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‎2020届一轮复习人教版选修6 Unit 5 The power of nature单元作业 Ⅰ.重要单词聚焦 ‎1. vi.     (指火山)爆发;突然发生 ‎2. n. 飓风;风暴 ‎3. vt. 任命;委派 ‎4. vt. 评估;评价;估计 ‎5. n. 波浪;波涛 ‎  vi. 波动;起伏;挥手 erupt hurricane appoint evaluate wave ‎6. n. 喷泉;源泉 ‎7. adj. 绝对的;完全的 ‎8. n. 一套外衣;套装 ‎  vt. 适合;使适宜 ‎9. n. 潜在性;可能性;潜能 ‎   adj. 可能的;潜在的 ‎10. adj. 贵重的;珍贵的 ‎11. adj. 失去知觉的;未察觉的 fountain absolute suit potential precious unconscious ‎12. (shot,shot) vt. 射中;射伤 ‎13. vi. 摇晃;摇动;颤抖 ‎14. adj. 忧虑的;不安的 ‎15. n. 担心;焦虑;渴望 ‎16. (panicked,panicked) vi.& vt. ‎ ‎ 惊慌 ‎ n. 惊慌;恐慌 ‎17. n. 欣赏;感激;感谢 ‎18. vt. 保证;担保 shoot tremble anxious anxiety panic appreciation guarantee Ⅱ.重点短语扫描 ‎1.be suitable 适合……‎ ‎2.be as 被任命为……‎ ‎3.be about 因……而焦虑 ‎4. from...to... 由……到……不等 ‎5. one’s way to 前往……‎ ‎6. to the ground 全部焚毁 ‎7.be buried under the 被埋在废墟下 ‎8. through 匆匆看一遍 ‎9.have a for 有……天赋 for appointed anxious vary make burn ruins glance gift Ⅲ.课文原句突破 ‎1.Having earlier collected special clothes from the observatory,we put them on before we went any closer.‎ ‎[信息提取] “……才”,用于强调主句所表达的时间很长或花费的力量比较大。‎ ‎[例句仿写] 三年之后我们才能再见面。‎ ‎________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________we can meet again.‎ ‎【答案】 It will be three years before ‎2.It is said that this boy,who had a great gift for language and persuasion,is the father of the Manchu people.‎ ‎[信息提取] It is said that...据说……,是一个固定句式。‎ ‎[例句仿写] 据说那部电影非常好。‎ ‎________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________fairly good.‎ ‎【答案】 It is said that the film is ‎3.The other two climbed down into the crater to collect some lava for later study,but this being my first experience,I stayed at the top and watched them.‎ ‎[信息提取] this being my first experience是“代词+v.ing”构成的独立主格结构,在句中作原因状语。‎ ‎[例句仿写] 由于眼镜破了,她看不清黑板上的字。‎ ‎________ ________ ________,she couldn’t see words on the black board.‎ ‎【答案】 Her glasses broken ‎4.Do you think you would enjoy studying volcanoes as a job?‎ ‎[信息提取] enjoy vt.享受,欣赏(+n./pron./v.ing)‎ ‎[例句仿写] 在这个国家,儿童享受免费教育。‎ In this country children________ ________ ________.‎ ‎【答案】 enjoy free education appoint vt.‎ ‎(1)任命,委派 We must appoint someone to act as secretary.‎ 我们得指定一个人当秘书。‎ Who shall we appoint as chairman?我们选派谁担任主席呢?‎ ‎(2)约定(时间、地点等)‎ appoint sth.(for sth.)(为某事)确定(日期、场所)‎ The time appointed for the meeting was 10∶30.‎ 规定开会的时间是10点30分。‎ appointment n.任命;约会 make an appointment with sb.与某人约会 keep/break an appointment守/违约 I have an appointment with my old friend this Sunday.‎ 我和老朋友在这个星期天见面。‎ You’d better not break your appointment.‎ 你最好不要失约。‎ ‎1.I called the airline to________my flight reservation a week before I ‎ left for Canada.‎ A.appoint        B.obtain C.confirm D.admit ‎【答案】 A suit v.适合某人,对(某人)方便 ‎①The new dress suited her very well.‎ 那套新服装和她很相配。‎ ‎②The seven o’clock train will suit us very well.‎ 七点钟那一班火车对我们很合适。‎ ‎③If you want to go by bus,that suits me fine.‎ 如果你想坐公共汽车去,那对我很方便。‎ ‎④Would it suit you to come at five?你五点钟来行吗?‎ 辨析:fit,suit与match ‎(1)fit多指衣服等尺寸、大小合身,合适。‎ I tried the dress on but it didn’t fit.It was too small.‎ 我试穿了那件连衣裙,但不合身。它太小了。‎ ‎(2)suit指衣服等颜色、款式、花样等适合。‎ Does this skirt suit me?这条裙子我穿着好看吗?‎ ‎(3)match意为“使相称,使相配,使匹配”,指事物在大小、色调、性质等方面的搭配。‎ Her clothes don’t match her age.她的服装和年龄不相配。‎ ‎2.—What can I do for you?‎ ‎—I want to buy a red tie to________my new shirt.‎ A.fit B.match C.suit D.be fit for ‎【解析】 match多指大小、形状、性质等方面的搭配,符合语境。‎ ‎【答案】 B ‎3.(2008年天津卷)Her shoes______her dress;they look very well together.‎ A.suit B.fit C.compare D.match ‎【解析】 句意为:她的鞋和她的裙子很匹配,搭配得很好。本题考查一组近义词辨析。suit是指颜色、花样或款式等相配,fit是大小、尺寸等正合适;compare比较;match指两个东西相称、匹配。‎ ‎【答案】 D ‎4.—How about eight o’clock outside the cinema?‎ ‎—That________me fine.‎ A.fit B.meets C.satisfies D.suits ‎【解析】 本题考查动词词义辨析。fit多指“(大小、形状等)适合,吻合”;suit多指“合乎需要、口味、条件等”;meet,satisfy常表示“满足(需要),符合(要求)”。‎ ‎【答案】 D anxious adj.忧虑的;不安的 I’m very anxious about my son’s health.‎ 我非常担心儿子的健康。‎ She was anxious for them all to leave her room.‎ 她渴望他们全部都离开她的房间。‎ Many people were anxious to volunteer their service to the earthquakestricken areas.很多人急于去地震灾区当志愿者。‎ anxiety n.担心;忧虑;渴望 with anxiety焦虑地 anxiously adv.焦虑地;不安地 We waited for news with a growing sense of anxiety.‎ 我们等待着消息,越来越焦急。‎ ‎5.My mother always gets a bit________if we don’t arrive when we say we will.‎ A.anxious B.ashamed C.weak D.patient ‎【解析】 根据句意“如果我们不能在我们说的时间到达,母亲总是有点焦虑”选A。ashamed羞愧的;weak虚弱的;patient耐心的。‎ ‎【答案】 A panic ‎(1)vi.& vt.(panicked/panicking)(使人或动物)受惊;惊慌 The crowd panicked at the sound of the guns.‎ 人们听到枪声感到惊慌。‎ ‎(2)n.惊慌;恐慌 She got into a real panic when she thought she’d lost the tickets.‎ 她十分惊慌,以为自己把入场券丢了。‎ Shoppers fled the street in panic after two bombs exploded in central London.两枚炸弹在伦敦市中心爆炸之后,购物者惊慌失措地逃离了那条街。‎ ‎6.He________and ran as fast as he could to safety.‎ A.paniced B.panicked C.to panic D.panicking ‎【解析】 句意为“他很惊慌,赶快跑到安全的地方”。panic的过去式和过去分词是panicked;另外,空白处是句子的谓语,非谓语形式是不能独立作谓语的。‎ ‎【答案】 B guarantee ‎(1)vt.担保 ‎①We guarantee to deliver within a week.‎ 我们保证一周内送到。‎ ‎②Take this opportunity,and I guarantee you won’t regret it.‎ 抓住这个机会吧,我保证你不会后悔的。‎ ‎③Even if you complete your training,I can’t guarantee you a job.‎ 即使你完成了培训,我也无法保证你能有工作。‎ ‎(2)n.保证,保证书,保修单 ‎④Wealth is not a guarantee of happiness.财富不是幸福的保证。‎ ‎⑤You have my guarantee that I’ll finish the job on time.‎ 我向你保证按时完成工作。‎ ‎7.Can you________me a job when I get there?You know,I have to work in order to pay for my schooling.‎ A.provide B.guarantee C.arrange D.apply ‎【解析】 考查动词。根据本题中的“I have to work in order to pay for ‎ my schooling”可知,说话者必须支付学费,在这种情况下,其最想问的应当是能不能保证给他找到一个工作,所以D项最符合题意。guarantee sb.sth.向某人保证某事。‎ ‎【答案】 B make one’s way去;前往;前进;成功 They were making their way to a village.‎ 他们正朝一个村庄走去。‎ Look!Many children are making their way to the beach.‎ 看!很多孩子正往海滩走去。‎ feel one’s way摸索着前行 fight/push one’s way推挤着前行 lose one’s way迷路 force one’s way out挤出去;冲出去 push one’s way in挤进去 Without experience in it,we have to feel our way.‎ 由于在这方面没有经验,我们只能摸索着前进。‎ We fought our way through the forest.我们穿过森林前进。‎ ‎8.I kept silent in the backseat of the car as we made our________to grandma’s.‎ A.decision B.way C.plan D.path ‎【解析】 make one’s way to前往。‎ ‎【答案】 B vary from...to由……到……不等 Opinions on this matter vary from person to person.‎ 对于这件事,人人意见不一。‎ ‎(1)vary in sth.(大小、形状等)不同,有别 vary with随……变化,改变 vary between...and...从……到……转变 ‎(2)various adj.各种各样的;多姿多彩的 ‎(3)variety n.种种;多样化 a variety of种种 Prices vary with seasons.物价随季节而变动。‎ The girls come from a variety of different backgrounds.‎ 姑娘们的出身背景各异。‎ For various reasons,he didn’t attend the meeting.‎ 因种种原因,他没参加会议。‎ ‎9.It is obvious that the hopes,goals,fears and desires________widely between men and women,between the rich and the poor.‎ A.change B.perform C.transfer D.vary ‎【解析】 句意为:很明显男人和女人,富人和穷人在希望、目标、恐惧和欲望方面有很大的不同。vary...between...and由……到……的情况不等。change改变;perform操作。‎ ‎【答案】 D The other two climbed down into the crater to collect some lava for later study,but this being my first experience,I stayed at the top and watched them.‎ 另外两人攀下火山口去收集供日后研究用的岩浆,我是第一次经历这样的事,所以留在山顶上观察他们。‎ 此处this being...是独立主格结构。‎ 独立主格结构的构成方法:‎ n./pron.+v.ing/ed/to do/n./adj./adv./prep.phrase。‎ 其中名词或代词起着逻辑主语的作用;另一部分表示状态、状况或动作。‎ 独立主格结构本身不是句子,但在语义上相当于一个句子。在句子中作状语,表示时间、原因、条件、伴随等。独立主格结构一般有逗号与主句分开 。‎ ‎①The guide leading the way,we had no trouble getting out of the forest.向导领着路,我们毫不费劲地走出了森林。‎ ‎②Weather permitting,we will go on an outing to the beach tomorrow.如果天气允许的话,我们将在明天组织一次海滨旅游。‎ ‎③He left the office,tears in eyes.‎ 他眼里含着泪水离开了办公室。‎ ‎④He walked into the classroom,his head lowered.‎ 低着头,他走进教室。‎ ‎⑤There being no one else to turn to,I had to come to see you.‎ 我没有其他可以求助的人,只能来找你。‎ ‎10.(2007年重庆卷)The children went home from the grammar school,their lessons________for the day.‎ A.finishing B.finished C.had finished D.were finished ‎【解析】 本题考查名词的独立主格结构。名词短语their lessons和动词finish之间是被动完成关系,故用过去分词finished。‎ ‎【答案】 B ‎11.(2007年山东卷)The country has already sent up three unmanned spacecraft,the most recent________at the end of last March.‎ A.has been launched ‎ B.having been launched C.being launched ‎ D.to be launched ‎【解析】 句中没有连接词,故不能选作谓语动词的A项;the most recent having been launched为独立主格结构,由at the end of last March可知应选用表示动作完成的B项。‎ ‎【答案】 B ‎12.—Wow!It snowed last night.What a nice world!‎ ‎—You’re right.But it’s more difficult to find my missing keys with snow________the ground.‎ A.covered B.cover C.to cover D.covering ‎【解析】 本题考查with复合结构作宾补的非谓语动词形式。snow和cover在逻辑上是主谓关系,因此此处用现在分词。‎ ‎【答案】 D ‎13.The car burns more fuel,but________all things into consideration,it’s still a good car.‎ A.taken B.having taken C.taking D.to take ‎【解析】 独立成分作状语。注意有些分词短语的形式是固定的,不受上下文影响,因此被称为独立成分。句意为:这辆汽车耗油量较大,但是综合整体情况来看,它仍不失为一部好车。‎ ‎【答案】 C ‎14.The boys were happily making a snowman,________with cold.‎ A.their faces red B.their faces were red C.their faces turned red D.their faces to be red ‎【解析】 本题考查由“名词+形容词”构成的独立主格结构作伴随状语。‎ ‎【答案】 A It is said that this boy,who had a great gift for language and persuasion,is the father of the Manchu people.据说这个男孩就是满族人的祖先,具有语言天赋和很强的说服力。‎ it为形式主语,代替后面的that从句和不定式短语。‎ ‎①It is said that that strange old man is a great artist.‎ ‎=That strange old man is said to be a great artist.‎ 据说那个怪老头是一位艺术大师。‎ ‎②It is said that a new school has been built in our hometown.‎ ‎=A new school is said to have been built in our hometown.‎ 据说我们家乡已建起了一所新学校。‎ ‎③It is said that she is the best student in the class.‎ ‎=She is said to be the best student in the class.‎ 据说她是班里最优秀的学生。‎ ‎(1)It is believed that at least a score of buildings were damaged or destroyed.‎ 据信,至少有20座楼房遇到破坏或彻底被摧毁。‎ ‎(2)It was reported that more than 180 people had been killed in the fire.据报道,那场大火烧死了180多人。‎ ‎(3)It is hoped that the crops will grow better.‎ 人们希望庄稼会长得更好些。‎ It is hoped that the terrible disease will soon be controlled.‎ 人们希望这种可怕的疾病能迅速得到控制。‎ ‎15.(2007年重庆卷)Leonardo da Vinci (1452~1519)________birds ‎ kept in cages in order to have the pleasure of setting them free.‎ A.is said to be buying ‎ B.is said to have bought C.had said to buy ‎ D.has said to have bought ‎【解析】 本题考查动词不定式及时态的应用。因为say与主语(人)是动宾关系,所以应用被动语态;再由括号中的时间标志可知应用现在完成时。‎ ‎【答案】 B ‎16.(2009年全国卷Ⅱ)It is often________that human beings are naturally equipped to speak.‎ A.said B.to say C.saying D.being said ‎【解析】 句意为:经常听人说人类天生有说话的能力。It is said that...为固定句式,意为“据说……”。‎ ‎【答案】 A Ⅰ.单词拼写 ‎1.—Do you allow your son to travel in Europe alone this summer?‎ ‎—________(绝对地) not.‎ ‎【答案】 Absolutely ‎2.The boy has the________(潜能) to become a pianist,but unluckily,it has never been developed because of poverty.‎ ‎【答案】 potential ‎3.With competition becoming severer and severer,nowadays,students are not________(保证) jobs when they graduate from college.‎ ‎【答案】 guaranteed ‎4.The fear of all kinds of examinations can be a source of deep________(焦虑) to many students.‎ ‎【答案】 anxiety ‎5.Some people believe money is of great importance,but others believe health is the most________(宝贵的) thing in the world.‎ ‎【答案】 precious Ⅱ.选词填空 burn to the ground;have a closer look at;make one’s way;have a gift for;guarantee ‎1.I__________________________the coat and decided it wasn’t worth £50.‎ ‎【答案】 had a closer look at ‎2.After the fire,his house__________________________.‎ ‎【答案】 (was) burned to the ground ‎3.We cannot______________the punctual arrival of trains in foggy weather.‎ ‎【答案】 guarantee ‎4.Luckily for him,he__________________music.‎ ‎【答案】 has a gift for ‎5.Though it was dark,we__________________________to the village.‎ ‎【答案】 made our way Ⅲ.巧思妙解 ‎1.(2006年湖北卷)AIDS is said________the biggest health challenge to both men and women in that area over the past few years.‎ A.that it is B.to be C.that it has been D.to have been ‎【解析】 句意为:据说,在过去的几年中,艾滋病对于那个地区的男女来说已是最大的挑战。It is said that从句可转为sb./sth.be said to do/to be doing/to have done的形式。由此可淘汰A、C两项,由于句子中的时间状语over the past few years要用完成时,所以淘汰B项选出正确答案D。‎ ‎【答案】 D ‎2.—Is Bob still performing?‎ ‎—I’m afraid not.He is said________the stage already as he has become an official.‎ A.to have left B.to leave C.to have been left D.to be left ‎【解析】 本题考查 sb.is said to do结构。sb.is said to do意为“据说某人......”,相当于 It is said that...;根据题意,说明他已经离开舞台了,所以用 sb.is said to have done。‎ ‎【答案】 A ‎3.(2010届甘肃天水一中段考)The flu is believed________by viruses that like to reproduce in the cells inside the human nose and throat.‎ A.causing B.being caused C.to be caused D.to have caused ‎【解析】 考查特殊句式。句意为:人们认为感冒是由喜欢在人的鼻子和喉咙的细胞中自我复制的病毒引起的。本句是“It’s believed that the flu is caused by viruses that like to reproduce in the cells inside the human nose and throat.”的另外一种表达形式。‎ ‎【答案】 C ‎4.Tom is said________in Africa,but no one really knows how soon he will be back.‎ A.travels B.to travel C.to be travelling D.travelled ‎【解析】 从下句“没有人真正知道过多久他才会回来”可看出汤姆正在非洲旅行,用sb.is said to do这一基本句式。如果表示“据说某人/某物正在干某事”,就要用不定式的进行时表示正在进行的动作或状态。‎ ‎【答案】 C ‎5.________in ancient times people were used to working together.‎ A.It says B.What says is that C.It thought that D.It is said that ‎【解析】 It is /was said that...意思是“据说……”。还可以表达为People say that...。‎ ‎【答案】 D Ⅳ.语法专练 本单元语法—v.ing形式 ‎1.(2009年湖南三十校联考)Having got up late this morning,Mike ran as fast as he could________to catch the bus.‎ A.hope B.to hope C.hoped D.hoping ‎【解析】 考查非谓语动词。该处要用现在分词作伴随状语,to catch the bus才是真正的目的状语。hoping这个动作在此与ran同时发生,表伴随。‎ ‎【答案】 D ‎2.(2009年绵阳市第二次诊断)________the youth to the rising sun at 8 or 9 o’clock a.m.,Mao Zedong expressed his great hope for the young men.‎ A.Compared B.To compare C.Compare D.Comparing ‎【解析】 考查非谓语动词。从句意和结构上可以看出compare与主语Mao Zedong是主动关系,因此应该使用现在分词comparing。‎ ‎【答案】 D ‎3.(2009年石家庄检测)The teacher called Tom to his office because he ‎ was caught________in the exam.‎ A.to cheat B.cheating C.cheated D.cheat ‎【解析】 考查非谓语动词。catch sb.doing sth.意为“逮住/发现某人做某事”。句意为:老师让汤姆到他办公室,因为他在考试中被发现作弊。‎ ‎【答案】 B ‎4.(2009年潍坊模拟)________in a famous university is what most students wish for.‎ A.To educate B.Educated C.Being educated D.Educating ‎【解析】 非谓语动词的用法。该结构的逻辑主语是下文中的“most students”,所以应用被动形式,故排除A、D;由句子结构分析,空格部分在句子中作主语,故只能选C。‎ ‎【答案】 C ‎5.(2010届江苏启东市一调)________around the Water Cube,we were then taken to see the Bird’s Nest for the 2008 Olympic Games.‎ A.Having shown B.To be shown C.Having been shown D.To show ‎【解析】 考查非谓语动词。show与句子的主语存在动宾关系,故用被动语态。从时态上看,从句中的we were then taken to see可知应用完成时态。‎ ‎【答案】 C ‎

