牛津译林苏教版小学英语六下《Project 1 Being a good student 》PPT课件 (3)

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牛津译林苏教版小学英语六下《Project 1 Being a good student 》PPT课件 (3)

Project 1 Being a good student ( B,C ) 6 Grade Let's talk ! What makes a good student? Read and judge 1.A good student must run in the classroom. 2. A good student must keep the classroom clean . 3. A good student must not listen to teachers in class . 4. A good student must finish homework early at home . 5. A good student must not play ball games in the c lassroom. 1. We must not_______ and________ in the classroom. We must _______ our teachers. 2. We must_________ school early. We must not _______ lat e. 3. We must keep __________clean . We must not keep ________ messy and dirty. 4. We must ________ homework early at home . We must not ______ late. Think and write Rules 人称代词 情态动词 动词原形 We must listen to teachers carefully. We must not go to bed late. Brain storm! Discuss in group . (小组讨论) What else must we do /not do to be a good student? Step 4 : Make a good habit proposal according to your survey form Step 3 : Do a survey Step 2 :How to make Step1 : How to ask Fun time Pick and say Pick one! OK. Do you go to bed early? Yes, I do. Thank you! That’s a good habit. Pair work Tip: Pick one picture from the envelope and practice in pairs. ( 请从信封里挑出一张图片,同桌练习。 ) Play a game 从盒子中请选出四张不同颜色的纸条。 小组内讨论,将纸条上的内容拼成一句话 先在小组内读一读,再以自己小组的方式展示。 人称代词 频度副词 动词 时间/地点 I We They He always usually often sometimes have my meal finish our homework do their homework feels sleepy on time. before dinner. in the evening. in the morning. Review He never goes to bed late. Let's make What good habits should we have? 同学们,让我们一起来做一张好习惯倡议书吧!(利用书上99页所给材料制作一张海报) Thank you!

