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语法填空专练 ‎(一)‎ My father died when I was (1) ______ little kid. We were too poor (2) ______ buy food. My mother got two part-time jobs to pay for (3) _______ (I) education. She did everything to make me live (4) _______ (happy). ‎ At (5) _______ age of twenty-two, I found a good job. However, a few (6) ______ (month) later, the doctor told me I had a stomach cancer. It’s difficult for me to (7) ________ (accept) the fact. My mother (8) ______ (cook) simple but delicious food for me. ‎ After another CT, the doctor told me my tumor (肿瘤) got much (9) ______ (small) than before, and I was away from the (10) ______ (dangerous) of the cancer.‎ ‎(二)‎ Among thousands of television (1) _____ (programme), I like two kinds of them: the science programme (2) _____the sports programme. As (3) ____ boy, I really love to watch something about science, such as new (4) ______ (discovery) and science development. This kind of programme (5) _____ (make) me know more about the world. Also, I like the sports programme,‎ especially the basketball programme. It is enjoyable to watch the wonderful (6) _______ (match).‎ And I am interested in (7) ______ (play) basketball with my friends. It’s really (8) ______ (relax). These (9) ______ (be) my favourite programmes. Do you like (10) _____ (watch) them?‎ ‎(三)‎ Mark Twain is one of the famous American (1) ___ (writer). Once he (2) ___ (be) going to Dijon by train. There were many (3) ___ (passenger) on the train. He was (4) ___ (tire) and wanted to sleep. He asked the conductor (列车员) to wake him up when they came to Dijon. He explained he was (5) ___ very heavy sleeper. “I’ll (6) ______ (probable) get very angry at first,‎ ‎(7) ____ do not take any notice. Just put me off the train.”‎ ‎ Mark Twain went to sleep. After waking up, he (8) _____ (find) that he was in Paris. He realized the conductor didn’t wake him up at Dijon. He (9) ____ (run) up to the conductor and said, “I have never been so angry in all my life,” The conductor looked at him calmly. “You are not half so angry as (10) ______ American whom I put off the train at Dijon,” she said.‎ ‎(四)‎ Itzhak Perlman is (1) ______ famous violinist. He was born (2) _____ 1945. He once gave a concert in New York City. Getting on stage was difficult for him (3) ______ he is disabled.‎ ‎ The audience sat (4) _____ (quiet) while he made his way across the stage to (5) _____ (he) chair. Then he picked up the violin, (6) _____ (put) it under his chin (下巴) and started to play. But this time, when he finished the (7) _____ (one) part, one of the (8) _____ (string) on his violin broke. (9) ______, he continued to (10) _____ (play) the music. The music he played with three strings sounded even more wonderful than it was played with four strings.‎ ‎(五)‎ Susan had (1) _______ problem and it worried about her a lot. Last Sunday, her friend Ben (2) _______ (come) to her home to do the homework with (3) ______ (she). After they finished their homework, it started to (4) _______ (rainy). Susan lent her umbrella to Ben, (5) _______ Ben hasn’t returned it to her yet. Susan’s grandmother gave the umbrella to Susan as her (6) ______ (thirteen) birthday gift and it is very special to Susan. Susan felt (7) ______ (embarrass) to talk about it to Ben. She had no idea what to do next. Her father told her maybe Ben has forgotten it and he suggested Susan to tell Ben the (8) ______ (true). Now, Susan (9) ______ (decide) to follow her father’s advice. She thinks Ben will be very happy to give (10) ______ umbrella back.‎ ‎(六)‎ England has many interesting (1) _______ (place) that people like to visit. Among them, the pub is often said to be (2) ______very special place for visitors to get to know (3) _______ real life of the English people. The pub (4) ______ (be) a small “public place”, where people can buy (5) ______ (beer), soft drinks (6)______ even some fast food. What’s more, a pub is also a meeting place where people sit and enjoy the beer and talking with (7) ______ (friend). One can easily find a pub at the street corner (8) ______ in a small village. English people like the pub a lot. After a whole day of (9) _____ (busily) work, many men spend the whole evening in the pub and go back home at about eleven o’clock when the pub (10) _____ (close).‎ ‎(七)‎ The Aztecs (阿兹台克人) of Mexico knew about chocolate a long time ago. They made it into (1) ______ drink. Sometimes they mixed hot peppers(辣椒) with chocolate. They (2) ______ (call) the drink “xocoat”. It (3) ______ (mean) “bitter(苦的) juice”. This (4) _______ (be) where (5) _______ word “chocolate” comes from. The Spanish took the drink from Mexico to (6) _____ (they) own country. The Spanish (7) _____ (usual) like eating sweet food, (8) ______ they added sugar to chocolate. This drink was liked by everyone. Until 1850 chocolate was only a drink. After that, people (9) _______ (find) that chocolate was good to eat too. The Aztecs believed that chocolate made people clever. Today, we do not believe this. But people believe that chocolate can make us feel (10) _______ (excite), and that’s why many people like it so much.‎ ‎(八)‎ Lillian Hanson, (1) ______ college student, expected to graduate in about two (2) _______ (year). What made Mrs Hanson (3) _______ (difference) from her classmates was her age –73 years old.‎ Mrs Hanson never (4) _____ (forget) the dream of (5) ______ (get) higher education. When the children grew up, she tried again and succeeded. In (6) ______ class on her first day, when she introduced (7) ______ (her) and explained why she was there and what her aims were, all the other (8) _______ (student) stood up to give her a warm welcome.‎ Among the challenges, Mrs Hanson found that the (9) _______ (hard) part of going back to school at her age was sitting in class for a long time. (10) ______, she said she would stick to her dream no matter how difficult it was.‎ ‎(九)‎ Jim and Tim were camping together. Tim was very lazy. (1) _______ first evening of their holiday, Jim said to Tim, “Here (2) _________ (be) some money. Go and buy some (3) ________(meat)”‎ ‎ “I’m too (4) ______ (tire),”answered Tim. “You go.” (5) _______ Jim went to buy the meat.‎ ‎ When he came back, he said to Tim, “Now, here’s the meat. Please cook it.” (6) ________ Tim answered, “No, I’m not good at (7) ________ (cook). You do it.” So Jim cooked the meat.‎ ‎ Then he said to Tim, “(8) ______ (go) and get some water, please.”‎ ‎ “No, I don’t want to get my (9) _______ (cloth) dirty,” Tim answered, so Jim got the water.‎ ‎ At last Jim said, “The meal is ready. Come and eat (10) _______ (it).”‎ ‎ “Well, I’ll do that,” answered Tim, “I don’t like saying ‘No’ all the time.”‎ ‎(十)‎ One day a man put (1) _____ ad in most of the newspapers in England. He said that he was a young man with millions of (2) _____ (pound) and great knowledge. He’d like to find a girl to be his wife and the girl must be like the one in the books (3) _____ (write) by Somerset Maugham. Thousands of parents and young girls knew about the ad at once. Parents all went to the (4) _____ (bookshop) to look for Somerset Maugham’s books. They (5) _____ (buy) those books for their daughters (6) ______ presents. Girls tried to get those books to read although they weren’t interested in (7) _____ (read). They wanted to know what kind of person the rich man wished for. Before long all the books of Maugham were (8) ______ (sell) out and the writer (9) ______ (be) known all over (10) ______ country. Who was the rich man? It was Somerset Maugham who put the ad in the newspapers! The ad saved his books and it made him famous too!‎ ‎(十一)‎ Guy de Maupassant was a famous (1) ______ (France) writer. He was born in Normandy on August 5, 1850. He wrote many (2) ______ (novel), such as My Uncle Jules and Necklace. I have (3) ______ (read) Necklace. The story goes like this: A woman wants to go to a party, but she doesn’t have (4) ______ necklace. (5) ______ she (6) ______ (borrow) one from her friend. After (7) ______ party, the necklace is missing. She has to borrow lots of money to buy a new necklace for her friend. Then she (8) ______ (work) hard to pay back the money and she becomes very old because of hard work. Finally, she 19) ______ (know) that her friend’s necklace is not (10) ______ (really).‎ ‎(十二)‎ Sara and her father planned (1) ______ trip to a mountain near their home. The path they chose (2) ______ (begin) at the foot of the mountain and led all the way (3) ______ the top. Sara packed lunches earlier that morning. (4) _____ (she) father filled their backpacks with other things and they (5) _____ (be) off!‎ As they started up the path, Sara’s father pointed out many different (6) _____ (plant) that ‎ grew on the path. He showed Sara the (7) _____ (different) between the (8) _____ (leaf) of trees. Sara was glad (9) _____ her father knew so much! She always learnt something whenever they went on a trip. This time, she was sure that she (10) _______ learn more.‎ ‎(十三)‎ He was born in Atlanta, Georgia, on January 15,1929. He was a black man. He lived for only 39 years. He (1) _____ (grow) up in (2) _____ southeastern part of the United States. He studied at Morehouse College (3) _____ he met many outstanding men whose ideas he found (4) _____ (be) important and (5) ______ (excite). There he read the (6) ______ (writing) of Thoreau, and he learnt many ideas about freedom. Many years later in Washington D. C., he spoke to (7) ______ crowd of 250, 000 people. He told (8) ______ (they), “I have a dream.” That speech is still famous now. His work was not (9) ______ (finish) when he died (10) ______ April 4, 1968. Who is he? He is Martin Luther King.‎ ‎(十四)‎ When my wife and I went to live in (1) ______ Arab country, my (2) _____ (friend) told us to be prepared for the culture shock. Later, we (3) ______ (know) that their advice was right. The culture shock started with the weather. (4) _____ hot weather made us feel so (5) _____ (tire). Another culture shock (6) ______ (be) the working week. We worked from Saturdays to Wednesdays, including Sundays. They have strict (7) _____ (rule) for women. Women cannot let people see their faces in public. All dresses worn by women have to cover the body (8) _____ (complete). They do not let women drive cars either. In our free time, we went camping in the desert. We also enjoyed (9) ______ (ride) on the camels. In the end, we enjoyed the life there (10) ______ their culture is very different from the American culture.‎ ‎(十五)‎ The Earth is our home and we must take good (1) ______ (careful) of it. That is to say we must keep the land, air and water clean. Many years ago, pollution (2) _______ (be) not so serious (3) _______ the population of the Earth was not so (4) ________ (large) as today. There was enough fresh air, good agricultural land and clean water. When the land or the river was dirty and ‎ (5) ______ (pollute) in one place, men left there and moved to another place. People are polluting (6) ______ whole world now. In some aspects, it seems that the more people there are in one place, the (7) _____ (bad) environment they may live in. Perhaps you are worried that it is endless for people (8) ______ (produce) pollution. (9) _____ (Lucky), more and more people have come to know the danger of pollution. And we can find more and more people are (10) _____ (work) hard to protect our Earth.‎ ‎(十六)‎ Recently, people come to realize how much grain we have wasted every year. And everyone is called on to join (1) ______ programme, called “Guangpan Xingdong”. It (2) ________ (require) people to eat up all their food. As for me, I think it’s a good idea (3) _______ (follow). And there are lots of (4) ______ (thing) we can do to help. For example, when we go out for dinner, we can just order as much food (5) ______ we can eat to make sure little will be (6) _____ (waste). Of course if we are not able to eat up our food, it’s also OK to take it home so that we can have it later. Besides, once we have a chance to have (7) _____ (meal) with other people who don’t realize the (8) ______ (important), we can explain (9) ______ the programme is for and persuade them not to waste food. Some may question whether the campaign (活动) will have any effect, but, I think, one thing we should keep (10) _____ mind is that no matter what a small effort we make, it will make a difference.‎ ‎(十七)‎ In traditional Chinese medicine, food is divided (划分) into two types: hot and cold. Both kinds of food affect (影响) your body (1) ______ different ways. So, having (2) _____ balanced diet is safe and (3) _____ (health) for your body.‎ Some examples of hot food (4) ______ (be) berries, mutton, and ginger (生姜). If you eat too much of them, (5) ______ (certainly) things might happen to your body. You may start to sweat a lot and feel pain in your back, or even grow gray hair! If any of these things happen to you, you should avoid (避免) spicy food, coffee, or sugar.‎ ‎ On (6) _____ other hand, too much cold food like beef and potatoes can also cause problems.‎ ‎ It may make your hands and (7) _____ (foot) cold. It also makes your body temperature lower.‎ ‎ Besides what we eat, (8) ______ we eat is also important. You should always sit down and chew (咀嚼) carefully. Don’t make (9) ______ (you) busy with other things, such as watching TV or (10) ______ (read) a newspaper. Finally, it’s best to eat three meals a day at regular times.‎ ‎(十八)‎ ‎1Culture shock is caused by strange language, customs (风俗), culture and so on. People (1) ________ travel to or live in a strange country usually experience several (2) _______ (difference) stages of culture shock. During the first few (3) _______ (week) most newcomers are interested in everything. When communicating with foreigners (外国人), they feel very (4)_________ (excite). However, the period of time comes to (5) _______ end soon when the newcomers have to begin (6) _______ (study), live or work in the new nation. They must solve such problems as housing, traffic and (7) _______ (communicate). They do not know when to shake hands, what to say when they meet people (8) ______ how to buy things. All these make them feel helpless. They lose (9) _______ (interested) in the new country and become increasingly worried. In order to be (10) _______ (succeed) in the new country, they try to accept the host culture and learn some problems-solving skills. And finally, they get used to the new culture.‎ ‎(十九)‎ When you plan to live in a foreign country, you may want to know how to overcome (克服) culture shock.‎ Some good ways to (1) ______ (successful) overcome culture shock are to read something about the place where you will stay (2) ______ the things you will do. Also, if possible, speak with someone already (3) _______ (live) in the new environment.‎ ‎ Once you are there, keep in mind that people and customs may be very (4) ________ (difference) from what you are used to. This thought will help you (5) ______ (keep) a cool head when some difficulties and misunderstandings (误会) happen, and keeping (6) _______ open mind will allow you (7) _______ (find) solutions to those problems that may arise.‎ ‎ If it’s possible, communicate with the local people. Locals will generally be (8) _______ (please) to introduce you to their culture and willing to answer questions. When you are willing to ‎ learn, people usually want to learn from you in turn.‎ Find ways to keep in touch (9) _______ family and friends at home. Sometimes you just need to talk with someone (10) _______fully under- stands who you are and feels that your way is not strange or rude(粗鲁的).‎ ‎(二十)‎ In (1) _______ past hundred years, there have been frequent natural disasters, such as floods, droughts, sea waves, earthquakes, windstorms and the stretching of new deserts. The disasters have (2) _____ (kill) millions of people, destroyed countless homes, and wiped out numerous pieces of fertile (3) _____ (land). Now more and more people become aware that those disasters have much to do with what we have done to the Earth. We have cut down too many (4) _____ (tree) in the forests, we have (5) _____ (bad) polluted the environment… (6) ______ a result, climate has become abnormal (不正常的), rainwater has rushed down hillsides (7) _____ (angry), and the underground energy has gone up. The Earth is (8) ______ beautiful planet. And it is the only planet for us to live on. Therefore, it is (9) _____ (importantly) to stop (10) ______ (damage) it and to do our best to protect it.‎

