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一、单词填空(选用恰当的词填空并注意形式变化。每词只能用一次,其中有多余的词)‎ approach arise arrest arrive assess assist associate ashamed appropriate approximately arbitrary artificial asleep architect architecture area arrow article aspect ‎1.Today’s complex buildings require close teamwork between the __________ and the builders.  ‎【答案】architect ‎【句意】如今的建筑结构复杂,需要建筑师和施工人员密切协作。‎ ‎2.Carter was saying all the right things, but his smile was __________, and I knew I couldn’t trust him.‎ ‎3.I want to touch briefly on another __________ of the problem.   ‎【答案】aspect ‎【句意】我想简单地谈一下这个问题的另一方面.‎ ‎4.A good judge does not make __________  decisions.   ‎【答案】arbitrary ‎【句意】一个优秀的法官不会作武断的判决.‎ ‎5.She was deeply __________  of her behavior at the party.   ‎【答案】ashamed ‎【句意】她对自己在聚会上的行为深感羞愧。‎ ‎6.Our boat would not have been __________  for ocean voyaging.   ‎【答案】appropriate ‎【句意】我们的船只本不适合海上航行。‎ ‎7.I always __________  the smell of those flowers with my childhood.   ‎【答案】associate ‎【句意】我一闻到这种花香,就联想起我的童年.‎ ‎ 8.In the course of the 1930s steel production in Britain __________ doubled.  ‎【答案】approximately ‎【句意】在20世纪30年代,英国的钢铁产量几乎翻了一番。‎ ‎9.The authorities will be legally bound to __________ any suspects.  ‎【答案】arrest ‎【句意】当局负有逮捕所有疑犯的法律责任。‎ ‎10.It’s difficult to __________  the effects of these changes.   ‎【答案】assess ‎【句意】这些变化带来的效果难以评估。‎ ‎11.We heard the sound of a car __________. ‎【答案】approaching ‎【句意】我们听见一辆汽车驶近的声音。‎ ‎12.The board acknowledges problems which __________ from the newness of the approach.  ‎13.His eyes were shut and he seemed to have fallen __________.   ‎【答案】asleep ‎【句意】他眼睛闭着,似乎睡着了。‎ ‎14.The hoped-for economic recovery in Britain did not __________.  ‎【答案】arrive ‎【句意】人们所期望的英国经济复苏并没有来到。‎ ‎15.The public is urgently requested to __________  the police in tracing this man.  ‎【答案】assist ‎【句意】紧急要求公众帮助警方追踪此人。‎ 二、词形转换(用所给单词的正确形式填空)‎ ‎1.That accident totally upset our ___________(arrange)and caused a lot of problems, which we found difficult to get over.‎ ‎【答案】arrangement ‎【句意】那次事故完全打乱了我们的安排,造成了许多麻烦,我们觉得很难克服。‎ ‎2.I don’t want to be involved in some ___________(argue)about who is to blame.‎ ‎【答案】argument ‎【句意】我不想牵涉到谁该受责备的争论中去。学科&网 ‎3.Without the timely ___________(arrive)of the rescuers, twenty miners would have been trapped underground yesterday.‎ ‎【答案】arrival ‎【句意】昨天,如果不是救援者的及时到达,20位矿工就会被困在地下了。‎ ‎4.They carried out an ___________(assess)of the project this morning. ‎ ‎【答案】assessment ‎【句意】今天上午他们对于这项工程进行了一次评估。‎ ‎5.Tom is really good at science, while his brother is a natural ___________(art).‎ ‎【答案】artist ‎【句意】汤姆非常擅长科学,而他的哥哥却是一位天生的艺术家。‎ ‎6.IP addresses are the unique sequence of numbers ___________(assignment)to each computer, websites or other ‎ Internet-connected devices. ‎ ‎7.A company cannot be sold without the ___________(approve)of the shareholders.‎ ‎【答案】approval ‎【句意】未经股东批准,公司不得出售。‎ ‎8.This task is too hard for us and ___________(assist)will be needed if it is to be finished on time.‎ ‎【答案】assistance ‎【句意】这个任务对我们来说太难了,如果要准时完成需要援助。‎ ‎9.The power of words lies in their ___________(associate)with the ideas and objects in the objective world. ‎ ‎【答案】association ‎【句意】文字的力量在于它们在客观世界中与思想和事物的联系。‎ ‎10.The boss wanted an ___________(assist)with a knowledge of French and working experience.‎ ‎【答案】assistant ‎【句意】老板想要一个懂法语而且有工作经验的助理。‎ 三、词组填空(选用恰当词组,并用其恰当的形式填空,每个词组只能用一次)‎ argue about argue against argue for argue sb. into doing argue with ‎ approve of arrange for ask for come to an arrangement come to sb.’s assistance around the clock around the corner aside from as well as beyond argument ‎ in association with ‎1.Women’s Day is _______________, and I’m considering buying a gift for Mum, one that is to her taste.‎ ‎【答案】around the corner ‎【句意】母亲节就要到了,我考虑给妈妈买一个符合她品味的礼物。‎ ‎2.What he said at the meeting means _______________ those who had cut down the forests.‎ ‎【答案】arguing for ‎【句意】刚才在会议他说的话是在为那些砍伐森林的人在说话。‎ ‎3.Whatever he said, his parents wouldn’t ____________ him joining the golf club, which annoyed him a great deal.‎ ‎4.He _______________ smoking, and insisted that it was _______________ that smoking was harmful to health.‎ ‎【答案】argued against, beyond argument ‎【句意】他反对吸烟而且坚持认为吸烟有害健康是无可争辩的。‎ ‎5.We’re trying to _______________ about who should pay the legal fees.‎ ‎【答案】come to an arrangement ‎【句意】我们试图达成一个关于谁应支付法律费用的协议。‎ ‎6._______________ the potential health hazards(危害)it can cause to the people, nuclear energy can also cause thousand deaths when its reactor explode.‎ ‎【答案】Aside from ‎【句意】除了会给人们带来的潜在的健康危害外,核能反应堆爆炸时也会导致数千人死亡。‎ ‎7.Don’t _______________ her. The film is intended for adults and you can’t see it.‎ ‎【答案】argue with ‎【句意】不要和她争论了,这部电影是专为成年人拍摄的,而你不能看。‎ ‎8.After the flood, all the emergency workers stood by _______________ in case the dam burst.‎ ‎【答案】around the clock ‎【句意】洪水过后,所有的急救工作人员都全天准备行动以防大堤决堤。‎ ‎9.The mayor has _____________ a car to pick you up at the airport.‎ ‎【答案】arranged for ‎【句意】市长已经安排小汽车到机场接你。‎ ‎10.Canada is a country consisting of many different nationalities ____________ one with foreign immigrants making up the majority of its population.‎ ‎11.You should concentrate on the road when you’re driving, or you will ____________ trouble.‎ ‎【答案】ask for ‎【句意】你开车时,应该全神贯注于马路,否则你将自找麻烦。‎ ‎12.When he heard the little girl’s cry, he immediately _______________.‎ ‎【答案】came to her assistance ‎【句意】当听到这个小女孩的哭声时,他立刻过来帮助她。‎ ‎13.The program was made _______________ the Taiwan television company. ‎【答案】in association with ‎【句意】本节目和台湾电视公司联手制作。‎ ‎14.He is always ready to ____________  politics with George.  ‎【答案】argue about ‎【句意】他随时准备与乔治争论政治问题。‎ ‎15.He is very stubborn, it is impossible to ____________  what he doesn’t want to.‎ ‎【答案】argue him into doing ‎【句意】他非常固执,要想说服他做他不想做的事情是不可能的。‎ 四、语法填空(在短文空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式)‎ A lot of people in our country take a nap after lunch, so do my classmates. 1 (recent)I have conducted a survey on taking a nap after lunch 2 my classmates. Most of them are in the habit of sleeping for a while at noon 3 they believe it does good to them. The majority prefer 4 do so around 12:30 and the nap usually lasts for about 30 minutes. They often 5 (choice)to sleep at home instead of in their classroom or dormitory.‎ Hopefully, the result of my survey can draw the 6 (attend)of our parents and school. Since most students are in need of a nap, proper 7 (arrange)should be made so that students can have a good rest after a whole morning’s hard work. Students should not be 8 (ask)to do extra work during this period of time.‎ ‎ 9 all , having a nap after lunch, one can feel 10 (refresh)and energetic enough to study more efficiently in the afternoon.‎ 语篇解读:作者在同班同学之间做了一个关于午后小睡的调查。文章介绍了调查结果。‎ ‎1.【答案】Recently ‎【解析】考查副词。该空做时间状语,故要填副词recently。‎ ‎2.【答案】among ‎【解析】考查介词。句意:最近,我在班上同学中间做了一个关于午睡的调查。‎ ‎4.【答案】to ‎【解析】考查非谓语动词。prefer to do sth.意为“宁愿做某事”,故该空填to。句意:多数人12:30左右睡,时间大约半个小时。‎ ‎5.【答案】choose ‎【解析】考查动词。该句主语为they,该空作谓语,且该句陈述的是客观事实,故该空要用一般现在时态。填choose。句意:他们经常选择在家里而不是在教室或宿舍里睡觉。 ‎ ‎6.【答案】attention ‎【解析】考查名词。动词短语draw the attention to促使……注意(引起对…的注意)。句意:我的调查结果会有望引起家长和学校的注意。‎ ‎7.【答案】arrangements ‎【解析】考查名词。该控在句中做主语,填名词。make arrangements/make an arrangement意为“进行安排”,故填arrangement。句意:既然多数学生都需要午睡,那么就应该恰当的安排时间以便他们经过了一上午的艰苦学习之后,可以好好地休息一下。‎ ‎8.【答案】asked ‎【解析】考查动词的语态。句意:在这一段时间内就不应该要求学生做额外的作业。主语students和ask之间是被动关系,故该句应用被动语态,故填asked。‎ ‎9.【答案】After ‎【解析】考查短语。after all毕竟。‎ 五、单句改错(每句都有一个错误,错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改)‎ ‎1.He always explains the method clearly, and introduces many approach to working out the problem.‎ ‎【答案】approach改为approaches ‎【解析】many修饰可数名词,故把approach改为approaches。句意:他总是清晰地解释方法,介绍许多解题的方法。 ‎ ‎2.Personally, I do approve students having their own blogs.‎ ‎【答案】在approve后加of ‎【解析】approve后不可直接接宾语,要跟of连用才可。句意:就我个人而言,我确实赞成学生拥有自己的博客。‎ ‎3.In large families, brothers and sisters often argue each other for good things, such as delicious food or super toys.‎ ‎【答案】在argue后加with ‎【解析】argue with与……争吵。句意:在大的家庭里,兄弟姐妹常常为了得到诸如美味的食物或者高级玩具等好东西而相互争吵。‎ ‎4.Your wife as well as you are friendly to me. ‎ ‎【答案】are改为is ‎【解析】as well as连接并列成分作主语,谓语动词遵循就远原则。也就是说在句子中真正的主语为your wife,故将are改为is。句意:你的妻子和你都对我很友好。‎ ‎5.At their arrival, they were warm welcomed.‎ ‎【答案】At改为On/Upon ‎【解析】on/upon arrival一到达就……。句意:他们一到达就受到了热烈欢迎。‎ ‎6.Tom is arriving from the USA. The secretary has arranged a car to meet him at the airport.‎ ‎【答案】在arranged后加for ‎【解析】arrange for…to do sth.安排……去做某事。句意:汤姆将要从美国回来了。秘书已经安排了车去 机场接他。学科&网 ‎7.Foreigners always associate China to the Great Wall.‎ ‎【答案】to改为with ‎【解析】固定搭配associate…with…把……与……联系起来。句意:外国人总是把中国与长城联在一起。‎ ‎8.Being unable to answer that question is nothing to be ashamed.‎ ‎【答案】在ashamed后加of ‎【解析】be ashamed of为……感到羞耻。句意:不能回答那个问题是没有什么好羞愧的。‎ ‎9.I was about to give up when my father came to my assistant. ‎ ‎【答案】assistant改为assistance ‎【解析】come to sb.’s assistance援助/帮助某人。句意:我正要放弃,这时候父亲来帮助我了。‎ ‎10.I was astonishing at the news that over 20 people had been killed in the coal mine accident.‎ ‎【答案】astonishing改为astonished ‎11.To be honest, a lot of people attach great importance to become rich and famous.‎ ‎【答案】become改为becoming ‎【解析】本题中的固定搭配attach importance to重视,其中的to是介词,后面要接动名词的形式。句意:说实话,很多人都很重视发财和成名。‎ ‎12.When I got into the helicopter, I attempted close the door.‎ ‎【答案】在attempted后加上to ‎【解析】attempt后面接动词不定式作宾语。句意:当我进入直升机的时候,我试图关上门。‎ ‎13.When you get the paper back, pay special attention what has been marked.‎ ‎【答案】在attention后加上to ‎【解析】pay attention to注意,重视。句意:当试卷发到你手中时,你要特别注意做了标记的内容。‎ ‎14.I also conducted a study among the boys about their attitude of friendship.‎ ‎【答案】of改为to/towards ‎【解析】attitude to/towards对……的态度,故把of改为to/towards。句意:我也在这些男孩子中做一个关于他们对待友谊的态度的研究。‎ ‎15.He argued against smoking, and insisted that it was beyond arguing that smoking was harmful to health.‎ ‎【答案】arguing改为argument ‎ ‎

