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‎2017济宁市中考英语答案 ‎ 一、单项选择(本题共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑. 1.﹣Have you seen ______ Oscar movie called The Revenant(荒野猎人)? ﹣Of course.It’s really ______ funny one,but maybe a little terrible.(  ) A.an; the B.the; a C.a; a D.the; the 【考点】定冠词(the). 【分析】﹣﹣你看过《荒野猎人》这部电影吗? ﹣﹣当然看过.它真的是一部有趣的影片,但是可能有点可怕. 【解答】答案:B. 根据Have you seen ______ Oscar movie called The Revenant(荒野猎人)?可知是特指《荒野猎人》这部电影,故第一空用the,根据It’s really ______ funny one,可知是泛指一类影片,又funny/?f?ni/的首音素为辅音,故用a,所以答案为B.故选B. 2.﹣music video!Let’s share it together! ﹣Good idea!(  ) A.How nice B.What nice C.How a nice D.What a nice ‎ ‎ 【考点】感叹句. 【分析】﹣﹣多么美妙的音乐视频!让我们一起分享吧! ﹣﹣好主意! 【解答】答案:D. 根据music video!可知这里考查了感叹句,本句的中心词是 music video,video是一个可数名词的单数形式,nice 是一个形容词,在这里修饰music video,nice[na?s]这里是以辅音音素开头的单词,加冠词的话应该用a,根据What+a/an+形容词+可数名词单数+主语+谓语!故选D. 3.﹣Be careful,you will make fewer mistakes. ﹣Thanks for encouraging me.(  ) A.but B.or C.and D.so 【考点】连词辨析. 【分析】﹣﹣仔细一些,这样你就会少犯错误. ﹣﹣谢谢你鼓励我. 【解答】答案:C; 根据语境以及上下文,本题考查的是连词的用法.根据设空处前后句的句意’仔细一些’和’你就会少犯错误.’,可知前后句之间是顺接关系,所以用连词and;构成句式:祈使句+and+主句,祈使句相当于一个条件状语从句,故选C. 4.Amy always wins high from both her teachers and classmates because of her creative thinking.(  ) A.price B.prize C.praise D.pride ‎ ‎ 【考点】名词的词义辨析. 【分析】Amy经常因为有创意的思考而赢得老师和同学们的高度赞扬. 【解答】答案:C. 首先明确选项中每个单词的意思,A:价格;B:奖赏/奖品;C:赞扬;D:骄傲;根据题干推测句意是’Amy经常因为有创意的思考而赢得老师和同学们的高度赞扬.’,由此判断句子中缺少’赞扬’一词,故答案为C. 5.﹣The 2016Olympics is coming this August.Do you know it takes place? ﹣Every four years.(  ) A.how long B.how soon C.how many D.how often 【考点】疑问词组. 【分析】﹣﹣2016年奥运会今年8月到来.你知道多久举办一次吗?﹣﹣每四年一次. 【解答】答案:D 根据答语:每四年一次.问句应该是问频率,多久一次.how long 多长时间;how soon多久以后;how many多少;how often多久一次;故选:D. 6.﹣Tom,where is Kate? ﹣She be in the garden.She sometimes plays with her dog there.(  ) A.must B.need C.shall D.may ‎ ‎ 【考点】情态动词. 【分析】﹣﹣Tom,Kate在哪里? ﹣﹣她可能在花园里.她有时在那里和她家的狗玩. 【解答】答案:D. must一定,必须;need需要;shall将要;may可能.根据She sometimes plays with her dog there,可知她有时在那里和她家的狗玩,所以她可能在花园里,但这种可能性不是很大,所以这里用may.may可能.故选D. 7.﹣There are so many swimmers swimming in the swimming pool.. ﹣Yes,and sixty percent children.(  ) A.is B.are C.was D.were 【考点】助动词. 【分析】﹣﹣有这么多的游泳运动员在游泳池里游泳. ﹣﹣是的,百分之六十是孩子. 【解答】答案:B. 根据and sixty percent children,可知这里 sixty percent 后面省略了of swimmers,谓语动词的单复数,根据介词of后的名词来确定,这里名词是可数名词,当然谓语动词用复数,根据前面的动词可知这里也应该用一般现在时,故选B. 8.﹣﹣﹣Guilin is a beautiful city. ﹣﹣﹣I agree with you.You can see boats go ________ the ‎ river and cars run ________ the city at the same time.(  ) A.along,along B.along,through C.through,along D.through,through 【考点】连词辨析. 【分析】﹣﹣桂林是一个美丽的城市. ﹣﹣我赞同.你可以看到小船沿着河岸行驶,同时看到汽车穿梭于城市. 【解答】答案:B. 结合语境可以推断答语表达的意思是’我赞同.你可以看到小船沿着河岸行驶,同时看到汽车穿梭于城市.’,第一个设空处的介词短语表达的意思是’沿着…行驶’,应该用go along;第二个设空处的介词短语表达的意思是’穿过(从内部穿过)’,用介词through,故选B 9.﹣How much should I pay for the food,madam? ﹣It costs.The food is free here.needs to pay for it.(  ) A.nothing,Nobody B.none,No one C.nothing,Everybody D.none,Anybody 【考点】不定代词. 【分析】﹣夫人,我该付多少钱? ﹣它什么也不花费,这里的食物是免费的,没有人需要付费. 【解答】答案:A nothing=not anything,意为’‎ 没有任何东西;什么也没有’,强调内容,只能指物,泛指; none=not any,not one 一点也没有;一个也没有,即数量概念.既可指人,也可指物;no one=nobody 只指人,’没有人’,不能指物,anybody任何人;Everybody每个人.结合句意:它什么也不花费,第一空应该用nothing,因为没有数量概念,none不合适,排除B,D;第二空根据前半句:食物是免费的,应该是没有人需要付费,应该用nobody,故选A. 10.I left a message to my parents yesterday,butof them called me back.(  ) A.both B.all C.neither D.none 【考点】不定代词. 【分析】我昨天给我的父母留了一个口信,但他们谁也没有给我回电话. 【解答】答案:C both两个都;all三个或三个以上都;neither两者都不;none三个或三个以上都不.结合第一句句意:我昨天给我的父母留了一个口信,可以推断是两个人,再根据but但是,可以推断出是谁也没有回电话.故选C. 11.﹣The stuntman is planning to walk on the wings of a flying plane. ﹣What?I have never heard of idea before.(  ) A.a madder B.the madder C.a maddest D.the maddest ‎ ‎ 【考点】形容词的比较级和最高级. 【分析】﹣﹣特技替身演员计划在飞机机翼上步行. ﹣﹣什么?以前我从没有听说过比这更疯狂的想法. 【解答】答案:A mad形容词,疯狂的,比较级是madder,结合句意:没有听说过比这更疯狂的’一个’想法,故在前面加不定冠词,比较级前加不定冠词a时,表泛指:’某一个’;听过的想法与这一个想法进行对比,应该用比较级,故选A. 12.My deskmate used to be a top student but shebehind since she began to play online games.(  ) A.has fallen B.fell C.has felt D.has been 【考点】现在完成时. 【分析】我的同桌过去是一个尖子生,但是自从她开始玩网络游戏以来她落后了. 【解答】答案:D. 根据语境 since she began to play online games,可知主句的动作应是过去开始并延续到现在的动作,故主句应为由延续性动词构成的现在完成时态(基本结构:主语+have/has+动词的过去分词),fall behind为终止性动词故不能用,故应用短语be behind表达状态.故选:D. 13.﹣Lucy,could you help me find out __________ with my smart phone? ﹣Ok,I’m coming.(  ) A.what the matter is B.what the matter w as C.what was wrong D.what is the matter 【考点】宾语从句. 【分析】﹣﹣Lucy,你能帮我查一下我的智能手机怎么了吗? ﹣﹣好的.我就来. 【解答】答案:D. 根据could you help me find out?再结合选项,可知could you help me find out 后面是跟一个宾语从句,宾语从句中应该用陈述语序,即主语+谓语.再根据could you help me find out __________ with my smart phone.可知句子在叙述一件事实,所以时态应该使用的是一般现在时,故排除BC,询问怎么了应该说what is the matter,what为主语,is为谓语,故本身就是陈述语序,在宾语从句中不用变化.故选:D. 14.A survey about how people in Yangzhou like the Korean TV series Descendants(后裔) of the Sun was ________ in our city last Friday.(  ) A.taken out B.carried out C.turned out D.given out 【考点】动词短语. 【分析】一个关于扬州人们对韩剧《太阳的后裔》的评价的调查上周五在我们城市开展. 【解答】答案:B A 拿出;B 开展,实施;C 结果是;D 分发.根据句意’‎ 一个关于扬州人们对韩剧《太阳的后裔》的评价的调查上周五在我们城市_’可知,只有B符合语境,答案为B 15.﹣Congratulations!Your speech about the exploration in space is wonderful. ﹣.(  ) A.Oh,no. B.It doesn’t matter. C.That’s a good idea. D.Many thanks. 【考点】常用日常交际用语. 【分析】﹣﹣祝贺你!你关于探险的演讲真精彩. ﹣﹣多谢. 【解答】答案:D 根据’Congratulations!Your speech about the exploration in space is wonderful’可知,此处应该对别人的祝福和赞美表示感谢.A 哦,不.B 没关系;C 好主意;D 多谢.只有D选项符合语境,故答案为D 二、完形填空(本题共1小题;每小题15分,满分15分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑. 16.One sunny Monday,I decided to go for a walk on the path near my house with my husband.On my (16) D  was a very special ring:I’d just picked it up from jeweller’s the day before because I had it designed to hold a diamond my grandmother gave ‎ me for my 23rd birthday.I looked down at my ring as I began m ‎(17) C ,feeling as sunny as the day. When I looked again at the end of the path and found the diamond was (18) C .Anxiously,I started back along the path,looking for the(19) B  stone.In my heart,I knew how hopeless my search was.The path was long and covered with leaves.As I searched the(20) B ,crying and upset,I met an old gentleman.’What’s the matter,love?’he asked(21) A .’Lost something?’I explained about the missing diamond and showed him the hole in my ring.He whistled.’That’s going to be hard to find.Tell you what,love,I walk(22) C  this path every day.I’ll keep my eyes open for it.’I thanked him,(23) B nothing,but told him my husband often walked our dogs along the path(24) C he might find something. A few days later,my husband met the old man on the path.’Guess what?’he said.’I found your diamond!’(25) D he’d found the tiny stone and was willing to hand the diamond back to my husband,saying casually(未经考虑地),’It was(26) D that I found it.I only have 50percent eyesight in one eye.’When my husband offered him money for his help,he refused it.He (27) B have easily kept the diamond,or sold it,as it’s worth several thousand dollars,(28) A ,thanks to ‎ this man,I’ll spend the rest of my days trying to do something like that for(29) C  person.And what I have to do is to look at my ring and (30) B  myself that there are kind and generous souls there. 16.A.pocket B.foot C.head D.finger 17.A.work B.path C.walk D.talk 18.A.losing B.loss C.missing D.missed 19.A.big B.tiny C.colourless D.shiny 20.A.street B.ground C.room D.route 21.A.kindly B.sadly C.happily D.friendly 22.A.through B.cross C.along D.over 23.A.getting B.expecting C.explaining D.telling 24.A.because B.when C.if D.since 25.A.Hopefully B.Naturally C.Unluckily D.Unbelievably 26.A.usual B.funny C.common D.lucky 27.A.might B.could C.should D.must 28.A.however B.and C.or D.so 29.A.the other B.others C.another D.other ‎ 30.A.ask B.remind C.warn D.promise 【考点】记叙文. ‎ ‎ 【分析】本篇文章主要讲了一位女士散步时丢了一枚戒指,随后一位好心人士捡到了她的戒指并还给了她,她不甚感激,善良处处都在.并会用自己的余生去做这样的善事. 【解答】16D.考查名词.句意:在我的____是非常特别的戒子.根据实际情况可知,戒指是戴手指上的.答案是D. 17C.考查名词.句意:当我开始___时,我低头看了看我的戒指.根据I decided to go for a walk我决定去散步.可知答案是C. 18C.考查动词.句意:发现钻石___.根据I started back along the path,looking for…我开始往回走,寻找…可知用missing形容词’丢失的’,这里构成系表结构.答案是C. 19B.考查形容词.句意:需找___石头.根据he’d found the tiny stone他找到了这个极小的石头.戒指上应该是小钻石.因此用tiny极小的,答案是B. 20B.考查形容词.句意:我搜索__,哭着和不安.根据The path was long and covered with leaves小路是长的和覆盖着树叶.结合语境可知应该用ground表示地面,答案是B. 21A.考查副词.句意:丢东西了吗?他____问道.根据thanks to this man感谢这个人,可知这个男的从整篇文章来看是善良的,因此用kindly.答案是A. 22C.考查固定搭配.句意:我每天都____这个小路走.沿着走Walk along.固定搭配.因此答案是C. 23B.考查动名词.句意:没有_____.根据That’s going to be ‎ hard to find那是一件难事,可知,此处表示那位老人虽然说替作者找钻石,但作者并未期盼什么,故选B项. 24C.考查连词.句意:____你找到的话,告诉我的丈夫,他经常在这条路上遛狗.此处用if引导条件状语从句,意思是’如果’.答案是C. 25D.考查副词.句意:_____,他找打了那个极小的石头愿意把钻石交给我的丈夫.根据he’d found the tiny stone and was willing to hand the diamond back to my husband不可相信地,因为主人以为再也找不到,而且还会有好心人不要她的钱直接给她了.因此用Unbelievably,答案是D. 26D.考查形容词.句意:我找到它是很____.结合I only have 50percent eyesight in one eye我一只眼睛只有百分之50个视力.可知用lucky幸运的.答案是D. 27B.考查情态动词.句意:他本___把钻石据为己有.could have done sth.意为’本可以做某事(但没做)’,故选B项. 28A.考查副词.那位老人本可以据为己有或者卖掉钻石,____他却归还给了作者.根据have easily kept the diamond,or sold it占为己有并卖掉,可知上下句之间为转折关系,用however,答案是A. 29C.考查不定代词.句意:我会花费我的余生去为___人做像那样的事情.another表示又一个(三个以上的),因此答案是C.‎ ‎ 30B.考查动词.句意:我会看一下戒指,___自己世上仍有善良慷慨的灵魂.根据I have to do is to look at my ring我会看我的戒子,可知应用remind,表示提醒.答案是B. 三、阅读理解(本题共4小题;每小题6分,满分30分)请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑. 31.Welcome to the Pacific Beach Hotel!The Pacific Beach Hotel overlooks Waikiki beach and is five﹣minute walk from the Honolulu Zoo.Ala Moana Shopping Center is one mile away.Reach downtown Honolulu in four miles and Pearl Harbor in 14miles. The 837﹣room Pacific Beach Hotel also has a three﹣story,280,000﹣gallon indoor oceanarium(海洋水族馆),which is now the home of over 70different kings of Hawaiian marine (海产的) life.The hotel also has Hawaiian (夏威夷的) Rainforest Salon and Spa,a fourth floor pool and a tennis court located on the eighth floor. Each standard guest room is given with air﹣conditioning,coffee maker,digital (数字的) telephone,hairdryer,iron and ironing board,one king﹣size or two double beds,mini﹣refrigerator,personal balcony,private bathroom with shower and bathtub,and TV with movies and video games.And it also has non﹣smoking rooms.‎ ‎ Here is the room type and rate for February:(book now and get another 20% off) Room type CITY VIEW with BALCONY 2double beds or 1king﹣size Bed(all standard room) Max (至多)﹣4people MOUNTAIN VIEW with BALCONY 2double beds or 1king﹣size bed(all standard room) Max﹣4people OCEAN VIEW with BALCONY One﹣bedroom suite(套房)﹣top floor of oceanarium ﹣1king﹣size bed Max﹣2people Regular (per night) 250 290 580 Special (per night)‎ ‎ 180 220 380 31.Your parents want to book a room in this hotel for a 2﹣day holiday now.They enjoy the ocean view.They will pay A  for their room at least. A.About 600dollars. B.About 700dollars. C.About 800dollars. D.About 900dollars. 32.If you live in this hotel,you can get all the following service except D . A.to enjoy the marine life of Hawaii B.to play tennis C.to have a sunbath D.to visit the Honolulu Zoo 33.The purpose of writing this passage is A . A.to attract more tourists to the hotel B.to introduce a new oceanarium C.to suggest a good place of interest D.to ask for the public’s help. 【考点】广告布告类阅读.‎ ‎ 【分析】这是一个旅店的广告.介绍了旅店的位置和房间的设备及价格. 【解答】32.A细节理解题.根据题干可知是父母想要住海景房,两天的假期,每天380,两天760,再根据:book now and get another 20% off,减去20%,即大概600元,故选A. 32.D细节理解题.根据The Pacific Beach Hotel overlooks Waikiki beach 太平洋海滨旅店俯瞰海滩可以推断出可以日光浴;根据a fourth floor pool and a tennis court 可知可以打网球;根据The 837﹣room Pacific Beach Hotel also has a three﹣story,280,000﹣gallon indoor oceanarium(海洋水族馆),which is now the home of over 70different kings of Hawaiian marine (海产的) life可知这个旅馆有个海洋水族馆,可以观赏夏威夷的海洋生物,排除A.题干说的是旅店的服务,和动物园是没有关系的,故选D. 33.A主旨大意题.根据第一句Welcome to the Pacific Beach Hotel欢迎来到太平洋海滨旅店,可知这是这是广告,目的就是吸引更多的游客,故选A. 34.When the great library of Alexandria (亚历山大图书馆) burned,the story goes,one book was saved.But it was not a valuable book; and so a poor man,who could read a little,bought it for very little money. The book wasn’t very interesting,but between its pages ‎ there was something very interesting indeed.It was a thin strip of animal skin on which was written the secret of the’Touchstone (试金石)’!The touchstone was a small pebble that could turn any common metal into pure gold. The writing explained that it was lying among thousands and thousands of other pebbles that looked exactly like it.But the secret was this:The real stone would feel warm,while ordinary pebbles were cold. So the man sold his few belongings,bought some simple supplies,camped on the seashore,and began testing pebbles.He knew that if he picked up ordinary pebbles and threw them down again because they were cold,he might pick up the same pebble hundreds of times.So,when he felt one that was cold,he threw it into the sea.He spent a whole day doing this but none of them was the touchstone.Yet he went on and on this way.Pick up a pebble.Cold﹣throw it into the sea.Pick up another.Throw it into the sea.The days continued over a long period of time. One day,however,about mid﹣afternoon,he picked up a pebble and it was warm.He threw it into the sea before he realized what he had done.He had formed such a strong habit of throwing each pebble into the sea that when the one he wanted ‎ came along,he still threw it away. So it is with opportunity (机会).Unless we are cautious (小心的,谨慎的),it’s easy to fail to recognize an opportunity when it is in hand and it’s just as easy to throw it away. 34.The poor man bought the book because A . A.it was very cheap B.it was of great value C.there was a secret in the book D.he wanted to find the touchstone 35.According to the story,the touchstone C . A.is a big pebble B.feels cold C.is magic D.is pure gold 36.The man threw pebbles into the sea C . A.to test how far he could throw B.to practice throwing pebbles C.to avoid picking up the same pebble D.to express his disappointment 37.What message does the story want to express? D  A.Good habits can lead to success. B.Habits can only hold you back.‎ ‎ C.Opportunity prefers slow but strong mind. D.Opportunity only visits the ready and cautious mind. 【考点】史地常识类阅读. 【分析】亚历山大时期大图书馆焚毁的时候,话说有一本书被保留了下来.但没有人认为这本书有什么价值,可这时一个穷人,用几分钱把这本书买了下来.书中夹着一张羊皮纸条,在这张薄薄的羊皮纸条上记载着试金石的秘密.他到沙滩寻找试金石,当找到真正的试金石,他习惯性的扔到大海.告诉我们机遇也是如此.当机遇在我们手中之时,我们却不曾那么容易的意识到,除非我们仔细而细心. 【解答】34.A细节理解题.根据and so a poor man,who could read a little,bought it for very little money. 可知这个穷人买这本书的原因是因为它便宜,故选A. 35.C细节理解题.根据The touchstone was a small pebble that could turn any common metal into pure gold试金石是一个小的鹅卵石,可以使任何普通的金属变成纯金.可知试金石是有魔力的,故选C. 36.C细节理解题.根据He thought that if he picked up ordinary pebbles and put them down again,he might pick up the same pebble hundreds of times.把鹅卵石扔到大海是避免再次捡到相同的鹅卵石.故选C.‎ ‎ 37.D细节理解题.最后一段So it is with opportunity.Unless we are careful,it’s easy to failto know an opportunity when it is in hand and it’s just as easy to throw it away.可知作者告诉我们机遇也是如此.当机遇在我们手中之时,我们却不曾那么容易的意识到,除非我们仔细而细心.故选D. 38.A thief entered the bedroom of the 30th President of the United States,who met him and helped him run away from punishment. The event happened in the early morning hours in one of the first days when Calvin Coolidge (卡尔文•柯立芝) came into power (执政),late in August,1923.He and his family were living in the same third﹣floor suite at the Willard Hotel in Washington that they had lived several years before.The former President’s wife was still living in the White House. Coolidge awoke to see a stranger go through his clothes,remove a wallet and a watch chain. Coolidge spoke,’I wish you wouldn’t take that.’ The thief,gaining his voice,said,’Why?’ ‘I don’t mean the watch and chain,only the charm (表坠).Take it near the window and read what is impressed on its back,’the President said. The thief read,’Presented to Calvin Coolidge.’‎ ‎ ‘Are you President Coolidge?’he asked. The President answered,’Yes,and the House of Representatives (众议院) gave me that watch charm.I’m fond of it.It would do you no good.You want money.Let’s talk this over.’ Holding up the wallet,the young man said in a low voice,’I’ll take this and leave everything else.’ Coolidge,knowing there was 80in it,persuaded (劝告) the young man to sit down and talk.He told the President he and his college roommate had overspent during their holiday and did not have enough money to pay their hotel bill. Coolidge counted out 32and said it was a loan (借款). He then told the young man,’There is a guard in the corridor (走廊).’The young man nodded and left through the same window as he had entered. 38.What caused the young student to meet the President? D  A.He knew the President had lots of money. B.He knew the President lived in the suite. C.He wanted to be a rich businessman. D.He wanted to steal some money. 39.Why did Calvin Coolidge live at the Willard Hotel in those ‎ days? B  A.Because the former President was still living in the White House. B.Because the former First Lady hadn’t left the White House. C.Because the First Lady liked to live there. D.Because he himself liked to live there. 40.Coolidge counted out 32 C . A.in order not to be killed by the young student B.in order to be out of danger C.in order to help the young student overcome his difficulty D.because he liked to use the rest money 41.Which of the following might happen afterwards? B  A.The young student was put into prison. B.The young student repaid the32. C.The President told many reporters the young student’s name. D.The President ordered the young man to repay the money. 【考点】人物故事类阅读. 【分析】一个贼溜进了美国第30届总统的卧室,总统碰见了他,而且帮助他免受惩罚. ‎ ‎ 这件事情发生1923年8月下旬,卡尔文•柯立芝上台执政初期的一个早上.他和他的家人仍旧住在他们几年前居住的居华盛顿威拉德酒店三楼的一套房间里.因为前任总统的妻子仍然生活在白宫. 柯立芝醒来发现一个不速之客正在翻寻他的衣物,掏出一个钱包,解开一条表链. 柯立芝说:’我希望你别把它拿走.’ 小偷听到他的声音,问道:’为什么?’ 总统回答道:’我不是指手表和表链,而是表坠.拿到窗户边,看下它的背面是什么?’ 小偷读到:’赠送给卡尔文•柯立芝.’ 他问道:’你是总统卡尔文•柯立芝?’ 总统回答道:’是的.众议院送给我那块表坠的.我很喜欢它,它对你也没用.你想要钱,我们可以谈谈.’ 拿着钱包,那个年轻的男人低声说道:’我会拿走这样,其他的东西我都留下.’ 柯立芝知道钱包里面有80美元,他劝说年轻人坐下来聊聊.他告诉总统他和大学舍友在假期超支了,钱不够付酒店的账单了.’ 柯立芝给年轻人32美元,并说这是一个借款. 最后他告诉那个年轻人:’走廊里有一个警卫.’年轻人点了点头,从他进来的窗户离开了. 【解答】38.D.细节理解题.根据文中Holding up the ‎ wallet,the young man said in a low voice,’I’ll take this and leave everything else.’…He told the President he and his college roommate had overspent during their holiday and did not have enough money to pay their hotel bill.可知这个年轻学生因为假期花费超支了,偷钱是因为他需要付酒店的账单,故选择D. 39.B.细节理解题.根据第二段The former President’s wife was still living in the White House.可知柯立芝住在威立德酒店是因为前任总统的妻子仍然在白宫生活,故选择B. 40.C.细节理解题.根据He told the President he and his college roommate had overspent during their holiday and did not have enough money to pay their hotel bill. 可知柯立芝借给年轻人32美元是为了帮助他付酒店的账单,故选择C. 41.B.推理判断题.根据文章可知年轻人欲偷总统柯立芝的东西,结果未受到惩罚,总统还借钱帮助他渡过难关,所以可推测出年轻人是心怀感激的,他会偿还总统这32美元的,故选择B. 42.Scientists have tried to come up with biological explanations for the difference between boys and girls. However,none were believable enough to explain the general picture.As one scientist points out,’There are slight genetic (遗传的) differences between the sexes (性别) at birth.They may affect the subjects boys and girls choose.But the ‎ difficulty is that by the time children reach school age,there are so many other effects that it is almost impossible to tell whether girls are worse at science and maths,or whether they’ve been brought up to think of these subjects as boys’’territory’. Statistics (统计数据) show that in mathematics,at least,girls are equal to boys.A recent report suggests that girls only stop studying mathematics because of social attitudes (态度).One of the reports’authors says,’While it is socially unacceptable for people not to be able to read and write,it is still acceptable for women to say that they are‘hopeless’at maths.Our research shows that,although girls get marks which are as good as the boys’,they have not been encouraged to do so.’ The explanation for the difference,which is very clear during the teenage years,goes as far back as early childhood experiences.From their first days in nursery school (幼儿园),girls are not encouraged to work on their own or to complete tasks,although boys are.For example,boys but not girls,are often asked to‘help’with repair work.This encouragement leads to a way of learning how to solve problems later on in life.Evidence shows that excellent mathematicians and scientists did not have teachers who provided answers; they had to find out for themselves.‎ ‎ A further report on maths teaching shows that teachers seem to give more attention to boys than to girls.Most teachers who took part in the study admitted that they expect their male students to do better at mathematics and science subjects than their female students.All of this tends to encourage boys to work harder in these subjects,gives them confidence and makes them believe that they can succeed. Interestingly,both boys and girls tend to regard such‘male’subjects like mathematics and science as difficult.Yet it has been suggested that girls avoid mathematics courses,not because they are difficult,but for social reasons. Mathematics and science are mainly male subjects,and therefore,as girls become teenagers,they are less likely to take them up.Girls do not seem to want to be in open competition with boys.Neither do they want to do better than boys because they are afraid to appear less female and so,less attractive. 42.The underlined word’territory’in the second paragraph most probably means’ C ’. A.great interest B.big land C.special field D.crazy ‎ district 43.According to scientific studies, D . A.maths is not fit for girls to learn B.boys have a special sense of maths C.girls are poorer at maths even though they are given enough encouragement D.girls can learn maths as well as boys if given enough encouragemen 44.Those who made great contribution in mathematics and science B . A.usually had good teachers to help them B.had the abilities to solve problems by themselves C.usually worked harder than others D.were encouraged to repair things when young 45.Which of the following is true according to the text? D  A.It is a social problem rather than a problem of brains that boys are poor at maths. B.It seems socially acceptable for a girl not to be able to read and write. C.Mathematics and science are easy subjects to either girls or boys. D.Girls do not want to compete (竞争) openly with boys.‎ ‎ 【考点】科普知识类阅读. 【分析】科学家们试图对男孩和女孩之间的差异提出生物学解释. 然而,没有一个可信的足以解释这个普遍的问题.正如一个科学家所说,’出生时性别之间存在轻微的遗传差异.这些差异可能影响男孩和女孩对物体的选择.但困难是孩子们到达上学年龄时这些遗传差异会产生很多其他方面的影响,我们几乎不可能解释为什么女孩在科学和数学上更糟,或者她们是否从小就认为科学和数学是男孩的’领土’. 统计数据显示,至少在数学中,女孩与男孩相等.最近的一份报告表明,女孩因为社会态度而停止学习数学.这份报告的一个作者说:’虽然社会不能接受不能读和不能写的人,但是这个社会仍然可以接受的女人说她们在数学上没有希望.我们的研究表明,虽然女孩得到的分数与男孩的一样好,但是她们的这种做法并没有被鼓励. 为什么在青少年期间就明显存在的差异,这个问题要从童年时期的经历开始解释.从幼儿园的第一天起,就不鼓励女孩自己完成任务,却鼓励男孩独立完成任务,例如,男孩经常被要求帮助修复工作,而不是女孩.这种鼓励导致男孩学会一种如何解决生活中的问题的方法.有证据表明,优秀的数学家和科学家没有教师会给他们提供答案,他们必须自己找出问题答案. ‎ ‎ 进一步的数学教学报告表明,相比之下,教师会更多的关注男孩.参与研究的大多数老师承认,他们期望男性学生在数学和科学科目上比女性学生做得更好.所有的这些鼓励都促使男孩在这些科目上更努力学习、给他们更多的信心,使他们相信他们可以成功. 有趣的是,男孩和女孩都认为数学和科学等这些’男性’学科是困难的.有人提出,女孩抵触数学课程,并不是因为数学课程难的原因,而是出于社会原因. 数学和科学是主要的男性学科,因此,随着女孩成为青少年,他们不太可能接受学科.女孩似乎不想与男孩公开竞争.他们并不是不想做得比男孩好,而是因为他们害怕出现在女性较少的环境下,这样吸引力会较低. 【解答】42.C.词义猜测题.通篇全文,都阐述了一个观点就是由于社会态度的影响,女孩子更倾向于认为数学和科学等学科是男性学科,也就是这些学科是他们的专业领域,即special field; 43.D.细节理解题.根据文章中的第四段,在幼儿园阶段,并不鼓励女孩独立完成工作,却鼓励男孩,段末提到This encouragement leads to a way of learning howto solve problems later on in life.Evidence shows that excellent mathematicians andscientists did not have teachers who provided answers; they had to find out for ‎ themselves.可知在这种鼓励下男孩学会自自我解决问题的能力,因此可以说如果女孩受到这种鼓励也会拥有这种能力,也就可以把数学和科学学好,因此答案为D. 44.B.细节理解题.根据This encouragement leads to a way of learning how to solve problems later on in life.Evidence shows that excellent mathematicians and scientists did not have teachers who provided answers; they had to find out for themselves.可知,老师不会为这些学生提供答案,而是让他们自己找出答案,出色的数学家和科学家具有独立解决问题的能力,因此答案为B. 45.D.推理判断题.根据段末Girls do not seem to want to be in open competition with boys.可知,女性并不想与男孩进行公开竞争(open competition).因此答案为D. 四、词汇(本题共7小题;每小题1分,满分15分)A. 请根据括号中的中文提示、英文释义或句意,写出句中所缺单词,使句子通顺. 46.The tenth month of a year is October .It’s the best time to harvest. 【考点】完成句子. 【分析】一年中的第十个月份是十月.它是收获的最佳时机. 【解答】答案:October.考查完成句子.句意’一年中的第十个月份是十月.它是收获的最佳时机.’.根据The tenth month of a ‎ year一年中的第十个月份,可知答案是October.十月. 47.If you come to China,you can visit a lot of palaces (宫殿) in Beijing. 【考点】翻译填空. 【分析】如果你来中国,在北京你可以参观许多宫殿. 【解答】答案:palaces. 根据所给汉语提示结合语境推测句意是’如果你来中国,在北京你可以参观许多宫殿.’,此处根据设空处前面的a lot of 判断应该填可数名词复数形式,’宫殿’的英文单词是palace,所以答案是:palaces 48.When we leave the classroom,we should keep the windows closed (关闭). 【考点】翻译填空. 【分析】当我们离开教室的时候,我们应该关上窗户. 【解答】答案:closed. 根据所给汉语提示结合语境推测句意是’当我们离开教室的时候,我们应该关上窗户.’,此处根据设空处前面的keep判断应该填形容词,构成短语keep+宾语+形容词’使…处于某种状态’,’关闭的’英文单词是closed,所以答案是:closed 49.At last,everything stopped shake (move quickly from side to side,up and down,etc.) and people began to run to their houses. ‎ ‎ 【考点】单词填空. 【分析】最后,一切都停止了震动,人们开始跑向他们的房子. 【解答】答案:shake.考查名词.句意’最后,一切都停止了震动,人们开始跑向他们的房子.’,根据’move quickly from side to side,up and down,etc.迅速地从一方移动到另一侧,上下等’提示,可知应该是shake震动.答案是shake. 50.You can remember the word easily by learning its correct pronunciation (发音). 【考点】翻译填空. 【分析】通过学习单词的正确发音你能很轻易地记住单词. 【解答】答案:pronunciation. 根据所给汉语提示结合语境推测句意是’通过学习单词的正确发音你能很轻易地记住单词.’,此处根据设空处前面的形容词性物主代词its判断应该填名词,’发音’的英文单词是pronunciation,不可数,所以答案是:pronunciation 51. true postman seventy﹣five we comfortable 51.Some people feel uncomfortable  while taking a flight.They are afraid of flying. 52.Look at those postmans’ dirty clothes.They have just climbed a mountain. 53.Tomorrow is my grandpa’s seventy﹣‎ fifth birthday.We’ll celebrate it at home. 54.I didn’t catch the early bus.I’m truly  sorry for being late again. 55.Mr.Jiang taught us Maths last term. 【考点】选词完成句子. 【分析】51.一些人乘坐飞机感觉不舒服,他们害怕飞行. 52.看那些邮递员的脏衣服,他们刚才爬山了. 53.明天是我奶奶72岁的生日,我们将在家庆祝. 54.我没有赶上早班车,又迟到了我感到真的很抱歉. 55.江老师上学期教我们数学. 【解答】51.uncomfortable.考查形容词.划线处缺一个形容词,作feel的表语,根据They are afraid of flying.可知一些人乘坐飞机时感觉不舒服,故填写uncomfortable. 52.postmans’.考查名词所有格.划线处缺少一个形容词作dirty clothes的定语,根据They have just climbed a mountain.中的they可知那些衣服是邮递员的,所以此处应用名词所有格形式,故填写postmans’. 53.seventy﹣fifth.考查序数词.根据句意’明天是我奶奶的72岁生日,我们将在家庆祝.’,此处应填写序数词,表示第72个生日,故填写seventy﹣fifth. ‎ ‎ 54.truly.考查副词.句子结构完整,划线处缺少一个副词修饰sorry.根据句意’我没有赶上早班车,又迟到了我感到真的很抱歉.’,故填写truly. 55.us.考查代词.划线处缺一个名词或代词作taught的宾语,teach sb.sth.表示教某人某事.根据句意’江老师上学期教我们数学’,故填写us. 56. snow fall deal lie raise 56.The young couple fell  in love with each other when they first saw each other. 57.I want to know if it will snow  in a few days.Children are looking forward to making snowmen. 58.﹣Can you tell me how he dealt  with that dog? ﹣He left it in an old house. 59.﹣I didn’t see you when I passed your classroom. ﹣I was raising the flag in the playground with my classmates. 60.You needn’t worry about your daughter.She has lain in bed for ten minutes. 【考点】选词完成句子. 【分析】56.这对年轻的夫妻第一次见面的时候就爱上了对方.‎ ‎ 57.我想要知道未来几天是否将会下雪.孩子们正盼着堆雪人呢. 58.你能告诉我他怎么处理那条狗的吗?他把它留在一个旧房子里. 59.当我路过你的教室时我没有看到你.我和我的同学正在操场上升国旗. 60.你不必担心你的女儿.她已经躺在床上十分钟了. 【解答】56.fell;57.will snow;58.dealt;59.was raising;60.has lain 56.答案:fell,本题是when引导的时间状语从句,根据saw可知是一般过去时态,fall的过去式是fell.fall in love with sb爱上某人.答案是fell. 57.答案:will sonw,本题是if引导的条件状语从句,根据in a few days在几天后,可知从句应该用一般将来时态.snow下雪,答案是will snow. 58.答案:dealt,本题是宾语从句,deal with处理,根据left可知是一般过去时态,因此deal用过去式dealt.答案是dealt. 59.答案:was raising,根据didn’t及passed,可知是一般过去时态,题意’我路过你班时没看见你,我和我的同学正在操场上升国旗’,可知用过去进行时态.I与am连用,am的过去式是was,raise的现在分词是raising.答案是was raising. 60.答案:has lain,根据题意’‎ 你不需要担心你的女儿,她已经躺在床上十分钟了.’可知应该用现在完成时态,have/has+done,she第三人称单数,用has,lie的过去分词是lain.答案是has lain. 五、句型转换(本题共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)请根据要求改写下列句子,每空一词 61.I’m not going to Beijing.He isn’t going to Beijing,either.(合并为一句)  Neither  he nor I am  going to Beijing. 【考点】句型转换. 【分析】我不打算去北京,他也不打算去. 他和我都不打算去北京. 【解答】答案:Neither,am.结合句意是说两者都不,联系下文的nor用neither…nor…既不…也不…,连接两个对等成分做主语,谓语动词遵循就近原则,这里是be going to表示将来,I与am连用,故答案是Neither,am. 62.The bus stop is about 10minutes’walk from the cinema.(对划线部分提问)  How far  is the bus stop from the cinema? 【考点】句型转换. 【分析】汽车站离电影院大约十分钟路. 汽车站离电影院有多远? 【解答】答案:How far.根据划线部分about 10minutes’‎ walk得知询问的是路程,表示多远,用How far. 63.Lily isn’t allowed to stay up too late by her parents.(改为主动语态) Lily’s parents don’t allow  her to stay up too late. 【考点】句型转换. 【分析】莉莉的父母不允许她在外面待的很晚. 【解答】答案:don’t allow:结合上文是be allowed to do sth不被允许做某事,下面的主语Lily’s parents是allow的执行者,故用被动语态allow sb to do sth,这里是一般现在时,主语是Lily’s parents复数,借助于助动词do构成否定,故答案是don’t allow. 64.’What do you sell online?’Tom asked Jack.(保持句意基本不变) Tom asked Jack what he sold  online. 【考点】句型转换. 【分析】汤姆问杰克:’你在网上卖什么?’ 汤姆问杰克在网上卖什么. ‎ ‎ 【解答】答案:what,sold.结合句意这里是要求将其换成含有宾语从句的主从复合句,疑问词what作为引导词,后加陈述句语序,主句是asked一般过去时,从句的一般现在时也换成一般过去时,sell的过去式是sold,故答案是what,sold. 65.If you help me do the washing,I will go with you.(保持句意基本不变) I won’t  go with you unless  you help me do the washing. 【考点】句型转换. 【分析】如果你帮我洗衣服我就和你一起去. 除非你帮我洗衣服我才和你一起去. 【解答】答案:won’t,until.结合上文是if引导的条件状语从句,下面的 you help me do the washing是一个从句,表示除非你帮我洗衣服我才和你一起去.故用unless表示除非,遵循主将从现的规则,故主句是一般将来时,will后加上not缩写成won’t.故答案是won’t,until. 六、短文填空 (本题共1小题;每小题10分,满分10分)请认真阅读下面短文,并根据各题所给首字母的提示,写出一个合适的英语单词完整、正确的形式,使短文通顺. 66.Every time we turn on the TV or take a ride in a car,we could be adding to a problem called acid rain(酸雨).In this article,we’ll learn something i(66) mportant about acid rain. The formation of acid rain When people use fuels (燃料),such as coal and gasoline(汽油),poisonous gases are given off.When these gases come t(67) ogether with rain,acid rain forms.Many power ‎ stations burn fuels in order to c(68) reate the electricity that we use in our homes and offices every day.Cars and trucks also send these gases into the air when they burn gasoline.When rain meets these gases, h(69) armful things called acids form.This is acid rain. The harm of acid rain Acid rain destroys everything that it t(70) ouches .It poisons our rivers,ponds and lakes and o(71) ceans along with the life in them.It p(72) ollutes  our soils and crops,harm trees,and can even kill fish and plants.Acid rain also eats away at our buildings. The prevention of acid rain Trying to prevent the pollution that gets into the air is n(73) ecessary .Keep the electrical appliances off while they are not in use.We can also use different ways of traffic to make less use of fuels. Research tells us that acid rain harms our e(74) nvironment .So people around the world can take small steps now to make a d(75) ifference to our kids. 【考点】语法填空. ‎ ‎ 【分析】本文主要讲述酸雨的形成和对人类的危害以及防御措施. 【解答】66.important; 形容词辨析题,根据意思,我们将要学习一些’重要的’东西关于酸雨,以i开头,重要的,important. 67.together;考查副词用法,根据句意,当这些气体和雨’一起’相遇,一起且以t 开头,together. 68.create; 动词辨析题,根据句意很多发电站,燃烧燃料为了’发明,创造’电,以c开头,想到动词create,in order to do sth,前面有to,故填动词create原形. 69.harmful;形容词辨析题,根据句子理解,当雨水和这些气体相遇,有害的东西称作酸的形式.有害的,以h开头,故填harmful. 70.touches;动词辨析题,根据句子理解,酸雨破坏所有它接触的动词,接触,以t开头想到动词touch,但主语是it,故用三单touches,注意动词以ch结尾三单加es. 71.oceans; 名词辨析,根据句子的理解它污染了我们的河流,池塘,和湖以及…和里面的生命.水域由小到大,湖泊后面是海洋,正好以o 开头,前面名词都是复数,故也要用复数形式故填oceans. 72.pollutes;动词辨析,根据意思它’污染’了我们的土壤和庄家…,污染pollute,且it 作主语,动词用三单,填pollutes. 73.necessary; ‎ ‎ 形容词辨析题,根据文章理解推测句意:尽力阻止污染进入空气是有必要的,有必要的,以n开头,故填necessary. 74.environment;名词辨析题,根据理解推测句子意思:研究告诉我们酸雨危害我们的环境,以e开头,故填environment. 75.difference; 名词辨析题,根据固定搭配make a difference to…对…有影响,放在句子中语意通顺,故填difference. 七、阅读与回答问题(本题共1小题;每小题10分,满分10分)请认真阅读下面短文,并根据短文内容回答问题. 76.Blood donation is a wonderful thing done by us.To begin with,extensive studies show that blood plays an important role in medical operation.In donating our blood we are actually saving the precious lives of the sick.Next,being a healthy person,losing 200ml of blood is only a small sacrifice(牺牲) and helps to improve our metabolism (新陈代谢).Finally,donating blood helps us in forming good character and developing our sense of social responsibility.Blood donation isn’t a complicated issue,but we need to keep a few instructions in mind. First,don’t go for blood donation with an empty stomach.We can eat anything and after having a right diet we’ll feel strong and comfortable to donate blood.For the required hemoglobin (血色素) in the body,we can drink lots of fruit ‎ juice.For a good blood flow in the body,let’s drink at least 6﹣7glasses of water daily.Completely avoid taking alcohol or caffeine a day before and after donating our blood.We shouldn’t smoke half an hour before making blood donation. When we’re going for blood donation,first tell the nurse to check our hemoglobin level.During the injection we need to take a deep breath and try to calm ourselves down.During blood donation,keep ourselves cool and calm. Blood donation is a very fast process,but we need to take care of ourselves after blood donation.For example,take a rest for 15minutes after the donation.Eat something and drink juice after leaving the blood donation center.Make sure not to skip meals after blood donation.Smoking should be avoided up to one hour after blood donation. At last be proud of ourselves that we’ve done a great task in making an attempt of saving someone’s life.Blood donation is a social responsibility for every citizen,especially for us,young students.We should do it not because it does us no harm but because it is a noble thing to do and it helps others a great deal. 76.What advantage will a healthy person have if he or she loses 20ml of blood?  Ithelpstoimprove his or hermetabolism. ‎ ‎ 77.How long should we rest after blood donation?  15 minutes  78.How much water should we drink every day for a good blood flow in the body?  we need to drinkatleast6﹣7glassesofwaterdaily.  79.Why is blood donation a social responsibility for young people?  Because blood donation isanoblethingtodoandithelpsothersagreatdeal.  80.What do you think of blood donation?(自拟一句作答)  Blood donation is good for us and I’m so proud of myself that I have done this! . 【考点】阅读表达;科普知识类阅读. 【分析】鲜血是我们能做的有意义的事情.首先广泛的研究表明,血液在医疗手术中起着重要的作用,捐献我们的血液可以拯救病患的生命.另外,作为一个健康的人,丢失200ml的血有助于提高新陈代谢.最后献血可以培养我们的良好品格和责任感.献血不是意见很复杂的事情,但是我们需要知道: 第一:不要空腹献血;为了增加人体血红素含量,我们可以喝果汁,为了使我们的血液流的更顺畅,我们每天应该喝6﹣7杯水,在献血的前一天禁止饮酒或引用含咖啡因的饮料.献血之前半小时不能抽烟;‎ ‎ 当我们去献血的时候,首先要做的就是让护士检查我们的血红蛋白含量. 献血的过程是很快的,但献血之后我们必须好好照顾我们自己,如休息15分钟、吃一些东西、喝点果汁、一小时内禁止吸烟. 最后,为自己感到自豪,因为我们正在尝试拯救一个人的生命. 【解答】76.It helps to improve his or her metabolism.细节理解题.根据losing 200ml of blood is only a small sacrifice(牺牲) and helps to improve our metabolism (新陈代谢).丢失200ml血液对我们来说是一个小的牺牲,这能够提高我们的新陈代谢,因此答案为It helps to improve his or her metabolism. 77. 15 minutes.细节理解题.根据For example,take a rest for 15minutes after the donation.可知,献血之后,我们应该休息15分钟,因此答案为15 minutes. 78.we need to drink at least 6﹣7glasses of water daily.细节理解题.根据For a good blood flow in the body,let’s drink at least 6﹣7glasses of water daily.可知,要想保证血流的通畅,我们一天至少要喝6﹣7杯水; 79.Because blood donation is a noble thing to do and it helps others a great deal.细节理解题.根据Blood donation is a social responsibility for every citizen,especially for us,young ‎ students.We should do it not because it does us no harm but because it is a noble thing to do and it helps others a great deal.可知,献血是我们每个人的社会责任,尤其是对于我们这些年轻的学生,是因为这件事不仅是一件了不起的事情,而且给予别人很大的帮助,因此答案为Because blood donation is a noble thing to do and it helps others a great deal. 80.Blood donation is good for us and I’m so proud of myself that I have done this!细节理解题.文章的主要内容就是献血,主要讲述了献血的好处,我们应该献血并感到自豪,一来是因为我们正在履行自己的社会责任,二来是我们真的帮助了有需要的人,该题属于开放试题,答案合理即可. 八、书面表达(本题满分20分) 81.以前我国的一个中学生在埃及一著名景点文物上刻写’××到此一游’,此事经媒体曝光后,在国内引起极大反响.但现在我们这儿不一样了,作为一名中学生,你就’如何文明旅游’这一话题,谈谈自己的看法. 以’Behave well during the travel’为题,用英语写一篇短文,并谈谈你的感受. 过去 现在 乱扔杂物,随地吐痰 爱惜环境;…(请考生自拟一点内容)‎ ‎ 摘花毁树,伤害动物 爱护植物,关爱动物 随处抽烟,乱涂乱画 自觉守规;…(请考生自拟一点内容) 你的感受:作为中学生,我们…(请考生自拟两点内容) 注意:1 表达中必须包含所给要点,可以适当发挥,不要简单翻译. 2 词数90左右,开头已经写好,不计入总词数. 3 表达中请勿提及真实校名和姓名. Behave well during the travel Nowadays,traveling is becoming a more and more important part of our life.But some travelers had bad behaviors and habits while visiting some places of interest 【考点】图表作文. 【分析】【高分句型一】 All these changes make people around here happy.所有这些改变让周围的人很开心. make…+adj:让…怎样. 【高分句型二】 ①In order to ②make the world beautiful,③let’s behave well and④try our best to help fight against bad behaviors.为了让世界更美丽,让我们一起行为文明尽力去和不文明行为斗争.‎ ‎ ①in order to do sth:为了…,作为目的状语. ②make…+adj:让…怎样. ③let sb do sth让某人做某事 ④try one’s best to do sth尽力做某事 【解答】Behave well during the travel Nowadays,traveling is becoming a more and more important part of our life.However,some travelers have bad behaviors and habits while visiting some places of interest.Some throw litters,paint on the walls,and spit on the ground everywhere.(乱扔杂物,随地吐痰)Some pick flowers,destroy trees and hurt animals.(摘花毁树,伤害动物)What’s worse,some smoke in the public.What a shame!(随处抽烟,乱涂乱画) Luckily,great changes have taken place here.Rubbish is always put into dustbins.(爱惜环境)We are friendly to animals.(爱护植物,关爱动物)Besides,we remember to obey the public rules and the places of interest are well kept.(自觉守规,保护名胜)All these changes make people around here happy.【高分句型一】 In my opinion,as a student,we should know it’s our duty to protect the environment.In order to make the world beautiful,let’s behave well and try our best to help fight against bad ‎ behaviors.【高分句型二】(感受) ‎

