Listen and tick. 听音,看图,判断听到的内容与图片表达的意思是否相符。‎ 1. ‎√ 2. √ 3.√ 4. × 5. √‎ III. Listen and tick. 听音,判断你听到的句子与看到的句子是否一致 ‎1.× 2.√ 3.× 4.√ 5.√‎ IV.Listen and choose.根据你听到的句子,选择合适的答语。‎ 1. A 2. A 3. B 4. A 5. C Writing Part(笔试部分)‎ V.Read and choose.读单词,选出读音不同的一项。‎ ‎1.D 2.B 3.A 4.D 5.D VI.Read and choose. 读句子,选择正确的选项.‎ ‎1.B 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.C 7.B 8.D 9.A 10.C VII. Read and choose.(情境交际)‎ ‎1.A 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.B VIII. Read and match.读句子,连线配对.‎ ‎ What do you do on Sundays?               It is Monday.  What day is it today?                       I often play football.  Who is your best friend?                     Yes, he is.  What do you have on Tuesdays?            Wang Dong.  Is he kind?        I have maths and science.‎ IX. 连词成句 1. What do you have on Saturdays?‎ 2. I often wash my clothes on Sundays.‎ 3. What day is it today?‎ 4. What do you do on Sundays?‎ 5. Do you often play football in this park?‎ X. Read and choose.根据短文内容选择.‎ ‎1.C 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.C 附听力原文:‎ I.1.tea 2.feed 3.read 4. Sunday  5.funny II.1.My English teacher is Miss Young.‎ ‎2.I often do my homework in the evening.‎ ‎3.My Chinese teacher is an old man.‎ ‎4.I often play football with Tom.‎ ‎5.I often wash my clothes.‎ III.1. Today is Thursday.‎ 1. I like Wednesdays.‎ 2. We have maths, English and music on Fridays.‎ 3. Our music teacher is young.‎ 4. I like Mondays, because I like P.E class.‎ IV.1.What do you often do on the weekend?‎ 1. Is she helpful?‎ 2. What day is it today?‎ 3. What do you have on Wednesdays?‎ 4. What do you often do in the evening?‎ PEP五年级上册Recycle 2检测试题 听力部分(40%)‎ 一、听录音,选出所听到的单词。(10%)21cnjy ‎( )1. A.food B.foot2 1 C.book ‎( )2. A. sing B. dance C. swimnjy ‎( )3. A.hot B. freshcnjycC. delicious【来源:21cnj*y.co*m】‎ ‎( )4. A. read B.playC.washnjy ‎( )5.A.village B. forest C.river 二、听录音,给下列图片排序。 (10%)‎ ‎()()()‎ ‎( ) ( )‎ 三、听音,选择最佳答语。(10%)‎ ‎1. _______ 2._______ 3. ______ 4.________ 5.__________1cnjy A. I like fish and beef.‎ B. We have PE on Fridays.‎ C. No, I don’t.‎ D. I’d like some tea.‎ E. I can watch TV.‎ 四、 听录音, 判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。(10%)‎ ‎( )1. Amy is a student.‎ ‎( )2. Amy likes chicken.‎ ‎( )3. Amy can play the pipa.‎ ‎( )4.Amy’s mother can sing English songs.‎ Writing Part (笔试部分,60%)‎ 五、Read and find. 找出每组单词中与其它三个不属于同一类别的单词。(10%)‎ ‎( ) 1. A. old B. between C.behindD. in front of ‎( ) 2. A. village B. building C.houseD. cook ‎( ) 3. A. kind        B. strict        C. Sunday D. polite ‎( ) 4. A. sweet B. hot C. fresh D. shy ‎( ) 5. A. watch TV B. ice creamC. do homework D. wash clothes 六、选择正确答案写在括号内。(10%)21cnjy21cnjy ‎( ) 1.______ can you do?.‎ A. What’s B. what C. how ‎( ) 2.We’ll have______English party next Tuesday.‎ A. an B. a C. the ‎( ) 3.I can do______kung fu.‎ A. some B. any C. a ‎ ‎( ) 4.There_______so many plants.‎ A. is B. are C. have ‎ ( )5. I can play_____pipa.‎ A. the B. a C. /y for day about like on 七、选词填空。(10%)‎ ‎1. What would you_______to eat?‎ ‎2. How______you?‎ ‎3. Here is a schedule______you.‎ ‎4. What do you have______Tuesdays?‎ ‎5. Eat apples every ______.‎ 八、把序号填入题前括号内。(10%)‎ ‎( )1. What’s he like? A. Yes, I do.‎ ‎ ( ) 2. Is there a bridge ? B. He is tall and thin ‎ ( ) 3. Is it Friday? C. Yes, it is.‎ ‎ ( ) 4.Do you watch TV D. noodles.‎ ‎ ( )5. What’s your favorite food? E. No, there isn’t 九、连词成词(10%)21cnjycnjy ‎1. you, do, what, on, do, Mondays.‎ ‎__________________________________ ?‎ ‎2.chicken, my, favourite, is, food.‎ ‎_____________________________________ .‎ ‎3.bed, a, there, in, room, my, is. ‎ ‎_________________________________________ .‎ ‎4.for, party, what, the, you, do, can.‎ ‎________________________________________ ?‎ ‎5.what, like, she, is.‎ ‎________________________________________ ?‎ 十.阅读理解。根据短文内容判断句子正误。(正确写T,错误写F)(10%)‎ ‎ There is a park near our school. We can see many trees and flowers there. Some flowers are red, and some are yellow. We can see a hill in the park,too. At the foot of the hill we can see a river. There are some boats on it. Children like to go there. It’s Sunday today. There are many Yong Pioneers (少先队员)in the park. Some are singing, and some are flying kites. They are very happy.‎ ‎ ( )1. There is a hill near the school.‎ ‎( )2. We can see trees, flowers and a hill in the park.‎ ‎ ( )3. There are many boats on the river.‎ ‎( )4.Some flowers are red, and some are yellow.‎ ‎ ( ) 5. Many Yong Pioneers are dancing.‎ PEP五年级上册Recycle 2检测试题答案 听力部分(40%)‎ 一、听录音,选出所听到的单词。(10%)2c ‎1.Myfavourite food is hamburger.‎ ‎2. I can sing English songs.‎ ‎3.The fish is delicious.‎ ‎4.Amy can play the pipa.‎ ‎5.There is a village near the house.‎ 参考答案:1.A 2.A 3.C 4.C 5.A 二、听录音,给下列图片排序。 (10%)‎ ‎1.There are many ducks on the lake.‎ ‎2.I like sandwiches.‎ ‎3.I often read books on the weekend.‎ ‎4.There is a bridge in the park.‎ ‎5.He can sing English songs.‎ 参考答案:5 3 2 4 1‎ 三、听音,选择最佳答语。(10%)‎ ‎1.What would you like to drink?‎ ‎2. What’s your favourite food?‎ ‎3.What can you do on the weekend?‎ ‎4.Do you wash your clothes on the weekend?‎ ‎5.What do you have on Fridays?‎ 参考答案:1.D 2. A 3.E 4.C 5.B 四、 听录音, 判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。(10%)‎ Hello, I am Amy. Iam a student. I like fish veryy much. I can play the pipa. My mother can draw cartoons very well. There is a photo of my mother in my bedroom.‎ 参考答案:1.T 2.F 3.T 4.F 5.T Writing Part (笔试部分,60%)‎ 五、Read and find. 找出每组单词中与其它三个不属于同一类别的单词。‎ ‎1.A 2.D 3.C 4.D 5.B 解析:1.old为形容词,其它皆为方位介词故选A。‎ ‎ 2.cook为动词,其它皆为名词,故选D。‎ ‎ 3.Sunday周日,为名词,其它皆为形容词,故选择C。‎ ‎ 4.sweet,hot,fresh都是可以形容食物,物品等的形容词,shy害羞的,是形容人的形容词。‎ ‎ 5.ice-cream为名词,其它皆为动词。‎ 六、选择正确答案写在括号内。 ‎ ‎1.B 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.A 解析:1. What can you do? 你能做什么?句子中有情态动词和实意动词,故不能选择What’s 含有系动词is的选项,do为及物动词缺少宾语,故也不能选how。‎ ‎ 2.English单词的第一个因素为元音音素, 前面的不定代词要选an。‎ ‎ 3.some 表示一些用于肯定句中,any表示一些,一般用于否定句或疑问句中。‎ ‎ 4.There be句型中,系动词be的单复数要遵循就近原则,so many plants 为复数,所以选择 are。‎ ‎5. 弹奏乐器,乐器前面一般加the。‎ 七、选词填空。(解析略)‎ ‎1.like 2.about 3.for 4.on 5.day 八、把序号填入题前括号内。(解析略)‎ ‎1.B 2.E 3.C 4.A 5.D 九、连词成词。(解析略)‎ ‎1.We have English on Mondays.‎ ‎2. My favourite food is chicken.‎ ‎3.There is a bed in my room.‎ ‎4.What can you do for the party?‎ ‎5. What is she like ?‎ 十、阅读理解。根据短文内容判断句子正误。(正确写T,错误写F)(解析略)‎ ‎1.F 2.T 3.T 4.T 5.F PEP小学英语五年级上册第三单元检测题 ‎ 班级_________ 姓名________ 分数_______‎ 听力部分 一、选出你所听到的单词。‎ ‎( ) 1.A.tomato B. thin C. tomorrow ‎( )2.A. young B. yourC. you ‎( ) 3.A. appleB. beef C. bag ‎( ) 4.A. strict B. smallC. strong ‎( ) 5.A. myB. MrC. Miss ‎( ) 6.A. Sunday B. Saturday C. thirsty ‎( ) 7.A. fruitB. freshC. for ‎( ) 8.A. sweetB. swim C. smart ‎( ) 9.A.hamburger B. hotC. healthy ‎( ) 10.A.Tuesday B. Thursday C. tasty 二、根据你所听到的句子选择合适的答语。‎ ‎( ) 1.A. My favourite food is noodles. B. We have PE and maths. ‎ ‎( ) 2.A. I’d like fish. B. I have eggs. ‎ ‎( ) 3.A. Apples. They’re sweet. B. Fish. It’s tasty.‎ ‎( ) 4. A. It’s sunny. B. It’s Sunday. ‎ ‎( ) 5. A. I often do my homework. B.I have tomatoes. ‎ 三、 听录音,补全对话。‎ Chen: What’s your _________ food? ‎ Sarah: ______________.‎ Chen: Me, too. It’s __________.‎ Sarah: I like __________ __________. ‎ 笔试部分 四、读一读,判断划线部分发音是否相同,相同写“T”不同写“F”。‎ ‎( )1. A. cowB. flower C. wow ‎( )2. A. happy B. babyC. shy ‎( )3. A. slow B. snowC. down ‎( )4. A. window B. yellow C. snow ‎( )5. A. down B. wow C. slow 五、选出下列各题的正确答案。‎ ‎( )1. I don’t like grapes. _____sour.‎ ‎ A. they are B. It’s C. They’re ‎( ) 2. Bananas _____ my favorite fruit.‎ ‎ A. is B. are C. like ‎( ) 3. I’m hungry. _____ go to a restaurant. ‎ ‎ A. Let B. Let’s C. Lets ‎( ) 4. Carrots and potatoes are_____.‎ ‎ A. meat B. vegetables C. fruit ‎( ) 5. Oops! These noodles are ______hot.‎ ‎ A. to B. two C. too ‎( ) 6. It’s 6:30 p.m.. Let’s have_____.‎ ‎ A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner ‎( ) 7. What’s _____ favourite food?‎ ‎ A. your B. you C. I ‎( ) 8. I’d like rice and mutton _____lunch today.‎ ‎ A. for B. at C. on ‎( ) 9. Carrot juice is healthy _____ me! ‎ ‎ A. with B. for C. at ‎( ) 10. –I’m hungry, mom.‎ ‎ -Oh! She is hungry, _____ .‎ ‎ A. to B. two C. too 六、 用所给单词的适当形式填空。   ‎ ‎1. Watermelon is _____ (I) favorite fruit.‎ ‎2. I don’t like _____ (orange). They’re sour(酸).‎ ‎3. We have some _____ (sandwich) and bread for lunch on Tuesdays.‎ ‎4. The hamburger ______ (be) nice. It’s my favorite food.‎ ‎5. Oops! The noodles are too _____ (health).‎ 七、 连词成句,注意标点符号以及首字母大写。‎ 1. your, what’s , favourite , food (?)‎ ‎___________________________‎ 2. what , to , you , would , like , eat (?)‎ ‎ __________________________    ‎ ‎3. sandwich, the, delicious , is (.)‎ ‎__________________________‎ 4. too, don’t, eat , much (!)‎ ‎___________________________‎ ‎5. noodles, I’d , some, like (.)‎ ‎___________________________‎ 八、为下列句子找出正确的答语。‎ ‎(  )1. What do you have for breakfast?   A. My favorite food is fish. ‎ ‎(  )2. What would you like to eat?          B. No, we just have rice. ‎ ‎(  )3. What’s your favorite food?    C. I have an egg for breakfast. ‎ ‎(  )4. Do you have any noodles?         D. I’d like some fish and noodles.  ‎ ‎(  )5. Very sweet, yum! E. Don’t eat too much!‎ 九、阅读短文,判断正“T”误“F”。‎ Many people like apples, because (因为) apples are tasty and healthy. They’re very good fruits. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Vegetables, such as cabbage, eggplant are healthy for us, too. But many kids don’t like vegetables. They like meat. They eat pork, beef and mutton so much. Meat is helpful, but too much meat is bad for our health. So remember, always eat more(更多的) fruits, more vegetables but less meat. ‎ ‎( ) 1.Apples are good for our health.‎ ‎( ) 2.Many kids eat cabbage too much.‎ ‎( ) 3.Meat is bad for our health. Don’t eat any meat.‎ ‎( ) 4.More fruits, more vegetables are good for us.‎ ‎( ) 5.Many kids like meat much more than vegetables.‎ 英语角(附加题):你能用本单元所学内容描述一下自己的饮食习惯吗?‎ 提示: 1、描述一下自己的饮食习惯。‎ ‎ 2、介绍一下食物的特点。‎ ‎ 3、至少5句话。‎ PEP小学英语五年级上册第三单元检测题答案及评分标准 ‎ 听力部分(共30分)‎ 一、1.A 2.A 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.B(每题1分)‎ 二、1.A 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.A(每题2分)‎ 三、favourite Salad healthy ice cream (每空2分)‎ 听力原文 一、1.tomato 2.young 3.beef 4.strict 5.Mr 6.thirsty 7.fresh 8.sweet 9. healthy 10. Thursday 二、1. What’s your favourite food?‎ ‎2. What would you like to eat?‎ ‎3. What’s your favourite fruit?‎ ‎4. What day is it today?‎ ‎5. What do you do on Sundays?‎ 三、Chen: What’s your favourite food? ‎ Sarah: Salad.‎ Chen: Me, too. It’s healthy.‎ Sarah: I like ice cream.‎ ‎ 笔试部分(共70分)‎ 四、1.T 解析:考察ow字母组合发音。‎ ‎2.F ‎ 解析:考察字母y在单词中的发音。‎ ‎3.F 解析:考察ow字母组合发音。‎ ‎4.T 解析:考察ow字母组合发音。‎ ‎5.F 解析:考察ow字母组合发音。‎ ‎(每题2分)‎ 五、1.C ‎ 解析:考察指代一致性。‎ ‎2.B ‎ 解析:考察主谓一致性。‎ ‎3.B ‎ 解析:祈使句考察。‎ ‎4.B ‎ 解析:考查主谓一致。‎ ‎5.C 6.C 7.A 8.A 9.B 10.C (每题2分)‎ 六、1.my 2.oranges 3.sandwiches 4.is 5.healthy (每空2分)‎ 七、1. What’s your favourite food ?‎ ‎2. What would you like to eat?‎ ‎3. The sandwich is delicious.‎ ‎4. Don’t eat too much.‎ ‎5. I’d like some noodles.‎ ‎(每题2分)‎ 八、1.C ‎ 解析:核心句型搭配考查。‎ ‎2.D 3.A 4.B 5.E 解析:交际用语。(每题2分)‎ 九、1.T 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.T (每题2分)‎ 英语角例文:(附加题)‎ I like many kinds of food. My favourite food is salad. It is healthy for me. I also like noodles, because it’s delicious. Lastly, apples are my favourite fruit. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.‎ 五年级(上)Recycle 1‎ 听力部分 ⅠListen and choose. (听录音,选出你听到的单词。)‎ ‎()1. A. traffic B. giraffe C. trip ‎()2. A. bookstore B. hospital C. bus stop ‎()3. A. sister B. cinema C. six ‎()4. A. science B. must C. mouth ‎()5. A. subway B.sharpener C. ship Ⅱ Listen and choose. (听录音,选出你听到的句子。)‎ ‎()1. A. I go to school on foot. B. I go to the zoo on foot.‎ ‎()2. A. Where are you going? B. What are you going to do ?‎ ‎()3. A. Look at the traffic lights. B. Go at a green light.‎ ‎()4. A. Slow down and stop at a yellow light.‎ ‎ B. Stop and wait at a red light.‎ ‎()5. A. How can I get to the bookstore?‎ ‎ B. How can you go to the bookstore?‎ Ⅲ Listen and number. (听录音,标序号。)‎ ‎()1. Is it far?‎ ‎()2. So I`m going by train.‎ ‎()3. What are you going to do on the weekend?‎ ‎()4. Yes, it is.‎ ‎()5. I`m going to visit my grandparents.‎ 笔试部分 Ⅳ选出下列各组中不同类的单词。‎ ‎ ( ) 1. A. Monday B. Friday C. Sunday D. day ‎( ) 2. A. Miss B. music C. Mr D. Mrs ‎( ) 3. A. fat B. tall C. big D. bag ‎( ) 4. A. mutton    B. strong   C. tofu D. fish ‎ ‎( ) 5. A. smart B. strict C. short D. sugar Ⅴ选出下列划线部分读音不同的单词。‎ ‎( ) 1. A. beef B. tea C. meet D. break ‎( ) 2. A. brown B. yellow C. window D. snow ‎( ) 3. A. crow B. crop C. cream D. clean ‎( ) 4. A. black B. blow C. brow D. block ‎( ) 5. A. coat B. goat C. road D. mouth Ⅵ填入所缺字母,完成单词 ‎①高的 t _ ll   ②滑稽可笑的 f _ nny ③亲切的 k nd  ‎ ‎④年老的o _ d ⑤矮的   sh _ _ t      ⑥豆腐  t _ f_ ‎ ‎⑦鱼f i _ _   ⑧星期二 T _ e. ⑨ 聪明的 sm _ _ t   ‎ Ⅶ选择填空。‎ ‎(   ) 1. I don't like grapes. They are ____.     ‎ A .sweet    B. sour    C. healthy ‎ ‎(   ) 2. ---What would you like for lunch?   ‎ ‎  -- I'd like some ______.‎ ‎    A. green beans      B. green bean     C. bean ‎ ‎(    ) 3. What ______you?     ‎ A. are       B. about       C. do ‎ ‎(   ) 4. What do you ______ on Saturdays?     ‎ A. is      B. does      C. do ‎(   ) 5. --- What do we have on Mondays? ‎ ‎--- We have _______. ‎ A. Friday     B. science     C. fruit ‎(   ) 6. Do you have a new teacher? ‎ A. Yes, I am.     B. No, I don't.     C. No, I do. ‎ ‎(   ) 7. --- _______your math teacher?‎ ‎--- Mr Zhao. ‎ A. What's     B. Who's     C. Where's ‎ ‎(   ) 8. --- What's he like?     ‎ ‎--- He's _______.   ‎ A. funny       B. fun     C. principal ‎ ‎(   ) 9. --- Is she quiet?‎ ‎--- _______     ‎ A. Yes, she isn't.    B. No, she is.     C. No, she isn't.‎ ‎(   ) 10. What ______is it today?    ‎ A. day     B. today     C. date A. I like apples.‎ ‎ B. I have English and music. ‎ C. She is young and pretty. ‎ D. Saturday. ‎ E. I’d like some beef.‎ Ⅷ选择正确答案,把字母序号写在括号里。‎ ‎(   ) 1. What would you like for lunch?       ‎ ‎(   ) 2. What do you have on Thursdays?       ‎ ‎(   ) 3. What’s your favourite fruit?       ‎ ‎(   ) 4. What’s your English teacher like?  ‎ ‎(   ) 5. What day is it tomorrow?            ‎ 听力原材料 ⅠListen and choose. (听录音,选出你听到的单词。)‎ 1. trip 2. bookstore 3. cinema 4. mouth 5. subway Ⅱ Listen and choose. (听录音,选出你听到的句子。)‎ 1. I go to school on foot.‎ 2. What are you going to do?‎ 3. Go at a green light.‎ 4. Stop and wait at a red light.‎ 5. How can I get to the bookstore?‎ Ⅲ Listen and number. (听录音,标序号。)‎ 1. What are you going to do on the weekend?‎ 2. I`m going to visit my grandparents.‎ 3. Is it far?‎ 4. Yes, it is.‎ 5. So I`m going by train.‎ 答案 ⅠListen and choose. (听录音,选出你听到的单词。)‎ 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. A Ⅱ Listen and choose. (听录音,选出你听到的句子。)‎ 1. A 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. A Ⅲ Listen and number. (听录音,标序号。)‎ ‎3, 5, 1, 4, 2 ‎ Ⅳ选出下列各组中不同类的单词。‎ 1. D 解析:day 为某一天 2. B ‎ 解析:music 为音乐,不是称谓 3. D 解析:bag为书包,不是形容词 4. B ‎ 解析:sugar为糖,不是形容词 5. D 解析:sugar是糖,属名词,不同前面形容词。‎ ‎( ) 5. A. coat B. goat C. road D. mouth Ⅴ选出下列划线部分读音不同的单词。‎ 1. D ‎ 解析:ea发[eɪ],其他都发[iː]‎ ‎2. A ‎ 解析:[aʊ],其他都发[əʊ]‎ ‎3. D ‎ 解析:[kl],其他都发[kr]‎ ‎4. C ‎ 解析:[br],其他都发[bl]‎ ‎5. D 解析: [aʊ],其他都发[əʊ]‎ Ⅵ填入所缺字母,完成单词 1. a, 2. u, 3. i, 4. l, 5. or, 6. o-u, 7. sh, 8. u, 9. ar Ⅶ选择填空。‎ 1. B ‎ 解析:sour 酸的 2. A ‎ 解析:green bean是可数名词 3. B ‎ 4. C ‎ 5. B ‎ 解析:What do you have … ? 有什么课?‎ 6. B ‎ 7. B ‎ 8. A ‎ 9. C ‎ 10. A 解析: What day … ? 今天是周几?选用 day Ⅷ选择正确答案,把字母序号写在括号里。‎ 1. E 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. D PEP小学英语五年级上册第4单元检测题 听力部分 Ⅰ.听录音,选出你听到的单词或短语,将序号填在括号里。‎ ‎( ) 1. A. dance B. speak C. wash ‎ ( ) 2. A. draw B. sing C. cartoon ‎( ) 3. A. swim B. play C. help ‎( ) 4. A. play the pipa B. play ping-pong C. play basketball ‎( ) 5. A. clean the bedroom B. do kung fu C. cook the food Ⅱ.听录音,选出你所听到的句子。‎ ‎( ) 1. A. I can draw cartoons.‎ ‎ B. I can’t draw cartoons.‎ ‎ C. I can’t draw pictures.‎ ‎( ) 2. A. I can swim and dance.‎ ‎ B. I can sing and dance.‎ ‎ C. I can’t sing and dance.‎ ‎( ) 3. A. We’ll have English tomorrow.‎ ‎ B. We can go tomorrow.‎ ‎ C. We’ll have a party tomorrow.‎ ‎( ) 4. A. Can you do any kung fu?‎ ‎ B. I can do some kung fu.‎ ‎ C. Who can do kung fu?‎ ‎( ) 5. A. What do you do?‎ ‎ B. What can you do?‎ ‎ C. How do you do?‎ Ⅲ. Listen and fill in the blanks. 听音填空。‎ ‎1. I _________play _________.‎ ‎2. ---What can you do?‎ ‎ ---I can _________ _________.‎ ‎3. ---Can you _________ __________?‎ ‎ ---Yes, I can.‎ ‎4. Mike and I can ______________ together.‎ ‎5. I can ____________ and _________, but I can’t___________.‎ Ⅳ. Listen and tick. 听录音,找出每个人能做到的事,打√。‎ Lily Jack Annie Jimmy Mike 笔试部分 Ⅴ.Read and tick or cross.判断单词划线部分的发音是否相同,用“√”或“×”表示。‎ ‎ ( )1.cool cook ‎ ‎( )2. noodles football ‎( )3.look book ‎( )4.zoo too ‎( )5.old often Ⅵ. 单项选择题。‎ ‎(  ) 1. What __________the monkey do? ‎ ‎    A. cans B. can  C. do  ‎ ‎(  ) 2. I can _____________the clothes.  ‎ A.wash  B. washing  C.  ‎ ‎() 3. ----What can you do _______the party? ‎ ‎ ----I can draw pictures.‎ A. for B. in C. at ‎ ‎(  ) 4. ---Can you play the pipa? ‎ ‎---___________________. ‎ ‎   A. No, I can.  B. Yes, I can’t.    C. No, I can’t   ‎ ‎(  ) 5. We’ll have an English party _______next Tuesday. ‎ A. / B. at   C. in ‎ ‎(  ) 6. I can ____________a computer well.  ‎ A. uses  B. use  C. to use  ‎ ‎(  ) 7. ---Can you dance?‎ ‎ ---Yes, I can. I can dance ______you. ‎ A. be  B. with  C. for ‎ ‎(  ) 8. I can’t play _________ basketball. ‎ ‎ A. a B. the C. /‎ ‎( )9. Can you do ____________kung  fu,Oliver ?  ‎ ‎ A. any B. some C. a  ‎ ‎(  ) 10. --- Can you play _______piano? ‎ ‎---Yes, I can.‎ ‎ A. / B. the C. a Ⅶ.看图补全句子。‎ 1. The children can __________ ________ __________. ‎ 2. Ican ________ __________ for the English party.‎ 3. ‎---What can they do?‎ ‎--- They can _______ ___________.‎ 4. ‎---Can she ________ ________ __________?‎ ‎---Yes, she can.‎ 5. ‎---Can they____________?‎ ‎---Yes, they can .‎ Ⅷ.连词成句。‎ 1. dance Who can (?)‎ 2. a Do want new you friend (?)‎ 3. have party We’ll English an Tuesday next (.)‎ 1. the can I play pipa (.)‎ 2. can’t He ping-pong play (.)‎ Ⅸ.read and fill in the blanks. 根据上下文意思,将对话补充完整。‎ A. What can you do for the party?‎ B. But I can play the piano.‎ C. Really? Great!‎ D. That’s a good idea.‎ E. Can you dance for me?‎ John: We’ll have a Christmas party, Mike!‎ Mike: __________________________‎ John: _________________________‎ Mike: I can sing an English song.‎ John: Sounds great!‎ Mike: _____________‎ John: Sorry, I can’t.____________‎ ‎ You sing the song and I play the piano for you, OK?‎ ‎ Mike: __________________________‎ Ⅹ. 读一读,根据句意和首字母填空。‎ ‎1. ---What can you do?‎ ‎ --- I can draw c_________.‎ ‎2. --- Can you play b__________?‎ ‎ --- Yes, I can.‎ ‎3. ---Who can s________ English?‎ ‎ ---Miss White.‎ ‎4. I’m helpful at home, I can c__________ dinner.‎ ‎5. ---Can you sing English s____________?‎ ‎---No, I can’t.‎ Ⅺ.阅读短文,选择正确的内容。‎ ‎ I’m John, I have a happy family. My dad can play basketball and do some kung fu. My mum can cook good food. My sister can dance , draw cartoons and play the violin(小提琴). I can swim and play ping-pong. We all can speak English and Chinese.‎ ‎( ) 1.My _______ can play basketball and do some kung fu.‎ A. dad B. mum C. sister ‎( ) 2.My mum can _______________.‎ A. dance B. draw cartoons C. ping-pong ‎() 3. My sister can play_________.‎ A. the piano B. the violin C. ping-pong ‎( ) 4. We all can _____________.‎ A. Speak English ‎ B. Speak Chinese C. Speak English and Chinese ‎ ‎( ) 5. John can ____________.‎ A. speak English and Chinese ‎ B. play basketball C. draw cartoons.‎ 英语角(附加题):描述自己的特点和能力,会做什么,不会做什么,不少于五句话。‎ PEP小学英语五年级上册第4单元检测题 听力部分原文:‎ Ⅰ.听录音,选出你听到的单词或短语,将序号填在括号里。(共5分,每题1分)‎ ‎1.dance 2.cartoon 3. play 4.play the pipa 5. cook the food Ⅱ.听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(共5分)‎ 1. I can draw cartoons.‎ 2. I can’t sing and dance.‎ 3. We’ll have a party tomorrow.‎ 4. A. Can you do any kung fu?‎ 5. What can you do?‎ Ⅲ. Listen and fill in the blanks. 听音填空。(共10分)‎ ‎1. I can play ping-pong.‎ ‎2. ---What can you do?‎ ‎ ---I can do kung fu.‎ ‎3. ---Can you play football?‎ ‎ ---Yes, I can.‎ ‎4. Mike and I can swim together.‎ ‎5. I can sing and dance, but I can’t cook.‎ Ⅳ.Listen and tick. 听录音,找出每个人能做到的事,打√。(共10分,每空2分)‎ Lily is a pretty girl, shecan dance very well. Mike can sing English songs very well.Jack and zhangpeng are good friends, they can do some kung fu on Sunday. Annie can draw cartoons , she likes to draw animals. Jimmy is our music teacher, he can play the piano .‎ 听力部分答案:‎ Ⅰ.听录音,选出你听到的单词或短语,将序号填在括号里。(共5分,每题1分)‎ ‎1.dance 2.cartoon 3. play 4.play the pipa 5. cook the food Ⅱ.听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(共5分,每题1分)‎ ‎1. I can draw cartoons.‎ ‎2. I can’t sing and dance.‎ ‎3. We’ll have a party tomorrow.‎ ‎4. A. Can you do any kung fu?‎ ‎5. What can you do?‎ Ⅲ. Listen and fill in the blanks. 听音填空。(共10分,每题2分)‎ 1. can ping-pong 2. do kung fu 3. play football 4. swim ‎ 5. sing dance cook Ⅳ.Listen and tick.听录音,找出每个人能做到的事,打√。(共10分,每空2分)‎ Lily ‎√‎ Jack ‎√‎ Annie ‎√‎ Jimmy ‎√‎ Mike ‎√‎ 笔试部分:‎ Ⅴ. Read and tick or cross,判断单词划线部分的发音是否相同,用“√”或“×”表示。(共10分,每题2分)‎ ‎1.×cool 长音/u:/ cook 短音/u/‎ ‎2.× noodles /u:/ football短音/u/‎ ‎3.√‎ ‎4.√‎ ‎5.× old/ou/ often /o/‎ Ⅵ.单项选择题。(共10分,每题1分)‎ ‎1-5 B A A C A ‎ ‎6-7 B B C A B 解析:1.固定句型 2.can 后用动词原形 3.参照课文原句 4.略 ‎ ‎5.参照课文原句 6. can 后用动词原形 7.with 和… 8.play basketball 中间不加the 9.否定句中 some变any 10.Play the piano 乐器中间加the Ⅶ.看图补全句子。(共10分,每题2分)‎ 1. sing Englishsongs.‎ 2. draw cartoons 3. play ping-pong 4. play the pipa 5. swim 解析:根据图片填写固定短语 Ⅷ.连词成句。(共10分,每题2分)‎ 1. Who can dance?‎ 2. Do you want a new friend?‎ 3. We’ll have an English party next Tuesday.‎ 4. I can play the pipa.‎ 5. He can’t play ping-pong.‎ Ⅸ. read and fill in the blanks. 根据上下文意思,将对话补充完整。(共10分,每题2分)‎ C A E B D Ⅹ.读一读,根据句意和首字母填空。(共10分,每题2分)‎ 1. cartoons 2. basketball 3. sing 4. cook 5. songs Ⅺ.阅读短文,选择正确的内容。(共10分,每题2分)‎ ‎1.A 解析:My dad can play basketball and do some kung fu.‎ ‎2.C 解析:My mum can cook good food.‎ ‎3. B 解析:My sister can dance , draw cartoons and play the violin(小提琴).‎ ‎4.C解析:We all can speak English and Chinese.‎ ‎5. A解析:I can swim and play ping-pong.‎ 附加题:‎ I can speak English and Chinese. I can sing English songs. I can dance. I can swim. I can cook. I can play ping-pong.‎ I can’t do any kung fu. I can’t play pipa.‎ PEP小学英语五年级上册第五单元检测题 班级_________ 姓名________ 分数_______‎ 听力部分 一、听录音,选单词(每题1分,共10分)‎ ‎ ( )1.A.long B.live C.light ‎( )2.A.Tuesday B.Friday C.Monday ‎ ‎( )3.A.bedroom B.bathroom C.living room ‎ ‎ ( )4.A. bike B.photo C.nature ‎ ( )5.A .water B.water bottle C.plant ‎ ( )6.A.bedroom B.bed C.clock ‎ ( )7.A.bed B.that C.bike ‎ ( )8.A.house B.kitchen C.phone ‎ ( )9.A.behind B.front C.beside ‎ ( )10.A.park B.move C.mouse ‎ 二、听录音,标序号。(每题1分,共5分)‎ ‎( ) —Where is the ball?‎ ‎—It’s near the bed.‎ ‎( ) There is a photo on the wall.‎ ‎( ) —Look! There are many flowers in front of the house.‎ ‎—How beautiful!‎ ‎( ) My grandparents live near the nature park.‎ ‎( ) There is a bike behind the tree.‎ 三、听录音,写句子。(每题1分,共5分)‎ ‎( )1. A.This is my bedroom. B.This is my living room.‎ ‎( )2. A.There are some storybooks on the desk.‎ ‎ B.There are some storybooks on the table.‎ ‎( )3. A.I have two beds.‎ ‎ B.I have two bedrooms.‎ ‎( )4. A.There is a dog on the bed. B.There is a bear on the bed.‎ ‎( )5. A.There are lots of plants in the garden.‎ ‎ B.There are lots of flowers in the garden.‎ 四、听问句,选答语。(每题2分,共10分)‎ ‎( )1.A.Thank you. B.Yes,it is.‎ ‎( )2.A. A bed,two plants and a bike.‎ B.An English class.‎ ‎( )3.A.There is a table in my bedroom.‎ B.It’s on the table.‎ ‎( )4.A.It’s sunny. B.It’s Monday.‎ ‎( )5.A.Yes. B.Great!‎ 笔试部分 一.选择填空。(20分)‎ ‎( )1.There ________ a desk in the picture.‎ A.in B.are C.is ‎( )2.There ______ many books in my bag.‎ A.are B,is C.of ‎( )3.Betty is in front ________ the window.‎ A.eleven B.seven C.of ‎ ‎( )4.How many days are there in a week(周)?There are___________.‎ A.eleven B.seven C.six ‎( )5.There are three green ________ in the classroom.‎ A.bag B.boy C.balls ‎( )6.I have a new bed . It ’s ________ ?‎ A. dirty B.big C.short ‎ ‎( )7.There are _____ of flowers in it ‎ A.a B.lot C. lots ‎( )8.-- _______ are the picture? --- They’re on the wall.‎ A.What B.Which C.Where ‎( )9.There _______ some orange juice in the glass(杯子).‎ A.is B.are C.isn’t ‎( )10.There is ________ phone near the bed.‎ A.some B.a C.an 二、连词成句(10分)‎ ‎1.are , two , desks , there , in , my , room (.)‎ ‎___________________________________________‎ ‎2.is , behind , cat , the , the , door (.)‎ ‎___________________________________________‎ ‎3.is , picture , where , the (?)‎ ‎___________________________________________‎ ‎4. is , in , there , of , a , chair ,the , front , desk (.)‎ ‎___________________________________________‎ ‎5. , look, at , picture ,my ( .)‎ ‎____________________________________________‎ 三.从方框中选择适当的单词或词组填空.(10分)‎ ‎ on ‎ in front of ‎ behind ‎ third ‎ in ‎ ‎1.The cat is ________ the door.‎ ‎2.Our classroom is on the _______ floor.‎ ‎3.The picture of my family is ______ the bedroom.‎ ‎4.There are four windows ________ the wall.‎ ‎5.I’m tall. Ann is short. She’s standing (站立) ________ me.‎ 四.请选择there is 或there are 填空.(10分)‎ ‎1._________ a board ,two pictures and many desks in our classroom .‎ ‎2._________ three pandas and a tiger in the zoo.‎ ‎3.__________ a ruler ,a pen and four pencils in the pencil-case.‎ ‎4._________ an apple , an orange and five bananas in my bag.‎ ‎5.___________ two end tables ,a lamp and a table in your room.‎ 五.阅读理解。(20分)‎ ‎(1) 根据所给的汉语提示,填空 This is my house . There is a ___________(植物),a ___________(照片) and two ____________ (椅子)in it . My ________(水瓶) is on the desk .The cat is ________(在、、、后面)door .‎ ‎(2)根据短文内容,判断正误.(TF)‎ ‎( )1.There is a植物 and two 桌子 in my house .‎ ‎( )2.The水瓶 is in front of the desk .‎ ‎( )3.There is a bed , a desk and a chair in the house.‎ ‎( )4. There is a植物,a 照片 and two 椅子in it .‎ ‎( )5. The cat is (在、、、后面)chairs .‎ 英语角(附加题):你能用本单元所学内容描述一下你自己的房间吗?‎ 提示: 1、描述一下房间的物品位置。‎ ‎ 2、至少5句话。‎ PEP小学英语五年级上册第五单元检测题答案及评分标准 听力部分(共40分)‎ 一、1.B 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.B 6.B 7.C 8.A 9.C 10.A(共10分,每题1分)‎ 二、4 1 2 5 3 (共5分,每题1分)‎ 三、A B B A A(共5分,每题1分)‎ 四、A A B A B(共10分,每题2分)‎ 听力原文 一、1.live 2.Monday 3.living room 4.photo 5.water bottle 6.bed 7.bike 8.house 9. beside 10. park 二、1. There is a photo on the wall.‎ ‎2. —Look! There are many flowers in front of the house!‎ ‎—How beautiful!‎ ‎3. My grandparents live near the nature park.‎ ‎4. —Where is the ball?‎ ‎—It’s near the bed.‎ ‎5. There is a bike behind the tree.‎ 三、1.This is my bedroom. 2. There are some storybooks on the table. 3.I have two bedrooms. 4.There is a dog on the bed. ‎ ‎5.There are lots of plants in the garden.‎ 四、1.Your room is really nice!‎ ‎2.What’s in your bedroom?‎ ‎3.Where is your water bottle?‎ ‎4.What’s the weather like today?‎ ‎5.Let’s go to the nature park.‎ 笔试部分(共70分)‎ 一、(共20分,每题1分)‎ ‎1.C 解析:a desk 用is。‎ ‎ 2.A 解析:many books为复数,需用are。‎ ‎ 3.C 解析:in front of 在…前面。‎ ‎ 4.B解析:一周有七天。‎ ‎ 5.C解析:three green balls为复数,故选balls。‎ ‎ 6.B 解析:我有一张新床。它很大。‎ ‎ 7.C解析:lots of 许多。‎ ‎ 8.C 解析:根据答语They are on the wall.选出疑问词where。‎ ‎ 9.A 解析:juice为不可数名词,故用is。‎ ‎ 10.B 解析:a phone 为单数,故用is。‎ 二、(共10分,每题2分)‎ ‎1. There are two desks in my room. 解析:我的房间里有两张桌子。‎ ‎2.The cat is behind the door.解析:小猫在门后。‎ ‎3.Where is the picture? 解析:图画在哪里?‎ ‎4.There is a desk in front of the chair. 解析:椅子前面有一张桌子。‎ ‎5.Look at my picture. 解析:看我的图画。‎ 三、(共10分,每题2分)‎ ‎1. behind 解析:在…后面。‎ ‎2.third 解析:第三层楼。‎ ‎3.in 解析:在卧室里。‎ ‎4. on 解析:墙上有4扇窗户。‎ ‎5.in front of 解析:在…前面。‎ 四、(共10分,每题2分)‎ ‎1.There is 解析:前面是单数,故用is.‎ ‎2.There are 解析:前面是三只熊猫,为复数,故用are。‎ ‎3.There is 解析:a ruler 用is。‎ ‎4.There is 解析:an apple 用 is。‎ ‎5.There are 解析:two end tables用are。‎ 五、(1)(共10分,每题2分)‎ ‎1.plant 植物,photo 照片,chairs 椅子, water bottle 水瓶, behind 在…后面 ‎(2)(共10分,每题2分)‎ ‎1. F 解析:应为两把椅子。‎ ‎2.F 解析:应为on the desk。‎ ‎3.F 解析:应为 two chairs。‎ ‎4.T ‎5.F 解析:应为在门后。‎ 英语角例文:(附加题)‎ I have a bedroom. It’s nice. There is a bike behind the bed. There are two plants on the desk. There is a photo on the wall. There is a water bottle beside the plants. I like my bedroom.‎ 五年级英语(上)第6单元诊断性自测题 Unit 6 In a nature park 听力部分 I . Listen and choose. (听录音,选择你所听到的单词)(10颗)‎ ‎(    ) 1. A. bridge        B. village            C. fridge   ‎ ‎(    ) 2. A. forest         B. park               C. lake   ‎ ‎(    ) 3. A. mouse        B. house             C. sound   ‎ ‎(    ) 4. A. wow          B. count             C. cow   ‎ ‎(    ) 5. A. down          B. about            C. around ‎(    ) 6. A. forest B. flower C. father ‎( ) 7. A. beside B. behind C. building ‎( ) 8.A. hill B. house C. how ‎( ) 9.A. river B. sister C. clever ‎ ( ) 10. A. lake B. like C. fridge II. Listen and number. (听录音,给下列句子排序)(10颗)‎ ‎( ) The bridge is over the river.‎ ‎ ( ) Let’s go to the forest.‎ ‎ ( ) There are some houses in the village.‎ ‎ ( ) There is a river in the forest.‎ ‎ ( ) There is a forest in the nature park.‎ III. Listen and choose. (听录音,为下列问句选择合适的答语) (10颗)‎ ‎( ) 1. A. Yes, there are many people. B. Yes, there are many animals.‎ ‎( ) 2. A. Yes, there are. B. There are many houses.‎ ‎( ) 3. A. No, there aren’t. B. No, there isn’t.‎ ‎( ) 4. A. Yes, there are. B. There are three.‎ ‎( ) 5. A. No, I don’t. B. Yes, I am.‎ IV. Listen and fill in the blanks. (听录音,补全对话) (10颗)‎ A: There is a nature park.‎ B: Is there a ______ in the nature park?‎ A: Yes, there is.‎ B: Are there any ______?‎ A: ______, there ______.‎ B: _____ you like this park?‎ A: Yes, I like it very much.‎ 笔试部分 V. Read and choose. (选出不同类的词) (10颗)‎ ‎ ( ) 1. A. flower B. tree C. water D. vegetable ‎ ( ) 2. A. lake B. river C. school D. forest ‎ ( ) 3. A. park B. zoo C. farm D. tree ‎ ( ) 4. A. house B. bridge C. cloud D. building ‎ ‎ ( ) 5. A. air B. hair C. eye D. ear VI. Read and choose. (读一读,选出正确答案) (10颗)‎ ‎  ( ) 1. There ______ a big bird in the sky.     ‎ A. am             B. is              C. are    ‎ ‎( ) 2. There are _________ ducks in the river. ‎ A. many          B. any             C. a     ‎ ‎( ) 3. Is there a __________ in the forest? ‎ A. rivers           B. lakes           C. river    ‎ ‎( ) 4. There _________ some small boats in the lake.     ‎ A. am             B. is              C. are    ‎ ‎( ) 5. There _____________ many people in the park. ‎ A. aren’t           B. not C. is ‎ ( ) 6. Are there ______ small houses in the village?‎ A. many B. any C. some ‎ ( ) 7. There are _________ oranges in the bag.‎ A. any B. a C. some ‎ ( ) 8. Is there a __________ in the nature park?‎ A. fridge B. lakes C. bridge ‎ ( ) 9. Are there any fish in the river?‎ A. No, there are. B. Yes, there is. C. Yes, there are.‎ ‎ ( ) 10. There is a park ______ my school.‎ A. far B. near C. on VII. Put the words in the right order. (连词成句)(10颗)‎ ‎1. is, there, in, a, river, forest, the (?)‎ ‎ ________________________________________________________________‎ ‎2. there, small, village, houses, are, many, in, the (.)‎ ‎ ________________________________________________________________‎ ‎3.there, are, yes (, .)‎ ‎ ________________________________________________________________‎ ‎4. there, tall, are, any, buildings (?)‎ ‎ ________________________________________________________________‎ ‎5. there, no, isn’t (, .)‎ ‎________________________________________________________________‎ VIII. Read and choose. (给下列问句选择合适的答语) (10颗)‎ ‎ ( ) 1. Do you like the park?‎ ‎ ( ) 2. Where is the forest?‎ ‎ ( ) 3. Is there a lake?‎ ‎ ( ) 4. How many tall buildings are there in the city?‎ ‎ ( ) 5. Are there any flowers in the park?‎ A. No, there isn’t.‎ B. Yes, I like it very much.‎ C. Yes, there are.‎ D. It’s behind the mountain.‎ E. There are three.‎ IX. Read and judge. (阅读短文,判断正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”) (10颗)‎ There is a village. It’s in the mountain. There are many small houses and a river. There is a bridge over the river. There are many fish in the river. There is a road(公路) beside the river. There are many flowers near the road. There are many trees and green grass. It’s a beautiful village. (      ) 1. There is a bridge over the river. (      ) 2. There are many big houses and a river. (      ) 3. There is only a fish in the river.  (      ) 4. The road is behind the river.  (      ) 5. It’s a beautiful village.‎ X. Think and write. (想一想,写一写)(10颗)‎ 你的家乡是什么样子的?那里有什么样的风景呢?现在动动脑筋想一想你的家乡的样子,然后把它描述下来吧!不少于5句话。‎ My hometown (我的家乡)‎ ‎________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________‎ ‎________________________________________________________________‎ 五年级英语(上)第6单元诊断性自测题参考答案 Unit6 In a nature park 听力部分 I. 1. C 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. C 8. A 9. A 10. A ‎ II. 4 1 3 5 2‎ III. 1. A 2. B 3. B 4. B 5. A ‎ IV. forest mountains No aren’t Do 笔试部分 V. 1. C 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. A ‎ VI. 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. A 6. B 7. C 8. C 9. C 10. B VII. 1. Is there a river in the forest?‎ ‎ 2. There are many small houses in the village.‎ ‎ 3. Yes, there are.‎ ‎ 4. Are there any tall buildings?‎ ‎ 5. No, there isn’t.‎ VIII. 1. B 2. D 3. A 4. E 5. C IX. 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. T X. 略 听力材料 I . Listen and choose. (听录音,选择你所听到的单词)(10颗)‎ ‎1.fridge 2.forest 3.house 4.count 5.around ‎ ‎6.flower 7.building 8. hill 9.river 10.lake II. Listen and number. (听录音,给下列句子排序)(10颗)‎ 1. Let’s go to the forest. ‎ 2. There is a forest in the nature park.‎ 3. There are some houses in the village.‎ 4. The bridge is over the river.‎ 5. There is a river in the forest.‎ III. Listen and choose. (听录音,为下列问句选择合适的答语) (10颗)‎ 1. Are there any people in the park?‎ 2. What’s in the village?‎ 3. Is there a river in the forest?‎ 4. How many tall buildings are there in the city?‎ 5. Do you like this park?‎ IV. Listen and fill in the blanks. (听录音,补全对话) (10颗)‎ A: There is a nature park.‎ B: Is there a forest in the nature park?‎ A: Yes, there is.‎ B: Are there any mountains?‎ A: No, there aren’t.‎ B: Do you like this park?‎ A: Yes, I like it very much.‎

