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‎2014高考英语信息匹配、任务型阅读基础训练题(13)及答案 ‎【2014高考英语安徽省六校联考】‎ 任务型读写 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ ‎ 阅读下面短文,根据所读内容在表格中的空白处填入恰当的单词。注意:每个空格只填一个单词。‎ Once kids hit the teenage years, parenting becomes more difficult than ever. Establishing effective house rules is one of the best ways to educate teenagers. House rules must respect teenagers’ desire to be independent and make sure they behave responsibly.‎ How can effective house rules be established?‎ First of all, get your teenager to take part in making the rules, which can help keep them motivated to follow them. Ask their opinion about what sorts of things they think are important when creating the rules and try to include some of their ideas.‎ When creating the list of rules, don’t list every single rule imaginable. Instead, try to limit it to the ten most important rules. I’ve seen some parents come up with several pages of rules which turn out to be more like a rule book rather than a list. Remember, it is important to make the list easy to remember and to be a basic guide.‎ Then, it is important that you write out the list of rules and hang them in a prominent (显眼的) location. Keeping the rules on the refrigerator or displayed somewhere where everyone can see them is a good reminder. Revise the rules whenever there’s a need, not very frequently though.‎ Explain clearly in advance what negative consequences will be in store when a rule gets broken. But ensure that none of your consequences are equal to abusive parenting. For example, take off the rule that says — “if you don’t get home by 11 at night, make arrangements to stay elsewhere until morning”. Let helping with small household chores like cleaning up their own rooms serve as consequences for disobeying rules.‎ Following these tips on establishing effective house rules accompanied by constant positive reinforcement (执行) will help improve your teenager’s behavior. Hope you can direct your teenager to become a responsible and independent person with the help of house rules!‎ Requirements for house rules They must respect teenagers’ desire to be independent and (77)_____________ teenagers behave responsibly.‎ ‎(78) ________ on how to establish effective house rules ‎(79) ________ teenagers in making the rules ‎ l Ask their opinions l Include their ideas Keeping the house rules simple ‎ l Avoid (80)_______ every single rule l Limit the list to the most important rules Creating a (81)_______ list of rules l Put it up somewhere visible to (82)______ your teenager of the rules l Make the rules revised when necessary ‎ Giving a clear (83)____________ of the consequences l Don’t abuse children if they (84)________ rules Conclusion Your teenager’s behavior will be (85)____________ with the help of effective house rules.‎ Establishing house rules for (76) __________‎ ‎【参考答案】任务型读写 (参考)‎ ‎76. teenagers 77. ensure 78.Tips/Suggestions/Advice ‎ ‎79.Involving 80. listing 81. written ‎ ‎82.remind 83.explanation 84.disobey/break 85. improved ‎[阅读理解之信息匹配(三)]------C 阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。‎ 首先请阅读下列外国某旅行社对一些旅游地点的介绍:‎ A.‎ Essential Peru—15 days from $1962‎ In this spectacular journey through Peru, you will visit Peru's most famous sites, including the mysterious Nazca Lines, Machu Picchu and Lake Titicaca, where you will find the amazement of the ancient Inca empire.‎ B.‎ Egyptian Discoverer—13 days from ‎ ‎$1089‎ You will visit Cairo's famous Archaeological Museum, the amazing Pyramids and the tombs and temples of ancient Thebes. Enjoy the golden beaches and explore the magnificent coral reefs of the Red Sea.‎ C.‎ Mythical China—16 days from $2395‎ From Beijing to the Great Wall, from the town of Pingyao to the famed Shaolin Temple, discover the myths and mysteries of China. In Shanghai, meet the faces of modern China as you walk along Waitan.‎ D.‎ ‎ Arctic Promotion—14 days from $2385‎ For the remainder of the 2010 Arctic season, we're happy to announce that single travellers can now book a cabin for themselves without any single supplements.‎ E.‎ Discover Sri Lanka—15 days from ‎ ‎$1359‎ Lapped by the warm waters of the Indian Ocean, Sri Lanka is a natural paradise with mountains, rainforests, fields, waterfalls and gorges. Hidden among these is the ancient Buddhist city of Polonnaruwa with a rich history.‎ F.‎ Treasures of Turkey—15 days from $1595‎ This comprehensive journey through Turkey includes the bustling Istanbul, the magnificent ancient site of Ephesus, the fabled walled city of Troy and the sobering battlefields of Gallipoli.‎ ‎  下面是一些旅游者的喜好。请为他们选择适合他们的旅游地点。‎ ‎1.When I was young, I used to travel in some modern cities because I used to believe I could broaden my outlook there. However, now I find the best way to cultivate my mind is to get close to the oceans, the forests, the hills and the culture behind the nature.‎ ‎2.I am going to travel around several cities near our country in South America with my girlfriend in this New Year vacation. She is really fond of the ancient tales and stories about a mysterious empire in this old continent. So I am looking for an ideal route to visit Inca culture.‎ ‎3.Nothing is better than exploring an uninhabited land for a postgraduate majoring in geography. In a holiday, all my classmates are going to the North Pole and carry on some researches there, but I had to go alone several days after they set off,so I hope I can find a tour route and meet them there.‎ ‎4.Although I can enjoy having snow battles with my kids in the winter vacation, if we stay at home in China, I would like to take my twins to Egypt, an amazing country in Africa, to feel the different climate,the fantastic Arabic culture and its long history.‎ ‎5.As an Americanborn Turkish, I can speak both English and Turkish fluently, but I have never gone back to my original country to visit the relatives ‎ living in Istanbul. So if possible, I'd like to fly there, visiting Istanbul and other cities in this great country.‎ ‎【参考答案】------C1—5 EADBF ‎[阅读理解之信息匹配(三)]------D 请阅读下列应用文和相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。‎ 以下是学习英语的方法:‎ A.Practise speaking as often as you can—even speaking to yourself is good practice. Try recording yourself whenever you can.‎ B.It helps if you can learn with someone else. If you can persuade a friend or family member to study with you, it will make you keep working. Agree times to meet and set goals for the week. And test each other regularly.‎ C.Practise improvising (即兴的) ways of getting your meaning across, even if you don't know the exact words or phrases. Think of things you might want to say whenever you have time. An example is the use of tenses. Use facial expressions, hand movements, anything to get your meaning across.‎ D.Guesswork is important in learning a new language. When listening to recorded material, you aren't expected to understand everything the first round. If you play the same piece several times, you will most probably understand something new each time. Learn to make maximum (最大限度) use of all the clues (提示) you can pick up.‎ E.A wide vocabulary is the key to successful language learning, but don't try to learn too much vocabulary at once.‎ F.If you are the person on the bus, street or restaurant asking how you can improve your English, you are on the right track. The only way to improve your speaking is by speaking. Don't worry about a bad accent or forgetting words or not being understood.‎ 以下是学习者在学习英语中所碰到的困难。请匹配这些困难与所对应的学习方法。‎ ‎1.Jack Anderson's vocabulary is very small. He is very anxious to improve his English. Therefore, he wants to enlarge his vocabulary in a short time and tries his best to memorize new words as many as possible at a time.‎ ‎2.Margret Lillian's pronunciation is poor. And she doesn't know how to improve her pronunciation. She is very worried and doesn't know what to do.‎ ‎3.Alice Fingelhamm has difficulty in understanding the meaning of the English text. So she looks up the new words in the dictionary in order to understand everything. However, she made little progress in English.‎ ‎4.Although Peter Florian wants to communicate with people on the bus when he is on the way home, he is afraid of being laughed at because of his poor accent.‎ ‎5.Lynne Nagata can't express herself clearly in English because she sometimes forgets some key words and doesn't know the tenses exactly.‎ ‎【参考答案】------D1—5 EADFC ‎(2013·合肥市二模)‎ Tomatoes are generally easy to grow. Experts suggest you start seeds indoors if the ground is still cold. For best results with the least risk, they say, plant when the soil is warm, soon after the frostfree date for your area. ‎ Small plants may be placed a third of a meter apart in rows. If you grow staked plants, set the sticks in the ground about half a meter apart. Some larger varieties of tomatoes may need about a meter between plants and at least a meter and a half between rows. The idea is to leave enough space for harvesting. ‎ Work the soil to remove weeds(杂草). But do not work the soil too deeply or you could damage the tomato plants. Water the plants regularly during long dry periods. Give them plenty of water. Plants in containers may need water daily or even more than once a day. Besides, do give the tomato plants complete organic fertilizers(肥料).‎ Some gardeners train tomato plants to grow on supporting materials. Whatever you choose, make sure the supports are tall enough. Most modern tomato plants grow about a meter tall. Others reach almost two meters.‎ Tomatoes started from seed take fortyfive to ninety days till harvest. The average air temperature should be about 24℃. In that case, you can pick the tomatoes when they are firm and fully colored. But if the weather is very hot, pick the tomatoes every day or two. Let them soften and develop their full color indoors. ‎ There was a time when people thought tomatoes were poisonous. In fact, they are just the opposite. Tomatoes are good for you. But are they a fruit or a vegetable? Technically, a tomato is a fruit—the fruit of the tomato plant. But some fruits, including tomatoes, may be called “vegetables” because they are used in tasty foods instead of sweet cooking. ‎ Title:1.______ Tomatoes Sowing and ‎ transplanting ‎■Start seeds indoors when it is still cold outside. ‎ ‎■Plant them soon after the 2.______ date ends.‎ ‎■Set proper 3.______ for the plants.‎ ‎4.______ ‎ the field ‎■Weed without 5.______ the plants.‎ ‎■Water the plants regularly, especially in dry periods.‎ ‎■6.______ the tomato plants. ‎ ‎■Choose proper 7.______ to train the plants to grow tall.‎ Harvesting ‎ the fruits ‎■Pick the ripe fruits when the temperature is about 24℃.‎ ‎■Get in the fruits 8.______ to ripen indoors if it's too hot.‎ Interpreting ‎ tomatoes ‎■People used to consider tomatoes as a 9.______ but actually they aren't. ‎ ‎■A tomato can be called either a fruit or a 10.______.‎ 答案:‎ ‎1.Grow/Growing 2.frost 3.distance/space 4.Managing 5.damaging 6.Feed/Fertilize/Fertilise 7.supports 8.earlier ‎9.poison 10.vegetable ‎(2013·蚌埠市一模)‎ Trash removal(清除垃圾)is something every person needs to think about for their residence(住宅) because organizing a cleanup event can make the community more beautiful and be good for the environment. This is a good opportunity to bring families together and get them outdoors and helping each other to beautify (美化)the community.‎ Organizing a trash removal event is easy if you know how to prepare for it. Get ready to improve the place where you live to make it cleaner for everyone! ‎ You need to choose a day for the trash removal event. Select a date that is about two to four months away. Planning as far in advance as possible is always smart. Choose a second date as a backup (候补)in the event of rain or other bad weather conditions.‎ Your best situation is to select an area in your community that is often used and tends to interest people on a regular basis. Parks are a good example of an area that might need a good cleanup. Lakes, beaches and areas that are found along roads that are traveled frequently could get some help in the trash removal event. Just make sure you make plans to clean up an area that will not be dangerous to everyone involved.‎ It is strongly recommended that you ask for permission from the county, city or town before you start making serious plans to round up the garbage in an organized event. Doing so makes you responsible citizen of the community.‎ Once you receive permission to hold a trash removal event you can then move forward with your plans. Organize a committee to make the public know about the outdoor cleanup and then ask for volunteers. For example, you can give out fliers(传单)or put them up in right areas of your community where the fliers are visible.‎ 答案:‎ ‎1.Benefits/Advantages 2.gather 3.Actions/Measures ‎4.weather 5.interest/attract 6.safe/secure 7.approve ‎8.Carrying 9.known 10.volunteers

