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2019 届一轮复习人教版选修七 Unit 4Sharing 单元教案 教材分析 本单元的话题是 Sharing,主要涉及帮助弱者、志愿服务、合作分享等。通过听、说、 读、写等各种活动学习相关的语言知识,使学生了解世界上很多地方依然很落后,从而懂得 同情,学会分享。了解一些志愿者工作的信息,培养学生互助合作的精神和社会责任感。结 合针对短文话题的探讨激发学生的国际意识,通过各种渠道力所能及地为贫困地区的孩子作 出自己的贡献。 Warming Up 部分是一个调查,分成三项任务:首先回顾自己曾经做过的助人为乐的好 事,并采访三位同学;然后,根据调查内容列举班级同学所做的好事;最后讨论 volunteer 的内涵。通过这些任务,让学生懂得什么是“帮助”,反思自己是否乐于助人,以及怎样做 才是“志愿者”,由此为后面的短文学习做好铺垫。 Pre-reading 是 Reading 的热身活动。交代了阅读文章的文体(letter)和作者(a young Australian woman,Jo),还根据她在 PNG 拍的 10 张照片提出了 5 个问题,回答这些问题有 助于学生加深理解“志愿者活动”的意义。 Reading 是一篇 Jo 写给 Rosemary 的信。其中介绍 Jo 在 PNG(Papua New Guinea)的一个 小山村教书。在她写给 Rosemary 的信中,作者描述了该村学校的情况和去一个学生家做客 的经历,使学生感受到 PNG 的儿童生活处境的艰难,更加珍惜自己的学习机会。 Comprehending 是根据短文设计的阅读理解试题。第一个练习要求学生读懂书信的内 容,用表格的形式帮助学生整理书信中提到的关于巴布亚新几内亚村落生活及风俗习惯的信 息,属于细节题。第二个练习要求学生对文中提到的五个现象进行分析,说明原因,属于细 节推理题。第三个练习要求学生通过阅读分析生活在小山村中的积极面和消极面,这个练习 进一步地开阔学生的思维,使学生对艰苦的生活有更深的理解。第四个练习要求学生小组活 动,讨论四个问题,进一步巩固学生对于课文内容的理解,并且让学生联系自己的实际情况, 通过比较校舍、教学条件、生活状况等方面的问题,引发学生的深层思考,谈谈自己是否愿 意参加志愿者活动。第三、四两个练习都属于深层思考的问题。 Learning about Language 分词汇和语法两部分。其中,第一部分是有关此篇短文中的重 点单词和短语。设置了三个练习,一是根据所给解释从所学词汇中选择相应的单词;二是用 恰当的词汇完成一篇短文;三是根据解释组成词组,并用词组编对话。第二部分是有关限制 性定语从句的复习。 首先从课文中找出含有限制性定语从句的句子;然后用定语从句完成 句子,对定语从句加以运用;再用含有定语从句的句子回答问题;最后是两人结对活动,进 一步练习使用定语从句。 Using Language 是对 Reading 的延伸。通过阅读,参与“Give an unusual gift”的活动。这 个部分由三个部分组成,综合训练学生听说读写四个方面的能力。“读与说”通过图文结合 的方式,介绍了一些特殊的礼品——为穷人和真正需要它们的人选购礼品。阅读之后,完成 两个练习:回答问题和把礼物名称和详细介绍配对。“听与说”部分是采访默里大夫的经历, 以听力训练为核心设置了四个活动。1.讲述一个人的生平,用到了时间表达法;2.通过列表 把握听力中的细节;3.在涉及听力内容之前让学生先就有关听力中的话题进行讨论,有助于 学生快速并准确地把握听力内容;4.展开讨论,让学生思考自己将来是否愿意像默里大夫那 样做个志愿服务工作者。“写作”根据“听与说”中的话题,运用时间表达方式,根据给出 的 6 个方面对默里大夫的情况进行写作。 课时划分 在对本单元的各部分材料进行分析、整合后,确定了以下六个重点课时: 课时一:Warming Up and Listening(听力课) 从话题内容和训练目的来看,Warming Up 与 Using Language 中的 Listening and speaking 比较接近,所以将 Warming Up 与 Listening and speaking 的第 1、2、3 题和 Work book 中的 Listening 以及 Listening Task 整合在一起,设计成任务型“听力课”,以训练听前预测的能 力和学习用时间表达方式来介绍一个人的生平经历的方法。 课时二:Speaking(口语课) 将上一节听力课剩下的部分 Listening and speaking 中的第 4 题和 Workbook 中与上节课 听力内容相关的 Talking 以及 Speaking Task 整合在一起,设计成“口语课”,训练学生用英 语表达自己的观点,并且说明这样做的理由。 课时三:Pre-reading and Reading(阅读课) 这篇 课文是一个志愿者的一封家书,她在巴布亚新几内亚共和国的一个小山村教书。 信中详细地描述了她所在学校的情况和她去一个学生家做客的经历。通过这封信,学生可以 了解巴布亚新几内亚共和国各部落的生活状况和风俗习惯,同时能够更好地理解志愿者的工 作。 课时四:Grammar(语法复习课) 本单元的语法重点是复习限制性定语从句(Restrictive Attributive Clause)。学生已经学过 这个语法点,所以在这节课中,首先对限制性定语从句的特征、关系词做一个简要回顾,然 后通过多种形式的练习,如填写关系词、造句和翻译等,使学生逐步掌握限制性定语从句的 用法。这些教学环节,如开始部分的听句子、猜同学的游戏和结束部分的翻译或写作练习, 都充分体现了在语境中学习语法、在语境中运用语法的教学原则。 课时五:Reading,Speaking and Writing Task(综合运用课) 这节语言综合运用课把本单元的第二篇文章和课后练习中的写作练习组合到一起。一方 面是由于这篇文章——“ 世界上最有用的礼物清单”,内容比较简单,不需要用一整节课 来完成;另一方面是课后练习的写作任务——给一个被自己资助的孩子写封信,既切合本单 元帮助他人的主题,题目中又已经列出了书信的结构,书信的内容也是介绍自己的学习生活, 能够与学生的实际结合起来,学生写起来有话可说。 课时六:Summing Up and Learning Tip(总结复习课) 复习课分成四个板块,板块一是复习课文内容和重要的词组句型。复习课文内容可以通 过根据关键词组复述课文、回答问题和学生互批作文(用 100 词左右写一篇介绍部落生活和 风俗的文章)等活动来完成。这篇作文是阅读课的家庭作业,放在此处,既检查了作业,又 有助于课文的复习。板块二是复习语言知识,主要是用翻译、填词以及句型转换来复习。板 块三是总结和概括语法项目。指导学生完成表格填充、知识树,使学生在脑海中对限制性定 语从句形成一个完整的概念。板块四是总结。讨论分享的意义,让学生对于本单元的主题有 更加清晰完整的认识,并且由生活中的分享谈到学习上的互相合作与分享,即 Learning Tip 的内容。 学情分析 1.学生经过高中阶段必修 1~选修 6 的学习,具备了一定的阅读技能,如查找细节信 息,猜测词义,抓住段落要点和全文大意等,在阅读速度方面也有了较大的提高,这有助于 学生较好地完成这个单元的课文阅读。同时,在听、说、写等方面也有了一定的基础。 2.这个单元的话题是分享、帮助与合作。对于高二的学生而言,他们的价值观人生观 已经基本形成,要想通过一个单元的学习,完全改变学生的价值观,难度比较大,但教师可 以通过本单元安排的内容,如阅读志愿者的家书,了解一些捐助机构的工作,帮助学生认识 这个世界,理解互助合作的意义,即在帮助他人的过程中实现自己的人生价值。 3.学生在这个单元的学习过程中需要用到预习策略、搜集分析信息策略、归纳整理策 略及高效复习策略等。 Period 1 Warming Up and Listening 教学目标 1.语言知识目标 a.认识以下单词和短语: volunteer,clinic,challenging,over the last few years,in the future,in two weeks' time, a couple of,developing country,Medecins Sans Frontieres(MSF),Malawi,Sudan,The Fred Hollows Foundation,The Cancer Council,Youth in the City,go blind,belief b.注意以下几个重要句型: Why did Mary decide to work in a developing country? In the Sudan,why was it nearly impossible for Mary to get to the clinics when the rains came? Why were conditions in the clinics in the Sudan challenging? 2.语言技能目标 通过听一段采访,了解默里大夫作为一个志愿者为 Medecins Sans Frontieres(MSF)工作 的经历,提高学生听前预测、注意细节信息等听力方面的技能。 3.语言能力目标 提高学生注意细节信息的听力能力,同时理解听力材料中出现的一些重要的词汇和表达 方式。 4.情感态度与文化意识目标 借助听力材料,让学生思考自己将来是否愿意像默里大夫那样做志愿服务工作。把学生 的生活实际和所听到的内容结合起来,能够培养学生正确的价值观。 重点难点 1.教学重点: a.学会边听边注意听力材料中的细节信息,并做笔记。 b.在讲述个人生平时,常采用时间表达法。学会关注对话中的时间表达法以及出现的 先后次序。 2.教学难点: a.根据列表掌握听力中的细节信息。 b.学习采用时间表达法来表述一个人的生平。 教学方法 听力教学与合作学习 教学过程 Step 1 Lead-in 1.T:Have you ever helped others?What did you do to help your parents?Or other relatives?Or your friends?Or people in your community?Or people outside your community? I'm sure you have a lot to say.OK,four students a group and finish the following survey form. What do you do to help... Name: Name: Name: 1.your parents? 2.other relatives? 3.your friends? 4.people in your community? 5.people outside your community? Suggested answers: What do you do to help... Name:Tom Name:Helen Name:Mary 1.your parents? Clean the floor. Wash dishes. Prepare supper. 2.other relatives? Lend my books and CDs to them. Take care of my cousin while his parents are away . Comfort them when they are sad. 3.your friends? Repair their computers. Help them with the lessons. Do shopping with them. 4.people in your community? Be a coach of the football lovers. Sing and dance for the elders. Help my neighbours carry things home. 5.people outside your community? Plant trees. Help people with disabilities. Return the wallet to the owner. 2.Make a class list of the different things your classmates do for each of the groups on the survey form. 3 . Discuss whether someone who helps the groups on the survey form can be called a “volunteer”. T:Which one can be called a volunteer?Or what kind of things do volunteers do? Only those who work not for rewards—especially money and materials,and are not forced to do so are volunteers.And not only the person but also the society and the environment benefit from it.For example , Dr Mary Murray was a volunteer working for Medecins Sans Frontieres(MSF). Step 2 Pre-listening Now turn to Page 35,read Exercises 1 and 2 in Listening and speaking,and predict what you will hear in the listening material.You can also discuss with your partner. S1:Now Jennifer Wells is interview ing Dr Mary Murray about what has happened in Mary's life. S2:She once worked in a clinic in Malawi and Sudan. S3:Malawi and Sudan are developing countries. S4:Many children died when she worked in Malawi. S5:Conditions in the clinics in the Sudan were very terrible and challenging. S6 : Medecins Sans Frontieres(MSF)is an organization that provides free medical care to children in poor countries. T:You see,before listening to the interview,you can get much information,if you study the questions carefully.Now let's listen to the interview.Please pay attention to the time expressions because they use time expressions to talk about Mary's life.And then number them in the order you hear them. ______ in the future ______ during the 1980s ______ for a couple of months ______over the last few years ______ for a further six months ______ in two weeks' time Step 3 Listening 1.(The teacher plays the tape and the students listen to it.) T:Now let's check the answers of Exercise 1. Keys:__4__ in the future __1__ during the 1980s __2__ for a couple of months __3__ over the last few years __6__ for a further six months __5__ in two weeks' time 2.T:Listen again.When you are listening,you can make notes of Mary's experiences in the table below.And share your notes with your partner and then with other groups. Time Place Event The 1980s 1992 1997 2001 Now Future Suggested answers: Time Place Event The 1980s Sydney Studied medicine.Got to know two African students. 1992 Africa Visited her two African friends and their families.Worked in their local health clinic for a couple of months. 1997 Malawi Volunteered with MSF.Worked with children affected by HIV/AIDS. 2001 the Sudan Conditions were very challenging because of the heat,the rains,the basic conditions in the clinics. Now Australia Has returned for two weeks. Future Will return to the Sudan for six more months.After that , will probably return to Africa again. 3.T:With a partner answer the questions before you listen for a third time.As you listen check your answers. (1)Why did Mary decide to work in a developing country? (2)When Mary worked in a clinic in Malawi,why did the children die? (3)In the Sudan,why was it nearly impossible for Mary to get to the clinics when the rains came? (4)Why were conditions in the clinics in the Sudan challenging? (5)Why does Mary enjoy her job? Suggested answers : (1)Because when she worked in an African health clinic , she saw children with illnesses that could be prevented. (2)Because the clinics didn't have enough medicines. (3)Because the roads became so muddy that they spent most of their time digging the car out. (4)Because it could be very hot;it could be nearly impossible to get to the clinics when it rained;the clinics were very basic and the only tools she had were a stethoscope and her hands. (5)She feels she is helping people who otherwise may not get help. Step 4 Listening on Page 70 T:Perhaps you may wonder what we can do to serve communities outside the school?OK, do Listening in the Workbook on Page 70. First predict what you will hear,according to the picture and Exercise 1. 1.Listen to their discussion and number the items below in the order that you first hear them. ______ The Cancer Council(委员会) ______ old people ______ the environment ______ Youth in the City ______ Plan International ______ children in hospital ______ serving soup to the homeless ______ The Fred Hollows Foundation Keys: __3__ The Cancer Council(委员会) __6__ old people __8__ the environment __4__ Youth in the City __1__ Plan International __7__ children in hospital __5__ serving soup to the homeless __2__ The Fred Hollows Foundation 2.Listen again and complete the table. Organization Who suggested it? What does it do? 1.Plan International Jason Mick Annie 2.The Fred Hollows Foundation Jason Mick Annie 3.The Cancer Council Jason Mick Annie 4.Youth in the City Jason Mick Annie Keys: Organization Who suggested it? What does it do? 1.Plan International Mick Sponors children from poor countries. 2.The Fred Hollows Foundation Annie Helps blind people get their sight back. 3.The Cancer Council Jason Does research into cancer. 4.Youth in the City Mick Supports young people financially to stay on at school. 3.Listen again and list the students' suggestions for raising money. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Suggested answers:1.Run some competitions at lunchtime. 2.Have a concert or movie night. 3.Have a basketball match. 4 .Have a personal challenge , like getting someone to sponsor students for walking 25 kilometres. 4.Listen again and list the ways the students could give their time. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Suggested answers:1.Serve soup to homeless people on Fridays. 2.Visit old people and children in hospital every week. 3.Do something for the environment,like tree planting or cleaning up rubbish. Step 5 Conclusion T:We have listened to two materials about giving help to others.I do hope all of us will help those who need help.Remember : You can predict what you will hear before listening.While listening,you should pay attention to the time expressions in the passage which is about some person's experiences. Homework: 1.Finish the Listening Task on Pages 75-76.Try to predict what you will hear according to the given information and also pay attention to the time expressions. 2.Look for more information about MSF on the Internet and share it with your partner. Period 2 Speaking 教学目标 1.语言知识目标: (1)掌握以下重点单词和短语的用法,并能加以运用: in the future,share...with...,soc ial welfare programme,afford,sponsor,donate,cover, primary school,participate in (2)熟悉以下句式: Why would you...? How could you do that? Because I want to share with others... First,find some information through... The reason is that... Then...Next...Finally... 2.语言能力目标: 学生能够使用时间表达法介绍一个人的生平或经历。 3.情感态度与文化意识目标: 了解“希望工程”及其他助人组织的情况,使学生懂得珍惜自己所拥有的,同时尽自己 所能去帮助需要帮助的人。 重点难点 1.教学重点:使学生能够列出某一个看法的几点原因,知道如何表达和支持某一个观 点 2.教学难点:能够用英语准确地表达自己的想法,并且快速找到支持自己观点的论据 教学方法 讨论与口头表达观点 教学过程 Step 1 Checking the homework Step 2 Discussion T:We listened to the interview about Dr Mary Murray.From the interview,we know that she worked for MSF and helped people in poor areas as a volunteer. Q1:Do you think whether people like Dr Mary Murray and Professor Fred Hollows should help those in poorer areas?Give your reasons. (Four students a group and have a discussion.Then ask some of them to present their opinions and reasons.) S1:In my opinion,Dr Mary Murray and Professor Fred Hollows should help those in poorer areas.And I would like to be a volunteer if possible.Th e reason is that we,either poor or rich,live on the same planet.Just as John F.Kennedy said in his inaugural address,“If a free society cannot help the many who are poor,it cannot save the few who are rich.” S2:Humanism or humanitarianism is a necessary quality for us human beings.We should share what we have and help those who are badly in need of help.I will become a volunteer if time permits.Actually I often help those who need help.For example , every Sunday , I take my neighbour,a disabled girl,to the park to refresh herself.And we talk a lot,and I think I help her a lot,which makes me very happy. S3:I agree with them,but I think the most important thing is that we should try to help the poor to be independent instead of just giving them food and clothes. S4:I have a different idea.It's not wrong to help the poor.But according to my experience, helping the poor is not always a pleasant experience. S5:I can't agree more.I once read an article about such kind of things.The “poor” are not always so noble,and they are the hardest to deal with.People who deal with the poor can tell a hundred stories about how they waste money and opportunities.You bring food to their home and notice a large-screen TV.You give them money and they buy groceries at the nearby convenience store(where prices are very high) . You have their car fixed and find out it is a Buick Skylark.Whenever you visit them,they are watching TV. S6:Maybe what you said is true.However,it is not right to let the poor fight alone with their many problems coming from poverty.Unless we do something about poverty,the problems will remain. Q2:Would you like to work as a volunteer like Dr Mary Murray in the future? Complete the table below and then share your ideas with your partner. What I would do Where I would like to go How long I would stay After the students have shar ed their ideas with each other,ask several students to tell the class about their ideas without looking at the chart. Samples: S1:If I'm a volunteer,I'd like to go to the western part of our country.Because many people there can't get access to clean drinking water,and quite a few develop strange diseases.I think I can help them.I know how to make water clean for them.And from my grandfather,I learned to treat some diseases with Chinese medicine.I would like to spend as many days or months as possible to help them if possible.I will work as a doctor to cure diseases.Of course,I will learn more traditional methods to treat different diseases. S2:If I'm a volunteer,I'd like to go to Africa.Because many people there are too poor to get formal education.Just because of that,many suffer from AIDS or other contagious diseases.I'd like to share my skills of being a teacher and teach them.If possible,I will work there for a year and then come back to finish my education.And then I will return to the place to work again.In this way , I can help them get the latest information about the world and about science and technology.Of course,I can also get to know Africa and African people better,in order to help them help themselves.Because I know “God helps those who help themselves.” S3:I will go to the hospital near my community.There are a lot of disabled people who have no one to help them.They are lonely and sad.I would like to talk with them,read to them,and even sing with them.In this way,I can help them get enough courage for their future life.I will go there every Sunday,and if possible,I will persuade my friends to go there with me.Then more and more people will offer help,and more and more disabled people will get help.I just want to be a volunteer,which does not need any special skills.I will learn how to take care of the elder and the sick. Step 3 Speaking task T:I'm glad that you are all willing to help others.In order to be good volunteers,what should we do?Do you know that in our country there are still a lot of children who can't go to school? And there is a project which aims to help them.What is it?(Give some information about Project Hope.) Project Hope Project Hope has brought hope to children over the past 10 years,said a national working conference held in Harbin on Saturday. Project Hope,which was first launched in October 1989,is a nationwide educational project to help mainly school dropouts in outlying,poverty-stricken areas resume their schooling. According to the latest statistics,Project Hope raised 1.78 billion yuan(US $ 214 million)by June,1999,which aided 2.209 million education-deprived children to go to school and 7549 Hope schools to be built. It is said that the past three years witnessed the largest amount of funds raised for Project Hope.The volume accounted for nearly half of the total raised in the last 10 years while the number of Hope schools built made up more than half. Since last year , the strategic focus of Project Hope has gradually been shifted from the previous widespread aid to the cultivation of excellent students and follow-up support for Hope schools. The main tasks of Project Hope in the future will concentrate on building more Hope schools,strengtheni ng the training of teachers of these schools ,equipping the schools with computers and related education software,and developing long-range education. T:Who has ever sponsored a child or is sponsoring a child from a poor area?Have your parents,relatives or friends sponsored a child through Project Hope? When you grow up and get a job,would you like to participate in Project Hope by sponsoring a child from a poor area?And why? Four students a group.Share your opinions with your partner.Try to find out reasons for your answer.If you decided to sponsor a child,how would you do it?The expression s below may be useful in your discussion. Why would you...? Because I want to share with others... The reason is that... Then... Next... Finally... How could you do that? First,find some information through... A sample discussion: S1:I would like to sponsor a child from a poor area through Project Hope. S2:Why would you like to do that? S1:Because I think school education is very important for a person,especially those in poor areas.If they fail to receive education,they will get poorer and poorer.Don't you know the saying that “knowledge changes fate”? S2:Sure I know that.But how could you do that? S1:First,find some information through newspapers and the Internet,and get in touch with some children.After knowing their conditions,we can do something to help.For example,if they can't afford the money to go to school or don't have books and schoolbags,we can use our pocket money to help them. S3:But how could you know that you are sponsoring the right child who really needs help? S4:Why don't we get in touch with China Youth Development Foundation first,and through it we can get enough information. Se:I have a good idea.We can raise money for Project Hope.First,we can make a plan for raising money.We can design a slogan “Donate for Project Hope,help children who can't go to school”.Then,we print some leaflets,telling people about Project Hope.Next,we go to parks on Sundays,and collect money for Project Hope.I'm sure we will collect a lot of money for Project Hope.Finally,we can mail the money to China Youth Development Foundation. Step 4 Talking Imagine that you have a CCC at your school and you are part of it.In groups,carry out the following tasks.Then choose a group member to present your decisions to the class. 1.List the kinds of Chinese organizations you would like to raise money for. 2.How would you raise this money? 3.List the kinds of organizations you would like to give your time to. 4.What would you do for that organization? A sample plan: As far as we know , there are many kinds of Chinese organizations that need people's donation,for example,China Charity is the country's largest charitable organization:The China Charity Federation(CCF);Red Cross Society;Song Ching Ling Foundation;China's Welfare Homes for Children;Project Hope. We would post a poster on the school bulletin board,telling the students that many children are suffering from diseases because they don't have money for medicine and that many children can't go to school because of poverty.We should try our best to help them,making the best of our pocket money.We would even get some pictures or videos about the poor.In this way,we can raise money for these organizations.Of course , we can also get help from local TV stations and newspapers,which can reach a wide range of audience and readers. We would like to give our time to : 1.The Local Orphanage 2.Home for Senior Citizens 3.Hospitals. During the summer holidays and winter holidays,we would like to spend time talking with the lonely senior citizens and taking care of them.After the Spring Festival , we would take advantage of the chance to raise money for Project Hope or other organizations.If possible,we would like to visit the orphans when we are free.But,what a pity,we usually have lessons on weekends,even on Sundays.Nevertheless,we will try our best to help. Homework: Preview the reading passage on Page 29. Fi nish Exercises 1 & 2 on Page 31. Period 3 Pre-reading and Reading 教学目标 1.语言知识目标: (1)学生能够正确读写及运用以下单词: airmail;fortnight;roof;muddy;textbook;concept;weekly;relevant;remote;weed; rectangle;rectangular;adjust;platform;broom;tin;jar;sniff;participate;interpreter;grill; otherwise;privilege (2)学生掌握下列词组的意思并能在句子中熟练运用: hear from;(be)dying to;the other day;dry out;dry up 2.语言技能目标: (1)强化略读、查读等阅读技能,训练通过寻找关键词、主题句等方式更快速并准确地 确定文章的段落大意,理清文章的总体框架与脉络的技能。 (2)继续运用已经掌握的基本猜词技巧猜测文章中的部分单词。 3.语言能力目标: 增强阅读理解能力;发展借助图片、表格等非语言信息进行语言输出的能力。 4.情感态度与文化意识目标: (1)帮助学生理解志愿者工作的意义,培养学生在日常生活中帮助他人、扶贫救困的爱 心。 (2)在小组合作互动中,增强学生的团队合作精神与分享意识。 重点难点 1.教学重点:a.获取巴布亚新几内亚独立国各部落生活状况和风俗习惯的信息; b.阅读能力的培养和阅读技巧的训练,如精读课文完成表格填空等。 2.教学难点:a.理解作为志愿者工作的意义,从而树立正确的价值观; b.训练用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力。 课前准备 1.学生的学习准备 查找关于巴布亚新几内亚独立国的信息。学生可以通过上网等形式搜集信息,并且把搜 集到的信息编成问题或写成一段文字 ,在课堂上向其他同学汇报。这提高了学生的学习兴 趣,把被动的学习变成主动的学习。 2.教师的教学准备 查找关于国内外关于帮助他人的个人和组织。 3.教学环境的设计与布置 在教室里张贴班级学生参加社团活动或志愿者活动和“献爱心”捐款的照片及资料。 4.教学用具的设计和准备 制作与阅读课文相关的多媒体课件。 教学过程 Step 1 Warming up 1.Show the sign of United Nations Volunteer in China. 2.What does the word “volunteer” mean?In groups,discuss who can be called volunteers. (People who help others in their community or outside their community would be called volunteers.However,they would not be called volunteers if they help their parents,other relatives or friends.) [设计说明]通过中国青年志愿者的标志导入,因为标志中有一个手的图形,提醒学生: 志愿者常常伸出手帮助别人。然后分组讨论“什么样的人才被称为志愿者”。经过讨论,学 生统一了认识,知道了志愿者是指帮助与自己没有直接关联的人。这一点对于理解课文也非 常重要。 Step 2 Pre-reading 1.Show the title and a map to the students and introduce some information about Papua New Guinea. (T:Now,let's read a passage about a volunteer working in Papua New Guinea—A Letter Home.) (Introduction:Papua New Guinea is situated in the Pacific Ocean,to the north of Australia.It is a poor country with a population of 5.7 million,around 80% of Papua New Guineans living in rural areas with few or no facilities such as ru nning water and electricity.English is the official language.Because of the poverty , not all children go to school.Around 85% of children start school but about 60% of these reach Year 5.) 2.Show some pictures to the students and make them get some background information. [设计说明]由于学生对于巴布亚新几内亚独立国的情况了解不多,教师有必要在阅读课 文之前介绍一些这个国家的信息,也可以布置学生在课前上网查找这个国家的资料,上课时 由学生用英语汇报,或者采用“头脑风暴”或分组竞赛抢答的形式,使学生在较短的时间里 掌握足够的背景资料。随后展示一些图片,既加深学生对于这个国家落后的经济、教育状况 的印象,也有助于之后阅读活动的展开。 Step 3 Scanning Divide the passage into 4 parts and find out the main idea of each paragraph. Part 1(Paragraph 1) Open ing of the letter and introduction to what will be talked about in the passage. Part 2(Paragraphs 2-3) The school where Jo worked and Jo's work at school. Part 3(Paragraphs 4-8) Jo and Jenny visited Tombe's home in the village. Part 4(Paragraph 9) End of the letter. [设计说明]快速阅读后要求学生分段,再找出每段的大意。如果是阅读理解能力普遍较 弱的班级,教师可以把这项任务改为把各段与段落大意相搭配,如下所示: Part 1(Paragraph 1) End of the letter. Part 2(Paragraphs 2-3) Opening of the letter and introduction to what will be talked about in the passage. Part 3(Paragraphs 4-8) The school where Jo worked and Jo's work at school. Part 4(Paragraph 9) Jo and Jenny visited Tombe's home in the village. Step 4 Skimming Skim the passage and finish the following tasks: Task 1 Answer the following questions: (1)Why did Jo send Rosemary some photos? (It is difficult for Rosemary to imagine how life was hard.) (2)Why was science the most challenging subject for Jo? (Her students had no concept of doing experiments and there was no equipment.) (3)Why did the boys start jumping out the windows? (The boys never came across anything like the bubbling mixture.) (4)Why should it take Jo and Jenny two and a half hours to get to the village? (They had to climb up a mountain to a ridge first and then down a steep path to the village below.) Task 2 What have you learned about the customs and lives of the people in Tombe's village?Read Paragraphs 4-8 carefully and complete the table below. Type of houses Diet Family relationships Possessions Cooking methods Agriculture Sleeping arrangements Beliefs Suggested answers: Type of houses small,round,made of bamboo , grass roofs ; men's huts have grass sticking out of the top of the roof,no windows; small doorway ; floor covered with fresh grass Diet Sweet potato , corn , vegetables peanuts Family relationships large extended families (Everyone seems to be a relative of Tombe's). Possessions Not many—one broom,a few tin plates and cups,a couple of jar Cooking methods Hot stones are placed in an oil drum , then vegetables are placed in the drum , covered with banana leaves and steamed. Agriculture Tools are very basic,e.g.a digging stick(There is no machinery.) Sleeping arrangements A new sleeping platform for the guests , Kiak usually slept in her own hut. Beliefs The villagers believe in evil spirits.They believe that leftover food attracts evil spirits so they dry it out in a can over the fire.Then the can is thrown out of the hut. [设计说明]仔细阅读是快速阅读的延续。通过阅读,查找到巴布亚新几内亚独立国里各 部落居民的生活状况和风俗习惯。这也是这篇课文的重点之一。如果学生感觉难度较大,可 以给出句子,只留一些关键词汇的空格让学生填写,如空出答案中的画线的单词。 Step 5 Reading aloud Read the passage aloud and underline the important phrases and difficult sentences. [设计说明]边读课文边画出重点词组和难句,加深对于课文内容的理解。而且,在程度 较好的班级,在时间允许的情况下,教师可以在朗读课文结束后插入一些词汇和句型的讲解。 也可以根据情况,把词组和难句放在下一节课中专门讲和练。 Step 6 Discussion 1.Why do you think Jo became a volunteer in PNG? 2.Would you like to work as a volunteer in a poor area?Give reasons. [设计说明]通过讨论 Jo 作为志愿者的原因,可以使学生更好地了解这个单元的主题: 帮助他人、分享合作。通过第二个问题,教师可以进一步了解学生对于志愿者工作和帮助他 人的看法,有利于教师进行德育教育,帮助学生树立正确的价值观。 Step 7 Homework Write a passage about 100 words to introduce the village and life in the village according to the photos and the table in Exercise.1. [设计说明] 根据图片和图表写一段关于村落情况和生活的介绍文字,既加深了学生对 于课文重点段落的印象,又发展了借助图片、表格等非语言信息进行语言输出的能力。如果 学生英语程度不够好,教师可以给出短文的开头几句,例如 One of my students,Tombe lives in a small village in Papua New Guinea.The visit to his home impressed me...。时间允许的话, 还可以在上一个讨论问题环节结束后,让学生两人一组,先轮流进行口头作文,再回家完成 书面作文。 Period 4 Grammar 教学目标 1.语言知识目标:复习限制性定语从句的特点和关系词。 2.语言能力目标:能够造成含有限制性定语从句的句子,在书面表达中进行运用。 重点难点 1.教学重点:掌握限制性定语从句的特点,关系代词和关系副词使用的场合,能够运 用限制性定语从句。 2.教学难点:关系代词和关系副词使用的场合,在写作中运用限制性定语从句。 教学准备 1.学生的学习准备:复习限制性定语从句的特点及关系词。 2.教师的教学准备:整理关系代词和关系副词的使用场合,并绘制表格。 3.教学用具的设计和准备:制作多媒体课件。 教学过程 Step 1 Presentation 1.A game “Guess who he/she is.”:Listen to several sentences,and then guess who he/she is according to the description. 2.Show the sentences with the restrictive attributive clauses in the game in the screen and make the students find them out. e.g.The student is a boy who_is_taller_than_me. The student is a boy who_is_always_ready_to_help_others_and_popular_among_the_ classmates. The student has a nickname which_is_related_to_a_lovely_animal. [设计说明] 听句子,猜猜他/她是谁的游戏,能够很快地引起学生的兴趣,活跃课堂气 氛,而且,在描述中使用的一些句子带有限制性定语从句,也为限制性定语从句的呈现做好 了准备。 Step 2 Revision 1.Revise the character istics of restrictive attributive clauses.(The students can say that in Chinese.) 从形式上看,限制性定语从句与先行词(被定语从句修饰的名词或代词)之间没有逗号。 从功能上看,限制性定语从句对先行词起着修饰和限制的作用,如果去掉从句,会影响 到整个主句的意思。 2.Revise the relative pronouns and adverbs of restrictive attributive clauses. the usage of the relative pronoun 关系代词 指代 在定语从句中 所充当的成分 person thing Subject 主语 Object 宾语 Attributive 定语 who whom which that whose the usage of the relative adverb 关系副词 指代 在定语从句中所充当的句子成分 when time adverbial where place adverbial why reason adverbial 关系副词=介词+which 3.Revise the usage of “that”. that 和 which 在指物的情况下一般可以互换,但在下列情况下,一般用 that 而不用 which。 (1)先行词为 all,everything,nothing,something,anything,little,much 等不定代词时。 (2)先行词被 all,every,no,some,any,little,much,the only,the very,the same,the last,序数词或形容词最高级等修饰时。 (3)先行词是 who 或 who 引导的主句。 (4)主句是 there be 句型时。 (5)先行词中既有人又有物时。 注意:介词后面只能用 which 而不能用 that。 [设计说明] 借助第一环节中的句子,先让学生找出限制性定语从句,再复习限制性定 语从句的特征和关系词的用法,尤其是关系代词 that 的用法,为下面的环节——关系词的运 用打下基础。 Step 3 Practising 1.Fill in the blanks with the proper relative pronoun/adverb. (1)The reason ______ he didn't come to school yesterday is that he was ill. (2)The baby ______ trousers is red is Jack. (3)The woman ______ can speak Russian got the job. (4)The woman______we saw on the street got the job. (5)Can you lend me the book about ______ you talked last night? (6)Is this the library from ______ you borrow books? (7)I've read all the books ______ are not mine. (8)I am sure she has something ______ you can borrow. (9)The reason______ the accident happened is still unknown. (10)He will have to put off his concert until next month,______ he finishes his travel around the world. Keys : (1)why (2)whose (3)who (4)whom (5)which (6)which (7)that (8)that (9)why (10)when 2.Complete the sentences with your own words. (1)Painting is an activity that____________. (2)The interpreter to whom you____________ is on holiday. (3)The man who____________ is a doctor. (4)The woman whose daughter ____________ is over there. (5)The school where you____________ has been improved. (6)Anne is doing some research on the time when ____________. (7)The reason why he ____________ was that he was watching an interview of the first Chinese astronaut on TV. 3.Answer the following questions using attributive clauses with the pronouns/adverbs in the brackets. Example:What kind of friend would you like to have?(whom) I'd like to have a friend whom I can trust. (1)What kind of place would you like to go to for a holiday?(where) (2)What story do you enjoy most?(which/that) (3)Which musical instrument would you like to learn to play?(which/that) (4)Why didn't you finish your homework?(why) (5)What kind of person is she married to?(to whom) (6)What sport do you participate in most often?(which/that) (7)Which day won't you ever forget?(when) 4.Write a passage about your class/family using restricitive attributive clauses as many as possible. [设计说明]语法运用在这个部分是层层递进的,练习 1 要求学生填写关系代词或关系副 词,练习 2 要求学生造句,完成定语从句,练习 3 则要求学生根据给出的关系词写出一个含 有定语从句的完整的句子,练习 4 要求写一篇含有多个定语从句的文章,体现了“词—句— 篇”的教学原则。如果学生的水平较弱,难以按照教师的要求完成写作练习,教师也可以要 求学生翻译一段含有多个定语从句的文章以达到在 语篇输出中运用限制性定语从句的目 的。(下划线的句子要求用上限制性定语从句) 瞧!这是一张我们班级的照片。我们班是一个由 27 个男生和 26 个女生组成的大家庭。 那个留着短发的女老师是我们的班主任周老师。班长是一个喜欢体育的男孩。你能找出他 吗?站在第三排中间最高的那个就是我们的班长——李明。笑得最开心的是我那可爱的同 桌。我永远不会忘记那些我们一起学习和生活的难忘的日子。 A writing sample: Look!This is a photo of our class.Our class is a big family which is made up of 27 boys and 26 girls.The woman teacher who wears short hair is our head teacher,Miss Zhou.Our monitor is a boy who likes sports.Can you find him out?The tallest boy who is standing in the middle of Line 3 is our monitor—Li Ming.The girl whose sm ile is the biggest is my lovely deskmate.I will never forget the unforgettable days when we studied and lived together. Period 5 Reading,Speaking and Writing Task 教学目标 1.语言知识目标 (1)学生能够正确读写及运用以下单词: donate,voluntary,purchase,anniversary,seed,sew,ox,tractor,Kenya,click,tailor, political,distribute,distribution,security,operate (2)学生掌握下列词组的意思并能在句子中熟练运用: in need,sewing machine,trunk library,choose from 2.语言技能目标 (1)强化略读、查读等阅读技能,训练通过寻找关键词等方式更快速并准确地确定文章 的大意,理清文章的总体框架与脉络的技能。 (2)继续运用已经掌握的基本猜词技巧猜测文章中的部分单词。 (3)根据提纲,快速构思完成英语习作的技能。 3.语言能力目标 增强阅读理解能力和书面表达能力。 4.情感态度与文化意识目标: (1)帮助学生理解志愿者工作的意义,培养学生在日常生活中帮助他人、扶贫救困的爱 心。 (2)在小组合作互动中,增强学生的团队合作精神与分享意识。 重点难点 1.教学重点:阅读能力、写作能力的培养和提高。 2.教学难点:训练用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力;用英语 说明自己学习生活情况的能力。 教学准备 1.学生的学习准备:熟读本单元的单词词组,想一想如何用英语向别人介绍自己的情 况。 2.教师的教学准备:查找“希望工程”的相关信息。 3.教学用具的设计和准备:制作与课文相关的多媒体课件。 教学过程 Step 1 Pre-reading Several questions:1.What can we do for the children in poor areas or countries? 2.Have you ever tried to send a gift or something to the children in poor areas or countries? How can you send the gifts to them? Now let's read the passage“The World's Most Useful Gift Catalogue”. [设计说明] 通过几个问题直接引入要学习的内容。由于第一篇课文 介绍志愿者在巴布 亚新几内亚独立国部落教书的经历,所以提问 What can we do for the children in poor areas or countries?学生可能会回答:Teach t he children.也可能会出现这样的答案,如:Send some clothes/some money/some gifts to them.这样教师可以顺利地进入下面的问题:How ca n you send the gifts to them?随后进入课文的阅读。 Step 2 Reading and speaking 1.Read the passage and answer the following questions: (1)What's the passage about?(How to send a gift to those who need them.) (2)Where is the list of the gifts?(It is on the left side of the page.) (3)What's the purpose of the Internet page?(Let people give an unusual gift to the poor.) (4)In the Internet page,there's a card on the right.How can you get it? (When you purchase a gift from the catalogue,you'll be sent an attractive card.) (5)What occasions(场合)can you use the cards for? (Weddings,births,birthdays,Christmas or anniversaries,etc.) (6)In what kind of order are the gifts listed?(In the order of price.) 2.On the Internet page,when you click on each gift,you get a description of that gift.In pairs,write the correct gift(A to U)from the Internet page next to each description below. (1)This gift allows a woman who is a trained tailor to make some income,giving her and her family a better future.(India,Tanzania,Kenya) (2)This gift gives a person the opportunity to acquire basic reading and writing,and life skills.Adults develop the confidence t o partcipate in the social,economic and political lives of their communities.(Nepal,India,Bangladesh,Uganda) (3)This gift covers the cost of production and distribution of seedlings,as well as training in tree care for the local villagers who are working hard to prevent their land from turning into desert.(K enya,Tanzania,India) (4)This gift buys a goat.A goat gives milk and is a valuable income.Goats increase in mumber quickly and add much to a family's food and financial security.They are easy and fun for children to care for.(Nepal,India,Uganda) (5)This gift covers the cost of exercise books and textbooks for commu nity primary schools that operate in poor or remote villages.(Southern Sudan) (6)This gift gives a child a good start in life.Community schools provide good quality education for children who would otherwise have no opportunity to attend school.(Bangladesh, Kenya,Uganda) Keys:(1)N (2)G (3)A (4)J (5)F (6)I [设计说明]作为语言运用部分的阅读文章,“世界上最有用的礼物清单”通过图文结合 的方式,介绍了一些特殊的礼品,阅读难度不大。所以只设计了两个练习来帮助学生理解课 文内容。第一个练习是学生快速阅读后回答问题,第二个练习是仔细阅读后找出合适的捐赠 项目。之后,可以简单提提文中出现的短语:in need,choose from,及两个名词短语 sewing machine,trunk library。 Step 3 Writing task(Page 75 in the Workbook) 1.Introduce some information about Hope Project. T:In fact,not only in PNG,India,Kenya,but also in China,many children in poor areas still need help.Their parents have no money to afford to keep them at school,although they are so dying for school.In some areas , classrooms are badly - equipped.(Show some pictures to the students and then introduce Hope Project.) Project Hope is a social welfare programme founded by China Youth Development Foundation.Its aim is to raise money to help those children in poor areas who have to leave school early only because their families cannot afford to keep them at school. 2.Shanshan is an 11-year-old girl from Gansu Province whose family cannot afford to keep her at school.You have just decided to sponsor( 资 助 )her.Shanshan loves practising English.Write a short letter to her in English.The following points should be included in your letter. Hello Shanshan, __________________________ Introduce yourself. __________________________ Say something about __________________________ yourself and the things __________________________ you like doing. __________________________ Describe your family. __________________________ __________________________ Let her know you would __________________________ like to hear from her. Yours sincerely, ____________________ Sign your name. A writing sample: Hello Shanshan, My name is Yang Xiaoping and I'm really pleased that I can help you stay at school.I've heard that you love practising English so I'm also practising my English in this letter. Let me tell you a bit about myself.I'm 16 years old and I go to No.2 Middle School in Bejing.My favourite subjects at school are maths and science.I have a great group of friends that I play soccer with every lunchtime.In my spare time I like going to the movies and reading. I live with my mum and dad in an apartment on the 15th floor. I have two sets of grandparents.My mum's parents live far away in Shandong,but I see my other grandparents often as they live near us. I'd love to get a letter from you and to learn about your life in Gansu. Yours sincerely, Yang Xiaoping [设计说明] 由捐助说到了中国农村很多孩子因贫困无法上学,介绍“希望工程”,再 过渡到如果你捐助了一个学生,给她写封信,介绍你自己的学习和生活情况。信的提纲已经 给出,这便于学生快速构思,有助于学生在课堂上规定的时间内完成习作。如果时间不够, 学生仅仅完成初稿,可以把修改和誊抄的工作作为家庭作业布置下去。查看更多