中考英语 九全 Units 1314

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中考英语 九全 Units 1314

英语 第 21 讲 九年级 Units 13 ~ 14 ► afford 【 典例在线 】 We couldn't afford a car years ago. 几年前我们买不起小汽车。 The poor parents can't afford to buy some new clothes. 这对贫穷的父母买不起一些新衣服。 【 拓展精析 】 afford 动词 , 意为 “ 买得起;承担得起 ( 后果 ) ” , 其后直接接名词、代词或动词不定式作宾语 , 常和情态动词 can , could 或 be able to 连用。 【 活学活用 】 1)They walked home last night because they couldn't ____ to take a taxi. (2015 , 重庆 ) A . leave     B . buy     C . afford     D . allow C ► make a difference 【 典例在线 】 One false step will make a great difference. 失之毫厘 , 谬以千里。 We want to make a difference to the world. 我们想对世界有所作为。 【 拓展精析 】 make a difference 意为 “ 起作用;有影响 ” 。表达 “ 对 …… 产生影响 ” , 则用 make a difference to... 。 【 注意 】 difference 前面可加修饰语 , 如 big , great , a bit of 等 , 表示受影响的程度。 【 活学活用 】 2) 我的英语老师对我的学习有很大的影响。 (2015 , 十堰 ) My English teacher makes ______________ to my study. 3)A smart phone makes a big ____ to our life. (2016 , 西宁 ) A . difference B . decision C . progress D . prediction a great difference A ► look forward to 【 典例在线 】 We are looking forward to seeing you soon. 我们正期盼着能很快见到你。 【 拓展精析 】 look forward to 意为 “ 盼望;期待 ” , 其中 to 是介词 , 因此动词作宾语时应用动词 ing 形式。 【 注意 】 介词 to 后接动词 ing 形式作宾语的短语还有: be used to , pay attention to , prefer...to... 等。 【 活学活用 】 4) — Have you seen the film Angry Birds directed by? —Not yet.I'm ____ seeing it.It's said the film is great. A . looking down on B . looking out of C . looking up to D . looking forward to 5) 九年级学生都在盼望着上高中。 (look forward to) (2016 , 枣庄 ) The students in Grade 9 are looking forward to going to senior high school . D ► There are other advantages of bike riding. 骑自行车还有其他的好处。 【 典例在线 】 What's that in your other hand ?你另一只手里拿的是什么? The other students are all on the playground. 其他的学生都在操场上。 What else did you do yesterday ?昨天你还做了什么? —Do you have anything else to say ?你还有别的事情说吗? —Nothing else. 没别的事了。 【 拓展精析 】 other 和 else 都可作形容词 , 表示 “ 别的 ” , 但用法完全不同。 other 修饰名词 , 位于名词之前; else 修饰不定代词 (something , everything , anything , nothing , somebody , everybody , anybody , nobody 等 ) 、疑问代词 (who , which , what 等 ) 和疑问副词 (when , where 等 ) 且位于这些词之后。 【 活学活用 】 1) — What ____ do you have to do besides ________ the room at home? —I have to take out the trash. (2016 , 眉山 ) A . else ; cleaning B . else ; clean C . other ; cleaning D . other ; clean 2) — Is there ____ to discuss? —No , that's all , I guess. A . anything other B . anything else C . other anything D . else anything A B ► As you set out on your new journey , you shouldn't forget where you came from. 在新的旅行启程之际 , 不应忘了你来自何处。 【 典例在线 】 When we set out on this project , we know it could be difficult. 我们开始着手这个项目时就知道它很难。 After a threeday rest , the travelers set out again. 这些旅行者休息三天后又上路了。 【 拓展精析 】 set out on sth. 意为 “ 开始进行新的或重要的事情 ” 。 set out 固定短语 , 意为 “ 出发 ” , 相当于 set off 。 out 其他相关短语: run out 被用尽; put out 扑灭; give out 分发 , 公布; hand out 分发 , 派送; work out 解决 , 算出; come out 出版 , 出现 , 出来 , 结果是 【 活学活用 】 3) — Well , it's time to ____ for the train station. —Yes. Our train will leave in an hour. (2016 , 贵港 ) A . sell out B . give out C . help out D . set out 4)Another new fiction by Han Han is being printed and it will soon ____ . A . come out B . set out C . see out D . work out 5) — The group of boys and girls ____ to study in college this morning , full of nice dreams. —I believe their dreams can come true one day. (2015 , 荆州 ) A . set off B . fell off C . put off D . kept off D A A ► Shall we get each of them a card and gift to say thank you ?我们给他们每个人买一张卡片和一件礼物来道谢好吗? 【 典例在线 】 —Shall we go to see a film tonight ?我们今晚去看电影好吗? —Good idea. 好主意。 【 拓展精析 】 “ Shall we +动词原形+ …… ? ” 为表建议的句型 , 建议对方和自己共同做某事 , 语气比较委婉 , 意为 “ 我们 …… 好吗? ” 常见的表建议的句型: ① What/How about doing sth. ?做某事怎么样? ② Why not do... ?= Why don't you do... ?为什么不 …… ? ③ You'd better do... 你最好做 …… ④ Would you like to do... ?你想做 …… 吗? ⑤ Let's do... 咱们做 …… ⑥ Could you please do... ?请你做 …… 好吗? ⑦ Would you mind doing... ?你介意做 …… 吗? 【 活学活用 】 6 ) — Shall we go to visit our teachers after this exam? —____ . (2015 , 十堰 ) A . Sounds great B . You're welcome C . It serves you right D . Never mind A ► separate 与 divide 【 典例在线 】 The two cities are separated by a river. 这两座城市被一条河隔开了。 A year is divided into four seasons. 一年分为四个季节。 【 拓展精析 】 【 活学活用 】 1) 台湾海峡把台湾和福建隔开了。 The Taiwan Straits _______ Taiwan _____ Fujian. 2) 我把这些书分成了三部分。 I ____________ these books ____ three parts. separate from di v ided/di v ide into ► none 与 no one 【 典例在线 】 Although you've all worked very hard over the last three years , none of you did it alone. 虽然在过去的三年你们都努力学习 , 但你们并不是孤军奋战。 None of them are/is for the plan. 他们当中没有一个人同意这项计划。 —How many books are there in the bag ?书包里有多少书? —None. 一本也没有。 I found no one/nobody in the house. 我发现没有人在家里。 —Who is in the room ?谁在房间里? —No one./Nobody. 没有人。 【 拓展精析 】 【 活学活用 】 3) — How many birds can you see in the tree? —____ . All the birds have flown away. A . None     B . No one   C . Nothing   D . A few 4)I knocked on the door , but ____ answered. A . none B . no one C . someone D . anyone A B 一、根据句意及汉语或首字母提示补全下列单词。 1 . I can't stand people who are _____ ( 残忍的 ) to animals. 2 . To do this job well , you must have a(n) ______ ( 学位 ) in English. 3 . Dave was great. He succeeded in _________ ( 克服 ) all those difficulties at last. 4 . —My dad bought me a new iPad , but I don't know how to use it. —Let's read the __________ . 5 . To protect the environment , most supermarkets in China stopped providing free _______ bags. cruel degree o v ercoming instructions plastic 二、单项选择。 6 . The Apple Watch is very beautiful , but it is too expensive.So I can't ____ it. A . save B . support C . offer D . afford 7 . —How many students are there in the classroom? —____ . They are in the lab. A . Some B . None C . All D . Nobody 8 . The white shirt is ____ the colored ones. A . separated from B . separated into C . divided from D . divided into D B A 9 . Paul looks forward to ____ his pen pal as soon as possible. A . meets B . meet C . meeting D . met 10 . —Shall we go to Alberta for the summer holiday? —____ . It's one of the world's cleanest cities. A . Sounds great B . Not at all C . You're kidding D . You're welcome C A 三、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。 11 . 做完饭后 , 你别忘了关掉煤气。 Don't forget to ________ the gas after you finish cooking. 12 . 不要扔掉你的旧书 , 给我吧! Don't __________ your old books. Give them to me! 13 . 我们应该采取措施去保护野生动物。 We should _________ to protect the wild animals. 14 . 我们不能只回顾过去 , 我们应当展望未来。 We can't only ___________ the past , we should look to the future. 15 . 这些旧的建筑物明年将被拆毁。 These old buildings will be ___________ next year. turn off thro w a w ay take action look back at pulled do w n 【 话题分析 】 毕业感想 分析近几年全国各地中考有关 “ 毕业 ” 话题的书面表达 , 主要涉及以下两个方面: ① 介绍或回顾自己初中的生活和学习 , 并展望毕业后的高中生活。如:介绍学校生活情况 , 包括校规、学习习惯、课外活动、师生互动 My Junior High School Life(2015 , 巴中 ) ;给帮助过自己的老师写一封感谢信 (2015 , 攀枝花 ) ;写出三年来的成长经历 I have learned a lot in Junior high school(2016 , 云南 ) 等。 ② 介绍初中班会经历、毕业典礼、校庆活动和毕业聚会的情况 , 并谈论自己的感受。如:向好朋友介绍学校校庆活动的情况 (2015 , 钦州 ) ;回顾三年的初中生活 The story of my progress(2015 , 吉林 ) ; Three Years' School Life(2016 , 新疆 ) ;写一次毕业聚会的情况及感受 (2016 , 海南 ) 等。 【 常用句式 】 开头句: Our school life is very busy and colorful. How time flies ! We'll graduate from Beijing International School this weekend. I have many unforgettable memories of the past three years. I feel so excited and so happy.We have had three fantastic years in Beijing International School. 中间句: Our teachers have taught us a lot.They not only teach us how to learn , but also teach us how to be a useful person in society. We have studied and lived together like a happy family. As is known to all , “ Everything comes to him who waits” . Having been a friend for three years , he has done a lot for me.So have I. We helped and learned from each other. I want to take some photos with them and I will give some gifts to my teachers as well. What I could do was to teach him after class every day. 结尾句: Thanks to my teachers and my parents , I've made so much progress. I have learnt not only how to study , but also how to be a man. Only in this way can we feel , build and spread love of friendship. I wish my classmates and teachers health , happiness and good luck. 【 真题剖析 】 ( 2016 , 新疆 ) 中考结束后 , 你将告别熟悉的校园。三年的初中生活也许会成为你一生中的 “ 永恒记忆 ” 。请你根据下列图中所给的四个方面 , 以“ Three Years' School Life ” 为题写一篇小短文 , 回顾你的初中校园生活。 要求: (1) 词数 80 ~ 100 ; (2) 条理清晰 , 语句连贯 , 句式规范 , 字迹工整; (3) 文中不得出现真实的人名和校名等相关信息。 Three Years' School Life ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 【 审题指导 】 本篇书面表达的写作内容是回顾三年的初中校园生活。写作时 , 使用第一人称 , 时态为一般现在时。要尽量做到结构合理 , 意思清楚 , 行文流畅 , 书写规范。 【 写作导图 】 【 范文欣赏 】 Three Years' School Life I'm a student in Grade Nine.I will leave my junior middle school next month after I finish the exam.I'm feeling a bit nervous and excited. I study in a middle school.It is big and nice.There are many students and teachers in it.I get on well with my classmates.We often help each other.We study many subjects in school.I like English and P . E. best.We often do sports in the afternoon after class.Of course , we all spend much time on study.We work very hard.Our teachers are quite friendly to us.They are also helpful.We can ask them for help at any time.We go on a school trip each term and we really enjoy it. In a few days I have to say “goodbye” to my school.I feel sorry about it.I love my school and all my teachers.I will never forget my three years' school life. 【 名师点评 】 ① 文章涵盖了所有的提示要点 , 结构完整。 ② 有效地运用了语句间的连接成分 , 语言流畅 , 过渡自然 , 内容连贯。 ③ 时态、语态及人称运用正确。回忆过去的事情用过去时 , 叙述现在的感受用现在时。 ④ 运用了大量词组 , 如: get on well with , do sports , spend...on... , ask...for... 等 , 体现了较强的语言运用能力;长短句交替使用 , 使文章读起来琅琅上口。 【 小试牛刀 】 ( 2016 , 海南 ) 假设你是李明。上周日你班举行了一次毕业聚会。请根据以下提示 , 给你的英国笔友 Robert 写一封邮件 , 向他描述聚会的情况并谈谈你当时的感受。 要求: 1. 语句通顺 , 意思连贯 , 语法正确 , 书写规范; 2 . 必须包含所给提示 , 并做适当发挥; 3 . 行文中不得出现真实人名、校名或地名; 4 . 词数 80 左右 ( 邮件的开头和结尾已给出 , 不计入总词数 ) 。 Hi Robert , We had a graduation party last Sunday. Long _ before _ 3 : 00 _ pm , all the students in _ my class _ couldn't _ w ait _ to _ come _ to _ the _ hall.Our _ teachers _ and _ parents _ w ere _ in v ited _ to _ the _ party , too.First , our _ monitor _ made _ a _ speech.He _ thanked _ our _ teachers _ and _ parents _ sincerely.Next , w e _ ga v e _ presents _ to _ each _ other.The _ most _ exciting _ moment _ w as _ the _ sho w _ time.We _ sang , danced and _ played _ games.Our _ English _ teacher _ told _ a _ story _ w hich _ made _ us _ all _ laugh.E v eryone _ w as _ so _ happy.I _ think _ the _ w onderful _ party _ w ill _ al w ays _ be _ in _ my _ mind . Do you have such a party ? Please write soon. Yours , Li Ming

