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‎2020届二轮复习书面表达写作技巧之二十一:如何使行文中出现虚拟结构 虚拟语气通过谓语动词的特殊形式来体现,表示作者的愿望、假设、猜测、怀疑、建议等含义,而非客观存在的事实。虚拟语气适时穿插于写作中,可令人眼前一亮,好感顿生。根据使用环境,虚拟语气在写作中主要有以下几类:‎ ‎1.if型虚拟语气,“如果……,就……”‎ Secondly, if I were you, I would take a walk in the evening with my friends.‎ 第二,如果我是你,我会在傍晚和朋友一起散步。‎ ‎2.wish型虚拟语气,“希望……”‎ Besides, I wish there wouldn't be too many students in a class.另外,我希望一个班不会有太多的学生。‎ ‎3.as if/though型虚拟语气,“好像……”‎ Everything in my childhood crowded upon my mind as if/though they had just happened.‎ 童年的一切一下子涌入我的脑海中,仿佛刚刚发生似的。‎ ‎4.if only型虚拟语气,“要是……就好了;但愿……”‎ If only I could go back and reset my goals.‎ 要是我能够回到过去重新制订目标该有多好。‎ ‎5.It's (high/about) time (that) ...型虚拟语气,“是……的时候了”‎ It is high time that both children and parents took/should take action to make some changes.‎ 确实到了孩子和父母行动起来做出一些改变的时候了。‎ ‎6.(should)do型虚拟语气,“应该做……”。表示“建议、命令、要求”等的动词insist, order, suggest等后面所接的宾语从句一般用“(should)+动词原形”表示虚拟。‎ To master Chinese, I strongly suggest you (should) practice with Chinese people.‎ 为了掌握汉语,我强烈建议你和中国人一起练习。‎ ‎7.without, but for, but that含蓄型虚拟语气,“没有……,要不是……”‎ Without your help, we couldn't have finished the work ahead of time.要是没有你的帮助,我们不可能提前完成这项任务。‎ ‎[专题过关训练]‎ Ⅰ.用虚拟语气补全句子 ‎1.看我现在所处的糟糕境地!要是我听了你的建议就好了!‎ Look at the terrible situation I am in! If only I_had_taken_your_advice!‎ ‎2.建议每个人都应该多吃水果和蔬菜。‎ It is suggested that ‎ everyone_(should)_eat_more_fruit_and_vegetables.‎ ‎3.我们感觉好像亲眼目睹了整个事情的经过。‎ We felt as_if/though_we_had_witnessed the whole thing.‎ ‎4.如果我当时听了你的建议,我的考试就不会有问题了。‎ Had I followed your advice, I would_have_had_no_trouble with my exam.‎ ‎5.要是他能及时赶到机场就好了!‎ If_only_he_could_arrive at the airport in time!‎ ‎6.如果你明天才还书,你就会受罚的。‎ If you returned/should_return/were_to_return the book tomorrow, you would be fined.‎ ‎7.没有你的帮助,我不可能在演讲比赛中获得一等奖。‎ Without_your_help,_I couldn't_have_won first prize in the speech competition.‎ ‎8.我真希望上学时学习再努力一点。‎ I really wish I had_studied_harder when at school.‎ ‎9.是我们该讨论一下昨天遇到的问题的时候了。‎ It's high time that we_had/should_have_a_discussion about the problem we met yesterday.‎ ‎10.老师劝我们要好好利用在这儿的每一分钟。‎ The teacher advised that we_(should)_make_good_use_of every minute here.‎ Ⅱ.利用虚拟语气句型,结合汉语提示补全短文 I feel honored to be invited here to deliver a speech.My topic today is “If I Were a Dustman”.‎ Perhaps you are surprised at my choice, but I do think being a dustman is a great choice.I wish 1.I_could_become_a_dustman (我能成为一名环卫工人) because 2.I_wish_I_could_make_our_city_a_more_beautiful_place_to_live_in (我希望我能把我们的城市变成一个更美的居住的地方).‎ If I were a dustman, 3.I_would_make_our_city_cleaner (我会让我们的城市更干净) with no rubbish lying on the street.I would tell others without us dustmen our city 4.would_be_difficult_to_live_in (很难居住).5.I_would_rather_you_were_in_favor_of_my_idea (我宁愿你们支持我的主意).‎ My suggestion is that, whatever you do, 6.you_(should)_devote_yourself_to_doing_it_well (你应专心做好它).‎

