人教PEP版八年级下册英语同步课件-Unit 3-Section A(Grammar focus-4c)

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人教PEP版八年级下册英语同步课件-Unit 3-Section A(Grammar focus-4c)

Section A (Grammar focus-4c) 1. To learn to make polite requests using “Could…” --Could you please take the dog for a walk? -- OK, but I want to watch one show first. 2. To learn to ask for permission using “Could…” --Could we get something to drink after a movie? --No, you can’t. You have a basketball game tomorrow. You want the door opened. You want to use the computer. Could I _______ _________ ? Could you please_______ _____ ? use the computer open the door Fill in the blanks with proper words. You want a sandwich. You want your teacher to speak slower. Could you please______ _______ ? Could I______________ ? speak slower have a sandwich 【经典例句】 1. — Could I go out for dinner with my friends? — Sure, that should be OK. 2. — Could we get something to drink after the movie? — No, you can’t. You have a basketball game tomorrow. 3. Could I at least finish watching this show? 【经典例句】 4. — Could you please take the dog for a walk? — OK, but I want to watch one show first. 5. — Could you please take out the rubbish? — Yes, sure. 6. Could you please help out with a few things? 1. — _______ I_______ for dinner with my friends? — Sure, that should be OK. 2. — ______ we____ something to drink after the movie? — No, you can’t. You have a basketball game tomorrow. 3. _____ I at least ______ watching this show? Could Could Could go out get finish go Ready? 4. — _______________ _____the dog for a walk? — OK, but I want to watch one show first. 5. — _______________ _______ the rubbish? — Yes, sure. 6. _______________ ________with a few things? Could you please Could you please take take out Could you please help out ◆用于提出建议,比can语气更加委婉 你可以帮忙打扫公园。 You could help to clean up the parks. ◆用于向对方提出要求或请求。常用 Could you please…? 来表示“请 你…… 好吗?” 能请你去遛遛狗吗? Could you please take the dog for a walk? 情态动词could的用法 ◆用于请求许可,即请求别人允许自己 做某事 我能看一会儿电视吗? Could I watch TV for a while? ◆作为can的过去形式,表示“能力” 或 “可能性” 那时你能讲英语吗? Could you speak English then? 1. Sara wants to volunteer on weekends. You may say to her: 2. Sara wants to watch TV before dinner. She may ask her mother: 根据提示用could造句,完成下列句子。 You could visit the old in the old people’s home. Could I watch TV before dinner? 3. Sara needed a dictionary, but she left hers at home. She may ask her friend: 4. The box is too heavy. Sara wants to ask for help: 5. What could Sara do when she was three years old? Could I borrow your dictionary? Could you give me a hand? She could swim when she was three years old. 4a 1. __ Could I hang out with my friends after the movie? 2. __ Could you please pass me the salt? 3. __ Could I borrow that book? Yes, but don’t come back too late. Yes, here you are. Yes, sure. No problem. I finished reading it last night. Write R for requests and P for permissions. Then match each one with the correct response. P R P 4. __ Could you help me do the dishes? 5. __ Could you lend me some money? No, I can’t. I cut my finger and I’m trying not to get it wet. Hmm. How much do you need? R R 4b A: I hate to ____ chores. B: Well, I hate some chores too, but I like other chores. A: Really? Great! _____ I ask you to ____ me with some chores then? B: What do you need help with? A: _____ you please ____ my clothes for me? B: I don’t want to do that! It’s boring! do Could help Fill in the blanks in the conversation. Could fold A: OK. Then ______ you ______ do the dishes for me? B: Sure, no problem. But ______ we go to the movies after that? A: Sure. I’ll finish my homework while you help me with the dishes. Then we can go to the movies. could please could Make a list of things your group needs to do for a camping trip. Then discuss who will do them and complete the chart. 4c To-do list Name bring a tent Liu Chang A: Could you please bring a tent, Liu Chang? B: Sure. And could you please…? A: Sorry, I can’t. I have to… 适当形式填空。 1. —Could you please not keep the water running? — Sorry, I _______(will). I’m turning off the shower. 2. —Could I go to the movie this weekend, Dad? —Yes, you ____. But you have to come back before nine. 3. —Could you please do the dishes, Lana? I’m cleaning the room. — ___________.(可以) won’t can Yes, sure 4. — Could I look at your pictures? — Yes, of course you _____. 5. _______ you pass me a pen? I’d like to write down the telephone number. 6. _______ she ride when she was three years old? 7. The boy ______ answer this kind of difficult questions one year ago. Could Could could can 1. -- 我能用电脑吗? -- 对不起,现在我打算操作它。 -- Could I use the computer? -- Sorry, I’m going to work on it now. 2. -- 你能捎我一段路到市中心吗?  -- 对不起,我必须去开会。 -- Could you give me a ride downtown? -- Sorry, I have to go to a meeting. Translate and write them down. 3. -- 你能洗下衣服吗? -- 不行啊,我得先完成作业。 -- Could you please do the laundry? -- Sorry, I can’t. I have to do my homework first. 4. -- 我能呆在外面到11点吗?-- 不行。 -- Could I stay out until eleven? -- No, you can’t. 5. -- 我能搭便车吗?-- 当然可以。 -- Could I get a ride? -- Sure. 课时重点回顾 Could I go out for dinner with my friends? Sure, that should be OK. Could we get something to drink after the movie? No, you can’t. You have a basketball game tomorrow. Could you please take the dog for a walk? OK, but I want watch one show first. Could you please take out the rubbish? Yes, sure. Now 1 minutes to test your spelling. 1. English-Chinese finger, chore, snack 2. Chinese-English 给/通过;借用;借出;厌恶; 与……同时 When finishing, exchange your papers to see who does the best. 1.Write a short passage about the chores you like or hate and the reasons. 2. Preview the new words and expressions. 3. Preview part 1a of Section B1.

