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Unit 3 Language in use 一、单项填空 ( )1. My brother can______. So he wants to join the     ______Club. A. swims; Swimming B. swim; Swimming C. swim; Swim D. swimming; Swim ( )2. —______you sing English songs? —Yes, I______. A. Can; can't B. Are; am C. Can; can D. Are; can C B ( )3. —______? —He can speak English well. A. Can he speak English well B. What can he do C. Does he speak English D. What does he do ( )4. Maybe he can ______our basketball team. A. play B. join C. cook D. take ( )5. —Look, Sue is over there. —That______be her. She is in Australia now. A. don't B. can't C. doesn't D. not B B B 二、翻译句子 6. 汤姆的乒乓球打得很好。 ___________________________________________ 7. 我的妈妈对每个人都很亲切。 ___________________________________________ Tom plays table tennis very well. My mother is kind to everybody. 8. 我喜欢烹饪,因此我能加入饮食社团。 ___________________________________________ 9. 我想要一个整洁漂亮的家。 ___________________________________________ 10. 李明擅长很多球类运动。 ___________________________________________ I like cooking, so I can join the Food and Drink Club. I'd like a clean and tidy house. Li Ming is good at many ball games. 三、完形填空 Do you know Ethiopian(埃塞俄比亚的) children well? Children 11  football but they don't have much  12  to buy it. They have to play with a paper football. Like all children, they find time to play 13  they also have to do a lot of work. Some children have to help their parents  14  young brothers or sisters from five years old. Many young boys have to look after animals and the girls have to help their mothers  15  water.      Now, only one third of children go to primary school. They don't have so 16  schools. The classes have to be very  17 . In one school, there were 90 children in a  18 !   The children there do not have many vegetables to eat. This is very 19  for children. There aren't buses in this poor  20 . Children have to walk to school. Many walk for two or three hours. ( )11. A. dislike B. have C. get D. like ( )12. A. time B. money C. ticket D. cards ( )13. A. and B. or C. so D. but ( )14. A. look for B. look at C. look after D. look up ( )15. A. carry B. drink C. buy D. get ( )16. A. good B. many C. little D. big ( )17. A. small B. good C. quiet D. large ( )18. A. class B. school C. room D. club ( )19. A. bad B. useful C. good D. healthy ( )20. A. room B. city C. country D. part A C A D B C B D A D 四、阅读理解(C篇) 配对阅读。左栏是对五个学生的爱好或想参加的活动的 描述,右栏是七条招聘信息,请为左栏的每一位学生选 择一份最合适的工作,并将其字母编号填写在题号前的 括号内。 ( ) 21. Tina likes reading all kinds of books. She wants to find a part-time job at the school bookstore. ( ) 22. Jimmy is very good at English. He'd like to help other students with their English in his free time. ( ) 23. Mary is very interested in painting.She is quite good at painting. She wants to show her talent in painting. A. Do you want to show your talent? Are you good at painting?Our class needs two good painters to help with the blackboard newspaper. B. Music is the best thing in our life.Would you like to be a great singer? Join our School Singing Club. We need you all the time.  C. Many students in our school have problems in learning English. Are you good at English? Come and help them. Meet in the school library. D. Our School Basketball Club needs some players. Are you excited about basketball games? Join us and have a great time with us. E. Do you want to be a famous writer? Come and read books in the library. Maybe it can help you a lot. With their help,you can be better at writing. C G A ( ) 24. Peter likes watching NBA games.He does quite well in basketball now. He wants to be a basketball player like Kobe. ( ) 25. Samuel works hard at school. He wants to be a dancer in the future.He practices dancing every day. He wins many prizes in dancing. F. Are you good at music? Do you want to be a good dancer? Our school dancing team needs good dancers. Welcome to join us. G. Are you interested in reading books? Help us to sell books. You can read any books when there are no customers around. D F 五、读写综合 A. 回答问题 请阅读下面这篇文章,根据所提供的信息,回答问题。 Dear Daming,   Thanks for you email. And thank you for introducing your Chinese friend Li Fang to me. You are the class monitor for this term. That's good. Work hard! Try to help your teacher.   My classmates choose me as the PE monitor in our class because I run fast. My PE teacher and my classmates like me. They also want to organize (组织)the PE Club. I think that is a good idea. We can play basketball or football at weekends.   Please send some of your photos to me. Yours, Mike Answer the following questions. 26. Who sends the email? ___________________________________________ 27. What's the name of Daming's Chinese friend? ___________________________________________ Mike sends the email. The name of Daming's Chinese friend is Li Fang. 28. What's Daming's post (职务)in his class for this term? ___________________________________________ 29. Why is Mike chosen(被选为)as the PE moniter? ___________________________________________ 30. When do Mike and his classmates play basketball or football? ___________________________________________ Daming is the class monitor in his class for this term. Because he runs fast. Mike and his classmates play basketball or football at weekends. B. 书面表达   假如你是Mike, 你想参加即将举行的班长竞选, 请你就此写一篇演讲稿,向大家展示一下自己的特长。 内容包括: 1.自己想要竞选的职位。 2.描述自己的特长、爱好及参加竞选的原因。 3.竞选宣言。 作文要求: 1. 不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校真实的名称 和学生的真实姓名。 2. 语句连贯,词数70个左右。作文的开头已经给出, 不计入总词数。 I'd like to be the class monitor. I like all kinds of sports. I work hard at school and I can get the best score in every lesson. I'm good at math, Chinese and history. At school, I can help you with them. I'm kind and I can get on well with teachers and classmates. Choose me as the class monitor. I promise I can make our class the best one in our school. Thank you very much. Hello,everyone! I'm Mike.

