【英语】2021届新高考英语一轮复习限时规范练北师大版:必修5Unit13B People作业

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【英语】2021届新高考英语一轮复习限时规范练北师大版:必修5Unit13B People作业

限时规范练26(必修5 Unit 13B)‎ 核心素养关键词:培养学生人与社会、服务社会的思维意识 ‎ 限时规范练第52页  ‎ 一、阅读理解 A Wanda Butts dropped the phone and screamed when she heard the news that her son was dead.‎ Josh had drowned while sailing on a lake with his friends.The 16-year-old didn’t know how to swim,and he wasn’t wearing a life jacket.‎ Josh was not alone in the black community.According to USA Swimming,70% of African-American children cannot swim.According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,African-American children between the ages of 5 and 14 are three times more likely to drown than white children in the same age range.‎ In 2007,Butts started the Josh Project,a non-profit project that provides low-cost swimming lessons for children in Toledo,Ohio.The swimming lessons take place at a local high school over four Saturdays for a total cost of $10.‎ To date,the Josh Project has helped more than 1,000 children learn how to swim.‎ ‎“The public pools near our home were closed,and other places were not affordable,” said Lisa Haynes,whose 14-year-old son,Joshua,is one of 60-plus students in the Josh Project this summer.‎ ‎“I am less worried if Joshua is near water because he has the basics of how to swim,” Haynes said.“And we’re thankful for that.”‎ Butts is doing much more,however,than just providing swimming lessons.‎ ‎“She ups the awareness,” said Shaun Anderson,a swimming coach who was so inspired by her story that he created a Josh Project swimming program at Norfolk State University.“Once these communities learn how to swim,they will pass it down,which results in future generations that know how to swim.”‎ Butts said she has two wishes for the future:One is to change the drowning numbers of African-American children,and the other is to have a swimming center where the children can swim daily instead of just once a week.‎ ‎【篇章导读】本文是记叙文。因为一次溺水事件失去儿子的Wanda Butts创建了一个教非裔美国儿童学习游泳的非营利组织。‎ ‎1.What led to Josh’s drowning?‎ A.He was never taught swimming skills.‎ B.He was poor in boating skills.‎ C.He gave his life jacket to a friend.‎ D.He was careless when swimming in the lake.‎ 答案A 解析细节理解题。由第二段可知,因为不会游泳且未穿救生衣,Josh在湖中与朋友们乘船航行时溺亡。‎ ‎2.Why did the author list the numbers in Paragraph 3?‎ A.To show children under 14 are more likely to drown.‎ B.To argue children should learn swimming at a very young age.‎ C.To show many African-American children lack swimming skills.‎ D.To introduce the difference between African-American and white children.‎ 答案C 解析推理判断题。第三段主旨句为第一句,即Josh的情况在美国非裔群体中并不罕见。接下来作者引用两个组织提供的数据来支持这个说法,70%的非裔美国儿童不会游泳,且在5到14岁年龄段的儿童之中,非裔美国儿童溺亡的人数要比白人儿童高出几倍。因此,这些数据是为了说明非裔美国儿童当中有许多人都不会游泳。‎ ‎3.What can we learn about the Josh Project?‎ A.It has its own swimming pools.‎ B.It provides lessons only in summer.‎ C.It serves children aged from 5 to 14.‎ D.Its swimming lessons take place once a week.‎ 答案D 解析细节理解题。由第四段中的“The swimming lessons...four Saturdays”以及最后一段中的“where the children...just once a week”可知,该组织每周六开设游泳课程,一周一次。‎ ‎4.What did Lisa Haynes think of the swimming lessons the Josh Project provides?‎ A.Expensive.‎ B.Helpful.‎ C.Interesting.‎ D.Difficult.‎ 答案B 解析推理判断题。由倒数第四段中Haynes所说的话可知,她的儿子通过游泳课程学会了基本的游泳技能,她对此很感激。因此可推断,Haynes认为该公益组织开设的游泳课程很有用。‎ B I recently watched a woman film herself as she walked around an ancient building in San Sebastian,Spain.The place was rich in history and the view was great.But she wasn’t looking at the blue sea or the old houses — she was looking at her camera!‎ What are we missing by seeing life through social media? I’m not the first person to ask that question but I’ll also admit I’m part of the “problem”.I take photos of beautiful places and enjoy them just for their social media value.‎ I remember a usually cheerful friend of mine going through his Facebook feed one day during a quiet afternoon at work.“I’m so depressed.Everyone’s going to the most wonderful places and having the most wonderful time,” he said.Except they’re probably not.One photo shows one moment in a day.People simply don’t post a photo of the time when they got into a fight with their taxi driver.‎ Take the day that I got more “likes” than usual for a picture I’d posted on Instagram.I’d gone to a temple in Japan and spent the day climbing hundreds of steps to see what turned out to be a rather ordinary temple.I had seen a lot of temples by then and this one was a bit disappointing.That evening,I posted a photo of an ice cream with colourful little sugary decorations on it and was surprised by how many of my “followers” liked it.But that ice cream didn’t sum up (概括) my day and I felt like a bit of a liar.‎ Of course,that experience hasn’t stopped me using social media.I can see the advantages too — “connecting” with friends overseas,taking photos to remember the beauty of a moment,sharing our experiences of new places.We want to remember the good moments of travelling and social media helps us do that.But let’s not forget that’s only one part of travelling.Is that photo you just posted as important as being there in that moment and in that place?‎ ‎【篇章导读】本文是议论文。文章就旅行途中过度使用社交媒体的现象进行了讨论。‎ ‎5.What purpose does Paragraph 1 serve in the text?‎ A.To give suggestions.‎ B.To introduce the topic.‎ C.To express the main idea.‎ D.To offer background information.‎ 答案B 解析推理判断题。第一段讲述了一个女游客的故事,她在一个景点自拍,目光一直注视着相机,而对周围美丽的景色和充满历史气息的建筑不屑一顾。作者通过这个故事引出了本文的话题,即旅游过程中过度使用社交媒体的问题。‎ ‎6.Why was the author’s friend unhappy?‎ A.He couldn’t finish his work.‎ B.He got into a fight with others.‎ C.He couldn’t enjoy himself like his friends were.‎ D.He got few “likes” for the pictures on his Facebook.‎ 答案C 解析细节理解题。由第三段中的“going through his Facebook...at work”以及“I’m so depressed...the most wonderful time”可知,作者的这位朋友浏览社交媒体朋友圈之后,认为他的朋友们都去了很棒的地方,玩得很开心,而他却在工作,这让他感到很沮丧。‎ ‎7.How was the author’s holiday in Japan in her Instagram followers’ eyes?‎ ‎             ‎ A.Busy. B.Tiring.‎ C.Enjoyable. D.Disappointing.‎ 答案C 解析推理判断题。由倒数第二段中的“surprised by how many of my ‘followers’ liked it”以及“that ice cream didn’t...a bit of a liar”可知,虽然作者发布的美味冰激凌的照片不能反映她假日的总体情况,但她社交媒体上的朋友们很喜欢这张照片,并认为它反映了作者的假日。因此推断,在社交媒体上的朋友们看来,作者在日本度假时很愉快。‎ ‎8.What does the author think of using social media during travelling?‎ A.It makes travelling much easier.‎ B.It is less important than enjoying the journey.‎ C.It will become more popular among travellers.‎ D.It leads to misunderstandings about other people.‎ 答案B 解析推理判断题。由最后一段中的“We want to remember...helps us do that”以及“But let’s not forget...in that place”可知,作者承认旅游时使用社交媒体可以帮人们记录美好时刻,但她认为人们应该记住照片只是旅游的一部分,更重要的是享受一个地方带给你的亲身体验。‎ 二、完形填空 On a cold afternoon in January 2015,Yesenia Diosdado,11,got off a school bus in Lenexa,Kansas,near the apartment building where she lives with her family.When the  1  pulled away,Yesenia saw police and emergency workers attending to  2  of a three-car accident that had happened at a busy crossroads nearby.Yesenia  3  a small crowd of onlookers across the street. ‎ She noticed that a(n) 4  woman was trying to  5  with an Emergency Medical Service worker using sign language,but he couldn’t  6  her.“I heard him  7  an interpreter,” Yesenia says. ‎ She ran over to the paramedic (护理人员) to  8  — her mother,a former sign language interpreter,had  9  her and her sisters how to  10  (no one in the family is hearing-impaired). ‎ ‎“She said,‘I sign.Can I help?’” says EMS captain Chris Winger.“I was 11 .” ‎ Yesenia was able to 12  to the emergency worker that the woman’s neck was injured and tell them the name of the local hospital she preferred.“She looked really  13 ,” says Yesenia.“I’m proud that I got to do  14  to help.” ‎ When her mother,Susan Milidore,36,heard about Yesenia’s 15  actions,she wasn’t surprised.“It’s in her  16  to help,” says Susan.“I was impressed that she recognized the  17  of the situation and took charge.Most adults wouldn’t have  18  that.” ‎ A few weeks later,paramedics 19  Yesenia with a gold coin and a certificate of appreciation at her elementary school. ‎ ‎“My mom always says that you 20  know when sign language might come in handy,” says Yesenia.“That day,it did.” ‎ ‎【篇章导读】本文是记叙文。美国堪萨斯州的一位十一岁女孩用手语挽救了别人的生命。‎ ‎             ‎ ‎1.A.bus B.car C.train D.ambulance 答案A 解析由上文的“Yesenia Diosdado...got off a school bus”可知,当“校车(bus)”离开Yesenia下车的地方后,她看到了正在处理中的交通事故。‎ ‎2.A.students B.passers-by C.crowds D.victims 答案D 解析由下文提及车祸中的伤者可知,警察和急救人员正在照料三车相撞事故中的“受伤人员(victims)”。‎ ‎3.A.visited B.joined C.passed D.interviewed 答案B 解析由下文Yesenia向伤者提供帮助可知,她下了校车后“加入(joined)”到围观的人群中。‎ ‎4.A.lost B.kind C.injured D.attractive 答案C 解析由下文的“the woman’s neck was injured”可知,Yesenia注意到一个“受伤的(injured)”女士。‎ ‎5.A.argue B.discuss C.compete D.communicate 答案D 解析由using sign language和but一词的转折可知,受伤的女士试图通过手语与急救人员“交流(communicate)”,但那位急救人员不“明白(understand)”她在说什么。‎ ‎6.A.support B.remember C.recognize D.understand 答案D 解析见上题解析。‎ ‎7.A.call on B.ask for C.reply to D.look into 答案B 解析由下文Yesenia提供帮助可知,急救人员“请求要(ask for)”一名懂手语的翻译。‎ ‎8.A.help B.greet C.watch D.wait 答案A 解析由下文Yesenia说“I sign.Can I help?”可知,懂手语的Yesenia跑到护理人员面前去“帮忙(help)”。‎ ‎9.A.missed B.written C.taught D.recorded 答案C 解析Yesenia的妈妈曾经是一位手语翻译者,故她“教会(taught)”Yesenia姐妹们如何“讲手语(sign)”。‎ ‎10.A.share B.sign C.speak D.hear 答案B 解析见上题解析。‎ ‎11.A.encouraged B.troubled C.surprised D.frightened 答案C 解析十一岁的小女孩会手语且能主动提供帮助,这让Chris Winger 很“惊讶(surprised)”。‎ ‎12.A.listen B.turn C.explain D.announce 答案C 解析懂手语的Yesenia把受伤女人的手语意思“解释(explain)”给医护人员。‎ ‎13.A.hurt B.calm C.busy D.sleepy 答案A 解析由上文的“the woman’s neck was injured”可知,那个女人“伤(hurt)”得很厉害。‎ ‎14.A.anything B.nothing C.something D.everything 答案C 解析Yesenia对自己能给别人提供“一些(something)”帮助而感到自豪。‎ ‎15.A.crazy B.brave C.funny D.careless 答案B 解析Yesenia主动给他人提供帮助是“英勇的(brave)”行为。‎ ‎16.A.duty B.nature C.interest D.dream 答案B 解析由“her mother...wasn’t surprised”可知,妈妈对Yesenia帮助他人的行为一点也不吃惊,认为这是她的 “天性(nature)”。‎ ‎17.A.purpose B.advantage C.importance D.seriousness 答案D 解析车祸中的女士受伤严重,Yesenia能够意识到车祸的“严重性(seriousness)”并对此主动给予帮助,这让她的妈妈感受颇深,因为很多成年人都不一定会这样“做(done)”。‎ ‎18.A.met B.done C.chosen D.accepted 答案B 解析见上题解析。‎ ‎19.A.provided B.confused C.presented D.compared 答案C 解析对于Yesenia主动提供帮助的举措,急救中心的人员“授予(presented)”Yesenia一枚金币和一份证书以示感谢。‎ ‎20.A.often B.never C.still D.forever 答案B 解析Yesenia的家人没有听力障碍,但她的妈妈还是教会她们姐妹们如何讲手语,由此可知,Yesenia的妈妈认为“你‘不(never)’会知道手语哪天就可以用上”。‎ 三、短文改错 When you’re a kid you really don’t understand much about life and you just went through life day by day as happy you can be.But as you grow up,you may get used to be taken care of and don’t appreciate everything your family do for us.In fact,you need to treasure the moments you spend in your family because of one day they might not all be there.When you lose one of your family member,you will feel rather sad and deep regret it.Family plays an very important role in our lives because they’re the ones which inspire us to fight and do better.‎ 答案 第一句:went→go;happy后加as 第二句:be→being;us→you 第三句:in→with;去掉of 第四句:member→members;deep→deeply 第五句:an→a;which→who/that

