人教PEP版八年级下册英语新课课件-Unit 8 第五课时(2c-3b)

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人教PEP版八年级下册英语新课课件-Unit 8 第五课时(2c-3b)

Section B 2c-3b Last class, we learned the passage in 2b. let's see if we can finish 2c, if we don't read the passage. Because some students can't answer the questions correctly. Let's read the passage again. 2c. Read the passage again and underline the main ideas. Then use the underlined text to write short answers to the questions below. First paragraph Who is Sarah? Where is she from? What does she like? Second paragraph What is country music? What is country music about? Third paragraph What is Sarah's dream? Who is Garth Brooks? 2c First paragraph Who is Sarah? Where is she from? What does she like? Sarah is an American girl who used to fight over almost everything with her family. She is from the US. She likes country music. 2c Second paragraph What is country music? What is country music about? It is a traditional kind of music from the southern states of American. Many songs are about modern life in the US, such as the importance of money, success, free, friends, family, the beauty of nature and so on. 2c Third paragraph What is Sarah’s dream? Who is Garth Brooks? To go Nashville one day. Garth is one of the most successful musicians in American history. 2d. Use the notes you made in 2c to write a short summary of the passage. Write no more than 100 words. Sarah is an American girl. She likes country music. She is a fan of country music. Country music is a traditional music from the southern states of America. Many songs are about modern life in the US, such as the importance of money and success. Sarah’s dream is to go to Nashville because Garth Brooks is there. She likes to listen to his songs. Garth is one of the most successful musicians in American history. 2e Close your book. What facts can you remember about country music? Tell a partner. What other facts would you like to know about country music? Make a list of questions. 3a. Think of a singer or writer you know well. Make a list of facts of him /her. Think of the following: 1. Who is the singer/writer? 2. When did the singer/writer first become famous? 3. How and why did he/she first become famous? 4. What famous songs/books has he/she recorded/written? When? 3a 5. How many CDs/books has he/she sold? 6. How did you find out about him/her? 7. Is he/she still popular today? 8. Have you introduced this singer/writer to others? 9. How do you feel about his/her music/ books? 10. Have you ever played/sung his/her songs yourself? 3b. Write an article about the singer or writer. Here are some words and phrases you can use. the first line in the song/book the book/song was written/recorded by enjoyed success in successful song/CD/book I listen to this song/read this book when … The song/book makes me feel … 3b Zhao Wei is my favorite actress. She is also one of the most popular actresses in China. She has big eyes and looks very pretty. Zhao Wei was born in Wuhu Anhui on March 12, 1976. She got special acting training In Princess Han Zhu. 3b Later she acted an ancient soldier in The Painted and her acting skills improved very much. In 2013, she made a hit — made a movie called So Yong. A lot of people like this movie and go to the cinema to watch it. 1.—Where is John? —He ______ the science lab. A. has gone to B. has been to C. went to 2.—Where is my sister, mum? —She ___ to the library. She will be back soon. A. has been B. is going C. has gone D. will go A C

