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高考英语:试卷讲评——学生腾飞的翅膀 从##年中考开始,##区前30~50学生被##二中录走,所以##区内高中招收的尖子生也相应减少;而招生范围又小,导致整体生源质量不高。尽管如此,我校在今年的高考中取得了里程碑式的成绩,受到区市有关领导的肯定与表扬。高三英语组也为这一成绩的取得做出了应有的贡献。我们认为重视试卷讲评的环节与质量是非常有效的做法之一。 考试是教育评价的一个重要手段。考试后的讲评是对教学知识遗漏的一次重要弥补,因此讲评课在高中英语教学中是一个很重要的环节。讲评课的重要功能就是矫正学生在答题过程中暴露的问题,深化对英语知识的理解,提高学生的综合语言运用能力。讲评课程序多,工作量大,往往是薄弱的环节。要上好讲评课,在上课前就需做好精心准备。本着激励学生,延伸知识,总结经验的原则,根据讲评内容恰当选择讲评方法以达到巩固知识,培养英语语言运用能力的目的,成功的讲评课可以弥补学生在平时学习中知识方面的缺陷,激发学生的求知欲从而使学生树立对英语学习的信心,让试卷讲评课成为高三学生英语腾飞的翅膀。 批卷过程 为上好试卷讲评课,我们批卷过程中做到了以下几点: 1.高标准严要求 俗话说:严是爱,宽是害。在批卷过程中对学生高标准严要求,能促使学生养成规范严谨的求学态度,思想上也就能对答题的各个环节与要求做到一丝不苟。 2.流水批阅 同一个题目由同一位老师批阅,就能更好的统一标准,全面发现此题学生所可能出现的问题,为制作学案提供依据. 3.及时性 上午考,下午批完;下午考,晚上加班批完。每次测试完毕,学生都有一种期待,迫切想了解自己的答题结果,且对自己的刚做出的反应记忆犹新,便于回顾试卷,有利于提高教学效果。因此,平时每进行一次测试,我们都当天挤出时间阅完试卷,保证在第一时间了解学生的得失,同时也让学生及时知道自己的测试情况,以便在讲评前留有充分的时间探究,修正自己的问题。若不及时把信息反馈给学生,容易扼杀学生的学习积极性,就会使学生的错误与偏差得不到及时纠正,以至形成错误的思维定式。) 4.备课组交流汇总各自批阅部分发现问题,确定重点讲评题 ,以及需要达到的宽度与深度。 5、分工制作试卷讲评学案 在时间紧,任务重的情况下,为减轻压力 ,分工内容对应专题巡讲人。在学期初,备课组就分配专题到每个人,如听力分配给陈兆强老师;单选方法技巧孙玉现老师负责;完形填空王月秀老师负责;阅读理解王迪老师负责;阅读表达由吴宏丽老师负责;写作由我负责。一个专题由同一位老师在各个班讲一遍。这样每位老师提前就对所负责专题类型进行了深入透彻的准备,储备了足够的问题与材料,制作试卷讲评学案时,就比较高效。 6.汇总校稿 校长多次强调学案试卷一经印刷,不得再作改动,而一旦印刷出来的材料中有错误,则要追究当事人的责任,并且级部通报批评。为了保证学案的质量,我们轮流做校稿审稿人,自觉养成了严谨的态度。 (试卷讲评学案题头)##一中##—2012学年度第二学期高三英语 使用时间:2012.5.7 Class type: test comment and appraisement Editor: Wang Yx Li Hx Reviewers: Sun Wu Chen Wang 7.试卷讲评课上及时下发学案,做巩固补充。 ##一中试卷讲评要求 为了对试卷讲评进行规范与引导,我校专门制定了##一中试卷讲评要求: 每次试卷讲评中,我们又结合英语学科特点坚持了如下环节与做法: 教师讲评课前的准备工作 1.准确统计 第一是对学生总的答题情况进行分析,找出最高分,平均分,优秀率,进步最明显学生以及单达线双达线学生,有利于师生了解考试结果,每次都进行汇总比较,可以掌握学生的学习动态。第二是统计每大题的失分率,逐项分析,了解学生对每类题型的掌握情况,也可以了解每个学生的强项和弱项。掌握了这些数据,就可以有针对性地与学生进行讲话,同时也有利于针对各个学生的强弱项因材施教。 1)电脑阅卷分析(确定40%及以下的重点讲评题): 2)分组手工统计 因为期中期末阶段检测是年级统一批阅,统一出来错题分析的时间会延后,所以为了及时获得讲评重点题,保证试卷讲评的有效性,我们也采用分组统计的方式,将所有题号写在一张纸上,每一大排学生为一组,学生把自己的错题按照写“正”的方式统计在上面,然后传给下一位同学,最后由课代表汇总,在第一时间把数据报给英语老师。而我们学校专门为各个级部单独配备了阅卷机,我们备课组每位老师学会了如何使用阅卷机,这样就不必等计算机 老师阅卷,让学生重新涂卡后,几分钟后我们就能够把分析结果的电子稿传给组内各位老师,保证了反馈的及时性与准确性。 2.归类分析 造成学生考试失误的主要原因有:心理、审题、书写、语言表达知识积累等因素。因此,根据试卷的内容、特点和考试结果,对试卷进行归类分析是必要的。我们首先对试卷中各试题所考察的知识点进行归类分析,掌握知识点在试卷中的分布情况,判断试卷的难易度,给试题做出整体的评价。接着分析试卷中各类题目的命题思路,弄清命题的意图。其次,分析学生出错的原因——是因为没有掌握语言知识,还是对语言知识的运用有问题;是理解的错误还是粗心大意等。学生产生错误的心理原因也很多,因此我们在讲评时对产生普遍性错误的原因也给予分析和重点强调,使学生避免技术性的失分和具备良好地答题心理素质。 3. 制定教学案与ppt课件 在前两点的基础上制定教学方案,首先让学生明确考纲及检测的要求,讲清出题趋势,确定讲评要达到的目的。我们坚持了“两备”: 一备内容,哪些略讲,哪些题重点讲评,讲到什么程度;确定学生出错关键及思维障碍所在,怎样才能在以后不出或少出错,措施如何;何时教师引导启发,何时学生讨论总结。二备方法,既照顾了成绩好的学生,又特别注意了成绩落后的学生,每堂讲评课都努力使成绩落后的学生有所得,使成绩好的学生有所悟。然后选编巩固性练习。主要针对知识性试题,如单选、改错、书面表达等编制,听力、完形、阅读视情况突出一两个关键问题。 1)学案示例 ##一中##—2012学年度第二学期高三英语 使用时间:2012.5.7 Class type: Test comment and appraisement Editor: Wang Yx Li Hx Reviewers: Sun Wu Chen Wang 课前自主学习:I卷 对照答案,纠正错误,分析原因,整理错题笔记,自我梳理知识 II卷 分析答案并改错,提高审题能力,重视答题规范 课堂合作探究:学习目标:认真审题,抓住题眼,准确把握答题方向 分析错误原因,总结命题规律,活用解题技巧,提高解题能力 Part I. 听力错题分析 No.7. How often does the man play on average? 难度系数:73.3% A. Once a month B. Twice a month C. Once a week No.8. What happened to the guy in the front of the stage? 难度系数:73.3% A. He fell off the stage. B. He got in a fight with some crazy people. C. He jumped into the crowd. No.9. What did the man like the most? 难度系数:60% A. The opening band B. The audience C. The design of the stage 错误原因:___________________________规律总结:_________________________________ Part II: 语法与词汇错题分析 1.No.26 难度系数:63.3% 错误原因:___________________________规律总结:_________________________________ 旧题回顾+变式训练: 1). The story took place in Europe in the days before automobiles ________ everyone used horses. A. which B. when C. where D. as 2). I can hardly remember any occasions ________ I get caught in a traffic jam in our town. A.which B.that C.where D.when 2. No. 28 难度系数:83.3% 错误原因:___________________________规律总结:_________________________________ 旧题回顾+变式训练: 3). I’ll spend half of my holiday practising English and ________ half learning drawing. A another B the other C other’s D other 4). --- Shall we go skating next Saturday? --- Can we make it ___ other day, John? I’ll have to finish my term paper next week. A. any B. one C. every D. some 5). I don’t like orange juice, I like ____ fruit juice. A. some other B. some others C. other D. one other 3. No. 29 难度系数:60% 错误原因:___________________________规律总结:_________________________________ 旧题回顾+变式训练: 6)._________ he gave you! A. What good advice B. How good advice C. What a good advice D. How a good advice 7). ________ it is raining! A. How heavy B. How heavily C. What a heavy rain D. What heavy 4. No. 33 难度系数:67% 错误原因:___________________________规律总结:_________________________________ 旧题回顾+变式训练: 8). Look at the pride on Tom’s face. He _______ to have been praised by the manager just now. A. seemed B. seems C. had seemed D. is seeming 9). He seemed ________ the exam, for he smiled all the day. A. passing B. having passing C. to pass D. to have passed Part III: Close test 错题分析 No. 38 难度系数:78% Comfortable: A. confident , relaxed and not worried B. making you feel physically relaxed , without any pain or without being too hot, cold etc. Choose either of the descriptions for each of the sentences . (1) Roy has a comfortable apartment in Qingdao. (2) I was so comfortable and warm in bed that I didn’t want to get up . (3) She is very shy so she never feels very comfortable with men . 错误原因:_________________________ 应对策略:________________________ 旧题回顾+拓展强化: 1. After graduation from senior high school , many of the students will _____ to universities. A. walk B. head C. admit D. apply 2. Born in America , I spoke English , not Chinese , the language of my ancestors. …. Sometimes , I laugh at my fish incident , but, in the end , the joke is on me . Every laugh is a culture ____ ; every laugh is my heritage (传统)fading away . A. thrown B. lost C. divided D. reflected 错题分析No. 49. 难度系数:70% weak : A. not physically strong B. easily influenced by other people Choose either of the descriptions for each of the sentences . (1) He is a weak indecisive man . (2) Mary was weak with hunger. 错误原因:_________________________ 应对策略:________________________ 旧题回顾+拓展强化: 1. Recently, I flew to Las Vegas to attend a meeting . As we were about to arrive , the pilot announced with apology that there was something wrong with the plane . … The movement was so fierce that several passengers felt _(1)___ and had to use airsickness bags . As you can might guess , that’s not good thing to have happen in a(n)___(2)___ space because it only ____(3)___ to increase the discomfort of the situation . (1) A. sick B. nervous C. angry D. afraid (2)A. empty B. narrow C. secret D. open (3) A.happens B. continues C. fails D. serves 2. ____(1)__methods have been used to_(2)_ the intelligence of every child----dull,bright,or normal. (1).A. Valuable B. various C. Unique D. unusual (2).A. measure B. describe C. illustrate D. recognize 总结: 完形填空解题步骤________________________________________________________ Part IV: Reading comprehension: 错题分析No. 70 难度系数:60% 本题错误原因:________________ 应对策略:_______________ 本题为____________类题型,题目中常含有的词为____________________________________ 旧题回顾+拓展强化: 1) One day a man walked into a pet shop and said to the shop assistant,“I need two small mice and about five dozen roaches (蟑螂) and two spiders.” “What do you need these things for?” the shop assistant was very surprised. “Well,”replied the man,“I’m moving out of my apartment and the landlord insists that I should leave the house in exactly the same condition as I found it.” The passage suggests that when the writer moved into the house, it was ______. A. very clean B. just cleaned by the landlord C. tidy and comfortable D. dirty and full of insects 2) Now available at Franklin park , one block from Indiana University . New unfurnished apartments .One bedroom at $135,two bedrooms at $170 per month. Utilities included except electricity. Children, and pets welcome .One month’s deposit .Office open Monday through Saturday nine to five .Call 999-7415 for an evening or Sunday appointment. From this ad we can know that _________. A. the apartments are far from Indiana University B. the apartments have furniture in them C. gas and water bills are included in the rent D. cats and dogs are not permitted in the apartments 错题分析No. 74 难度系数:71.5% 错误原因:________________ 应对策略:________________________ 旧题回顾+拓展强化: 1) Towards the evening, there comes the grand finale of the opening day, an extremely exciting horse race. All the riders run very fast on horseback. Some riders hang off the side of their saddles. Some even ride upside down-their legs and feet straight up in the air- all at full speed. The underlined word “finale” in the fourth paragraph most probably means the____ of the opening day. A .first part B. middle C .last part D. whole 2) But sometimes I just feel loath to talk to these people . I just want to be alone , quietly , without being forced to listen to their gossip or other useless words. The underlined word “loath” in this passage has the closest meaning to _______ . A. pleased B.. unwilling C. hurt D. eager Part V: 巩固练习+拓展过关: 1.After years abroad,he returned to his hometown,________he spent his childhood. A.which B.when C.that D.where 2.It's helpful to put children in a situation ________ they can see themselves differently. A.that B.when C.which D.where 3.Remember that there is still one point ________ we must make clear at the conference tomorrow. A.where B.why C.when D.that 4. Neither side is prepared to talk to _______ unless we can smooth things over between them. A. others B. the other C. another D. one other 用正确的单词填空, 完成句子 5.Some people came by car, ________ came on foot. 有些人是坐汽车来的, 其他的是走着来的。 6.I don't like this dress. Show me ___________. 我不喜欢这件衣服, 请另外拿几件给我看看。 7.There are quite a lot of cars on the road, ________ are black, ________ are white, _______are red and ________ are yellow. 8.He himself has three cars, ______is black, _______ is white and _______ is red. 9.He was convinced on the basis of he had experienced by then that there would be a long and difficult struggle. A. why B. what C. how D. which 10.Life is ten percent happens to you and ninety percent you respond to it. A.which;how B.what;what C.that;that D.what;how 11.________ different life today is________ what it was 30 years ago! A.How; from B.What a; from C.What; from D.How; with 12. ___________ from Beijing to London! A. How long way it is B. What a long way is it C. How far is it D. What a long way it is 13. __________ weather we are having today! A. What a fine B. What fine C. How fine D. How fine a 用seem完成或改写下列句子: 14. I seemed _________ a voice in the distance, but I could see nobody. 15. There __________ a misunderstanding between us. 16. It seems to me that Peter has seen nothing of life. -àPeter seems _______________________. 在我看来, 彼得还不懂人情世故。 17. It seems as if you are the first one here.-à You seem ____________________. 18. He seemed disappointed when the man refused his request. -àIt seemed that he _____________ when the man refused his request. 当那个人拒绝了他的要求时他看起来很失望。 19. 完型填空:英语周报45期完型填空 20. 阅读理解训练: 英语周报45期D 篇 课后小结:__________________________________________________________ 2)部分讲评ppt课件 讲评课上的指导思想 为使讲评课真正达到效果,我们特别重视了发挥学生的主观能动性。讲评时贯彻了以下三点: 1.重视激励 充分了解学生已经掌握了什么,肯定成绩,鼓励和表扬学生的进步。鼓励与表扬都落实到具体的学生,具体的题目。从做题思路、答题技巧等方面细心寻找学习有困难的学生试卷上的"闪光点",使他们看到自己的进步,增强信心,产生经过努力能取得更好成绩的愿望。 2.借题发挥 充分利用好每一份试卷,借题发挥,借考试题目达到巩固所学知识点的目的。在讲评试卷的过程中,我们一是有意识地把遗漏的知识点"牵扯"进去。其二,讲评某一题时,借题说明还有哪些知识内容会以此题的形式进行考查,对相关的语言点知识做一个系统化的罗列。其三,对做题中贯穿的解题技巧给学生举一反三的运用机会。用同种方法再做相关简单的题目让学生从方法上获得训练和实践的机会,以达到提高学生综合语言运用能力的目的。 3.概括总结 "讲评课中经常引导学生弄清楚自己出错的原因,是基础不扎实还是审题不够细心?是解题表述不规范还是对隐含条件的意义弄不清?是思想不重视还是心理紧张过度?找准病根对症下药,以求收到实效。在此基础上总结和概括出对试卷当中所暴露出问题的解决对策和办法,做题技巧和归纳知识要点。使学生真正在考试完毕后找到自己英语语言学习过程中的薄弱环节进行自我改进。 讲评课上的讲评方式 老是老师"一言堂","一言堂"结束后学生沮丧、教师疲惫,效果是事倍功半。我们在组织讲评课时重视了对学生的点拨、启发、诱导、调控,让他们在主动积极地探索活动中实现创新、突破、展示自己的才华智慧,提高对知识掌握的悟性。在课堂组织上,尝试使用了多种讲评方式以防止课堂气氛沉闷,学生失去兴趣。如让学生进行小组讨论,教师在一旁加以指点;对中档题让学生唱主角,让学生自己讲评,让他们从居高临下的角度以批评的眼光来审阅自己的作品,更使他们树立了信心,拓展了思维,同时不仅减轻了教师的负担,又增加了学生对讲评课的兴趣,起到事半功倍的效果。 讲评方式及其效果: The Learning Pyramid How effective are different teaching methods at helping students retain information? National Training Laboratories in Bethel, ME, offers this assessment of various teaching techniques: Teach Others 90% Lecture, at the top of the pyramid, has a disappointingly low retention rate of just 5%. On the other hand , when students participate in active learning –-- and then teach other students ---- retention of material is maximized at 90%. Reading 10% Audio-visual 20% 5% Demonstration 30% 5% Discussion 50% Lecture 5% Practice by Doing 75% 课上流程 按照学校的要求,各备课组每周一节先行课。我们对讲评课的模式进行了讨论,按照以下流程进行试卷讲评课。 1、介绍考试情况(介绍试卷特点,公布全卷和单项得分情况,表扬先进,同时指出答题中存在的突出问题) 2、分项重点讲评(听力重在应试策略、语音知识、话题知识、文化背景的指导。单选重在指导学生理清解题思路,把握知识结构,侧重考点、热点分析,完形重在指导学生在把握篇章整体意义的基础上选择答案,同时找到每道题答题的依据。阅读侧重分析各类文体的写作特点,答题方法以及各类题目的答题要领,指导学生依据文章本身的事实、作者的思路和目的语国家文化背景答题,不要受自身经历、体会的干扰,同时根据不同文章的特点指导学生使用不同的阅读方法。重点讲评书面表达题,首先回顾写作评分要求,然后引导学生分析内容组织要点,各段组织形式,再用投影打出学生中的共性的典型错误,让学生改错,接着引导学生讨论文章的交际目的、可以适当发挥的地方,以及各个要点的多种表达方式等,最后朗读范文或学生中的优秀作文并加以点评,指出好在何处。 3、学生自读试卷并提出个人疑难,小组讨论或教师解答。有时在每一大题全部讲完后进行,有时在几小题评完后进行。 4、进行巩固性训练 主要针对知识和微技能。 5、讨论试卷中出现的新词汇、新考点(包括热点)、好用法,并要求学生领会其用法,并做积累。 学生课前课上课后任务 1.个人试卷存在问题自我纠错 2.小组分配重点问题讲评人 3.准备重点问题的解题思路。可以请教其他同学也可以请教老师。 4.课堂讲评,其他同学质疑补充 5. 个人问题互相讨论解决 6.巩固练习 7. 错题整理 8. 考试小结 9 小结交流借鉴 10.温习巩固 教师讲评课后的工作 讲评课结束后,继续让学生消化讲评内容,以巩固讲评成果。期中期末阶段检测后检测后采取以下三个步骤:第一,布置学生写好考试小结。教师提前说明需包含的要点,然后教师批阅后挑选有代表性的小结在班内张贴,供学生学习。小结内容包括本次考试的准备情况、答题情况、得分情况、出错的主要原因等。针对学生的小结,我们帮助学习有困难的同学制订改进计划,确定可行的目标。平时测验采用小统计表的方式,以节约时间。第二,要求学生认真在"错题集"收集每次考试出错较多的一类题目,并要求写出对题意的理解、解答过程等,以便日后进行复习。教师提前对如何整理错题进行指导,及时批阅,同时作好个别辅导和答疑工作。第三,选择有针对性的适量作业,让学生有巩固和练习的机会,同时检验一下"这回"是否真的明白了,若又错了,与学生一起继续找原因。学生的正确概念正确方法在不断地同错误概念进行斗争,不断地从失败到成功的过程中逐渐形成了英语学习效率也就提高了。 1)小结示例 2)小统计表 3)示例错题整理 总之,试卷及练习的讲评是高中英语教学中重要的一环。通过讲评,切实帮助学生准确掌握和运用知识,使学生考有所得,评有所获。教师授之以"渔",教给学生各种解题的技巧,进行英语思维的训练,激发学生的学习热情,就能使讲评课成为提高英语成绩的有一个有效捷径。 新的学年又开始了,我们将继续坚持过去的良好做法,同时也思考着下列问题: 1. 考试完后直接公布答案好还是学生自我再分析修改后公布好 2. 如何帮助学生更有效地克服知识方法遗忘 3. 边缘生英语成长记录不够完善,如何更直观实用 4. 如何引导学生利用思维导图来学习知识点,语法与阅读写作题型 每次研讨会上,我们都能从区市教研室以及兄弟学校的交流报告中受到启发,获得帮助,我们相信通过不断的学习与实践,我们也能拥有腾飞的翅膀! 2012年9月查看更多