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2020-2021 学年高三英语语法一轮复习:非谓语动词(1) 一、请在横线上填出相关的内容 1. 过去完成时的主动形式________________; 被动形式________________。 2. 过去完成时的主动形式________________; 被动形式________________。 3. 将来完成时的标志词有:________________________________________。 4. 现在完成进行时的标志词有:____________________________________。 二、单项选择 1. The mayor of Beijing says that all construction work for the Beijing Paralympics Games _______ by 2020. A. has been completed B. has completed C. will have been completed D. will have completed 2. —John, why are you so upset? —I_______ my cell phone all morning but it is nowhere to be found. A. am looking for B. have looked for C. have been looking for D. had looked for 3. — The air _______ in Beijing. — Experts say it may be many years before the situation improves. A. will seriously pollute B. will be seriously polluted C. has seriously polluted D. has been seriously polluted 4. —What did Michael do after graduating from university? —He considered advertising before settling on teaching. He _______ that ever since. A. did B. does C. has been doing D. had been doing 非谓语动词基本形式 一、 非谓语动词的使用条件 思考一下:孩子们坐在树下看向远山,用英语如何表达?可以这么说吗? The children sit under the tree looked at the distant mountain. 怎么才正确? 当一个主语同时发出两个动作时,可以这么说:  加连词(and / but / so…) _____________________________________________________________ 【答案】The children sit under the tree and looked at the distant mountain.  放入从句 _____________________________________________________________ 【答案】The children who looked at the distant mountain sit under the tree.  变为非谓语动词 _____________________________________________________________ 【答案】The children sit under the tree, looking at the distant mountain. 非谓语动词的使用条件: _____________________________________________________________ 【答案】一个句子当中,已经存在一个谓语动词, 又没有连词的情况下, 再出现的动词要用非谓语语。 Jolin got off the car, but leave her handbag in it. 思考一下:若果没有 but,怎么办? _____________________________________________________________ 【答案】Jolin got off the car, leaving her handbag in it. 二、to do 的基本形式 1. 划出下面的 to do 结构 We intend to join the army. I have something important to do tonight. He pretends to be sleeping when his father came in. Shakespeare is said to have been the son of Bacon. 2. 基本形式 【答案】 主动形式 性质 被动形式 性质 to do 主动,将来 to be done 被动,将来 to be doing 主动,同时放生 X to have done 主动,先于谓语 to have been done 被动,先于谓语 否定形式:____________________________________________________________ 三、doing 的基本形式 1. 划出下面的 doing 结构 Being a soldier is my proud. The enemies attacking our air base are from south. Having made the decision, he told his manager. The monkeys are kept in the zoo, not worrying about hunger. 2. 基本形式 【答案】 主动形式 性质 被动形式 性质 Doing 主动,进行 Being done 被动,进行 Having done 主动,先于谓语 Having been done 被动,先于谓语 否定形式:____________________________________________________________ 四、done 的基本形式 1. 划出下面的 done 结构 Built in 1921, the house still looks great. The village attacked by the earthquake last night are waiting for the rescue. With the paper finished, we went out to have a rest. 2. 基本形式 【答案】 主动形式 性质 被动形式 性质 X done 被动,完成 非谓语动词做状语 一、基本形式 Hearing the news, they all danced for joy. Playing all day, you will waste your valuable time. Accepted by the Party, he decided to devote his life to the cause of the Party. The old man went into the room, supported by his wife. It rained heavily, causing severe flooding. 根据上面的非谓语,可知非谓语做状语的样子为: 1. ___________________________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________________________ 【答案】 1. ______...., 主语+谓语+宾语(即句子) 2. 主语+谓语+宾语(即句子),_______.... 二、解题方法 【答案】 1. 看是否是 to do 表目的 2. 找逻辑主语,判断逻辑主语和动词的主被动关系,主动 doing,被动 done 3. 判断动作是否有先后,考虑 having done 【精讲讲练】 1. _______ the project in time, the staff were working at weekends. A. Competing B. Having completed C. To have completed D. To complete 答案:D。考查非谓语做状语,to do 这里表示目的。译为“为了及时完成这个项目,员工们周末也在工作”。 2. _______ at my classmates' faces, I read the same excitement in their eyes. A. Looking B. Look C. To look D. Looked 答案: A。考查非谓语做状语, 我主动发出看的动作。看着同学们的脸,我从他们的眼中看到了同样的兴 奋。 3. A hearty laugh relieves physical tension, _______ your muscles relaxed for over half an hour. A. to leave B. left C. leaving D. leave 答案:C。考查非谓语做定语。相当于 which leaves… 4. They made a great effort to prepare the exhibition, _______ to achieve a big success. A. hoped B. hoping C. to hope D. hope 答案:B。考查非谓语做状语。此处 hoping 短语作伴随状语。句意:他们努力为展览做准备,希望取得巨 大成功。 5. _______ too much for his intelligence, Harry often overlooks the importance of effort. A. Having praised B. Praised C. praising D. being praised 答案:B。考查非谓语做状语。Harry 与“表扬”是被动关系,排除 A、C。先被表扬,强调动作先发生,故 选 B. 6. _______ hard for many years, Li Na harvested the rewards of her efforts. A. To work B. Working C. Worked D. Having worked 答案:D。考查非谓语做状语。李娜与工作是主动关系,排除 C。先努力工作,后有收获,故选 D。 【知识拓展一】 Although _______ considerable success as an artist, the young man keeps working hard. A. achieving B. achieved C. to achieve D. having achieved 此题考点:___________________________________________________________ 【答案】非谓语做状语 常见连接词:___________________________________________________________ 【答案】when, though, if, although 【精讲精练】 1. When _______ different cultures, we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing the many similarities. A. compared B. being compared C. comparing D. having compared 答案:C。考查非谓语做状语。compare 这个动作是 we 主动进行的,应用现在分词。 2. Though _______ to see us, the professor gave us a warm welcome. A. surprising B. surprised C. was surprised D. being surprised 答案:B。考查非谓语做状语。逻辑主语 professor 和 surprise 是被动关系且发生在过去,用 done。 3. No one can walk the wire in the air without a bit of fear unless _______ very young. A. having trained B. trained C. to be trained D. being trained 答案:B。考查非谓语做状语。逻辑主语 no one 和 train 是被动关系,且是一般情况,用 done。 4. In summer, food will go bad if _______ in room temperature. A. leaving B. left C. being left D. having left 答案:B。考查非谓语做状语。逻辑主语 food 和 leave 是被动关系,且是一般情况,用 done。 【难点剖析】 If you need someone with professional computer knowledge, _______ to Joe. A. talks B. talking C. talk D. talked 此题考点:___________________________________________________________ 【答案】谓语动词,考查祈使句 【精讲精练】 1. _______ the door before you enter into the office. A. knocking B. knocked C. knock D. to knock 答案:C。考查祈使句。进办公室前先敲门。 2. If you want to know the truth, _______ her by yourself. A. ask B. asking C. asked D. to ask 答案:A。考查祈使句。想要知道真相,自己问她。 【知识拓展二】 _______with so much trouble, we failed to complete the task on time. A. Faced B. Face C. Facing D. To face 此题考点:___________________________________________________________ 【答案】非谓语动词做状语中的“过去分词+介词”结构 常见动词:___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ 【答案】filled with; faced with; compared with; mixed with; located in/at; lost in; seated in; disappointed at; based on 解题方法:___________________________________________________________ 【答案】后面有介词用 done,无介词用 doing 【精讲精练】 1. When _______ different cultures, we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing the many similarities. A. compared B. being compared C. comparing D. having compared 答案:C。考查非谓语动词做状语中的“过去分词+介词”结构, 无介词用 doing 2. Life is a journey _______ with hardships, joys and special moments. A. filled B. to fill C. filling D. having filled 答案:A。考查非谓语动词做状语中的“过去分词+介词”结构, 后面有介词用 done 3. Michael’s new house is like a huge palace, _______ with his old one. A. comparing B. compares C. to compare D. compared 答案:D。考查非谓语动词做状语中的“过去分词+介词”结构, 后面有介词用 done 【知识拓展三】 He hurried to the booking office only _______ all the tickets had been sold out. A. to tell B. to be told C. told D. tell 此题考点:___________________________________________________________ 【答案】only+ to do 表示出乎意料的结果 【精讲精练】 1. He was busy writing a story, only _______ once in a while to smoke a cigarette. A. to stop B. stopping C. to have stopped D. having stopped 答案:A。考查 only+ to do 表示出乎意料的结果 2. The reporters got to the airport only_______ the pop star had left. A. to tell B. to be told C. telling D. told 答案:B。考查 only+ to do 表示出乎意料的结果, 记者被告知,所以选 B 3. Tom lifted a rock only _______it on his own feet. A. to drop B. dropping C. having dropped D. dropped 答案:A。考查 only+ to do 表示出乎意料的结果, 他搬起石头 结果砸了自己的脚。 【能力提升】 将下面的句子用非谓语动词进行改写。 1. He is a student at Oxford University. He is studying for a degree in computer science. ____________________________________________________________________ 2. He walked in the fields on a March afternoon. He could feel the warmth of spring. ____________________________________________________________________ 3. I went into the room. I saw my grandma sitting at the table. ____________________________________________________________________ 4. The fans of the winning team let out loud shouts of victory. They threw their hats into the air. ____________________________________________________________________ 5. After he had waited in the queue for half an hour, the old man suddenly realized he had left the cheque in the car. ____________________________________________________________________ 6. When they heard the news, they jumped with joy. ____________________________________________________________________ 7. As he had worked among the workers, he knew them very well. ____________________________________________________________________ 8. After we had failed to reach them on the phone, we sent an email instead. ____________________________________________________________________ 9. 想到失主一定会很着急,我立刻拨打了名片上的电话号码。 ____________________________________________________________________ 10. 达成一致之后,我们立马行动起来。 ____________________________________________________________________ 【答案】 1. He is a student at Oxford University, studying for a degree in computer science 2. Walking in the fields on a March afternoon. He could feel the warmth of spring. 3. Going into the room, I saw my grandma sitting at the table. 4. The fans of the winning team let out loud shouts of victory,throwing their hats into the air. 5. Having waited in the queue for half an hour, the old man suddenly realized he had left the cheque in the car. 6. Hearing the news, they jumped with joy. 7. Having worked among the workers, he knew them very well. 8. Having failed to reach them on the phone, we sent an email instead. 9. Having thought the owner must be very worried, I immediately dialed the number on the card. 10. Having reached an agreement, we immediately took action. 非谓语动词做定语 一、基本形式 Do you have the ability to write in English? We are invited to a party to be held in our club next Friday. The pen lying on the table belongs to you. I like songs performed by David. 根据上面的非谓语,可知非谓语做定语的样子为: __________________________________________________________________________ 【答案】位于名词后面 二、解题方法 【答案】 1. 发生在将来用 to do/to be done 2. 找逻辑主语,判断逻辑主语和动词的主被动关系,主动 doing,被动 done 3. 同时被动比时间。 4. 不选 having done 【精讲精练】 1. The visiting professor was interested in the teaching methods _______ in the classroom. A. use B. to us C. using D. used 答案:D。考查非谓语做定语. 逻辑主语 method 和 use 之间是被动关系,使用 done。 2. Loneliness is a feeling _______ by many parents whose children have gone to faraway places for education or work. A. experience B. to experience C. experienced D. experiencing 答案:C。考查非谓语做定语. 逻辑主语 feeling 和 experience 之间是被动关系,用 done 3. The agreement _______ between the two companies last week will come into effect soon. A. to sign B. to be signed C. signed D. signing 答案:C。考查非谓语做定语. 逻辑主语 agreement 和 sign 之间是被动关系,用 done。 4. —Why so serious, dear? —Nothing. I was just thinking about the problem _______ tomorrow. A. to be discussed B. being discussed C. discussed D. will be discussed 答案:A。看主被动,problem 和 discuss 之间是被动。再看时间顺序。有时间状语 tomorrow,故选 A。 5. Liu Xiang attended an important meeting _______ in the Great Hall of the People last month. A. held B. to have held C. to be held D. holding 答案:A。看主被动,meeting 和 held 之间是被动。再看时间顺序。有时间状语 last month, ,故选 A。 【能力提升】 将下面的句子用非谓语动词进行改写。 1. This is a restaurant that serves a wide variety of ethnic food. ____________________________________________________________________ 2. Fast food restaurant are places that take care of hundreds of people in a short time. ____________________________________________________________________ 3. The American food is famous for the diet that is made up of meat and potatoes. ____________________________________________________________________ 4. The house that is being built at present will be our office building. ____________________________________________________________________ 5. The restaurant that will be opened soon will offer some free service. ____________________________________________________________________ 6. He is the only man who can take over this job. ____________________________________________________________________ 7. The man who brings China daily has been quite familiar with me. ____________________________________________________________________ 8. The man who is standing at the gate is my English teacher. ____________________________________________________________________ 【答案】 1. This is a restaurant serving a wide variety of ethnic food. 2. Fast food restaurant are places taking care of hundreds of people in a short time. 3. The American food is famous for the diet made up of meat and potatoes. 4. The house being built at present will be our office building. 5. The restaurant to be opened soon will offer some free service. 6. He is the only man taking over this job. 7. The man bringing China daily has been quite familiar with me. 8. The man standing at the gate is my English teacher. 出门测 成绩 _______ 1. _______ how to hold the party for several days, the children finally reached an agreement. A. Having discussed B. Discussing C. Discussed D. To discuss 2. So far nobody has claimed the money _______ in the library. A. discovered B. to be discovered C. discovering D. having discovered 3. When _______ for his views about his teaching job, Philip said he found it very interesting and rewarding. A. asking B. asked C. having asked D. to be asked 4. When we saw the road _______ with snow, we decided to spend the holiday at home. A. block B. to block C. blocking D. locked 5. All the books_______by the students are reported to have been sent to the children in the countryside the other day. A. having offered B. to be offered C. offering D. offered 6. _______ equal opportunities, both Frank and Billy may accomplish the task. A. Given B. Giving C. To give D. To be given 7. _______ valuable experience, he asked to be sent to remote areas. A. To gain B. Gaining C. Gained D. Being gained 8. The question _______at the next meeting will be a hard one. A. to discuss B. to be discussed C. discussing D. being discussed 9. He made a long speech only _______ his foolishness. A. showing B. showed C. to show D. show 10.My friend Chelsea and her husband are now at work on a new dictionary _______next year. A. to publish B. being published C. published D. to be published 课后作业 一、单项选择 非谓语动词做状语 1. Although _______ considerable success as an artist, the young man keeps working hard. A. achieving B. achieved C. to achieve D. having achieved 2. Theories about the end of the world on December 21, 2012,_______ on the Mayan calendar, created chaos all over the world. A. basing B. based C. having based D. to base 3. —He didn't feel a bit nervous when _______ . —No. He'd spent a lot of time preparing for it after all. A. interviewing B. interviewed C. having interviewed D. to be interviewed 4. The professor entered the room and seated himself in a chair, _______ for answering questions. A. prepared B. preparing C. having prepared D. being prepared 5. Although _______ by the opposite team, the players were not discouraged but practiced harder. A. beating B. beaten C. having beaten D. being beaten 6. I went to see him, only _______ that he had left the city the night before. A. being learned B. to learn C. learned D. learning 7. _______ in the mountains for three days, the young man was finally saved by the local police. A. Having lost B. Lost C. Being lost D. Losing 8. _______ more effectively with others, more and more people equip themselves with a higher education. A. Compete B. Being competed C. To compete D. Competing 9. _______ the chapter four times, I finally understood the author's theory. A. Reading B. Having read C. To read D. Read 10. Museums in Beijing are on the move, _______ exhibits that entertain and educate. A. added B. adding C. to add D. having added 非谓语做定语 1. The play_______ next month aims mainly to reflect the local culture. A. produced B. being produced C. to be produced D. having been produced 2. For breakfast he only drinks juice from fresh fruit _______ on his own farm. A. grown B. being grown C. to be grown D. to grow 3. All of them try to use the power of the workstation _______ information in a more effective way. A. presenting B. presented C. being presented D. to present 4. The government plans to bring in new laws _______ parents to take more responsibility for the education of their children. A. forced B. forcing C. to be forced D. having forced 5. We are invited to a party _______in our club next Friday. A. to be held B. held C. being held D. holding 6. There is a great deal of evidence _______ that music activities engage different parts of the brain. A. indicate B. indicating C. to indicate D. to be indicating 7. The Town Hall _______in the 1800’s was the most distinguished building at that time. A. to be completed B. having been completed C. completed D. being completed 8. The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket _______ the desert. A. covering B. covered C. cover D. to cover 9. The next thing he saw was smoke _______ from behind the house. A. rose B. rising C. to rise D. risen 10.Peter received a letter just now _______ his grandma would come to see him soon. A. said B. says C. saying D. to say 二、请在横线上填上适当的形式 1. The play_______(produce) next month aims mainly to reflect the local culture. 2. _______(bite) twice, the postman refused to deliver our letters unless we changed our dog. 3. Fifteen million trees had been blown down by the high winds, _______(block) roads, paths and railway lines. 4. _______(tell) many times, he finally understood. 5. China is a developing country _______(belong) to the third world. 6. _______(protect) his comrades, he heroically laid down his life. 7. A great number of students _______(question) said they were forced to practise the piano. 8. The question _______ now at the meeting is very important. (discuss) 9. The question _______ at the meeting last week is very important. (discuss) 10. The question _______ at the meeting next week is very important. (discuss) 三、翻译句子 1. 看着干净的小道,我的邻居们都笑了,对我竖起了大拇指。 ____________________________________________________________________ 2. 知道这是我们最后一个高中运动会,我们决定要让它成为我们最难忘的经历。 ____________________________________________________________________ 3. 看到了这个通知,很多学生都表示出了他们的兴趣。 ____________________________________________________________________ 4. 到达山顶之后,我们一起欣赏了美丽的景色。 ____________________________________________________________________ 5. 为了培养我们的自信,我们老师为我们安排了一个英语演讲比赛。 ____________________________________________________________________ 参考答案 入门测 一、 请在横线上填出相关的内容 1. have/has done; have/has been done 2. had done; had been done 3. before+过去时间/动作;by+过去时间 4. all+时间,同现在完成时 二、单项选择 1-4 ACDC 出门测 1-5 AABDD 6-10 AABCD 课后作业 一、单项选择 非谓语动词做状语 1-5 ABABB 6-10 BACBA 非谓语动词做定语 1-5 CAABA 6-10 BCABC 二、请在横线上填上适当的形式 1. to be produced 2. having been bitten 3. blocking 4. having been told 5. belonging 6. having protected 7. questioned 8. being discussed 9. discussed 10. to be discussed 三、翻译句子 1. Looking at the clean path, my neighbors all smiled and gave me thumbs up. 2. Knowing it was our last high school sports meeting, we decided to make it an unforgettable experience for all of us. 3. Seeing the notice, many students show their interest in it. 4. Having arrived at the top of the mountain, we appreciated the wonderful scenery together. 5. To cultivate our confidence, our teacher arranged an English speech contest for us.

