译林版七年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Finding your way Comic strip

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译林版七年级下册英语课件-Unit 4 Finding your way Comic strip

Welcome to the unit What is the tourist looking for? The tourist is looking for the Capitol. To learn some new words and phrases To learn to read a map To learn how to describe the position of a place To talk about a class trip you want to go onzxxk Where do birds fly when winter comes? Zx.xk They fly to the south. 单词回顾 学生早读时已预习过本单元单 词,可利用几分钟时间带学生 快速回顾温习。对单词的熟练 度越高,阅读的速率也越高。 follow path have to north west south east trip kilometre Words review vt. 跟随;仿效 n. 小路,小径 不得不,必须 n., adj. & adv. 北,北方 n., adj. & adv. 西,西方 n., adj. & adv. 南,南方 n., adj. & adv. 东,东方 n. 旅行,旅游 n. (=km) <英>千米,公里 = <美>kilometer _________, Eddie. ____________, Hobo? Follow me Are you sure No, I can’t. There’s a path _______ the hills. Let’s _______ here. between go down Don’t ________. Come with me.be afraid Eddie, I think we ______ go up again. Oh, no! have to north south west east north-west north-east south-west south-east N EW S a horse east south grass south east south east east eastwestsouthwestnorth west south south 请 你 帮 它 找 食 物。 Sunshine Zoo is north of Sunshine Middle School. Sunny Garden is west of the zoo. Lake Park is south of Sunny Garden. Sunshine Park is east of Lake Park. Sunshine Zoo Sunny Garden Lake Park 2 1 6 Sunshine Park 7 Post Office Zoo Cinema Park Hospital School Museum Shopping Mall Restaurant N S W EWhere is … 根据你的实际情况,说说从你家如 何到达下列地方。Z,xxk Daniel and Simon are talking about the trip. Work in pairs and talk about a class trip you want to go on. Use the conversation below as a model. Daniel: Where are we going for our class ____? Simon: We’re going to Sunshine Zoo. Daniel: Where’s the zoo? Is it ___ _____ from our school. Simon: No. It’s ______ of the school, about _____ kilometres away. z/x/xk Daniel: How will we get there? Simon: We’ll get there ___ ____. trip far away north three by bus A: Where are we going for our trip? B: We’re going to … A: Where’s the …? Is it far away from … B: No. It’s north/south/east/west of …, about … kilometres away. A: How will we get there? B: We’ll get there ... Talk about a trip you want to go on follow Follow me, please. --- go or come after Spring follows winter. down Sit down, please. Go down the stairs. afraid Don’t be afraid. The boy is afraid of dogs.be afraid of --- in or towards a low or lower position, from a higher one --- feeling fear Sunshine Zoo is north of Sunshine Middle School. 阳光动物园在阳光中学的北面。 这里“be + 方位词 + of …”表示“(某地) 在(另一地)的……方向”。如: The U. S. is south of Canada. 美国在加拿大的南面。 The park is northwest of the school. 公园在学校的西北面。 1. Pay attention to these words and phrases follow, path, have to, trip, kilometre 2. Describe the position of a place … is north / south / west / east / north- west / north-east / south-west / south- east of … To preview the wordlist in this Unit To preview Reading on Page 44 1. Learn the new words and phrases by heart. 2. Read and remember the conversation.

