2019届一轮复习人教版选修八Unit1A land of diversity 单元学案(22页word版)

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2019届一轮复习人教版选修八Unit1A land of diversity 单元学案(22页word版)

‎ ‎ ‎2019届一轮复习人教版选修八Unit1A land of diversity 单元学案 单元语法:名词性从句 一、名词性从句的语法功能与分类 在复合句中起名词作用的从句叫名词性从句(Noun Clauses)。名词性从句的功能相当于名词或名词词组, 它在复合句中能担任主语、宾语、表语、同位语、介词宾语等,因此根据它在句中不同的语法功能,名词性从句又可分别称为主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。‎ 主语从句:如果一个句子在复合句中充当一个主语,那么这个句子就是主语从句。‎ ‎ 1) What he is going to do is not clear. ‎ ‎2) Who will be our monitor hasn’t been decided yet.‎ 宾语从句:如果一个句子在复合句中用作宾语,那么这个句子就叫做宾语从句。‎ ‎1) Jack said that he had something important to do. ‎ ‎2) I want to know if/whether there is a train to Beijing. ‎ 表语从句:如果一个句子在复合句中用作表语,那么这个句子就叫做表语从句。‎ ‎ The trouble is that I have lost his address. ‎ 同位语从句:用作同位语的从句叫做同位语从句。‎ 一般情况下同位语从句跟在某些名词,如news,idea,fact,word(消息),question,thought,doubt,order,promise,hope,message,information等的后面,用以说明该名词所表达的具体内容。关联词多用从属连词that。‎ ‎1) They were all very much worried over the fact that you were sick.‎ ‎2) Where did you get the idea that I could not come? ‎ ‎3) Early in the day came the news that Germany had declared war on Russia.‎ ‎【注意】that引导的同位语从句与定语从句的区别 ‎☆ 定语从句是修饰限制它前面的名词,因此,它是属于形容词性从句。而同位语从句属于名词性从句,它是用来说明它前面的名词内容的,或者说是解释前面名词的内容。‎ ‎ 换而言之:‎ 同位语从句和先行词是同等的关系;而定语从句是用来修饰先行词,是从属的关系。 ‎ 同位语从句 定语从句 区别 ①阐明它前面的名词具体内容。 ‎ ‎☆The suggestion that we 【should】 clean the room buy turns is good. ‎ ①限定它前面的名词的范围或补充一些情况。‎ ‎☆The suggestion 【that】 he put forward at the meeting is good.‎ ②that只起连接从句的作用,无意义。在从句中不充当句子成分。不可省略。‎ ‎☆ The news that Mr. Li will be our new English teacher is true. ‎ ② that替代先行词在从句中不仅起连接作用,还充当一个句子成分(主语或宾语)。如在从句中作动词的宾语时可省略。‎ ‎☆ The news 【that/which】 he told me yesterday is true.‎ ③ 只有在内容方面可进一步阐明的名词。(可以带同位语的名词多为抽象名词)。如: news,fact, idea,question, suggestion等。‎ ③ 几乎任何名词都可以带定语从句。‎ ‎ ☆ The apple 【that/which】 he gave me is a red one.‎ 区别: Galileo collected facts __B___ the Earth goes round the sun. ‎ Galileo collected facts __D___ proved the Earth goes round the sun.‎ ‎ A. which B. that C. of which D. A and B ‎【考点点拨】‎ 在suggestion,advice,request,order等意为“建议;命令;要求”的名词后,名词性从句中的谓语动词通常用“should +动词原形”的虚拟语气结构,句中的should可以省略。例如:‎ ‎☆ My suggestion is that we (should) start early tomorrow. ‎ 我的建议是我们明天一早就出发。‎ ‎☆ This is our only request that this(should)be settled as soon as possible.‎ 这就是我们唯一的请求:尽快解决这个问题。 ‎ 此类词有:‎ 一“坚持” insist 二“命令” order, command 三“建议” advise(advice), suggest(suggestion), propose (proposal)‎ 四“要求” require, request, desire, demand 二、名词性从句连接词的选用 名词性从句一般有以下三种连接词:‎ ‎1. 从属连词that,if和whether。that在句中无实际意义,只起连接作用,但不可以省略;if不可以用于句首。‎ ‎ Whether he’ll come here isn’t clear. ‎ ‎ He told us that they would help us though the whole work. ‎ ‎2. 连接代词主要有who, whom,whose,what,whoever,whomever,whosever, whatever,whichever等。‎ ‎ Whoever comes is welcome.  ‎ What concerns me most is who will be my teacher next term.‎ ‎3. 连接副词主要有when,where,why,how,whenever,wherever,however等。‎ None of us knows where these new books can be bought.‎ The question under discussion is where we will hold the meeting.‎ ‎[注意] 不能使用if的情况 a. 主语从句 b. 表语从句 c. 同位语从句 d. 介词后的宾语从句 e. whether to do 做动词宾语不能用if to do. f. 与 or not 连在一起引导宾语从句时不用if.‎ 注意1:that / what的辨用 ‎1.______ he wants is a book.‎ ‎2. ______ he wants to go there is obvious. 3. We should pay attention to ______ the teacher is saying.‎ ‎4. He told us ______ he felt ill.‎ ‎5. The result is ______ we won the game. 6. This is _____ we want to know. 7. I have no idea _____ he did that afternoon.‎ ‎8. The fact______ she works hard is well known to us all.‎ 规则: 1.that在名词性从句中不充当任何成分,只起连接作用 ‎2. what除起连接作用外,还在名词性从句中充当成分,可做从句的主语、宾语、或表语。‎ 注意2:whether与if的辨用 规则:1.在由形式主语it引导的主语从句及在vt动词后面的宾语从句中,表“是否”, whether/if 都可以用;‎ ‎2.在前置主语从句、表语从句、同位语从句和跟在介词后面的宾语从句中,表“是否”, 只能用whether;‎ ‎3.在whether… or not 和whether to do 中whether 不能换成if 练习:if / whether ‎1. I asked her __________ she had a bike.‎ ‎2. I don’t know ___________ he is well or not. ‎ ‎3.___________ we will hold a party in the open air tomorrow depends on the weather.‎ ‎4.It hasn't been decided____________ we shall attend the meeting.‎ ‎5.We’re worried about ________ he is safe.‎ ‎6. The question is _________ he should do it.‎ ‎7.The doctor can hardly answer the question__________ the old man will recover soon.‎ ‎8. I don’t know _______ to go or to stay at home.‎ 附加练习 ‎1.I doubt____________ he can speak English.‎ ‎2.I don’t doubt ____________ he can speak English.‎ 注意3:whatever与no matter what的辨用 Whatever有两个用法,一是引导名词性从句(如主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句),二是用于引导让步状语从句。‎ No matter what只能引导让步状语从句(不能引导名词性从句),其意为“无论什么”。‎ ‎【注意】这样用的no matter what与引导状语从句的whatever用法相同,有时可互换。如:No matter what you say, I believe you. =Whatever you say, I believe you. 无论你说什么,我都相信你。‎ 一、‎ ‎1.(全国卷I卷33).We haven’t discussed yet _______ we are going to place our new furniture. ‎ A. that            B. which          C. what          D. where ‎2.(全国II卷10) —Have you finished the book?‎ ‎—No. I’ve read up to _____ the children discover the secret cave.‎ A. which           B. what            C. that          D. where ‎3.(北京卷31).I want to be liked and loved for               I am inside.‎ A. who              B. where           C. what       D. how ‎4.(北京卷32). Part of the reason Charles Dickens loved his own novel, David Copperfield, was __       it was rather closely modeled on his own life.‎ A. what             B. that              C. why             D. whether ‎5.(北京卷33).               some people regard as a drawback is seen as a plus by many others.‎ A. Whether          B. What             C. That             D. How ‎6.(福建卷35). We should respect food and think about the people who don’t have              we have here and treat food nicely.‎ A. that           B. which              C. what               D. whether ‎7.(湖南卷35). Cindy shut the door heavily and burst into tears .No one in the office knew _____ she was so angry.‎ A. where            B. whether          C. that                D. why ‎8.(江苏卷35).—I prefer shutting myself in and listening to music all day on Sundays.‎ ‎   —That’s_______ I don’t agree. You should have a more active life.‎ A. where            B. how             C. when          D. what ‎9.(辽宁卷34). —-It’s no use having ideas only . ‎ ‎—-Don’t worry. Peter can show you ________to turn an idea into an act.‎ A. how            B. who             C. what            D. where ‎10.(山东卷26). Before the sales start, I make a list of ______ my kids will need for the coming season.‎ A. why            B. what           C. how           D. which ‎11.(陕西卷18). It never occurred to me _____ you could succeed in persuading him to change his mind.  ‎ A. which           B. what          C. that           D. if ‎12.(四川卷14). How much one enjoys himself travelling depends largely on              he goes with, whether his friends or relatives. ‎ A. what             B. who              C. how              D. why ‎13.(天津卷14). As a new graduate, he doesn’t know _______ it takes to start a business here.‎ A. how              B. what              C. when           D. which ‎14.(重庆卷25). To improve the quality of our products, we asked for suggestions            had used the products.‎ A. whoever           B. who              C. whichever        D. which ‎15.(浙江卷1).-How about camping this weekend, just for a change?‎ ‎   -OK,__        you want.‎ A. whichever       B. however             C. whatever            D. whoever ‎16.(浙江卷9). It is uncertain _          side effect the medicine will bring about, although about two thousand patients have taken it.‎ A. that                 B. what             C. how              D. whether ‎17.(上海卷36). One reason for her preference for city life is              she can have easy access to places like shops and restaurants.‎ A. that           B. how              C. what              D. why ‎18.(上海卷37). When changing lanes, a driver should use his turning signal to let other drivers know                  .           ‎ ‎    A. he is entering which lane             B. which lane he is entering ‎    C. is he entering which lane             D. which lane is he entering 二、句子翻译 1. 请把奖品给先来的人。‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________ ‎ 2. 孩子长大后,要鼓励们做力所能及的家务。‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________ ‎ 1. 越来越多的大学生面临着这样一个事实, 找一份合适的工作实属不易。(face)‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________ ‎ 2. 他近视眼的原因是连续四五个小时不停地看书。‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________ ‎ 3. 毫无疑问政府会采取措施来阻止疾病的蔓延。(doubt)‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________ ‎ 4. 会议是否会如期举行还没有被最后决定。(decide)‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________ ‎ 5. 她迟到的原因是要照顾她生病的妹妹。(take care of)‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________ ‎ 6. 中国参加了世贸组织不仅是个巨大的挑战,而且是个很好的机遇。(not only …but also)‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________ ‎ 7. 据报道, 到目前为止,已经有2个孩子在洪水中失去了生命。(It)‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________ ‎ 1. 人类不得不接受这样一个事实:由于温室效应, 全球气候正在变暖。(because of)‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________ ‎ ‎ ‎ 参考答案:‎ 一、DDCBB  6-10CDAAB  11-15CBBAC  16-18BAB 二、句子翻译 1. 请把奖品给先来的人。‎ Please give the prize to whoever comes first.‎ 2. 孩子长大后,要鼓励他们做力所能及的家务。‎ When children grow up, they should be encouraged to do whatever housework they can do.‎ ‎3. 越来越多的大学生面临着这样一个事实,:找一份合适的工作实属不易。(face)‎ More and more college students are faced with the fact that it is very hard to find a suitable job.‎ ‎4. 他近视眼的原因是连续四五个小时不停地看书。‎ The reason why he became short-sighted was that he often kept reading books for 4 to 5 hours.‎ ‎5. 毫无疑问政府会采取措施来阻止疾病的蔓延。(doubt)‎ There is no doubt that the government will take measures to prevent the disease form spreading.‎ ‎6. 会议是否会如期举行还没有被最后决定。(decide)‎ Whether the meeting will be held as planned hasn't been decided yet.‎ ‎7. 她迟到的原因是要照顾她生病的妹妹。(take care of)‎ The reason why she was late was that she had to take care of her sick sister.‎ ‎8. 中国参加了世贸组织不仅诗歌巨大的挑战,而且是个很好的机遇。(not only …but also)‎ That China joined WTO is not only a great challenge but also a good opportunity.‎ ‎9. 据报道, 到目前为止,已经有91个孩子在洪水中失去了生命。(It)‎ It is reported that so far 91 children have died in the flood.‎ ‎10. 人类不得不接受这样一个事实,:由于温室效应, 全球气候正在变暖。(because of)‎ Human beings have to accept the fact that because of the green house effect, the climate over the earth is becoming warmer and warmer.‎ 单元综合知识运用 Ⅰ.阅读理解 A 话题 词数 建议用时 巴西 ‎270‎ ‎7分钟 ‎  (2018·晋、冀、皖、豫高三联考)Beaches, rainforests, samba, soccer ... and, most importantly, people: it's hard not to fall for Brazil. In Aug., CNN released a list of things Brazil does better than anywhere else. The following are four of them.‎ Playfulness It's a key part of the Brazilian personality: a willingness to laugh at themselves and their awkward situations and to welcome others in on the joke. But despite their problems, Brazilians can put them aside and center their awareness completely on the here and now, which is something the rest of the world could learn from.‎ Music Brazil is a music universe, unrivaled (无与伦比的) in diversity of musical styles, instruments and rhythms. The world knows samba, a mix of European marches and African drumming, and bossa nova, a slower samba infused (注入) with French impressionism and American jazz. But Brazil's diverse population moves to the beat of many different drummers.‎ Partying Celebrating is a priority for Brazilians, whether it's on a large scale or just a backyard barbecue. They throw two of the world's biggest parties, Carnival (The street carnival of Rio de Janeiro is designated by Guinness ‎ World Records as the largest carnival in the world.), and the New Year's Reveillon celebration.‎ Kisses Getting to know people in Brazil is a fasttrack process. They don't care too much about personal and emotional space. A kiss on both cheeks is traditional for a male who has been introduced to an adult female, and two more kisses are given when leaving. In most of Brazil, there are two air kisses given in greetings. The first always goes to the right cheek, the second to the left.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇应用文,向我们介绍了巴西的一些特点,使我们充分领略了巴西独特的人文魅力。‎ ‎1.What can the world learn from Brazilians?‎ A.Keep the worklife balance.‎ B.Attempt to live in the moment.‎ C.Take part in cultural activities.‎ D.Express emotions openly and boldly.‎ 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据Playfulness部分中的“But despite their problems ... world could learn from.”可知,巴西人能够把问题放到一边,把注意力集中在当下,即尽力活在当下这一点是世界其他国家应该学习的。‎ ‎2.How should a man by tradition greet a woman whom he is introduced to ?‎ A.Through air kisses.‎ B.Through a warm hug.‎ C.Through cheek kissing.‎ D.Through a firm handshake.‎ 解析:选C 细节理解题。根据Kisses部分中的“A kiss on both cheeks is traditional for a male who has been introduced to an adult female”可知,当一位男性被介绍给一位成年女性时,亲吻女士的双颊是传统的打招呼的做法。故选C。‎ ‎3.What's the author's purpose of writing the passage?‎ A.To call on people to visit Brazil.‎ B.To highlight the customs of Brazil.‎ C.To present parts of Brazil's best bits.‎ D.To show the characteristics of Brazilians.‎ 解析:选C 作者意图题。根据文章内容尤其是第一段中的“In Aug., CNN released a list of things Brazil does better than anywhere else.”可知,本文主要介绍的是巴西在世界上做得最好的几个方面。故选C。bit此处意为“一部分,小块儿。”‎ B 话题 词数 建议用时 濒临消亡的语种 ‎260‎ ‎6分钟 ‎  (2018·湖南省六校联盟高三联考)‎ Taktak tabulaba?‎ You probably don't know how to answer that question — unless you happen to be one of the about 430 people in the world who speak a language called Matukar Panau. Then you would know it means “What are we doing?” Matukar Panau is one of the world's rarest languages. It is spoken in just two small coastal villages in Papua New Guinea.‎ Several years ago, David Harrison, a language expert, didn't know much about Matukar Panau either. No one had ever recorded or even ‎ studied its words and rules. With so few speakers, the language risked disappearing soon. It was endangered.‎ Harrison didn't want that to happen to Matukar Panau. So in 2009, he set out for Papua New Guinea. His goal: use modern technology to help the remaining speakers preserve their native tongue.‎ But Matukar Panau is far from the only language facing loss. Studies suggest that by the end of this century, nearly half of the 7,000 languages now spoken worldwide could disappear. They're in danger partly because the only people left speaking them are elderly adults. When those individuals die, their language will die with them. In addition, children may discard a native language and instead use more common global languages, such as Chinese, English or Spanish.‎ In the United States alone, 134 native American languages are endangered. “Language hotspots” exist all over the world. These are places with endangered languages that haven't been recorded. They include the state of Oklahoma, pockets of central and eastern Siberia, parts of northern Australia and communities in South America.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。Matukar Panau语是一种稀有语种,由于讲这种语言的人很少,这种语言面临消亡的危险;与此类似,到本世纪末世界上将有近一半的语言面临消亡,仅美国就有134种本地语言濒临消亡。‎ ‎4.What did Harrison go to Papua New Guinea for?‎ A.Learning their native language.‎ B.Helping preserve their endangered tongue.‎ C.Learning their modern technology.‎ D.Teaching the natives a new language.‎ 解析:选B 细节理解题。根据第三段内容可知,为了不让 Matukar Panau语消亡,语言学家Harrison去了Papua New Guinea,帮助保护该语言,故B项正确。‎ ‎5.The underlined word “discard” in Paragraph 4 means “________”.‎ A.hear of        B.pick up C.get rid of D.learn about 解析:选C 词义猜测题。根据画线词后的“a native language and instead use more common global languages, such as Chinese, English or Spanish”可以判断,那里的孩子们可能不说这种本地方言,而是更多地讲汉语、英语和西班牙语等国际通用语言,故画线词意为“摆脱,丢弃”,故C项正确。‎ ‎6.The last two paragraphs imply that endangered languages are ________.‎ A.dying quickly in Siberia B.becoming a worldwide problem C.popular in some special places D.some native tongues 解析:选B 推理判断题。根据第四段第二句“Studies suggest that by the end of this century, nearly half of the 7,000 languages now spoken worldwide could disappear.”及最后一段的“‘Language hotspots' exist all over the world.”可以判断,濒危语言正在成为世界性难题,故B项正确。‎ ‎7.According to the passage, the author is ________ about the endangered languages.‎ A.indifferent B.suspicious C.supportive D.concerned 解析:选D 观点态度题。根据第四段的“But Matukar Panau is far ‎ from ... worldwide could disappear.”并结合全文内容可知,除了Matukar Panau语之外,到本世纪末,7 000种现存的世界范围内所使用的语言中将有近一半可能濒临消亡。据此可以判断,作者很担心这些濒危语言的消亡,故D项正确。‎ Ⅱ.阅读七选五 ‎(2018·武汉市高中毕业班调研)‎ How to run international meetings As more of us do business across cultures, it's best to prepare ahead of time before heading to the meeting table. Here are four rules for different countries.‎ Stick to the schedule Where:Germany, Austria, Japan We've all been to meetings that have a loose agenda, if any at all. They don't start on time and they seem to repeat. __1__ Japanese are more likely to create a detailed agenda and pass out supporting documents several days before a meeting. __2__ Meetings that run long in Germany are often taken to mean that the parties are not communicating efficiently.‎ ‎__3__‎ Where: China, Malaysia, Singapore Debating a topic can go against the traditional Chinese concept of “saving face”, which means avoiding any mistakes or actions that could bring embarrassment. Laughing at even an obviously amusing answer or pointing out a potential mistake can spoil the entire meeting.‎ Enjoy the interruptions Where: Italy, France, Spain When Pascal Soboll meets with clients in Italy or Spain, he's no longer offended if they leave early or arrive late. Rather than attend the ‎ entire threehour meeting, he has learned that his colleagues there — and in some parts of France — attend based on their own timetable.‎ ‎__4__ Rather than expect people to sit through his entire presentation, he makes it easier for them to turn up as needed.‎ Please, no small talk Where: Finland, Sweden In places like Finland and Sweden, where nonmeeting related discussions like chat about the weather can be regarded as a way to be off a formallyset agenda and as a waste of other people's time.‎ In some countries, including Finland, there are long pauses in the conversation. __5__ These breaks are used as a way to process what the other person is saying without interrupting.‎ A.Not so in these countries.‎ B.Germans and Austrians are similar.‎ C.Don't even think about a brainstorm.‎ D.There's often no way to tell how things are going.‎ E.Don't try to fill them, though, with small talk or anything else.‎ F.What do the long silences, idle chitchat and serious faces really mean in context?‎ G.For Soboll, that means changing his own Germanbased expectations of client behaviour.‎ 语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了在不同国家如何成功地召开会议。‎ ‎1.选A 空处前两句介绍了常见的会议情况:时间安排松散,开会不准时,总是重复;结合空后的“Japanese are more likely to create a detailed agenda and pass out supporting documents several days before a meeting.”‎ 可知,日本人注意会议的细节,并在数天前就做好准备。据此可以判断,空处承上启下,说明并非所有的国家在开会时都会出现上述的情况:时间安排松散,开会不准时,总是重复。故A项正确。‎ ‎2.选B 根据该部分中的“Where: Germany, Austria, Japan”可知,该部分主要介绍德国、奥地利和日本的开会习惯;空前一句已经介绍了日本的情况,结合空后一句“Meetings that run long in Germany are often ... efficiently.”可知,空处及下一句介绍德国和奥地利的开会习惯,故B项正确。‎ ‎3.选C 根据空处位置可知,空处为该部分标题,是该部分的主旨;通读该部分可知,该部分第一句介绍了在中国开会应当认真讨论,以防发生尴尬,第二句介绍在开会时不要嘲笑有趣的答案或指出潜在的错误;据此可知,该部分主要介绍要严肃认真地讨论会议议题,就事论事,不需要在开会前有什么“头脑风暴”,故C项正确。‎ ‎4.选G 根据上文中的“When Pascal Soboll”和“Rather than ... attend based on their own timetable”以及空后一句可知,意大利人、法国人和西班牙人开会很随意,G项中的“Soboll”与该处相对应,故G项正确。‎ ‎5.选E 根据该部分标题“Please, no small talk”和空前的“there are long pauses in the conversation”可知,选E项,E项中的“them”与“long pauses”对应。‎ Ⅲ.短文改错 ‎(2018·南宁第二次适应性考试)As we all know, everyone have a dream. I have dreamed of being a doctor since I entered into the primary school.Nowadays with modern life go rapidly, many people suffer from different kind of diseases, both mentally and physically. As a result, doctors are in great need at home and abroad. My dream is to become ‎ successful doctor, helping to save people's lives. Although to be a good doctor was very difficult, I will do whatever I can to keep everyone health. To make my dream come true, I have told me over and over again that I'll concentrate more to studies. After all, only by working hardly can one succeed.‎ 答案:第一句:have→has 第二句:去掉into 第三句:go→going; kind→kinds 第五句:become后加a 第六句:was→is; health→healthy 第七句:me→myself; to→on 第八句:hardly→hard

