pep人教版五年级英语下册Unit 3 Part A 第3课时教学课件

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pep人教版五年级英语下册Unit 3 Part A 第3课时教学课件

Unit 3 My school calendar PEP·五年级下册 Part A Let’s spell Lead-in: Sing a song Presentation: Read and find He is a teacher. He is from China. He has chicken for lunch. Do you know him? China chicken lunch teacher China chicken lunch teacher 仔细听,我可以发现…… ch ch的发音与字母h的后 半部分的发音一样。 Fast word reading lunch chicken each China child teacher which March Let’s read children chair cheap ¥5 This shirt is cheap. He has a cheap shirt. He has shorts. He likes sheep and fish. sheep fish shirt shorts 仔细听,我可以发现…… sheep fish shirt shorts sh sh发音时声带不振动 Who is faster? fish shirt she shorts shop shop shy sheepwash short shakefresh Can you chant? Sh, sh, sheep. Fat fat sheep. Sh, sh, fish. Big big fish. Sh, sh, shirt. Short short shirt. Let’s chant Teacher, teacher What’s for lunch today? Chicken or fish. Chicken or fish. I love chicken, HOORAY! Practice: Read and distinguish sheep fish ship cheap chipchicken cashteacher Put the words into the different house. shadow bush such catch peach watch bunchwash ch sh sheep fish ship cheap chip chicken cash teacher shadow bush such catch peach watch bunch wash ch sh Guess: Who am I? 1. Take out the word cards. 2. I say, you point. Guess, who am I? 3. Work in groups of two. One says, and the other points. Listen, number and say. Chinese children an English teacher a short sheep fish for lunch a shirt and shorts 1 2 3 4 5 Read and match the words into a sentence. The teacher chicken fish shirt is short. fresh. cheap. nice. 1._______________ 2.________________ 3._______________ 4.________________ The teacher is nice. The chicken is cheap. The fish is fresh. The shirt is short. Choose, write and say. 1. Write down the sentences on the lines. 2. Work in groups of four. Read and check your sentences with each other. Consolidation & Extension A fish for lunch I wish I had a fish for lunch. That is a frog. That is not a fish. That is a shell. That is not a fish. That is a ship. That is not a fish. That is a duck, Yuk! I wish I had a fish to munch. I wish I had a fish to crunch. A big big fish for lunch! A fish for lunch China chicken lunch teacher sheep fish shirt shorts Blackboard Design Unit 3 My school Calendar ch sh

