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‎2018届人教版必修五一轮复习:Unit3Life in the future单元学案设计单元 单元重点词汇回顾 用法点拨 ‎ What were your first impressions of Beijing?‎ 你对北京的第一印象如何?‎ The book left/made a deep impression on him.‎ 这本书给他留下了深刻的印象。‎ What he said gave her a bad impression.‎ 他的话给她留下了恶劣的印象。‎ 归纳拓展 impress v.给……留下印象;使感动 ……给某人留下印象 have/make a good/bad impression on sb.给某人留下好/坏印象 impressive adj.给人深刻印象的 an impressive scene难忘的场面 an impressive story感人的故事 完成句子 ‎(1)His heroic deed created a_lasting_impression_on_people(给人留下了永不磨灭的印象).‎ ‎(2)He looked around the house,wished to impress everything on_his_mind(铭记在脑海中).‎ ‎2 I have to remind myself constantly that I am really in AD 3008.我得不断提醒自己,我已进入公元3008年。(回归课本)‎ 用法点拨 He reminded me of his brother.‎ 他使我想起了他的哥哥。‎ I reminded him to answer that letter.‎ 我提醒他要回信。 ‎ I reminded him that he must go home before dark.‎ 我提醒他必须在天黑前回家。‎ 归纳拓展 remind sb. of sth.提醒某人某事 remind sb.to do sth.提醒某人做某事 ‎ remind sb. thatclause 提醒某人……‎ reminder n.提醒物;通知单 翻译句子 ‎(1)这些照片让我想起了那些快乐的日子。‎ These_photos_reminded_me_of_those_happy_days.‎ ‎(2)他提醒我尽可能常给他发电子邮件。‎ He_reminded_me_to_send_an_email_to_him_as_often_as_possible.‎ ‎3 Hit by a lack of fresh air,my head ached.由于缺乏新鲜空气,我感到头痛。(回归课本)‎ 用法点拨 I can’t buy the bike because of my lack of money.‎ 我因为缺钱而不能买那辆自行车。‎ A lack of food caused her to grow weak.‎ 缺少食物导致她长得很弱。‎ We still lack the necessary information.‎ 我们仍缺少必要的信息。‎ 归纳拓展 lack作名词时常与介词of连用;作动词时常与介词for或in连用。‎ lack (for) sth.缺少……‎ be lacking in sth.缺少……‎ for/by/from/through lack of因缺乏……,因没有……‎ ‎(a) lack of...……方面的缺乏 have no lack of不缺乏……‎ 完成句子 ‎(1)He was acquitted for_lack_of_evidence(因证据不足).‎ ‎(2)He is_lacking_in_responsibility(不够负责).‎ ‎4 These carriages float above the ground and by bending or pressing down in your seat,you can move swiftly.这些气垫车是在地面上方飘浮着的,只要在座位上把操纵杆打弯或压下,你就可以迅速地移动。(回归课本)‎ 用法点拨 He pressed the doorbell but nobody answered.‎ 他按了按门铃,但是没人开门。‎ He pressed his way through the crowd and bought the gift.‎ 他挤过人群买了这份礼物。‎ As we all know,the power of the press is great.‎ 众所周知,新闻界的力量非常大。‎ 归纳拓展 be pressed逼迫;拮据 be pressed for time/money缺少时间/金钱 press on/upon努力继续或前进 佳句背诵 ‎(1)She pressed the button to start the engine.‎ 她按按钮来发动引擎。‎ ‎(2)Don’t press him to do what he doesn’t like to do.‎ 不要逼迫他做他不喜欢做的事。‎ ‎5 Just as I tried to make the necessary adjustment to this new situation,Wang Ping appeared.正当我要为了适应新环境而做一些必要的调整时,王平出现了。(回归课本) ‎ 用法点拨 I have made a few adjustments to the plan.‎ 我对计划做了些小小的调整。‎ She made a quick adjustment to her new job.‎ 她很快就适应了新的工作。‎ Some adjustments may be necessary.‎ 可能有必要做些调整。‎ 归纳拓展 adjust...to...使……适应……‎ adjust to适应 adjustable adj.可调整的 翻译句子 ‎(1)She adjusted the seat to the height of her child.‎ 她调整座椅以适合她孩子的身高。‎ ‎(2)He soon adjusted to school life.‎ 他不久就适应了学校的生活。‎ ‎(3)You must adjust yourself to new circumstances ‎ 你必须使自己适应新环境。‎ ‎6 Then Wang Ping flashed a switch on a computer screen,and a table and some chairs rose from under the floor as if by magic.然后王平把电脑荧屏上的开关闪了一下,于是一张桌子和几把椅子就像变魔术般地从地板下面升了起来。(回归课本)‎ 用法点拨 There is a switch on the wall for turning on the lights.‎ 墙上有一个开电灯的开关。‎ He switched the conversation from one subject to another.‎ 他转变话题。‎ 归纳拓展 switch around(使)经常更换工作;使变换位置 switch from (to)变换;转移 switch to转(换)到 switch off切断(电流);不收听(某一广播);不关注 switch on 接上(电流);收听;(使)兴致勃勃 完成句子 ‎ (1)Please switch_off(关掉)your mobile phone.‎ ‎(2)I used to cook on electricity,but I’ve switched_to_gas(换成天然气了).‎ ‎(3)Don’t switch_the_TV_on(开电视).‎ ‎7 Have a class discussion and decide whether you think the writer has an optimistic or a pessimistic view of the future.全班同学讨论一下,判断作者对未来是持有乐观还是悲观的态度。(回归课本)‎ 用法点拨 The graduates are optimistic about their future.‎ 这些大学毕业生对未来抱有乐观态度。‎ The sixties were,in general,an optimistic decade.‎ 总的说来,60年代是个乐观的年代。‎ 归纳拓展 be optimistic about对……抱乐观态度 optimism n.乐观,乐观主义 ‎ optimist n.乐观者,乐观主义者 pessimism n.悲观主义 pessimist n.悲观主义者 pessimistic adj.悲观的 佳句背诵 ‎(1)She said she was optimistic about the future of the company.‎ 她说她对公司的未来感到乐观。‎ ‎(2)I remain optimistic that a peaceful settlement of the dispute can be achieved.‎ 我对争端能得到和平解决这一点仍抱乐观态度。‎ ‎8 uncertain adj.不确定的;不能断定的;心中无数的 So I was very nervous and uncertain at first.因此,我一开始就感到神经过敏和心神不定。(回归课本)‎ 用法点拨 We are uncertain about how to deal with this matter.‎ 我们不知如何处理这事。‎ I am used to the uncertain weather in Britain.‎ 我适应了英国变化莫测的天气。‎ 归纳拓展 It is uncertain whether/why/how etc.不清楚……‎ remain uncertain仍不得而知 be uncertain about/of对……心中无数;不能断定 uncertainly adv.不清楚地;不确定地 uncertainty n.不知道;不确定 佳句背诵 ‎(1)The economic outlook was beginning to look uncertain.‎ 经济前景开始变得不甚明朗。‎ ‎(2)I left the meeting feeling anxious,and was uncertain about what to do next.‎ 我满心焦虑地离开了会场,不知道下一步该怎么办。‎ ‎9 I still cannot believe that I’m taking_up the prize that I won last year.我现在仍然不能相信我是在接受去年获得的这个奖励。(回归课本)‎ 用法点拨 If I didn’t take up the challenge,it would mean I failed.‎ 如果我不接受挑战,那就意味着我输了。‎ When did you take to mountain climbing?‎ 你什么时候喜欢上登山运动的?‎ 归纳拓展 take off脱下;起飞;成功 take on雇用;呈现;接受 take out (带某人)出去 take over接管;接手;接任 take to喜欢上……,对……产生好感 take back收回 ‎ take down拆除;记下 完成句子 ‎(1)She_took_up_engineering(干起了工程设计)at the age of 22.‎ ‎(2)The band’s new album takes_up_where_their_last_one_left_off(是接上一集的乐曲录制的).‎ I felt better in_no_time.我立刻感到舒服些了。(回归课本)‎ 用法点拨 On hearing the noise,he got up in no time to see what had happened.‎ 一听见噪音他就起床去看一下发生了什么。‎ He made a call in no time.‎ 他立即拨打了电话。‎ 归纳拓展 at any time在任何时候 at a time逐一;每次 at one time曾经,一度 at times有时 at that time在那时 at the same time同时; 不过,然而 at all times一直 from time to time不时的 in time及时;迟早 完成句子 ‎(1)He is slightly mad;at_the_same_time(不过,然而) he is one of the kindest men that I know.‎ ‎(2)Don’t be so disappointed.If you spare no efforts to study,you will succeed in_time(迟早).‎ However,I lost_sight_of Wang Ping when we reached what looked like a large market because of too many carriages flying by in all directions.当我们到达一个看上去像个大市场的地方时,由于太多的气垫车朝四面八方飞奔,我看不到王平了。(回归课本)‎ 用法点拨 I saw her for a moment but then lost sight of her in the crowd.‎ 我看了她一会儿,然后她就消失在人群了。‎ He lost his sight in an accident.‎ 他在一起事故中丧失了视力。‎ 归纳拓展 sight n.视力;视觉;前景;风景,指“名胜”时常用复数形式,常与the连用。“看……名胜”常用see the sights或do the sights.‎ at first sight乍一看 at the sight of看到 in sight=within sight在视野内 in the sight of以……的观点看,以……的眼光看 out of sight在看不见的地方,在视野外 in one’s sight某人看得到 catch/get/have sight of看到 lose one’s sight失明 lose sight of看不到 come into sight进入视野内,映入眼帘 go out of sight从视野中消失,变得看不见 完成句子 ‎(1)She saw her boyfriend off at the railway station,she waved until the train was out_of_sight(看风景名胜)of Taibei.‎ ‎(2)Many people come to see_the_sights/do_the_sights(看风景名胜).‎ ‎(3)They fell in love with each other at_first_sight(一见钟情).‎ He was swept_up into the center of them.他被卷入到这群车队中去了。(回归课本)‎ 用法点拨 I’m going to sweep up.我要去打扫卫生。‎ Would you sweep up the broken glass?‎ 你把这些碎玻璃清扫干净行吗?‎ 归纳拓展 sweep aside用力把……推到一边;对……置之不理 sweep away扫走;刮走;冲走 sweep down冲下 sweep off扫去;大量清除 sweep over扫过;席卷 佳句背诵 ‎(1)He swept aside all her objections.‎ 他全然不顾她的反对意见。‎ ‎(2)Many people died when floods swept their homes away.‎ 许多人在洪水冲毁他们的家园时丧生。‎ ‎(3)A wave of tiredness swept over her.‎ 她突然感到一阵倦意。‎ ‎13. ‎...and the next instant it’s sent.……刹那间信息就发出去了。(回归课本)‎ 用法点拨 I’ll be back in an instant.‎ 我马上就回来。‎ I don’t like to drink instant coffee.‎ 我不喜欢喝速溶咖啡。‎ 归纳拓展 instantly adv.立即,马上 in an instant片刻,一刹那 the minute/moment/instant用作连词,意思是“一……就……”,其用法与as soon as完全一样 完成句子 ‎(1)I will call you the_instant(一……就……)I learn of something about it.‎ ‎(2)She was killed instantly(当场).‎ ‎(3)It took only an_instant(刹那间)for him to react.‎ ‎14. A giant machine,always greedy for more,swallows all the waste available.一个巨型机器,始终贪婪地张着大嘴,把所有得到的垃圾(一口)吞了下去。(回归课本)‎ 用法点拨 Chew your food properly before swallowing it.‎ 咽下食物前要好好咀嚼。‎ She was swallowed up by the crowd and we lost sight of her.‎ 她淹没在人群中,我们看不到她了。‎ 归纳拓展 swallow one’s feelings 压抑情绪 swallow one’s words收回所说的话 swallow one’s pride/disappointment/anger,etc.丢下自尊/不流露出失望/抑制住怒火 佳句背诵 ‎(1)He finally swallowed his pride and asked for help.‎ 他最后抛开面子求助。‎ ‎(2)Large areas of countryside have been swallowed up by towns.‎ 大片大片的乡村地区被城镇吞噬。‎ ‎15. The robots produce goods such as drugs,clothes,furniture,hovering carriages,etc.机器人生产像药品、衣服、家具和汽垫车等东西。(回归课本)‎ 用法点拨 They are busy landing the goods.‎ 他们正忙着卸货物。‎ In terms of quality,the goods aren’t good.‎ 就质量而言,这批货物并不好。‎ 归纳拓展 goods只有复数形式,作主语时,谓语动词要用复数。‎ goods不与数词连用,但可以与these,those,all,a lot of等词连用。‎ 佳句背诵 ‎(1)These goods were transported by train.‎ 这些货物是用火车运来的。‎ ‎(2)He was found in possession of £8,000 worth of stolen goods.‎ 他被发现拥有价值8 000英镑的赃物。‎ ‎16 Nothing is wasted,and everything,even plastic bags,is recycled.什么都不浪费,所有的东西,哪怕是塑料袋也回收利用了。(回归课本)‎ 用法点拨 Japan recycles 40% of its waste.‎ 日本40%的废品都得到了回收利用。‎ Old sheets can always be recycled for children’s clothes.‎ 旧床单常常可以再用来做孩子的衣服。‎ 归纳拓展 recycling n.回收利用;回收的物品 recycling schemes/initiatives回收计划/措施 recyclable adj.可循环的 完成句子 ‎(1)These are bags made_of_recycled_paper(由再生纸做的).‎ ‎(2)Some materials can_be_recycled(是可以循环使用的).‎ ‎17. However,the companies have to train their representatives to live and work in space settlements.这些公司必须培训他们的代表能在太空中生活和工作。(回归课本)‎ 用法点拨 Delegates will meet with representatives from industry and the government.‎ 代表团将与产业界和政府的代表会面。‎ The study was carried out in one small town,so we can’t be sure that the results are truly representative.‎ 这项研究是在一个小镇里完成的,所以我们不能肯定其结果具有真正的代表性。‎ 归纳拓展 representative of/from...……的代表 represent v.代表;表示;象征;作为……的代表 represent sb./sth.as sth.把……描绘成……‎ be represented (团体或组织)派代表出席 佳句背诵 ‎(1)All five countries will be represented at the summit.‎ ‎5个国家都将派代表出席首脑会议。‎ ‎(2)Works by younger artists are well represented in the show.‎ 年轻艺术家的作品在展览上得到了很好的展示。‎ ‎18. However,the companies have to train their representatives to live and work in space settlements.这些公司必须培训他们的代表能在太空中生活和工作。(回归课本)‎ 用法点拨 They are negotiating a peace settlement.‎ 他们正在为达成和平协议进行谈判。‎ They discovered the remains of an early AngloSaxon settlement.‎ 他们发现了一个早期的盎格鲁撒克逊人的村落。‎ 归纳拓展 settle v.解决,调停(争执);定居,安家 settle down(使)安定;(使)平静;(使)平息 settled adj.安心的;定居的 settler n.移居者,移民,拓荒者 完成句子 ‎(1)I’m glad the arrangements are_all_settled(都已经定下来了).‎ ‎(2)The kids will settle_down(安静下来)after they’ve had a nap.‎ ‎19. When we wanted the hovering carriage to speed_up...当我们想让盘旋的驱动车加速时,……(回归课本)‎ 用法点拨 He’ll never get there on time unless he speeds up.‎ 除非他加速,否则不能按时到那儿。‎ You see drivers speeding up when they should be slowing down.‎ 你看到司机们在应该减速时却加速。‎ 归纳拓展 speed towards/away/through.etc快速朝……行进/疾驰而过 at a speed of以……的速度 at full/top speed全速地 完成句子 ‎(1)We hope these_changes_will_help_speed_things_up_a_bit(这些变化会加速事情的进展).‎ ‎(2)I heard a car speed_away(疾驰而过).‎ ‎20. describe...as...把……说称……;把……称作……‎ Described_as an enormous round plate,it spins slowly in space to imitate the pull of the earth’s gravity.太空站像一个大圆盘,在太空中缓缓地旋转,以仿照出地球重心的引力。(回归课本)‎ 用法点拨 Was this the man she had once described as a hero?‎ 这是她曾经称作英雄的那个人吗?‎ I wouldn’t describe her as a nice person.‎ 我不会说她是个好人。‎ 归纳拓展 description n.描写;叙述 give/provide/issue a description (of)描述/描绘……‎ beyond description难以形容的 完成句子 ‎(1)He was unable to give the police a_description_of_his_attacker(描绘出袭击他的人).‎ ‎(2)I was sickened and shocked beyond_description(难以用语言来形容).‎ 单元重点句式回顾 ‎1 The air seemed thin,as though its combination of gases had little oxygen left.空气似乎很稀薄,好像在混合的气体中剩下的氧气很少。‎ 用法点拨 as though=as if仿佛,好像,引导表语从句,此时从句常用虚拟语气,也可引导方式状语从句,从句的谓语动词常用虚拟语气(也可用陈述语气)。‎ He behaves as if he owned the place.‎ 他的所作所为好像他是这个地方的主人。‎ He talks as though he knew where she was.‎ 他说话的样子好像知道她在哪里似的。‎ 翻译句子 ‎(1)He opened his mouth as if he would say something.‎ 他张开嘴好像要说什么。‎ ‎(2)They talked as if they had known for many years.‎ 他们谈起来就像已经认识了好多年了。‎ ‎(3)It looks as if it’s going to rain.‎ 天看上去好像要下雨了。‎ ‎2 用法点拨 hit by a lack of air为过去分词作原因状语,相当于because引导的从句。‎ Deeply moved by what he said,the children began to cry.‎ 由于被他所说的话深深感动,孩子们都哭了起来。‎ 完成句子 ‎(1)Born_in_a_poor_family(由于生于贫困家庭),he couldn’t afford to go to school.‎ ‎(2)Much_interested_in_the_job(由于对这项工作很感兴趣),he agreed to give it a try.‎ ‎(3)Tired_of_travelling(由于厌倦了旅行),he bought a house in the country and settled down.‎ ‎3 用法点拨 dare作情态动词时,一般用于疑问句,否定句或条件句中,或与hardly,never,no one,nobody连用;有时态变化,但无人称变化,其后接动词原形。dare作实义动词时,有时态和人称的变化,用do,does,did来构成否定句或疑问句。dare作“敢”讲时,通常接动词不定式,有时可省略不定式符号“to”。dare一般不用于进行时。‎ He daren’t tell a lie to his mother.‎ 他不敢向妈妈撒谎。‎ Nobody dared raise the opposite opinion.‎ 没有人敢提出反对的意见。‎ 归纳拓展 how dare you你竟敢,你怎么敢(表示对他人行为、言辞的震惊和愤怒)‎ I dare say我敢说,我相信 佳句背诵 ‎(1)She dared to walk at night.‎ 她敢走夜路。‎ ‎(2)Try it if you dare.‎ 要是你敢的话,就试试看。‎ ‎4My first visit was to a space station considered the most modern in space.我首先参观的是一个太空站,这个站被认为是太空中最现代化的地方。‎ 用法点拨 considered the most modern in space是过去分词短语作后置定语修饰a space station。‎ It’s one of the funniest things found on the Internet so far this year.‎ 这是今年迄今为止在网上发现的最有趣的事情之一。‎ Things lost never come again!‎ 覆水难收!‎ 完成句子 ‎(1)Some of the people invited_to_the_party(被邀参加这个舞会的)couldn’t come.‎ ‎(2)There is a car parked_outside_the_house(停在房子外面).‎ 单元课文译文回顾 第一印象 太空邮件:liqiang299A@GreatAdventureSpaceSation.com15/11/3008(地球时间)‎ 亲爱的爸爸妈妈:‎ 我现在仍然不能相信我是在接受去年获得的这个奖励。我得不断提醒自己,我真的已经进入到公元3008年了。因为担心这次旅行,头几天我心里总是不踏实,结果我得了时间滞后症。这就与你乘坐飞机会产生时差反应相似,所不同的是,在你脑子里似乎会不断闪现以前的时光。因此,我一开始就感到神经过敏和心神不定。但是我的朋友兼导游王平很细心体贴,给了我几粒绿色药片,倒是挺起作用的。他父母的公司叫做“未来之旅”,以其技术高超而闻名。他们把我装在一个时间舱里,平安地把我送入了未来。‎ 我仍旧记得我们被太空服务员一起叫到时间舱,爬上去进入一个小门。座位是很舒适的,喝了点镇静剂以后,我们的眼睛就闭上了,感到昏昏欲睡似的。时间舱在轻轻左右摇晃,我们放松地躺在那里做梦。几分钟以后,旅程结束,我们就到了。我仍然在地球上,但是进到了未来的一千年。我们会看到什么呢?‎ 一开始新的环境让我很难忍受。空气似乎很稀薄,好像在混合的气体中剩下的氧气很少。由于缺乏新鲜空气,我感到头痛。正当我想努力调整适应新环境时,王平出现了。他告诉我,“把这个面罩戴上。它会使你感觉好得多。”他把面罩递给 我,敦促我马上走进附近的一个小房间,叫我休息。我立刻就感到舒服些了。没过多久,我就再次站立起来,跟着他去领取了一台由电脑驱动的汽垫车。这些汽垫车是在地面上方飘浮着的。只要在座椅上用力打弯或压下(操纵杆),你就可以迅速地移动。王平系紧了我的安全带,教我怎样使用它。不久,我就可以飞得跟王平一样快了。可是,当我们到达一个看上去像是大市场的地方时,由于太多车子朝四面八方飞奔,我看不见王平了。他被卷入到这群车队中去了。就在这个时候我得到一次“时间滞后”的闪回,这样我就再次看到了似乎是2008年的那个地区。我这才懂得我被送到了未来,但却仍然在自己的家乡。就在这个时候,我又见到了王平,于是又跟在他后面飞去。‎ 到了一幢看上去很奇怪的房子里,他把我带到一个明亮而洁净的大房间。墙是绿色的,地板是棕色的,灯光很柔和。突然墙壁移动了——原来是树形成的!后来我才发现,就是这些树的叶子为这栋房屋提供了最急需的氧气。然后王平在电脑荧屏上闪了一下开关,于是一个桌子和几把椅子就像变魔术那样从地板下面升了起来。“怎么不坐下来吃些东西呢”他说道,“你第一次作这样的时间旅行,可能会感到有些困难。你可以好好休息一下。今天没有任何出行计划。明天你还要准备参观几个地方。”说完这些,他把食物摆在桌子上,又从地板下取出一张床来。他离开后,我简单吃了饭,洗了个热水澡。实在累坏了,我溜上床很快就睡着了。‎ 以后再谈吧!‎ 你的儿子 我看到了奇妙的东西 我首先参观的是一个太空站,这个站被认为是太空中最现代化的地方。太空站像一个巨大的圆盘,在太空中缓缓地旋转,以仿照出地球重心的引力。太空站里展出了31世纪一些最前沿的发明。有个导游带领我们站在一条移动的运送带上,到各处参观。‎ 导游:从2008‎ 年来访的朋友们,早上好!首先,我们要查看一种我们太空居民使用的最新的通讯方式。再也不需要打字员在打字机或电脑上工作了!再也不需要邮费和邮政编码了!现在用一种“思想仪”就可以传递信息。你把这种金属带子放在你的头上,排除杂念,按下发送键,集中精神想着你要传递的信息,片刻功夫信息就发出去了。这个信息会储存在接受者的“思想仪”里。它快捷有效,而且环保。惟一的缺点是,如果使用者不能想清楚要传递的信息,发送出去的信息可能是模糊不清的。但我们不能因为使用者的使用不当而责备仪器,是不是?‎ 在导游解说的时候,我观看着桌上这些被称为“思想仪”的小东西。它们看上去像金属带子。那么普通,但却那么神通广大!正当我还在观察时,运送带向前移动了。‎ 导游:女士们先生们,现在我们到了“环保地带”。以前人们习惯用垃圾箱收集废弃物,然后这些垃圾被送走埋掉或烧掉,我说的对吧?(我们都点头)。可现在我们有一种装置,能利用生态学原理来处理掉废弃物。一架巨大的机器,能把所有能获得的废物都吞进去,而且总是贪得无厌。然后垃圾被分解成了几种有用的物质,如庄稼地的“肥料”和沙漠中的“土壤”。什么都不浪费,所有的东西,哪怕是塑料袋也回收利用了。伟大的创意,对不对?‎ 我注视着缓缓移动的垃圾分解机器模型,为它的成效所吸引。但是,我们又开始向前移动了。‎ 导游:第三站要展示给我们的是工作实践方面的一些变化。批量生产不再在地球上进行,而是转移到了像这样的太空站里。在太空里,一组工程师给机器人设计了程序让它们完成工作。机器人生产像药品、衣服、家具和汽垫车等等东西。没有废弃物、没有污染,也没有环境破坏。但是,这些公司必须培训他们的代表能在太空中生活和工作。他们必须在此监控机器人和生产过程。一旦货物齐备,就用工用太空船运送到地球。‎ 我的思绪开始漫游。我能从事什么工作呢?当我想到这个奇妙的未来世界时,我兴趣倍增、干劲十足!‎ 单元重点词汇语法搜素 Ⅰ.单词拼写 ‎1.He is collecting materials for his new book in the countryside.‎ ‎2.The stronger the motivation,the more quickly a person learn a foreign language.‎ ‎3.He’s not hungry;he’s just greedy.‎ ‎4.I have something to tell you but I’ll speak to you privately.‎ ‎5.The representatives(代表)were all amazed by what had happened in the factory.‎ ‎6.There are a few settlements(定居点)on the edge of the desert.‎ ‎7.The new car goes at an amazing(惊人的)speed.‎ ‎8.Plastic bags can be recycled(再利用).‎ Ⅱ.短语填空 ‎1.Don’t be so greedy_for money.‎ ‎2.He sped_up his car after escaping from the prison.‎ ‎3.The students were worried_about their scientific experiments.‎ ‎4.In class,students take_turns to ask and answer questions.‎ ‎5.He described himself as a doctor.‎ ‎6.When I saw him,he was_absorbed in the book.‎ Ⅲ.句型转换 ‎1.This is such a big stone that nobody can move it.‎ This stone is so big that nobody can move it.‎ ‎2.I find this man is so hard that we can’t get along with him.‎ I find this man hard to get along with.‎ ‎3.They are searching for the missing child.‎ They are in search of the missing child.‎ ‎4.The flowers require to be watered in time.‎ The flowers need watering in time.‎ ‎5.Think of the matter well before you make a decision.‎ Consider the matter well before making a decision.‎ Ⅳ.完成句子 ‎1.They have_sped_up(已经加快了)the production of the new car in order to meet the people’s requirements.‎ ‎2.Neither of them is easy to_talk_to(交谈).‎ ‎3.Whenever_you_come(你无论什么时候来),you are always welcome.‎ ‎4.Worried_about_her_daughter(由于担心女儿),the mother came to see her yesterday.‎ ‎5.Only when your identity has been checked,will_you_be_allowed_in(才允许你进去).‎ ‎6.You can’t consider_him_a_selfish_man(把他看成一个自私的人).‎ Ⅴ.单项填空 ‎1.I think you need to________a bit—we will be late for the meeting________the manager.‎ A.speed up;calling by B.speed up;held by C.sweep up;holding by D.speed up;called by 答案 B 解析 speed up加速;sweep up扫除。‎ ‎2.Foreign bankers are________about the country’s economic future.‎ A.energetic B.optimistic C.enthusiastic D.pessimistic 答案 B 解析 optimistic乐观的;energetic精力旺盛的;enthusiastic狂热的;热烈的;pessimistic悲观的。‎ ‎3.For miles around me there was nothing but a desert,without a single plant________.‎ A.in sight B.on earth C.at a distance D.in place 答案 A 解析 in sight在视线内,可以看见;on earth在世界上;究竟;at a distance离开一段距离,疏远;in place在适当的位置。‎ ‎4.________in the regulations that you should not tell other people the password of your email account.‎ A.What is required B.What requires C.It is required D.It requires 答案 C 解析 It’s required thatclause是一个固定句型。‎ ‎5.The patient was in a critical________and might die before the operation.‎ A.state B.condition C.situation D.surrounding 答案 A 解析 句意为:病人处在危急状态,可能手术前就会死亡。state状况,状态。‎ ‎6.One of the advantages of living on the top floor of a highrise is that you can get a good________.‎ A.sight B.scene C.view D.look 答案 C 解析 view风景,风光,景色;sight看见;scene场面,场景;look表情;外貌。‎ ‎7.The room you live in is so dirty that it requires________.‎ A cleaning B.to clean C cleaned D.to be cleaning 答案 A 解析 sth.require/need/want+doing(主动)……需要……,故选A项。‎ ‎8.Many things________impossible in the past are common today.‎ A considered B.to consider C considering D.being considered 答案 A 解析 句意为:在过去被认为不可能的事现在看起来很常见。considered impossible作后置定语修饰many things。‎ ‎9.He ate a________breakfast and rushed off to work.‎ A.swift B.quick C.fast D.rapid 答案 B 解析 a quick breakfast一顿仓促的早餐。‎ ‎10.What do you think is the most________time to find him at home?‎ A.likely B.possibly C.like D.probably 答案 A 解析 likely adj.可能的;possibly和probably都是副词;like v.喜欢;prep.像……。‎ Ⅰ.单词拼写 ‎1.They are pressing us to make a quick decision.‎ ‎2.Animals in zoos are not in their natural surroundings.‎ ‎3.He is a man who is optimistic about life.So we can say he can live a long life.‎ ‎4.The birds flew away in all directions.‎ ‎5.Previous(在……之前)to leaving for France,he studied a lot about the country.‎ ‎6.Travellers are reminded(提醒)that they must come back before dark.‎ ‎7.The experience left a lasting impression (印象)on me.‎ ‎8.She is constantly(不断地)changing her mind.‎ Ⅱ.短语填空 sweep up,take up,lack for,as a result (of),out of sight,remind...of,slide into,make a good impression on ‎1.You’ll not lack_for money.‎ ‎2.He was late for school this morning as_a_result_of the snow.‎ ‎3.Leave any valuables in your car out_of_sight.‎ ‎4.The story you’ve just told reminded_me_of an experience I once had.‎ ‎5.They’ve sped_up production of the new car.‎ ‎6.The coping of these documents took_up the whole morning.‎ ‎7.The child slid_into the classroom while the teacher wasn’t noticing.‎ ‎8.As a newcomer,you must make_a_good_impression on everyone.‎ Ⅲ.句型转换 ‎1.We didn’t leave the station until we couldn’t see the train.‎ We didn’t leave the station until we lost sight of the train.‎ ‎2.Because I took no notice of my daughter,she got very angry.‎ I took no notice of my daughter,so that she got very angry.‎ ‎3.Worried about the journey,I was unsettled for the first few days.‎ Because I was worried about the journey,I was unsettled for the first few days.‎ ‎4.His mother thought he lacked confidence.‎ His mother thought he was lacking in confidence.‎ ‎5.The enemies fled in all directions.‎ The enemies fled in every direction.‎ Ⅳ.完成句子 ‎1.Have you considered taking_up_his_offer_of_a_job(接受他提供的工作)?‎ ‎2.It seemed as_though_the_day_would_never_end(白天永远也过不完).‎ ‎3.He was soon swept_up_into_the_floods(卷入洪水中).‎ ‎4.I_have_the_impression(我印象)that he doesn’t smoke.‎ ‎5.Money_was_lacking(缺少资金)for the plan.‎ ‎6.She was brought up by her mother in_comfortable_surroundings(在舒适的环境中).‎ Ⅴ.单项填空 ‎1.We must not________the good traditions passed down from generation to generation.‎ A catch sight of B.lose the sight of C.lose sight of D.catch the sight of 答案 C 解析 lose sight of忘记,忽略;看不见;catch sight of突然看见……。‎ ‎2.I’ve applied for the job but I’m not very________about my chance of getting it.‎ A.optimistic B.optimism C.optimistically D.optimist 答案 A 解析 be optimistic about...对……是乐观的。‎ ‎3.If you want to slow down,you must________harder on the brakes.‎ A.take B.press C.sweep D.carry 答案 B 解析 句意为:如果你想减速,就必须使劲踩闸。press挤,压;按。‎ ‎4.—Your ceiling requires________.‎ ‎—Yes,I’ll have some workers________it. ‎ A.mending;to mend B.mending;mend C.to mend;mend D.to be mended;to mend 答案 B 解析 sth.need/want/require doing...需要……;have sb. do sth.让某人做某事。‎ ‎5.After one year’s construction,our school________a new look.‎ A.took on B.took over C.took off D.took in 答案 A 解析 take on呈现;take over接手,接替;take off脱去(衣服);(飞机)起飞;take in包含,包括;接纳,收留。‎ ‎6.This hotel________me________the one where we lived last year.‎ A.reminds;to B.remembers;of C.reminds;of D.remembers;to 答案 C 解析 remind sb. of sth.让某人想起……。‎ ‎7.—Do you think the Stars will beat the Bulls?‎ ‎—Yes!They have better players,so I________them to win.‎ A.hope B.prefer C.expect D.want 答案 C 解析 expect sb. to do sth.预测/预料某人干某事。‎ ‎8.The extra work________most of his spare time.‎ A.takes up B.makes up C.saves up D.puts up 答案 A 解析 take up占据(时间、空间等)。‎ ‎9.When a pencil is partly in a glass of water,it looks as if it________.‎ A.breaks B.has broken C.were broken D.had been broken 答案 C 解析 句意为:当铅笔的一部分放进水杯里时,它看上去好像断了。as if后面的句子用虚拟语气,故选C项。‎ ‎10.The tower clock was________eleven when I was walking towards home.‎ A.hitting B.beating C.striking D.knowing 答案 C 解析 strike(时钟)敲响,报时。‎ Language study(语言学习)‎ ‎1、词汇 A、单词拼写(根据句意及所给首字母写出正确的单词)‎ ‎1. Mastering 2. settlement 3. lack 4. surrounded 5. optimistic ‎6. press 7. remind 8. required 9. impression 10. flashed ‎1. M________a foreign language is a must in international trade.‎ ‎2. The people in both countries are overjoyed about the peaceful s________ of dispite.‎ ‎3. To our pity,the project had to be abandoned for l________of funds.‎ ‎4. The old man sat there telling stories,s__________by children.‎ ‎5. Keeping an o___________state of mind is good for health.‎ ‎6. The freedom of the p________right of jounalist to report events must be protected.‎ ‎7. He made the same mistakes again though I ofen r_______him not to.‎ ‎8. You must satisfy the r__________conditions to get your vouncher.‎ ‎9. His first speech as president made a deep i_________ on his audiences.‎ ‎10. His eyes f__________ anger and defiance at everyone.‎ C、用所给单词或词组的正确形式填空。‎ ‎1. turned out 2. understanding 3. taking up 4. speed up 5. suffered ‎6. based on 7. lack 8. assisted 9. surroundings 10. relax relax, turn out, speed up, take up, suffer base on, lack, surrounding, assist, understanding ‎1. I hadn’t expected that things should have _______like this.‎ ‎2.The two boys who had quarreled reached an________at last.‎ ‎3. With the piano ________too much room,the two brothers had to share one room.‎ ‎4. The girl’s heart often ________while she is talking to a stranger.‎ ‎5. Our city _______ heavy losses in the great flood. ‎ ‎6. Direct taxation is usually _________income.‎ ‎7. As we all know,he failed for _______ of experience.‎ ‎8. The villagers ________the police in their search for missing child.‎ ‎9. The _____________where a child grows up may have a great effect on his growth.‎ ‎10. As college entrance examinations are drawing near,you mustn’t ________ your efforts for a moment.‎ ‎2、语法 A、根据汉语意思,在空格处填入恰当的词。1. given; have grown 2. Seen 3. Given; excited 4. taken; intended ‎5. followed by 6. Buried deep 7. warned, wouldn’t 8. encouraged; tired ‎9. surrounded; polluted 10. Seen from ‎1. 若给予更多的时间,我本可以做的更好。‎ ‎________ more time,I could _______ ________it better.‎ ‎2. 从山顶看,这座城市显得更美。 K^S*5U.C#O ‎__________on top of the mountain, the city looks more beautiful.‎ ‎3. 得到了一次再试的机会,那个激动的男孩高兴得跳了起来 ‎___________another chance, the __________boy jumped with joy.‎ ‎4. 从这个角度考虑,那部少儿片很值得一看。‎ This factor________into consideration, the film ________for children is well worth seeing.‎ ‎5. 老师走出教室,后面跟着一群学生。‎ The teacher walked out of the classroom,_________ _________a group of children.‎ ‎6. 由于在地下埋得太深,枯死的深林腐烂而变成了煤。 K^S*5U.C#O ‎_________ _________down in the earth, the dead forests rotted away and became coal.‎ ‎7. 多次告诉她不要玩电脑游戏,她就是不听。‎ Though _________many times not to play with computer games,she ________listen.‎ ‎8. 受到了极大的鼓舞,那些疲惫的运动员尽全力赢得了比赛。‎ Greatly _________, the ________players tried to win the match.‎ ‎9. 我们的村子坐落在一个群山环绕的峡谷中,很少有污染。‎ Our village lies in a valley __________by mountains, seldom ___________.‎ ‎10. 从太空望去,地球是个被水覆盖的球体。‎ ‎___________ __________space, the earth is a water-covered globe.‎ B、单项选择 ‎1.When ____ ,the museum will be open to the public next year.‎ A.completed B.completing C.being completed D.to be completed ‎ ‎2.The research is so designed that once ___ nothing can be done to change it.‎ A.begins B.having begun C.beginning D.begun ‎3.___ ,they went home,___.‎ A.Their work had been finished;singing and laughing B.They had finished their work;sang and laughed ‎ C.Their work finished ;singing and laughing ‎ D.After their work finished;singing and laughing ‎4.____ more attention,the trees could have grown better.‎ A.Given B.To give ‎ C.Giving D.Having given ‎ ‎5. Unless ________ to speak, you should remain silent at the conference A. invited  B. inviting C. being invited D. having invited ‎6.____,the experiment will be successful.‎ A.If carefully doing B.If it done carefully C.If carefully done D.If doing carefully ‎ ‎7. Friendship is like money: easier made than ______.‎ A. kepB. to be keptC. keepingD. having kept ‎8. She begins to cry loudly as if_______ bitten by a snake.‎ ‎ A.was bitten B. bitten C.bit D.to be bitten ‎9. If______ it is heated to a high temperature, water will change into vapour ‎ A.is heated B.heating C.heated D.to be heated ‎10. Though_______ of the storm, the farmers were still working in the fields A.warning B.were warned C.warned D.having warned ‎11.____ from space, our earth, _____with water 70% of its surface, appears as a “blue planet”. ‎ A. Seeing, covering B. Having seen, covered C. To see, covered D. Seen, covered ‎ ‎12. __in thought, he almost ran into the car in front.‎ ‎ A. Losing B. Having lost C. Lost D. To lose ‎13.____ into use in April 2000, the hotline was meant for residents reporting water and heating supply breakdowns.‎ A. Put B. Putting C. Having put D. Being put ‎14.____ in a white uniform, he looks more like a cook than a doctor.‎ ‎ A. Dressed B. To dress C. Dressing D. Having dressed ‎15.____ in the mountains for a week, the two students were finally saved by the local police.‎ ‎ A. Having lost B. Lost C. Being lost D. Losing ‎16.When________ help, one often says “Thank you.” or “It’s kind of you.” A.offering B.to offer C.to be offered D.offered ‎17.When first ______ to the market, these products enjoyed great success ‎ A. introducing B. introduced C. introduce D. being introduced ‎18.___ with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean does not seem big at all.‎ ‎ A. Compare B. When compare C. Comparing D. When compared ‎19. ______ by the beauty of nature, the girl from London decide to spend another two days on the farm.‎ ‎ A. Attracting B . Having attracted C. To be attracted D. Attracted ‎20.____ some officials, Napoleon inspected his army.‎ A. Followed B. Followed by C. Being followed D.Having been followed ‎21. Holding the note in his hand, he stood there _____ .‎ A. dumbfound B .dumbfounding C .dumbfounded D .to dumbfound ‎ ‎22. He rushed into the room, his face_______ with sweat.‎ ‎ A.was covered B.covering C.coveredD.to cover ‎23.When ______,the museum will be open to the public next year.‎ ‎ A.completed B.completing C.being completed D.to be completed ‎24.Generally speaking,_____according to the directions,the drug has no side effect.‎ ‎ A.when speaking B.when taken C.when to take D.when to be taken ‎25.______with the size of the whole earth,the biggest ocean does not seem big at all.‎ ‎ A.Compare B.Comparing C.When compared D.When comparing ‎26._____with a difficult situation,Amold decided to ask his boss for advice.‎ ‎ A.To face B.Having faced C.Faced D.Facing ‎27._____in a white uniform,he looks more like a cook than a doctor. K^S*5U.C#O ‎ A.Dressed B.To dress C.Dressing D.Having dressed ‎28.____ in 1636, Harvard is one of the most famous universities in the United States A. Being founded    B. It was founded     C. Founded      D. Founding ‎29._____his age,he did it quite well,so don’t ____him any more.‎ ‎ A.Given,blame B.Considered,say C.To regard,scold D.Considering,speak ‎30.It is said that Barbara’s sister fell off her bicycle on her way to school,____in the left leg.‎ ‎ A.seriously damaging B.hurting badly ‎ C.breaking seriously D.badly hurt ‎ ‎31.Mr Smith,_____of the ______speech,started to read a novel.‎ ‎ A.tired,boring B.tiring,bored C.tired,bored D.tiring,boring ‎32._____time,he’ll make a first-class tennis player.‎ ‎ A.Having given B.To give C.Giving D.Given ‎33.Taking this kind of medicine,if_______,will surely produce side effect.‎ ‎ A.continue B.having continued C.continuing D.continued ‎34.The work_______ ahead of time,I’ll go with you.‎ ‎ A.is finished B.finishing C.to finish D.finished ‎35.The boy spent two whole days,_________in the room.‎ ‎ A.to lock B.locking C.having locked D.locked ‎36.The boy left home without telling anyone,_______never to return.‎ ‎ A.to determne B.determining C.determined D.having determined ‎37.Though_______not to,the boy did let out the secret.‎ ‎ A.telling B.was told C.to tell D.told ‎38.The girl lay on the ground bleeding badly as if _______.‎ ‎ A.to be shot B.shot C.shooting D.was shot ‎39.Teachers won’t go with us even if _______.‎ ‎ A.is invited B.inviting C.invited D.to invite ‎40._________in reading a book,he didn’t notice the room on fire. K^S*5U.C#O ‎ A.Absorbing B.Having absorbed C.Absorbed D.To absorb ‎11. 选D。过去分词作时间状语,covered 作定语。‎ ‎12. 选C。be lost in表示“沉浸在------中”,过去分词作原因状语。‎ ‎13. 选A。过去分词作状语。‎ ‎14. 选A。be dressed in表示穿衣状态,过去分词作状语。‎ ‎15. 选B。be lost in表示迷失,过去分词作时间状语。 K^S*5U.C#O ‎16. 选D。时间状语从句省略he is。‎ ‎17. 选B。时间状语是从句省略it was。‎ ‎18. 选D。时间状语是从句省略了it is。‎ ‎19. 选D。过去分词作状语 ‎20. 选B。过去分词作伴随状语。‎ ‎21. 选C。过去分词作伴随状语。K^S*5U.C#‎ ‎22. 选C。“名词+过去分词”是独立主构结构,作伴随状语。‎ ‎23. 选A。状语从句省略了it is。‎ ‎24. 选 B。状语从句省略了it is。‎ ‎25. 选C。状语从句省略了it is。‎ ‎26. 选C。be faced with表示面临过去分词作状语。‎ ‎27. 选A。过去分词作状语。‎ ‎28. 选C。过去分词作状语。‎ ‎29. 选A。given表示考虑到。‎ Ⅵ.完形填空 We arrived in Spain for the first time a few weeks ago.I decided to__1__ a car because we had sold the one we had in England before__2__ home.Yesterday the sales office rang us to say the car was __3__. I had tried out a model like it before,but as I was not yet__4__ driving in this city,my wife did not want me to collect it __5__ so we went together to __6__ it.We paid for the car and __7__ the papers.They told us that there was __8__ petrol(汽油) to take us to a garage,where we could fill up.The__9__ garage to the office was about 100 yards away and we got there __10__.But when I turned into the main road I suddenly saw a lot of cars racing __11__me. I got out of __12__ as fast as I could by backing into the garage__13__ and the man behind __14__ me.‎ ‎“It’s such a problem to __15__ to drive on the right side,isn’t it?” my wife said.“Yes,if only I had had a few lessons for __16__.” I replied.“You had better go__17__ on the way home,”my wife said.“You’d be sorry if you had__18__ on the first day,wouldn’t you?” While we were talking,the man behind got out of his car and said in good English,“Would you mind telling me __19__ you are thinking of leaving?__20__ are you going to sit in your car all day?”‎ ‎1.A. borrow B.drive C.buy D.choose 答案 C 解析 因为“我们”的车已卖掉,且下文中提到sales office,因此“我们”决定在西班牙买辆车。‎ ‎2.A. leaving B.making C.returning D.getting 答案 A 解析 因第一句提到“我们”到达西班牙,因此此处应是指“我们”离开家之前。‎ ‎3.A. right B.ready C.fixed D.sold 答案 B 解析 因下文中说“我们”已试了一辆此类的车了,所以此处应是指销售部已给“我们”准备好了车,让“我们”去提车。‎ ‎4.A. sure of B.satisfied with C.interested in D.used to 答案 D 解析 be sure of对……确信,有把握;be satisfied with 对……感到满意;be interested in对……感兴趣;be used to doing习惯于……。根据上下文可知,作者刚到这座城市,还不习惯于在此地开车。‎ ‎5.A. on my own B.right away C.in a hurry D.on the way 答案 A 解析 on my own独自,单独;right away立刻,马上;in a hurry急急忙忙;on the way在路上。根据下文“我们”一起去提车,所以此处为妻子不让“我”自己去。‎ ‎6.A. receive B.bring C.order D.fetch 答案 D 解析 receive收到;bring拿来;order订购;fetch去取来。根据句意知D项正确。‎ ‎7.A. accepted B.wrote C.signed D.copied 答案 C 解析 accept接受;write写;sign签;copy抄。此处表示签文件。‎ ‎8.A. little B.enough C.much D.no 答案 B 解析 此处为enough to do句型,车里有足够的油,可以使“我们”到达某个加油站。‎ ‎9.A .best B.nearest C.quickest D.cleanest 答案 B 解析 距离销售部最近的加油站是100码。‎ ‎10.A.lately B.directly C.safely D.slowly 答案 C 解析 根据下文可知,在这100码的距离中,“我们”没出问题。‎ ‎11.A. after B.with C.around D.towards 答案 D 解析 很多车朝着“我们”开来。‎ ‎12.A. their way B.the garage C.their sight D.the car 答案 A 解析 因为“我们”与他们在一条路上相向而开,所以“我”赶快给他们让出路来。‎ ‎13.A . at last B.once more C.as usual D.as well 答案 B 解析 “我”又一次倒回到加油站。at last最后;once more又一次,再一次;as usual像平常一样;as well也,和。‎ ‎14.A caught B.cheered C.shouted at D.chatted with 答案 C 解析 根据上下文的意思,“我”又倒回了加油站,挡住了后面的车,因此后面车上的人对“我”大喊大叫。‎ ‎15.A. prepare B.continue C choose D.remember ‎ 答案 D 解析 prepare准备;continue继续;choose选择;remember记住。句意为:问题是要记住靠右边驾驶。‎ ‎16.A. discussion B.adventure C.experiment D.practice 答案 D 解析 要是“我”早练习上几次就好了。‎ ‎17.A carefully B.smoothly C.quickly D.differently 答案 A ‎ 解析 根据下文“如果第一天就发生事故的话,你会很遗憾的”,因此此处应为小心开车。‎ ‎18.A. an error B.a problem C.an accident D.a headache 答案 C 解析 error小差错;problem问题;accident事故;headache头痛,根据句意知C项正确。‎ ‎19.A.when B.why C.how D.what 答案 A 解析 后面的人等得不耐烦了,因此他问“我”什么时候走。‎ ‎20.A.For B.Or C.But D.So 答案 B 解析 此处为并列的两个疑问句。‎ 单元综合知识运用 Ⅵ.阅读填空 The Internet has opened up a whole new online world for us to meet,chat and go where we’ve never been before.‎ But just as in face to face communication,there are some rules of behavior that should be followed when on line.__1__Imagine how you’d feel if you were in the other person’s shoes.‎ For anything you’re about to send:ask yourself,“Would I say this to the person’s face?” if the answer is no,rewrite and reread.__2__‎ If someone in the chat room is rude to you,your instinct (本能) is to fire back in the same manner.But try not to do so.__3__If it was caused by a disagreement with another member,try to fix the situation by politely discussing it.Remember to respect the beliefs and opinions of others in the chat room.‎ ‎__4__Offer advice when asked by newcomers,as they may not be sure what to do or how to communicate.When someone makes a mistake,whether it’s a stupid question or an unnecessarily long answer,be kind about it.If it’s a small mistake,you may not need to say anything.Even if you feel strongly about it,think twice before saying anything.Having good manners yourself doesn’t give you license to correct everyone else.__5__At the same time,if you find you are wrong,be sure to correct yourself and apologize to those that you have offended.‎ It is not polite to ask others personal questions such as their age,sex and marital status.Unless you know the person very well,and you are both comfortable with sharing personal information,don’t ask such questions.‎ A.It’s natural that there some people who speak rudely or make mistakes online.‎ B.Repeat the process till you feel sure that you’d feel comfortable saying the words to the person’s face.‎ C.Everyone was new to the network once.‎ D.The basic rule is simple:treat others in the same way you would want to be treated.‎ E.When you send short messages to a person online,you must say something beautiful to hear.‎ F.You should either ignore the person,or use your chat software to block their messages.‎ G.If you do decide to tell someone about a mistake,point it out politely.‎ 答案 1.D 2.B 3.F 4.C 5.G Ⅶ.书面表达 假设你是从四川地震灾区来的一名高中学生,现借读于北京的光明中学,请以“Voice from a student in disaster area”为题写一篇文章。词数100左右。‎ ‎【参考范文】‎ Voice from a student in disaster area I am a student from Sichuan earthquakestricken area,and studying in Beijing Guangming Middle School now.I was sent to Beijing to study because my school has been destroyed in the earthquake.Although I’m far away from my hometown now,I am loved and cared for by the teachers and students here,and I really have a good time.‎ I am lucky enough to be helped out of the ruins by the soldiers.We lost our homes in the disaster,but we gained help and love from others.We have been receiving aid and support from different parts of our country since the earthquake broke out.We really feel loved and cared for after the earthquake.It’s true that when difficulties arise in one place,aid comes from everywhere.‎ I can’t find proper words to express my thanks at this time.I have decided to study hard so that I can reward the people who have helped me.‎

