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‎2020届一轮复习人教版必修二Unit4Wildlife protection单元教案 Period 1 Reading The General Idea of This Period:‎ This period includes Warming up,Pre-reading,Reading and Comprehending of Unit 4.It introduces the wildlife situation in Tibet,Zimbabwe and a rain forest. Students will realize the importance of wildlife protection by experiencing what Daisy has gone through. Meanwhile students can learn some reading strategies such as skimming and scanning.‎ Teaching Aims: ‎ ‎1.Train the students’ reading ability.‎ ‎2.Learn some useful words and expressions.‎ ‎3.Learn more about the endangered animals and wildlife protection.‎ Teaching Important Points:‎ ‎1.Help the students to understand the passage better.‎ ‎2.Learn and master some important words and phrases in this period.‎ Teaching Difficult Points:‎ ‎1.How to help the students improve their reading ability and understand the passage better.‎ ‎2.How to master the important language points in this passage.‎ Teaching Methods:‎ ‎1.Fast reading to get the general idea of the text.‎ ‎2.Careful reading to understand the passage better.‎ ‎3.Explanation to help the students master some language points.‎ ‎4.Discussion to help the students understand better what they’ve learned and to use the knowledge they’ve learned in this period.‎ Teaching Aids:‎ ‎1.A tape recorder ‎2.A multimedia.‎ Teaching Procedures:‎ Step 1 Lead-in ‎1.Greet the students as usual.‎ ‎2.Introduce the topic of wildlife protection.‎ Show the pictures of some endangered animals and let the students name them in English.(Through this task,students can have a general idea about what they are going to learn. Besides,student s are expected to classify the animals and find out which are endangered animals. Then,teacher gives the definition of endangered. Students are expected to say out the problems that face these animals as well.)‎ T:Boys and girls,today I am going to introduce some friends to you. Now let’s see whether you can name them in English correctly.‎ Suggested answers:‎ polar bear,milu deer,rhino,tiger,crocodile,tropic fish,leopard,koala,giraffe,turtle,whale,dolphin,panda,gorilla.‎ ‎(Teacher shows a picture of an animal and students give the answers at once. Then teacher checks whether the answer is correct and asks the students to read after her/him.)‎ T:Well,you all give the correct answers. You are really smart. OK,so can you be smart enough to fin d out their common? You see,there is bear,deer,tiger,fish,turtle and so on,different kinds of animals. Then,what species are they? Can you use an adjective to describe them?‎ S1:Endangered.‎ T:Good. They are all endangered species. Endangered means “faced with the danger of extinction” or “dying out”.Now,let’s take whale for example. What problem makes the whale endangered?‎ S2:They are being hunted and killed.‎ T:Well done. What else animals have the same problem?‎ S3:Milu deer,rhino,tiger,crocodile,leopard,gorilla.‎ T:Right,then what problem faces the panda?‎ S4:They don’t have enough food.‎ T:What else animals have the same problem?‎ S5:Koala,giraffe.‎ T:Good. Then what problem faces the polar bear?‎ S6:Their living environment is being destroyed and the animals are dying out.‎ T:Good job! Then what else animals have the same problem?‎ S7:Tiger,tropic fish,turtle,dolphin,gorilla.‎ T:Excellent!‎ Step 2 Skimming T:OK,you have got the general knowledge of endangered animals. Now today we are going to learn a story about the experience of a little girl called Daisy. She has been to three places,and met three different kinds of animals. Which three places has she been to? What endangered animals are they? What problems face them? Now,I will give you a few minutes to skim the text to find out the three kinds of endangered animals in three different places and put them in the right blank of the form. ‎ Problems Examples Animals from the text Animals that are being hunted and killed whale,milu deer,rhino,tiger,crocodile,leopard,gorilla ‎ Animals that have not enough food panda,koala,giraffe ‎ Area in which the environment is being destroyed and animals are dying out polar bear,tiger,tropic fish,turtle,dolphin,gorilla ‎ T:OK,time’s up. The whole class,which three places have Daisy been to?‎ Ss:Tibet,Zimbabw e and a rain forest.‎ T:What are the three kinds of endangered animals?‎ S1:Antelopes in Tibet,elephants in Zimbabwe,and monkeys in the rain forest.‎ T:Among these three kinds of animals,which are being hunted and killed?‎ S2:Antelopes.‎ T:Which have not enough food?‎ S3:Elephants.‎ T:Whose living environment is being destroyed and they are dying out?‎ S4:Monkeys.‎ T:Excellent.‎ Step 3 Scanning T:OK,class,you now have a general idea about the text. This text is mainly about Daisy’s experience. She has been to Tibet,Zimbabwe and the rain forest. She has talked with antelopes,elephants and monkeys separately. Now let’s go in detail and find more information about these three places and animals.‎ T:I’ll give you 5 minutes to scan the text and fill in the blank.‎ T:Time’s up. Who has got the answers? Any volunteers?‎ S1:In Tibet,antelopes’ fur is used to make sweater. Antelopes are killed for wool .Every year,over 29000 antelopes are killed.‎ S2:In Zimbabwe,farmers used to hunt the elephants but now farmers ‎ like them.‎ S3:In Rain forest,a millipede insect affects mosquitoes. No rain forest,no animals and no drugs.‎ Step 4 Intensive Reading Ask the students to look through the questions on Page 27 and read the text silently. Students are expected to sum up the main ideas by themselves.‎ T:OK,boys and girls. Now let’s read the text in detail and answer the questions on Page 27.‎ Suggested answers:‎ ‎1.Who is hunting and killing the Tibetan antelope?‎ People are hunting and killing the Tibetan antelope.‎ ‎2.Why are we humans part of this problem?‎ People who buy sweaters made with Tibetan wool are encouraging more people to go out and kill the animals.‎ ‎3.How did life improve for the farmers in Zimbabwe?‎ The farmers got money when the government made sure that the tour companies had to pay them to visit and hunt the animals.‎ ‎4.How did it improve for the animals?‎ The animals were no longer killed by the farmers for destroying the crops.‎ ‎5.In what ways does looking after the rain forest help with wildlife ‎ protection?‎ Looking after the rain forest helps wildlife protection because it contains many medicines and drugs.‎ ‎6.Why do you think the animals have to speak for themselves?‎ Answers may vary. Because the animals have no human to speak for them. If they speak for themselves,they can put their case more effectively and they can win more sympathy.‎ ‎7.What must happen if wildlife protection is to succeed?‎ Answers may vary. If wildlife protection is to succeed,people must not kill animals but try to live in harmony with them. What’s more,people must stop destroying the habitat of animals and using animals to make luxury goods.‎ Step 5 Retell the Story T:Since you have read the text for three times,I guess you have totally understand the text. Now let’s check whether you have comprehended the text. On the blackboard,it’s the summary of our reading text. But it’s not complete. You have to think out a proper word to fill in each blank without reading your textbook. After filling the missing words,you will have a complete summary of the text. Now,I will give you 5 minutes to do this task.‎ One day,Daisy ______ a strange dream. She flew in a wonderful ______ to ______ with an ______ in Tibet. The antelope told her they were ‎ hunted because of their ______ which can be used to make ______ like hers. In three years they may all be ______.Later,she ______ to Zimbabwe where she talked with an ______ and got to know th e farmers there no longer ______ them. That’s because the ______ decided to help and the farmers finally made a lot of ______.At last she ______ at the thick rain ______ where a monkey told her “No rain forest,no ______ and no ______.” Although finally everything was ______,she had ______ so much!‎ Suggested answers:‎ dreamed;chair;talk;antelope;fur;sweaters;gone;flew;elephant;hunted;government;money;ar rived;forest;animals;drugs;gone;learned Step 6 Language Points Focus Teacher explains the important words and expressions from the reading. Try to use as many examples as possible to illustrate the point. After illustration,teacher can give students some exercise to consolidate their understanding.‎ ‎1.Daisy hurried to get dressed and put on her jeans and sweater.‎ 戴西急忙穿衣服,穿上牛仔裤和毛衣。‎ get dressed 穿上衣服 ‎“get+过去分词”相当于“be+过去分词”,表达被动的意味。但是“get+过去分词”更着重强调动作,动作不能延续,因此不能和表示一段时 间的状语连用。而“be+过去分词”着重强调状态,动作可以延续,因此可以和表示一段时间的状语连用。如:‎ They have been married for twenty years.‎ 他们结婚20年了。‎ Her blouse got caught on the nail and a button went off.‎ 她的衬衣被钩在钉子上,一个纽扣掉了下来。‎ ‎2.We are killed for the wool that is taken from under our stomachs.‎ 人们杀死我们以获取我们肚子底下的羊毛。‎ from under our stomachs是“介词from+介词短语”结构。如:‎ He jumped out from behind the door.‎ 他从门后跳出来。‎ Bamboo shoots grow from around the roots.‎ 从根部周围生长出竹子嫩芽。‎ A man came out from under the bed.‎ 一个人从床底下(爬)出来。‎ ‎3.The tour companies applied to be allowed to hunt some for a fee,which made a lot of money for the farmers.‎ 旅游公司可以申请交费猎捕,这为农民赚取了许多钱。‎ apply v.‎ ‎(1)make a formal request 请求,申请。如:‎ I want to apply for the job.‎ 我想申请这项工作。‎ ‎(2)make a practical use of sth.运用,应用。如:‎ Scientific discoveries are often applied to industrial production methods.‎ 科学的发明时常应用到工业生产的方法上。‎ ‎(3)bring into nearness or contact with something;put on,upon,or to 敷,涂 A nurse is applying some medicine to his wound.‎ 有个护士正在给他的伤口敷药。‎ ‎(4)devote (oneself or one’s efforts)to something 专心于、致力于某物。如:‎ The new comer applied his mind to the job.‎ 新来的职员工作专心致志。‎ Students should apply themselves to their study.‎ 学生们应该专心致志地学习。‎ ‎4.As a result,farmers like us and no longer hunt us.‎ 因此,农民们喜欢我们就不再猎杀我们了。‎ as a result 结果是;作为结果。如:‎ He had an accident and broke his leg. As a result,he had to stay in bed for three months.‎ 他出了一次事故,断了腿,结果不得不在床上躺了三个月。‎ no longer 不再,再也不 no longer 表示“(时间)不再”时,一般修饰延续性或状态动词,通常位于第一个助动词、系动词、情态动词后,其他动词前。no longer ‎ 置于句首,句子使用倒装语序。如:‎ He no longer lives here.‎ 他不再住在这里。‎ Mr Smith no longer works in our company.‎ 史密斯先生不再在我们公司上班。‎ No longer is he studying with us.‎ 他不再和我们一起学习。‎ ‎5.This protects me from mosquitoes.‎ 这保护我防蚊虫叮咬。‎ protect...from...保护……免受……的伤害。如:‎ The sunglasses can protect your eyes from the strong sunlight.‎ 太阳镜能够保护你的眼睛免受强烈太阳光线的伤害。‎ A new material was painted to protect the roof from rain.‎ 涂上一种新材料以保护房屋防雨。‎ Step 7 Discussion ‎ After the explanation of the language points,students have got the total understanding of the reading text. Then teacher draws students’ attention back to the text and put forward a topic for them to discuss. Divide the students into the fourperson groups and give them five minutes to think about the topic “What should we do to protect wildlife?”.After the discussion,let the students have a competition to see which group can think out the most pieces of advice to protect wildlife.‎ The possible advice:‎ ‎1.We should treat the wildlife plants and animals the same as our friends and relatives.‎ ‎2.We shouldn’t cut or kill them freely.‎ ‎3.We should protect the environment around us to let them have enough food and good living conditions.‎ ‎4.We should not buy the luxury such as fur,etc to support the protection campaign.‎ ‎5.We should collect money to protect the endangered animals.‎ ‎6.We can join the WWF to protect the endangered animals with the other protectors all over the world.‎ Step 8 Summary and Homework T:Today we’ve learned a text about Daisy’s experience in Tibet,Zimbabwe and the rain forest. She has met three animals,the antelope,the elephant and the monkey. Through Daisy’s talk with them,we know the serious problems are facing them. They need help badly. They are our humans’ friends. We are living in the same planet. Now it’s time for us to take action of a better living planet. We have to try our best to protect their living environment,their food supply and them. Every one of us is obliged to stop hunting and killing them. Let’s live in harmony with them.‎ T:So much for today. Here is the homework for you to do so that your ‎ knowledge can be consolidated.‎ ‎1.Recite the key sentences on the text.‎ ‎2.Finish the word exercise.Ex.1,2,3 on Page 28.‎ Step 9 The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard Unit 4 Wildlife protection ‎ Period 1‎ Problems Examples Animals from the text Animals that are being hunted and killed whale,milu deer,rhino,tiger,crocodile,leopard,gorilla antelopes Animals that have not enough food panda,koala,giraffe elephants Area in which the environment is being destroyed and animals are dying out polar bear,tiger,tropic fish,turtle,dolphin,gorilla monkeys ‎1.get dressed 穿上衣服 ‎2.from under our stomachs “介词from+介词短语”结构。‎ ‎3.apply v. 申请,运用,专心于 ‎4.as a result 结果是;作为结果 no longer 不再,再也不 ‎5.protect...from...保护……免受……的伤害 Step 10 Record after Teaching Period 2 Learning about Language The General Idea of This Period:‎ This period will consolidate the words and expressions the students learnt in the reading part and deal with the grammar part:the Present Progressive Passive Voice.Y ou will have systematic explanations of it and assign some exercises for the students to complete to consolidate what you learn.‎ Teaching Aims:‎ ‎1.Help the students recognize the useful words and expressions learnt in Reading part:‎ apply for,bite,have an effort on (=affect),quality,as a result,powerless.‎ ‎2.Master the usage of the Present Progressive Passive Voice.‎ Teaching Important Points:‎ ‎1.Present Progressive Passive Voice.‎ ‎2.The basic usage of the Present Progressive Passive Voice and learn to use them in different situations.‎ Teaching Difficult Point:‎ How to help the students to learn the Present Progressive Passive Voice.‎ Teaching Methods:‎ ‎ Practicing independently and explaining.‎ Teaching Aid:‎ A multi-media computer.‎ Teaching Procedures:‎ Step 1 Revision ‎1.Greetings.‎ ‎2.Try to retell the passage with the h elp of the following chart.‎ Step 2 Useful Words and Expressions T:You are expected to complete the exercises in Learning about language independently. Now let’s check the answers.‎ ‎(Ask some students to the blackboard to write down their answers,then ask the other students to correct.)‎ The suggested answers:‎ Ⅰ.1.powerful 2.apply for 3.enemy4.mosquito 5.affect 6.container 7.loss 8.suggest 9.pay attention to 10.die out 11.drug 12.as a result Ⅱ.paid attention;suggested;die out;loss;apply;As a result;affected Ⅲ.1.after all 2.endanger 3.affect 4.powerful 5.because 6.because of Step 3 Useful Structures T:This part is about the Present progressive Passive Voice:am/is/are being done. ‎ At first,who can find out two more examples?‎ S1:Daisy is being watched by an excited elephant.‎ S2:The elephant is being protected by the farmers.‎ T:Very good. Now let’s check the answers in Exercise 2 on Page 29.‎ ‎(Ask some students to write the answers on the blackboard first. Then check it.) ‎ The suggested answers:‎ Question Answer Who is studying the rhino? The rhino is being studied by the university students.‎ Who is protecting the African elephant? The African elephant is being protected by the WWF.‎ Who is hunting the Tibetan antelope? The Tibetan antelope is being hunted by the people who wish to take the wool from it.‎ Who is taking photos of the panda? The panda is being photographed by Daisy. ‎ Who is killing the whales? The whales are being killed by the Japanese fishermen.‎ Who is attacking the mice? The mice are being attacked by the cat.‎ Step 4 Exercises on WB T:In this unit we have learnt some useful words,expressions and structures,now let’s do exercises about them.‎ Check the answers of Ex.1 on Page 63,Ex.3 on Page 64 and Ex.1 of Using structures.‎ The suggested answers:‎ Ex.1:1.help 2.rise 3.protect 4.affect 5.suggest 6.concerned ‎ ‎ 7.attention 8.wildlife 9.rainforest 10.endanger Ex.3:World Wildlife,set,international,organization,projects,protecting,endangered,consider,led,save,reserves, sign Ex.1 of Using structures:‎ ‎1....is under repair=...is being repaired ‎2....is under discussion=...is being discussed ‎3....are under research=...are being researched ‎4....is under consideration=...is being considered ‎5....is under development=...is being developed T:Now let’s do some more exercises of the workbook. Please turn to Page 64,I’ll give you five minutes to translate the sentences and answer the questions of Exercise 2.‎ ‎(Five minutes la ter.) ‎ T:Plea se change your answers with your partner,and try your best to correct th e sentences,then practice the questions in pairs.(One asks,the other one answers.)‎ The possible answers:‎ S1:What can we do to protect Milu deer from disappearing again?‎ Partner:We should protect their living conditions and forbid hunters to kill them freely.‎ S2:Do you think the pandas in China are in danger?‎ Partner:Of course. They have less and less food to eat,they are being ‎ hunted and their living conditions are being destroyed,too.‎ S3:What are your suggestions about protecting wildlife?‎ Partner:We should protect their living conditions,forbid hunters to kill them freely,build more natural reserves for them and we shouldn ’t disturb them.‎ S4:Do you know why the dinosaurs suddenly died out about 65000000 years ago?‎ Partner:I’m not so sure about it. Maybe there were disasters on the earth.‎ S5:The national wildlife protection parks shouldn’t be open to the tourists. Do you think so?‎ Partner:Yes. I agree.‎ Step 5 Homework T:That’s all for this class,after class I hope you’ll review what we’ve learned.‎ Step 6 The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard Unit 4 Wildlife protection ‎ Period 2‎ ‎1.bite vt./vi.(bit,—bitten)咬;叮;刺痛 ‎2.have an (good/bad/no)effect on...=affect 对……有影响 ‎3.pay attention to “to” is a prep. here.,after “to” we should use nouns or v-ing.‎ Step 6 Record after Teaching Period 3 Extensive Reading The General Idea of This Period:‎ This period is about the reading of the passages:the disappearance of the dinosaurs and the dodos;the return of the Milu deer.It will help the students learn more about wild life and realize what made the animals disappear and what we should do to protect the environment.‎ Teaching Aims:‎ ‎1.Train the students’ reading ability.‎ ‎2.Learn some useful words and expressions:‎ disappear,come into being,species,country,rare,die out,dust,dusty,for sure,recently,build a good friendship,be common in,care for ‎3.Learn some useful drills:‎ Our fur is being used to make sweaters like yours.‎ There are so many of them that a new park has been opened for them in Hubei Province.‎ ‎4.Enable the students to get main idea of dinosaurs’ species and the disappearance of the dinosaurs,dodos and the return of the Milu deer. ‎ Teaching Important Point:‎ Help the students to understand the passages and realize the importance ‎ of protecting our environment.‎ Teaching Difficult Points:‎ ‎1.How to improve the students’ reading ability.‎ ‎2.How to help the students understand real reasons of the disappearance of the animals and realize the importance of our environment.‎ Teaching Methods:‎ Asking-and-answering activity to check the students’ understanding of the text;individual,pair o r group work to finish each task.‎ Teaching Aids: ‎ ‎1.A tape recorder.‎ ‎2.A multimedia computer and a blackboard.‎ Teaching Procedures:‎ Step 1 Revision Revise some information about some endangered animals.‎ T:Last class we learned something about some endangered animals. Remember?‎ Ss:Yes.‎ T:Can you name some animals which are endangered?‎ Ss:Yes.‎ S1:Polar bears.‎ T:Good.‎ S2:Rhino.‎ T:Well done.‎ S3:Milu deer.‎ T:Yeah,very good.‎ S4:Pandas,which appear only in China.‎ T:Terrific!‎ S5:Tibetan antelopes. As we see in the film 可可西里,they are being hunted day by day,and as result,there are only a little number of them left. It is really a shame for us human beings.‎ T:Yeah,absolutely right. Sometimes we human beings are to blame. We are destroying the world where we are living and killing our dear friends by destroying their environment. So what should we do?‎ Ss:Try our best to protect our environment and fight against any behaviour doing harm to animals and their surroundings.‎ Step 2 Lead-in T:Look at the screen please. Do you know anything about these animals?‎ ‎(Show the following pictures on the screen.)‎ S1:Dinosaurs and dodos have died out. They lived on the earth many years ago.‎ S2:The Milu deer still live on the earth,there are some in China.‎ T:Yes. Do you want to know more about them? Let’s come to the short passage on Page 30.‎ Step 3 Reading Task 1 Prediction T:Can you guess what the reasons might be for the disappearance of the dinosaurs and dodos?‎ S1:Because the weather changed much at that time.‎ S2:Because the human beings killed them.‎ Task 2 Fast reading for the main idea T:Maybe you are right. Let’s read the text. After reading,you should find out the main idea of the text. One minute for you to read.‎ ‎(One minute later.)‎ T:You may talk about it with your partner and now report your work.‎ S1:The main idea is species and the reasons for dinosaurs’ dying out.‎ T:That’s right. ‎ Task 3 Detailed reading T:Now read the text for a second time to underline the important words and expression and try to find out the answers to these questions.‎ ‎1.When did the dinosaurs live?‎ ‎2 .What’s the rare new species dinosaur like?‎ ‎3.What could the rare new species dinosaur do?‎ ‎4.Why did the dinosaur die out?‎ T:I’ll give you four minutes to prepare.‎ Check the answers:‎ ‎1.When did the dinosaurs live? ‎ Tens of millions of years ago,long before humans came into being.‎ ‎2.What’s the rare new species dinosaur like?‎ The rare new species dinosaur looks like a bird.‎ ‎3.What could the rare new species dinosaur do?‎ They could not only run but also climb trees.‎ ‎4.Why did the dinosaur die out?‎ Maybe that’s because a large rock hit the earth or because the earth got too hot to live on.‎ Step 4 Reading task on Workbook T:Now let’ s come to another kind of rare animal:Can you guess what’s that?‎ Ss:Milu deer. Yes or no?‎ T:Yes. You are right. Today we’ll read a passage about this kind of deer. Read the passage on Page 65 and try to collect information for research into Milu deer and fill in the table on Page 65.‎ T:I’ll give you four minutes to prepare.‎ ‎(Four minutes later.)‎ At first,let the students discuss the information collected with their partner and then check them with the whole class.‎ Suggested answers:‎ Appearance of Milu deer At first they appeared in China.‎ Features of Milu deer They lived together and ate grass and soft parts of tree.‎ Reasons for disappearance They were not protected and many were killed.‎ Milu deer in Britain They like the weather there and the number increased year by year.‎ How they returned The government of China asked to bring back some and the Duke helped.‎ Present situation They are happy for the number has grown rapidly.‎ Value of the cooperation This is a good example to show the friendship and understanding between two countries.‎ T:Now read the text for a second time and underline the important words and expressions. If you have any question,please ask me.‎ Step 5 Assignment T:In this class,we’ve read two passages about dinosaurs and Milu deer,and listen to a passage about dodos. Please try to describe dinosaurs,Milu deer and dodos in your own words. At the beginning of the next class,I’ll ask some of you to tell me.‎ Step 6 Homework T:Finish the exercises in Learning about language.‎ Step 7 The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard Unit 4 Wildlife protection ‎ Period 3‎ ‎1.long before 很久以前 before long 不久以后 ‎2.come into bein g=begin to exist 形成; 出现;产生 Step 8 Record after Teaching ‎ Period 4 Listening The General Idea of This Period:‎ This period aims at training students’ two skills—understanding general idea and getting detailed information by getting familiar with tones and intonation in spoken English and writing an well-organized letter about how to solve a specific problem. Students can improve these skills by listening,writing and finishing the relative exercises. Also in this period students can meet the theme of this unit again.‎ Teaching Aims:‎ ‎1.Make sure the students know the usage of tones and intonation in spoken English and grasp the methods of getting the general idea and detailed information.‎ ‎2.Help the Ss learn how to organize a letter to save the endangered animal dodo.‎ Teaching Important Points: ‎ ‎1.Make sure the students know the importance of tones in spoken English.‎ ‎2.Enable the students to organize a letter in the proper and efficient way.‎ Teaching Difficult Point:‎ How to write a letter in the correct way. ‎ Teaching Methods:‎ ‎1.Listening-and-answer activity to make t he students know the importance of tones in spoken English. ‎ ‎2.Practice to improve the students’ writing ability.‎ Teaching Aid:‎ A tape recorder and a projector.‎ Teaching Procedures:‎ Step 1 Revision T:Good morning,boys and girls! Last class I asked you to prepare the description of dinosaurs and Milu deer and dodos,so now I will ask some of you to have a try. Any volunteers?‎ S1:Dinosaurs lived on the earth long before humans came into being. There were many different species of them,of which a rare new one was able to run as well as climb. The reasons for their dying out are not sure. Maybe because of a large rock or due to the hot weather.‎ S2:Dodos lived on the earth long long ago. They lived on an island called Mauritius. They were curious and kind hearted and quite different from most of the animals there. They were birds,but they were large and only had small wings. Their favorite activity was to wander along the ‎ beach and wait till the insects were ready to be eaten.‎ S3:Milu deer used to be common in China. They lived together and lived on grass. But as a result of hunting,they disappeared from China later. Luckily,some were taken to Britain before that. So Chinese government can bring back some. Now there are more and more Milu deer in China.‎ T:Everyone has done a very good job!‎ Step 2 Brainstorming about tones in spoken English ‎(Teacher asks two students to answer two easy questions,then express gratitude using different tones. One is ”Thank you↘”.The other is “Thank you↗.” )‎ T:Well,just now I said “Thank you”,do you find some differences?‎ Ss:You use different tones.‎ T:Good. In the first one,the falling tone shows that I am very grateful.But in the second one,the rising tone means that is what the S should do and I was not really grateful.‎ T:In spoken English,tones are used to express different feelings. To ‎ understand how the speaker is feeling,listen for four main things:‎ the volume of the language a rising or falling tone ‎ stress on certain words pauses in the sentences Step 3 Listening for general idea T:OK,now we are going to listen to the story about another animal named dodo.‎ Please have a look at the picture on P31.What does it look like?‎ Ss:It looks like a duck It’s very large.‎ T:What about its wings? Are they very large too? ‎ Ss:No,its wings are very small.‎ T:Can it fly high in the sky easily?‎ S1:I don’t think it can easily fly high in the sky.‎ T:Do you agree with her?‎ Ss:Yes.‎ T:So what might be its problem?‎ S2:It can only walk on land. And when there is an animal attacking it,it can’t escape.‎ T:You might be right. Let’s listen and see. As f or the first time,you don’t have to understand every word. You can ignore what you don’t understand and concentrate on what you can understand. Now please open your books and turn to Page 30 to go through the Ex.2 and try to predict what might happen to dodo.‎ ‎(Two minutes later)‎ T:What happened to dodo?‎ Ss:It disappeared.‎ T:Right.‎ Check the answers to Ex.2 and get some Ss to tell the mistakes in the other choices.‎ Step 4 Listen for detailed information Get the Ss to listen to the tape again and fill in the blanks.‎ Once upon a time I lived on the earth too. I was called “dodo”. My home was an ______ called Mauritius. I was ______ and ______ and quite ______from most of the animals there. I liked to make friends with the other animals and never ______.I have no enemies.‎ We were birds too, but we were large and only had small ______.My favorite activity was to ______ along the beach and wait till the insects were ready to be eaten.‎ Get the Ss to discuss the answers in pairs and then check the answers to blanks (Suggested answers:island,curious,kind-hearted,different,quarreled,wings,wander)and Ex.1 (CDBC).Get them to tell the reasons for their choices.‎ Step 5 Further Practice T:After we learn the story about the dodo,we shall again know the importance of protecting our environment. In fact to protect our earth is to protect ourselves.‎ Next we shall listen to one more story about human beings and their ‎ environment. Please turn to P62.Listen for the first time and get the general idea.‎ ‎(After listening for the first time)‎ T:What is the main idea of the story,do you think?‎ S1:It’s about how a farmer improved his empty land and made his farm more beautiful.‎ T:Good job.‎ Get the Ss to listen for the second time and try to finish Ex.1 on P62.‎ ‎(After the Ss’ listening for the second time)‎ Get them to discuss the answers in groups of four and then check the answers together.‎ At last listen to the tape for the last time to check the answers.‎ Listen for the third time and finish Ex.1. ‎ Step 6 Summary and Homework ‎ T:In this class,we have learned the importance of tones in spoken English,how to find out the general idea and the detailed information. After class,you should go on listening to more materials and try all efforts to make your ears sharp. That’s all for this class. Class is over.‎ Homework:Surf the internet to find more information about the endangered animals in China and think of some ways to protect them.‎ Step 7 The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard Unit 4 Wildlife protection ‎ Period 4‎ Listen for the general idea Listen for detail ed information tones,intonation,stress etc.‎ dodo (large body,small wings)‎ Step 8 Record after Teaching Period 5 Speaking and Writing The General Idea of This Period:‎ This period aims at encouraging the Ss to think and talk creatively about the problems of the endangered animals and figure out some solutions. And help the Ss to organize their ideas into a composition.‎ Teaching Aims: ‎ ‎1.Get the Ss to learn to express “intention and purpose” and talk about solutions.‎ ‎2.Help the Ss learn how to organize a letter to save the endangered animal dodo.‎ Teaching Important Points:‎ ‎1.Get the Ss to learn to express “intention and purpose” and talk about solutions.‎ ‎2.Enable the students to organize a letter in the proper and efficient way.‎ Teaching Difficult Point:‎ How to write a letter in a correct way.‎ Teaching Methods:‎ ‎1.Create some situations for the Ss to talk actively in public.‎ ‎2.Practice to improve th e students’ writing ability.‎ Teaching Aid:‎ ‎1.A multimedia computer.‎ ‎2.A project or.‎ Teaching Procedures:‎ Step 1 Revision ‎1.Revise some information about some endangered animals.‎ T:Yesterday we learned something about an disappeared animal. What is it?‎ Ss:Dodo.‎ S1:It had large body and small wings so it couldn’t fly high in the sky.‎ S2:It was kind to human beings but it was cheated by human and hunter to disappearance.‎ T:Very good.‎ ‎2.Get the Ss to present what they have found about endangered animals. Each group of Ss choose one representative to imitate the endangered animal and describe for the rest of the class to guess the name of the animal,its appearance,habits and the problems they are facing,with ‎ pictures shown on the screen.‎ Step 2 Speaking T:So you know many species of endangered animals. Do you feel it a pity that so many animals are dying out?‎ Ss:Of course/Sure.‎ T:Now imagine that you are with one of the species. You try to help them. How to help them?‎ Talk in pairs what you might do. Try to use as many useful phrases as possible. ‎ The phrases of Speaking on Page 31 may be useful to you.‎ After four minutes,get some Ss to present their solutions and at the same time collect their idea s on the Blackboard.‎ S1:I’m going to do something to help the Tibetan antelopes,for they are endangered. I mean to take them away from people and hide it in a cave on a separate plain. And I will dig holes around to prevent man from attacking and killing them for money again.‎ S2:I agree with you. I will encourage man to raise other animals and stop hunting dodos.‎ S3:I think I’d like to ask the government build some nature reserves so as to protect them.‎ S4:In my opinion,I prefer to ask the government to make some severe regulations to punish whoever do harm to the endangered animals.‎ S5:I tend to request the government to call on all citizens to love and protect wildlife.‎ S6:We intend to plant more trees and grow more grass.‎ S7:We mean to persuade the TV station to broadcast programmes to show the importance of protecting wildlife.‎ T:Good ideas. In fact we should work hard together and devote every effort to helping them.‎ Step 3 Writing Ask them to choose the ideas that they like best and put them under the headings. Make a plan. For example:‎ ‎1.How to protect the dodo from man. Ask the government to make some severe regulations to punish whoever do harm to the endangered animals.‎ Take them away from people and hide it in a cave on a separate plain. ‎ ‎2.How to stop man from killing dodos Go to another island. Hide the dodos.‎ ‎3.How to teach man to hunt another animal. Encourage man to raise other animals and stop hunting dodos.‎ Ask the Ss to make the first draft independently. Before they write,remind them to begin the letter with their address and the solution and to finish the letter with their best wishes and signature.‎ When they finish,ask them to share their ideas with their partners and get some advice from him/her.‎ Then ask them to write a second draft in consideration of their partner’s suggestions,making necessary changes.‎ At last show some of their drafts on the slide,pointing out the mistakes and appreciating the beautiful sentences.‎ Sample letter to the Dodo:‎ Dear Dodo,‎ I am writing to you because I have heard of your problems. I know man is trying to kill all the dodos and I want to help you. Here are my ideas. ‎ First,I would like to come and attack them for you so that they will leave you alone. I want to build a trap and catch them and put them in a cage. Then they will not feel like killing any dodos again.‎ Second,I wish I could take you away to another island where you will be happy and peaceful. ‎ I wish I were with you now. Good luck till I come.‎ Yours sincerely,‎ Xiao Xing Step 4 Summary and Homework T:Time is running out. We have to stop here. Today we again talked about endangered animals and you gave solutions to their dilemmas. A fter class we should go on to care for wildlife protection and do our best for them,will you?‎ Ss:Yes/Sure/Of course.‎ Homework:‎ Check their compositions again and write one.‎ Sum up what we have learnt in this unit.‎ Step 5 The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard Period 5‎ Intention Purpose I mean/tend/intend to ‎ I’m going to ‎ I shall/will...‎ I would like to...‎ I feel like...‎ Writing a letter to the dodo ‎1.How to protect the dodo from man.‎ ‎2.How to stop man from killing dodos.‎ ‎3.How to teach man to hunt an other animal.‎ Step 6 Record after Teaching Period 6 Assessment The General Idea of This Period:‎ This period is to help the Ss to elevate their acquisition about wildlife ‎ protection and their ability of using the expressions and grammar learned in this unit.‎ Teaching Ai ms:‎ ‎1.Elevate efficiently the students’ knowledge about wildlife protection.‎ ‎2.Elevate the Ss ability of using the expressions and grammar learned.‎ Teaching Important and Difficult Point:‎ Help the Ss learn to assess whether their knowledge about this topic has increased.‎ Teaching Methods:‎ Question-and-answer activity ‎ Pair work and group work to make the students work in class.‎ Teaching a nd Learning Aids:‎ ‎1.A multimedia.‎ ‎2.A blackboard.‎ Teaching Procedures:‎ Step 1 Greetings Step 2 Revision T:So far we have finished this unit which is about wildlife protection.‎ Ss:It’s about the endangered wildlife and how to protect them from dying out from the earth.‎ S1:I have learned tremendous about the poor wildlife and I’ve made up my mind to try every effort to protect them.‎ T:Terrific.‎ Step 3 Assessment T:Today we are going to see how hard you worked and how much more you know about wildlife.‎ 非测试性评价 A quiz about wildlife protection.‎ Tick the statements according to what you do or think.‎ ‎1.I can easily name 10 kinds of animals which live in my neighborhood.‎ ‎2.I am very friendly to wildlife and never hurt any animals;for example,insect s and birds.‎ ‎3.I have kept little pets at home./I keep a little pet at home now.‎ ‎4.I have donated some pocket money to wildlife protection organizations.‎ ‎5.I believe human beings and animals can live happily together.‎ ‎6.I think the wildlife crisis is mainly caused by humans.‎ 测试性评价 Ⅰ.单词拼写 ‎1.Smoking a your health.‎ ‎2.We were b to death by mosquitoes while camping.‎ ‎3.You should pay full a to what is going on around you.‎ ‎4.There is a f dog to guard the house.Please don’t enter without asking for its owner.‎ ‎5.Whisky c a large percentage of alcohol.‎ ‎6.The tour companies ______ (申请)to be allowed to hunt some for a fee,which made a lot of money for the farmers.‎ ‎7.One can’t work with an empty ______(肚子).‎ ‎8.He took the poor children under ______(保护).‎ ‎9.It’s ______(建议)that we put on a short play at the party.‎ ‎10.We offer an excellent after-sale s (服务).‎ Keys:‎ ‎1.affects 2.bitten 3.attention 4.faithful 5.contains 6.applied 7.stomach 8.protection 9.suggested 10.service Ⅱ.句型转换 ‎1.A:The worker is showing us how to operate the machine.‎ B:We ______ ______ ______ how to operate the machin e.‎ ‎2.A:It amazed her that he was still alive.‎ B:She ______ ______ that he was still ______.‎ ‎3.A:People are collecting money for a wildlife project in the world.‎ B:______ ______ ______ ______ for a wildlife project in the world.‎ ‎4.A:There was a small beautiful garden in our school,but now it has disappeared.‎ B:There ______ ______ ______ a small beautiful garden in our school.‎ ‎5.A:People hope that milu deer will be common in China.‎ B:______ ______ ______ that milu deer will be common in China.‎ ‎6.A:Milu deer has disappeared from China.‎ B:Milu deer has ______ ______ in China.‎ ‎7.A:Please show me some place in which there is some wildlife protection.‎ B:Please show me some place ______ there is some wildlife protection.‎ ‎8.A:Although tourists love to see us,they didn’t want to protect us.‎ B:They didn’t want to protect us ___ ___ ______ tourists love to see us.‎ ‎9.A:The boy did not go school because of illness.‎ B:The boy did not go school ______ he was ______.‎ ‎10.A:Every word from the teacher will affect the pupils greatly.‎ B:Every word from the teacher wi ll ______ a great ______ ______the pupils.‎ Keys:1.are being shown 2.was amazed...living 3.Money is being collected 4.used to be ‎5.It is hoped 6.died out 7.where 8.even though/if 9.because...ill 10.have...effect on Ⅲ.完成句子 ‎1.由于下雪,很多同学迟到了。‎ It snowed.______ ______ ______,many students were late.‎ ‎2.我听说杰克曾经差点丢了工作。‎ I hear Jack once was ______ ______ of losing his life.‎ ‎3.许多风俗渐渐都没有了。‎ Many customs are slowly ______ ______.‎ ‎4.你知道新中国是什么时候成立的吗?‎ Do you know when New China ______ ______ ______?‎ ‎5.每个人都要注意环境保护。‎ Everyone should ______ ______ ______environment protection.‎ Keys:1.As a result 2.in danger 3.dying out 4.came into being 5.pay attention to Step 4 A Formative Assessment Chart Read the following chart carefully and then work together with your partners to complete the assessment.‎ Goals No. Rating items and its standards Self-rating He-rating Interactive response 1 Acceptance of the materials of the unit.‎ A.Enjoy all the materials.‎ B.Enjoy more than three kinds of it.‎ C.Only accept 1-2 kinds of it. ‎ D.Don’t accept any of them. ‎ ‎ 2 Acceptance of the activities in this unit.‎ A.All are accepted.‎ B.Willing to take part in three kinds or so.‎ C.Not willing to take part in 1 or 2.‎ D.Not willing to take part in any. ‎ ‎ 3 Number of web sites referred to in order to get related information ‎ on this topic.‎ A.More than 5. B.About 3.‎ C.1 or 2. D.None. ‎ ‎ 4 Number of webs or other resources related to the topic.‎ A.More than 5. B.3 to 4.‎ C.1 to 2. D.Zero. ‎ Efficient Preparation before Class 1 Number of words looked up in the unit.‎ A.All. B.80%.‎ C.50 %. D.20% or less. ‎ ‎ 2 Percentage of passages read before class.‎ A.All. B.80%.‎ C.50 %. D.20% or less. ‎ ‎ 3 Percentage of difficult sentences underlined before class.‎ A.All. B.80%.‎ C.50 %. D.20% or less. ‎ ‎ 4 Number of questions raised about the understanding of passages or the usage of words.‎ A.More than 10. B.6-8.‎ C.3-5. D.Less than 2. ‎ Attention & Cooperation in Class 1 Frequency of being absent-minded A.Never. B.Seldom.‎ C.Oft en. D.All the time. ‎ ‎ 2 Frequency of raising hands to answer questions A.Always. B.Often.‎ C.Seldom. D.Never. ‎ ‎ 3 Amount of notes taken down.‎ A.All. B.About 80%.‎ C.About 50%. D.Less than 20%. ‎ ‎ 4 Cooperation with partners in activities.‎ A.Always. B.Often.‎ C.Seldom. D.Never. ‎ Full Understanding and Enjoyment after Class 1 Amount of knowledge and skills covered and digested.‎ A.All. B.About 80%.‎ C.Ab out 50%. D.Less than 20%. ‎ ‎ 2 Frequency of practicing the learned materials in this unit A.Everyday.‎ B.Every other day.‎ C.Every 3-4 days.‎ D.Every 5 days or more. ‎ ‎ 3 After learning this unit,you find your ability in listening,speaking,reading and writing have been ______ improved.‎ A.fully B.partially C.slightly D.not ‎ Summary of the Whole Unit Useful words ‎ ‎ Useful phrases ‎ ‎ Useful patterns & structures ‎ ‎ Grammar ‎ Aspects to Be Improved ‎ Step 4 The Design of the writing on the Blackboard Period 6‎ A quiz about wildlife protection ‎ Tick the statements according to what you do or think.‎ Step 5 Record after Teaching Activity and Research:‎ Book of Wild Life Protection This activity is intended for the group cooperation. Students have to assign themselves the work. Suppose your class is going to publish a book about wild life protection. Each group will introduce one kind of endangered species. As the same time,students can enlarge their knowledge of endangered animals by surfing the Internet or reading the related books. In addition,students are encouraged to think creatively to ‎ find out the solutions of the problems facing the endangered species.‎ ‎1.Assign each group to find out the information of one kind endangered species.‎ ‎2.Make a list of the information they have to find out about the endangered species. They have to find out the features,habitats,problems and solutions of these endangered species. Student s can search the Internet or read some books to get the information.‎ ‎3.In class,the students introduce the information to the whole class,and their classmates are expected to guess what animals they are and what problems they have.‎ ‎4.The group presents their materials and what they have got to the class,such as the pictures,their habitats and problem,as well as their situations.‎ ‎5.The rest of the class are free to ask any questions they want to know about this endangered species.‎ ‎6.Students are expected to work hard together to find out the solutions to these problems. They are encouraged to think creatively as many solutions as possible.‎ ‎7.Teacher asks them to sort out their information and form a book about wildlife protection so that students can read if they like.‎

