人教版PEP小学三年级下册英语教学课件-Unit 4 B Lets talk

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人教版PEP小学三年级下册英语教学课件-Unit 4 B Lets talk

Row,row, row a boat. Bounce, bounce, bounce a ball. Drive, drive, drive a car. Put, put, put on a cap. Read, read, read a map. Have a good time! 过得愉快;玩得高兴。 一般用于道别时。 Have good fun. Enjoy yourself. Have a great/wonderful time! Have a nice day! Good day to you. Have fun. Have a good time! Look, read and match. A. The book is on the desk. B. Look, the ruler is in my bag. C. —Mom, where is my ball? —Look, it's under the bed. D. —Excuse me, Amy. Can I use your pencil? —Sure. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) (1)Listen to and act out “Let’s talk” to strengthen students’ speaking ability. (2)请学生用所学句型编写一组对话。

