沪教牛津版三年级英语下册 Module 2 单元测试

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沪教牛津版三年级英语下册 Module 2 单元测试

Module 2 单元测试题 姓名: 班级: 一、圈出不同类的单词(10 分)  1. A. grey B. write C. pink  2. A. I B. they C. your  3. A. sweet B. smooth C. soft  4. A. theeth B. eye C. heads  5. A. lizard B. cow C. pet 二、判断读音是否相同(T 或 F) (10 分)  1. ( ) A. his B. big  2. ( ) A. black B. taste  3. ( ) A. cake B. nice  4. ( ) A. butterfly B. blue  5. ( ) A. what B. who 三、按要求写单词(18 分) 1. open(反义词): 2. soft(反义词): 3.this (复数): 4.happy(反义词) 5. knife(复数): 6. sheep (复数): 7. foot(复数): 8. tiger(同类词): 9.have(单 三) 四、选词填空:(10 分) 1. ( ) Touch the desk .How _______ it feel? A. do B. does C. is 2. ( ) _____ the lion in the cage. A. Look B. Listen C. Look at 3. ( ) Is Kitty new friend ? A. your B. you C. my 4. ( )It’s very late .Go bed . A. to B. in C. into 5. ( )Can you hear ? A. a duck B. lorry C. dog 6. ( )Look _____ the bird the tree. A. to, on B. at , in C. in , at 7. ( )Here you are . A. OK B. Thank you C. Yes, please 8. ( )I am ten, he is ten ,_____. A. to B. too C. two 9.( )His teeth big. His nose is big . A. is B. are C . am 10. ( ) Look ! The bird is _____the roof. A. in B. at C. on 五、用适当形式填空:(24 分) 1.Alice my friend. ____ is eight. 2. I can see an ______ in the sky . It is _____. 3. Ben’s teachers ___ got many books. . 4. Tom and Ben _____ both students. 5. _______skateboards are nice . They _______ blue. 6. Is that _____banana big ? 7. _____ you like ducks ? 8.Take this melons _____ Miss Wu 9 .My grandma like any animals . 六、读读判断是否相符(T 或 F)(10 分) Hello, I’m Peter. I’m a boy .I’m eleven years old. Lucy is my sister. She is ten . She is tall and thin .She can sing , but she can’t swim. She has a pet . It’s a tortoise (乌龟). It is small and green. It can swim slowly . Lucy likes it very much . I like it , too.  ( )1.Lucy has a brother .  ( )2.Lucy is not eleven years old .  ( )3.Peter has a pet , it is a dog .  ( )4.The tortoise can’t swim .  ( )5. They don’t like it . 七、按要求完成句子:(12 分) 1. He is my friend .划线提问) 2、My bike is blue and green . (划线提问) 3. Ben has a red and yellow dress. (一般疑问句) 4. I’m at home . (划线提问) 5. Can birds fly ? (肯定回答) 八、Think and write (想想写写) (6 分) 要求:不少于五句话 My favourite animal My favorite animal is . It’s . It has . It likes . It can . I .

