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一、单项填空(从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项)‎ ‎1.With natural resources becoming fewer and fewer, how to make use of _______ energy, such as sunlight and wind, has become our top priority.‎ A. active B. alternative C. affordable D. ancient ‎2.They had been childless for many years, so when a little girl was born in the family, the parents couldn’t help showing great _______ to her.‎ A. allocation B. affection C. appreciation D. admiration ‎3.To prevent price decrease _______ farmers’ income, the central government has decided to buy more crops to protect them.‎ A. alarming B. affecting C. analyzing D. annoying ‎4.The variety of food at the restaurant is limited, but every meal can serve at least two people and is under ¥10, so not only is it _______ but practical as well.‎ A. adaptable B. affordable C. allowable D. adjustable ‎5.In business negotiation, an _______ attitude may result in breaking the relationship with our partner while a too frank communication may bring a company into an unfavorable situation. ‎ A.accessible B. aggressive C. allergic D. alternative ‎6.I was completely frightened when I suddenly saw a dark figure leaning _______ the door in front of me.‎ A. against B along C across D. alongside ‎7.The 19th Party Congress was a milestone, much more important even than normal congresses in that it set the _______ not just for five or ten years, but for more than thirty years to mid-century.‎ A. agenda B. alarm C. appointment D. appetite ‎8.Failure hurts grown-ups and children _______, but it can make a positive contribution to your life once you learn to use it. ‎ A. actively     B. alone C. alike D. afterwards ‎9.There is nothing to get _______ about for it is common in our daily life.‎ A. ambiguous B. annoyed C. alarmed D. anxious ‎10.—How did you find your long vacation on the small island?‎ ‎—I did enjoy it, for it _______ me plenty of time for reflection.‎ A. allocated B. associated C. afforded D. affected ‎11.To ensure that children from poor areas can receive fair education, the government has planned to _______ more money to improve the miserable conditions of local schools.‎ A. announce B. allocate C. advocate D. accumulate ‎12.—The final exam is coming. I don’t think I can pass it though I work hard. ‎ ‎—Be confident! Even students with average intelligence can be successful, _______ clever students like you!‎ A. leave alone B. let alone C. in addition to D. above all ‎13.—If we take a plane, we’ll of course have arrived in London by the next weekend.‎ ‎—Don’t be too sure. We should _______ the weather factor. What shall we do if it is foggy?‎ A. account for B. allow for C. answer for D. apologize for ‎14.You really shouldn’t have reacted to his comment on your work so violently. _______ he meant no harm to you.‎ A. After all B. at all C. above all D. in all ‎15._______ being famous might sound like a dream come true, today’s star, feeling like zoo animals, face pressures that few of us can imagine.‎ A. After B. As C. Anyhow D. Although ‎16.—How do you find your trip to Hainan?‎ ‎—Lots of sunshine, wonderful food, and amazing nightlife—_______ a great vacation.‎ A. although B. however C. altogether D. besides ‎17.—Jane’s father even does what he can to show great affection to her.‎ ‎—_______, as is known to us all.‎ A. I couldn’t agree more B. I’m afraid not C. Go ahead D. She’s the apple of his eye ‎18.While meeting with Trump on April 7th at Florida resort, President Xi Jinping suggested that the two sides carry out the annual exchange programs they have _______.‎ A. agreed on B. agreed to C. agreed with D. applied for ‎ ‎19.—Raymond is always kind to others.‎ ‎—Absolutely! He organized a concert last month _______ the church repairs fund.‎ A. ahead of B. with the aid of C. let alone D. in aid of ‎ ‎20.Seven days after the terrible earthquake, hopes began to fade that any of the people still missing might be found _______.‎ A. alone B. alive C. living D. live ‎21.For instance, spray painters are asking for higher hardship are asking for a higher hardship _______ because they are exposed to chemicals.‎ A. appeal   B. allowance   C. anxiety D. allocation ‎22.Most men, who are breadwinners, think that their business is outside hoes, so they tend to be _______ to housework.‎ A. accustomed B. addicted C. accessible D. allergic ‎23.The project _______ the experiment we had once committed so much time to worked out perfectly.‎ A. along B. among C. alongside D. against ‎24.You can’t be too careful when you camp at an high _______, where the air is thin. ‎ A. attitude B. altitude C. airline D. airspace ‎ ‎25.The businessman is _______ encouraging his employees to take up water-based sports, hoping to develop an _______ racing team in his own company.‎ A. already, alone B. almost, ample C. aloud, affordable D. always, amateur ‎26.—What do you think of the first lecture by Ms Li?‎ ‎ —Well, it’s quite _______ and all of us are quite _______ at it.‎ A. amazed, amazing B. amazed, amazed C. amazing, amazed D. amazing, amazing ‎27.He lost a valuable watch. But when I wanted to comfort him, he said, “_______”.‎ A. Let alone B. I am angry C. Go ahead D. Leave me alone.‎ ‎28.North Korea threatens to withdraw from six-party talks _______ ending North Korea’s nuclear program unless its proper rights are to be satisfied.‎ A. adjusted to B. addicted to C. aimed at D. amazed at ‎29.During the discussion, Jack _______ pointed out that blogs are better than books for their convenience, lower price, and larger range of writing while others kept silent.‎ A. afterwards B. alone C. alongside D. alike ‎ ‎30.As a poet, he was _______ his time. His poems, now regarded as classics, were unpopular when he wrote them.‎ A. allergic to B. ahead of C. addicted to D. accustomed to 二、完形填空(从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项)‎ Nowadays, it’s more and more usual for us to see people walk their dogs leisurely(悠闲地)in the street and some people even hold the dogs like a little baby. Indeed, pets give people fun and ___1___, and bring us pleasure, hope and energy. They have ___2___ emotions, and they never look down upon the poor and never curry favor with(讨好,拍马屁)the rich. In my opinion, it’s ___3___ and helpful for people to keep a pet.‎ People care so much about pets mainly because they ___4___ to find someone to pour out their hearts, their fears and their ___5___ to. Pets make it ___6___. They are the best choice to ___7___ these lonely people, and to make them happy. There are some reports showing that keeping a pet is ___8___ to one’s mental health. Also those ___9___ a pet proved to be less likely to have high blood pressure and heart disease. In addition, a pet, especially a dog, can make a house ___10___, since it can help guard the house.‎ However, some people just don’t ___11___, and they criticize that pets ___12___ the lives and health of other people. For instance, pets might be annoying in public places and they don’t follow rules like people do. ___13___, they may bring ___14___ diseases, which can make us ill or even cause death. Some crazy animals we keep as pets can become dangerous and ___15___ people.‎ Though these are ___16___ problems, we can find ways out. Pets’ ___17___ is dependent on their masters. ___18___ properly trained, they will be obedient and polite. They won’t do things people find so ___19___ or hurt people. As for diseases, we can get pets vaccinated(接种), and be careful not to get too close to them.‎ Therefore, raising a pet is not so crazy ___20___. We can make friends with our pets. Raising pets can help us have a meaningful life, become more confident, and live a better life.‎ ‎1.A. happiness B. ambition C. affection D. desire ‎2.A. mixed B. aggressive C. pure D. deep ‎3.A. forgivable B. acceptable C. necessary D. affordable ‎4.A. manage B. plan C. fail D. refuse ‎5.A. conclusions B. answers C. decisions D. troubles ‎6.A. available B. important C possible D. alternative ‎ ‎7.A. accompany B. attend C. attract D. advise ‎8.A. harmful B. natural C. helpful D. negative ‎9.A. keeping B. saving C. affording D. disliking ‎10.A. comfortable B. warm C. tidy D. safe ‎11.A. agree B. differ C. object D. reply ‎12.A. build B. affect C, improve D. end ‎13.A. Anyhow B. Thus C. However D. Moreover ‎14.A. apparent B. ambiguous C. infectious D. afraid ‎15.A. change B. hurt C. abuse D. frighten ‎16.A. potential B. amazing C. annoying D. anxious ‎17.A. attitude B. altitude C. purpose D. behavior ‎18.A. Although B. If C. Unless D. Because ‎19.A. intelligent B. strong C. brave D. rude ‎20.A. above all B. at all C. all along D. all over 三、任务型阅读(请认真阅读下面短文,并根据所读内容在文章后表格中的空格里填上一个最恰当的词)‎ Everything we do involves risk. In our professional lives, trying to avoid risk is itself a risk: work too cautiously, and we risk missing the chance to grow and shine, and our careers may suffer for it.‎ We cannot avoid risk yet we often avoid thinking about it. That is a shame, because if we think strategically about risk, we can use it to increase our chances of coming through difficult situations with our goals intact. Rather than pretending risk doesn’t exist, why not learn to manage it to our own benefit?[来源:学.科.网]‎ The first step: Acknowledge the risks your projects face. Start by writing a list of the things that can go wrong. That may sound gloomy, but it’s essential. Your list need to be very thorough, and probably never can be. But try to identify common risks-like the departure of a key colleague for a new job or the failure of a new technique upon which your project depends. The types of risks you identify will depend on the specifics of your work.‎ Once you have a list of risks, evaluate each one in two scales:‎ ‎●Likelihood. Force yourself to honestly assess how likely each risk is.‎ ‎●Impact. Then think about how much damage could occur under each situation.‎ Now it’s time to draft a second, more-detailed list. Go back through your initial list and consider how you might make each potential negative outcome less likely to occur, and also how you might minimize the damage to your project if one does happen. In project-management term, this step is known as risk mitigation. A mitigation is anything that makes a risk less likely to spoil your overall goal.‎ Once you have drafted your list of mitigations, the final step is to go down that list and think about which ones are “worth it”. Look at all the information you’ve gathered about your risks and mitigations, and make a call about what it makes sense to do. You probably have more intuition in this area than you realize, because most of us instinctively do risk-mitigation calculations in the non-work areas of our lives. For instance, every time you decide whether or not to buy a guarantee on a new electronic toy, you’re doing this calculation in your head.‎ You have probably been intuitively doing some sort of risk analysis in your work life, too. Moving to a more explicit analysis (but one that is more qualitative than quantitative-unless you like to play with numbers) can encourage you to acknowledge when you’re making overly optimistic assumptions. And this gives you a better chance to make plans that will withstand the failure of at least a couple of those assumptions.‎ Bringing your risk analysis out from the field of intuition can also help you overcome a tendency to overly ignore risk. It is easier to go ahead and take a big risk when you know that you have mitigations in place and a backup plan if things go wrong.‎ Thinking about risk can be a big scary, but really, ignoring risk is the riskiest behavior of all.‎ Don’t Avoid Risk-Manage It Passage outline Supporting details Introduction ‎▲Risk is (1) whatever we do.‎ ‎▲Risk is beneficial to us if we cope with it in a (2) way.‎ Steps to manage risks ‎▲Admit the risks and make a list of (3) errors. While evaluating them, make (4) for likelihood and impact.‎ ‎▲Consider how to avoid the negative outcome to the greatest (5) and prevent your project from being (6) should it happen.‎ ‎▲Take advantage of your intuition to decide which risks (7) your effort by analyzing all the available information.‎ Advantages of risk ‎ ‎(8) ‎ ‎(9) are that you will make more realistic assumptions. Meanwhile, a backup plan will be made for you to (10) up to failure.‎

