pep人教版五年级英语下册Unit 3 Part A 第2课时教学课件

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pep人教版五年级英语下册Unit 3 Part A 第2课时教学课件

Unit 3 My school calendar PEP·五年级下册 Part A Let’s learn & Read and say Lead-in Which season do you like best? Why? spring summer autumn winter I like _____, because _____. I like winter best. Because New Year’s Day and winter vacation are in the winter. I enjoy my holidays. winter vacationNew Year’s Day Presentation New Year’s Day —When is New Year’s Day? —(In) January. Sing a song:Happy New Year January, January, Happy New Year, January. We are singing, we are dancing, Happy New Year, January. Spell January Jan. winter vacationNew Year’s Day winter vacation —When is winter vacation? —It’s in January and February. Practice: High and low voice uI say “February” loudly. You say it in a low voice. uI say “February” in a low voice. You say it loudly. Spell February ____Feb.January ____Jan. What’s the short form of “January” and “February”? January and February are both end with “-uary”. Do you know the names of the festivals? _________________Tree Planting Day —When is Tree Planting Day? —It’s in March. Clap hands The teacher claps hands and says “March”, then students follow. The teacher says “March” without clapping hands, then students keep silence. Practice March Spell Mar. What is this? A sports meet. When is the sports meet. It’s in April. What else do we have in April? An English Party. I ask, you answer When is the sports meet? It’s in April. What else do we have in April? An English party. Boys: Girls: Boys: Practice April Apr. Spell Mother’s Day singing contest school trip May Day —Which month is it? —It’s May. Practice: Pass the flash card singing contest school trip May Day Mother’s Day One line students stand up, they read the word on the flash card and pass it to the next one. May The word “May” has no short form. Spell What festival do you think of? Children’s Day Enjoy a song Children’s Day —When is Children’s Day? —It’s in June. Practice Look and answer. If it takes place in June, students say “yes” aloud. If it doesn’t take place in June, students say “no”. Fast response Fast response Spell June Jun. Practice: Listen and read New Year’s Day winter vacation winter vacation Tree Planting Day English party sports meet singing contest school trip May Day Mother’s Day Children’s Day Father’s Day Play games Finger game January February March … Can you read? JuneAprilMarchMayJanuaryFebruary Match game Say the month quickly. When is Tree Planting Day? It’s in March. Pair work: Practice with your partner. —When is _____________? —It’s in ________. New Year’s Day winter vacation winter vacation January New Year’s Day Tree Planting Day English party sports meet —When is ____________? —It’s in ________.April English party singing contest school trip May Day Mother’s Day Children’s Day Father’s Day —When is ____________? —It’s in ________.June Children’s Day Read and say then check the answers Tick or cross. Correct the names of the months when necessary. 1.( ) Tree Planting Day is in February. 2.( ) Winter vacation is in February and March. March Consolidation & Extension January and February × × 3. ( ) Mother’s Day is in May. 4. ( ) The sports meet is in April. 5. ( ) Children’s Day is in January. When is ...? It’s in … × √ √ June Blackboard Design Unit 3 My school calendar —When is ...? —It’s in ... January (Jan.) April (Apr.) February (Feb.) May March (Mar.) June (Jun.)

