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‎2014届高考英语二轮专题复习突破:完形填空 ‎1.阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ A gentleman hired a taxi outside the railway station.The taxi had a woolen carpet with 36 lace(蕾丝)edges.On the glass partition(隔离物) that 37 the driver's seat was a copy of a famous painting.Its windows were all clean.The customer was very much 38 and said to the driver,“I've never seen a nicer 39 .” “Thank you for your praise,” the driver answered 40 .‎ ‎“How did it occur to you to decorate your car?” asked the customer.‎ ‎“The car isn't mine,” said the driver. “It belongs to the company.I used to be a 41 of taxis.When they returned, all of them were as 42 as garbage cans with cigarette butts and rubbish 43 here and there. On the seats and door-handles could be found something 44 ‎ like peanut sauce or, chewing gum. Why so? I thought if the car itself were very clean the passengers would most 45 be considerate and avoid littering.”‎ ‎“So when I got a 46 to be a taxi-driver, I began to 47 my idea into practice—to tidy and 48 the car. Now before a new passenger gets on my car,I'd make a check and be sure it is in good order. When my car 49 after a day's work, it always remains 50 .”‎ When doing a thing, one makes efforts and wants to see the result. To change others, one has to make twice the 51 but get half the result. To change oneself is the other way round—more fruit with less effort. One had better ask oneself why one makes 52 on others much more than on oneself. 53 you take enough care to do as best as you can for other people's sake, your efforts will naturally pay off. If you 54 the inner world of your own, examine yourself and wipe out the dust and dirt, instead of fixing your eyes on other people, you will find a cheerful 55 for yourself and create a pleasant environment for others.‎ ‎36.A.brilliant B.exciting C.ugly D.favorite ‎37.A.protected B.covered C.separated D.prevented ‎38.A.moved B.surprised C.disappointed D.annoyed ‎ ‎39.A.seat B.taxi C.garage D.carpet ‎ ‎40.A.naturally B.firmly C.hopefully D.smilingly ‎41.A.driver B.customer C.repairer D.cleaner ‎42.A.dirty B.pleasant C.attractive D.clean ‎43.A.spread B.1eft C.dotted D.extended ‎ ‎44.A.sticky B.busy C.funny D.clumsy ‎45.A.extremely B.willingly C.likely D.regularly ‎46.A.permit B.passport C.certificate D.1icense ‎ ‎47.A.make B.take C.put D.get ‎48.A.decorate B.drive C. provide D.describe ‎49.A.speeds B.returns C.arrives D.leaves ‎ ‎50.A.shameful B.bright C.spotless D.dirty ‎51.A.progress B.trial C.attempt D.effort ‎ ‎52.A.demands B.comments C.suggestions D.decisions ‎53.A.Though B.If C.As D.While ‎ ‎54.A.look up B.look for C.look into D.look through ‎55.A.spirit B.sense C.mind D.mood ‎ ‎2.阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。‎ ‎ When I was six, my mother placed me in a 36.________ school. For the next nine years, I 37.______ slept in a room that 38.______ less than 30 other kids in it. So, when I was promoted to senior at the high school for my39.___ year there, I had the greatest 40._____ of rooming with just one other classmate, and the added feature of a semi-private bathroom.‎ ‎ We seniors also had the feature of walking around the 41._____ in special hats, we called senior bonnets, so all the other kids would know we were the 42._____ in the high school. As seniors, we frequently went on field 43._____ outside the campus, including city museums, city hall , colleges and theatres. The highlight was a senior ‎ class trip to Washington‎, ‎D.C.‎, 44.______ we sat in on a session of Congress, 45.______ the monument and many other government sites around the city.‎ ‎ Another 46.____ of being seniors was that many of us on athletic and other extra-curricular teams were elected to high ranking for the year. I had the honor and pleasure of47._____ captain of our state championship swim team, while my roommate was voted48.______ of the drama club.‎ ‎ 49.______ services were on a sunny day in June. Each of us had looked forward to this moment for ten years. Now we were going out on our own to complete freedom, and we should have been flooded with joy.50.________, to my surprise, I found myself 51._____, something I hadn’t done for years. I noticed many of my 52.______, usually proud of their macho attitudes, were also wiping away tears. We knew we would never be together again as we were on that graduation day. Our senior year 53.______deep feelings of sadness for our54.______, as well as joy for our emerging into a new world 55.____the school campus.‎ ‎36. A. teaching B. boarding C. playing D. mixing ‎37. A. never B. not C. occasionally D. frequently ‎38. A. lived B. included C. contained D. put ‎39. A. next B. first C. final D. second ‎40. A. pleasure B. sorrow C. happy D. merry ‎41. A. country B. city C. classroom D. campus ‎42. A. youngest B. lowest C. oldest D. highest ‎43. A. roads B. trips C. voyages D. travel ‎44. A. which B. that C. where D. when ‎45. A. approached B. visited C. managed D. spent ‎46. A. benefit B. disadvantage C. profit D. strength ‎47. A. being brought B. being chosen C. being taken D. being realized ‎ ‎48. A. member B. monitor C. secretary D. president ‎49. A. Graduation B. Education C. Volunteering D. Population ‎50. A. Therefore B. Fortunately C. However D. While ‎51. A. smiling B. laughing C. crying D. screaming ‎52. A. students B. classmates C. teachers D. friends ‎53. A. began with B. ended with C. bargained with D. associated with ‎54. A. loss B. result C. love D. hatred ‎ ‎55. A. over B. out C. beyond D. from ‎ ‎3.阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。‎ What is it that you love to do but never feel that you get it quite right? Perhaps you don't even try any more because you think what you do is not 36 enough.‎ Discouragement seems to follow us a good part of the time, 37 whatever it is that we work so hard doing, it seems that there is 38 someone else who can do it much better.‎ I have always enjoyed music and it is 39 to me that every musician has a 40 of their own. My father 41 several instruments and when he played with others, it was not difficult to 42 his sound in a group. Whether it was guitar or another instrument, he had his own 43 sound. ‎ I 44 read of a music teacher who commented to a discouraged student, " 45 else can make the sound that you make." The sound that you make may not be the same as someone else's but who is to say which is 46 . It is said that, " 47 is in the eye of the beholder, perhaps it could be said that a delightful sound is in the ear of the 48 ". ‎ Every person has a different tone of voice that 49 only to them, 50 we all know people with an unforgettable laugh or a way of 51 that is unique to them. It might not be the sound of your music or your voice at all. It 52 be the way you whistle or the sound of your footsteps.‎ Each person has a(an) 53 on the world in some way. Someone else can do what you do, but they cannot do it 54 the same way that you do it. The next time you feel 55 , remember "Nobody else can make the sound that you make. "‎ ‎36. A. challenging B. good C. simple D. worthy ‎37. A. because B. although C. when D. if ‎38. A. seldom B. frequently C. never D. sometimes ‎39. A. satisfying B. convincing C. inspiring D. interesting ‎40. A. talent B. sound C. life D. song ‎41. A. played B. designed C. created D. possessed ‎42. A. turn down B. call up C. pick out D. give off ‎43. A. loudly B. powerful C. soundable D. special ‎44. A. once B. yet C. even D. still ‎45. A. Anybody B. Somebody C. Nobody D. Everybody ‎46. A. bigger B. better C. deeper D. lower ‎47. A. beauty B. interest C. patience D. honesty ‎48. A. speaker B. receiver C. listener D. observer ‎49. A. subscribes B. submits C. adapts D. belongs ‎50. A. but B. yet C. and D. for ‎51. A. behaving B. walking C. jumping D. speaking ‎52. A. must B. might C. would D. shall ‎53. A. alternative B. prospect C. duty D. impact ‎54. A. exactly B. obviously C. cautiously D. seriously ‎55. A. annoyed B. puzzled C. discouraged D. bothered ‎4.阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。‎ ‎ “Forgiveness is the sweetest revenge.” I saw this wonderful old ___21____ again in a book recently. It got me to thinking about all the times that I have been able to___22____ others in my life and all the ____23___ that it has brought me. One memory ____24___ particularly well. ‎ I was a young boy spending a week at 4-H camp during the Summer. I was having a ___25____ time and enjoying everything about it except for another young boy about my age. We spent most of the week irritating and picking on each other. ____26___ finally came to blows on the next to last day of camp. We got into a fist ___27___ which I lost. ____28___ , older boys broke it up before I was hurt too much. I spent the rest of the day alone, sulking and stewing in my own ___29___.‎ The next day my spirits were ___30____ , however, when my Mom brought the boys in our cabin some of her ____31___ homemade pizzas. I was ____32___ a few slices of it when I saw the other boy sitting by himself at the bottom of the steps outside. He seemed very ___33___ right then. I am not sure what ___34__ me to do so, but I took my pizza down and ____35___ it with him. It made all the anger and ___36____ inside me go away. We became friends after that. I had found out that sharing and forgiving were way more ____37___ and a lot less painful.‎ Forgiveness truly is the sweetest revenge. It can turn an enemy into a friend. It can ____38___ a heart from the chains of anger, hatred, and pain. It can help you to ___39___ by the Golden Rule and to create a Golden Life. ____40___ your life always be full of sweet forgiveness then.‎ ‎21. A. sign               B. signal                C. saying                  D. theory ‎ ‎22. A. respect                      B. punish                  C. reward                    D. forgive ‎ ‎23. A. joy                     B. change                         C. trouble                 D. lesson ‎ ‎24. A. sticks out           B. stands out            C. picks out                 D. comes along  ‎ ‎25. A. great                B. hard                        C. long                     D. quick ‎ ‎26. A. Gestures            B. Words                     C. Actions                    D. Forces ‎27. A. struggle        B. display                C. competition              D. fight   ‎ ‎28. A. Hopefully           B. Disappointedly       C. Thankfully                D. Strangely ‎ ‎29. A. anger               B. regret                          C. rudeness                  D. sadness  ‎ ‎30. A. dropped             B. lifted                    C. cleared                 D. changed ‎ ‎31. A. hot                 B. ready                    C. smelly                     D. delicious ‎ ‎32. A. cutting               B. finishing                   C. enjoying                  D. passing ‎ ‎33. A. lonely                B. ashamed                   C. worried                   D. amazed ‎ ‎34. A. helped             B. moved                  C. forced                D. inspired ‎ ‎35. A. discussed            B. separated              C. divided                    D. shared ‎ ‎36. A. fear                   B. wound                     C. pain                        D. sorrow ‎ ‎37. A. fun                    B. helpful                  C. kind                     D. realistic ‎38. A. protect                B. cure                      C. free                         D. prevent ‎ ‎39. A. stand              B. live                       C. go                        D. stop ‎40. A. Can              B. Should               C. Must                D. May ‎ ‎5.Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.‎ Large companies need a way to reach the savings of the public at large. The same problem, on a smaller__50__, faces practically every company trying to __51__ new products and create new jobs. There can be little prospect of raising the sort of sums needed from friends and people we know. While banks may agree to provide short-term finance, they are generally __52__ to provide money on a permanent basis for long-term projects. So companies turn to public, inviting people to lend them money, or take a share in the business in __53__ for a share in future profits. This they do by __54__ stocks and shares in the business through the Stock Exchange.‎ ‎ By doing so they can put into circulation the savings of __55__ and organizations, both at home and overseas. ‎ When the saver needs his money back, he does not have to go to the company with whom he originally placed it. __56__, he sells his shares through a stockbroker to some other saver who is seeking to __57__ his money.‎ Many of the __58__ needed both by industry and by each of us are provided by the government or by local authorities. Without hospitals, electricity, telephones, railways, this country could not __59__. All these require __60__ spending on new equipment and new development if they are to serve us properly, requiring more money than is raised through taxes alone. The government, local authorities, and nationalized industries __61__ frequently need to borrow money to finance major capital spending, and they, too, come to the Stock Exchange.‎ There is __62__ a man or woman in this country whose job or whose standard of living does not __63__ the ability of his or her employers to raise money to finance new development. In one way or another this new money must come from the savings of the country. The Stock Exchange __64__ to provide a channel through which these savings can reach those who need finance.‎ ‎50. A. level B. extent C. scale D. basis ‎51. A. programme B. provide C. develop D. prepare ‎52. A. unexpected B. unwilling C. unbelievable D. uncertain ‎53. A. search B. exchange C. value D. comfort ‎ ‎54. A. issuing B. allowing C. producing D. acquiring ‎55. A. immigrants B. investigators C. inheritors D. individuals ‎56. A. Indeed B. In fact C. In addition D. Instead ‎57. A. eliminate B. reflect C. invest D. profit ‎58. A. properties B. appliances C. foundations D. services ‎59. A. function B. experience C. share D. launch ‎ ‎60. A. invisible B. continuous C. limited D. economical ‎61. A. therefore B. however C. nevertheless D. otherwise ‎62. A. definitely B. almost C. hardly D. probably ‎63. A. turn down B. depend on C. take over D. put off ‎64. A. releases B. forces C. leaves D. exists ‎6.‎ ‎ There are times when you find yourself unable to work out a problem. It is at this 48 that the way in which you use your teacher is important. With a good teacher, such times should be less 49 than with a bad one; so the worse the teacher, the more responsibility you have for your 50 ! Whatever your luck in this 51 , one thing is most significant and stays the same, whatever the quality of teaching you receive: if there is something you don't understand, you must ask, again and again if necessary, until you do understand it fully. 52 though this may seem, it is 53 unbelievable how many people would rather sit in silent ignorance than admit not understanding. To behave in such a way is the only truly 54 thing a student can do: it's a false form of pride, which is the most useless, damaging quality anyone can have, to say nothing of a student! 55 , regard your teacher as a guide or even a friend and do not sit quietly wondering what he's going on about. ‎ ‎48. A.course B. point C. case D. opportunity ‎ ‎49. A.lucky B. remote C. frequent D. comfortable ‎ ‎50. A.mood B. image C. intention D. success ‎ ‎51. A.occasion B. period C. respect D. direction ‎ ‎52. A.Likely B. Obvious C. Difficult D. Suitable ‎ ‎53. A.almost B. hardly C. ever D. never ‎ ‎54. A.safe B. simple C. strange D. ‎ stupid ‎ ‎55. A.Otherwise B. Furthermore C. Therefore D. Nevertheless ‎ 试卷答案 ‎1.36-40 ACBBD 41-45 DABAC 46-50 DCABC 51-55 DABCD ‎2.36---40BACCA 41---45DDBCB 46---50ABDAC 51---55CBBAC ‎3.36-40 BABDB 41-45 ACDAC 46-50 BACDC 51-55 DBDAC ‎4.21-25 CDABA  26-30 BDCAB  31-35 DCABD  36-40 CACBD ‎5.50—54 CCBBA 55—59 DDCDA 60—64 BACBD ‎6.48-50 BCD 51--55 CBADC

