五年级下 Unit7 Chinese festivals 教案

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五年级下 Unit7 Chinese festivals 教案

Unit 7 Chinese festivals 单元教学建议:‎ 本单元的话题是中国的传统节日。教师可结合五上Christmas引入,课前可要求学生搜集一些关于中国的传统节日的信息,包括日期、食物和风俗习惯等,为课堂教学做准备。本单元的词汇除了节日名词和食物之外,还包括十二个月份,教师可帮助学生复习季节类和星期类的词汇。为了方便教学和操练,师生可准备日历本。‎ 本单元的句型有两个,都是一般现在时态,一个是用来表达节日的日期,一个是用来描述人们在不同节日里的常见活动和庆祝方式。‎ 教学目标:‎ 1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词 spring festival, mid-autumn festival, dragon boat festival, the double ninth festival, rice cake, dumpling等。‎ 2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词 January, February, May, June, September, October等。‎ 3. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型 The spring festival is in January or February. People eat dumplings at this festival.‎ 4. 能知道字母th在单词中的读音。‎ 教学重难点:‎ ‎1.句型:The spring festival is in January or February. People eat dumplings at this festival.‎ ‎2.语音:字母组合th在单词中的读音。‎ 课时安排:6课时 第1课时:Story time 第2课时:Fun time &, Grammar time ‎ 第3课时:Cartoon time 第4课时:Sound time and Checkout time 第5课时:Ticking time(review)‎ 第6课时:Ticking time(exercise)‎ 26‎ 第1课时Story time ‎ 教学目标:‎ ‎1. 能听懂、会读、会说节日单词:Double Ninth Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, Spring Festival.‎ ‎2. 能听懂、会读、会说不同节日的传统食物和活动。‎ ‎3. 能正确的理解并朗读课文,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。‎ 教学重点和难点: ‎ 能正确理解并朗读课文,在教师的帮助下尝试复述课文。‎ Teaching procedure 教学设计(主备)‎ 复备 Step 1 greeting ‎ Step 2 Pre-reading ‎ T: do you like games? So first, let’s play a game: read and guess (1) red pocket, dumplings (students try to read together) ‎ T: what festival is it ? ------ Spring festival.‎ ‎(2)moon cakes , rice dumplings (students try to read together) ‎ what festival is it ? ------ Spring festival.‎ ‎(3)climbing the mountain, a rice cake (students try to read together) ‎ what festival is it ? ------ Double ninth festival.‎ ‎(4) Dragon boat, rice dumplings. (students try to read together)‎ ‎)what festival is it ? ------ Dragon boat festival.‎ T: Show all the new words, who can read them? After teaching to read, ss can read together.‎ T: great. look, they are all about Chinese festival. (show the title of unit7, Ss read )‎ Today our topic is Chinese festivals, what other festivals do you know?‎ Step 3 While-reading ‎(1)T: Look, here is a book :Chinese festival. This lesson we will learn more about it. First, please read the pieces silently and try to understand the text, 2 minutes for you..‎ After silent reading, teacher shows a task of page70: look and match, ask Ss to finish.‎ (2) Show picture 1‎ T: It’s about spring festival. When is it?‎ Ss: It’s in …出示月份January, February,帮助学生回答。‎ T: What do they do?‎ Ss: They……..‎ 26‎ T: How do you spend your spring festival?‎ Ss : I ……‎ Tips: Ff we meet the new words we can guess according to the pictures. ‎ T: Now, let’s read after the tape.‎ (1) T: This time, I want you to read the rest 3 pictures loudly. 3 minutes.‎ (2) Listen and circle the dates and things they are talking about.‎ (3) Let’s check.‎ Step 4 Post-reading 1. Look at the pictures again. Can you say something about them? Please do in your group. Only 5 minutes.‎ 2. Boys and girls, we learn a lot from the storybook, right? Do you remember the details?‎ Chinese festival date activity food 3. Try to retell according to the pictures and the words on the blackboard.‎ Step 4 Homework 1. Look for more Chinese festivals ‎ 2. Try to retell the text after class.‎ 板书设计:‎ 26‎ 第2课时grammar and fun time 教学目标:‎ ‎1.能熟练掌握十二个月份的读音和拼写,熟记各月份的缩写。‎ ‎2.能熟练掌握句型:The Spring Festival is in January or February. The Dragon Boat Festival is in May or June. The Mid-Autumn Festival is in September or October. The Double Ninth Festival is in October or November.‎ ‎3.能完成Fun time 中的任务。‎ 教学重难点:‎ ‎1. 正确掌握月份的读音和拼写 ‎2. 能熟练运用句型表述节日所在的月份。‎ Teaching procedure 教学设计(主备)‎ 复备 Step 1 Greeting Step 2 Review 1. T: Boys and girls, do you remember these words? Let’s read together Spring , summer, autumn, winter.‎ T:Great! But do you know what festivals are there in the 4 seasons?‎ Ss : ……‎ T: Yes , they are …(呈现课文出现的四个节日)‎ T: What traditional food should we eat?‎ 教师出示四个节日和四中食物,打乱顺序让学生连线。‎ 2. Retell the story.‎ 教师出示课文图片,并给出关键短语和句型,帮助学生复述。‎ 3. Do some exercise 书70页。‎ Step 3 Grammar time ‎1.T: Yes, after learning, we know the spring festival is in January or February.‎ What about the rest 3? Can you try to say?‎ 教师出示节日首字母和月份首字母帮助学生,学生试说。‎ 1. 出示grammar time中句子,对照后齐读,理解意思。‎ T: Look, I give you another Chinese festivals, do you know the dates?‎ ‎ Teacher’s day, father’s day, mother’s day, children’s day, new year’s day.‎ 学生根据句型说说 T: Right. So they are 12 months in a year. Look, I have a calendar, let’s have a look.‎ 教读12月份。‎ 26‎ Step 4 Fun time ‎1.T: Look, here’s a round clock. If we divide it into 4 parts, what would you name?‎ 学生自由发挥。‎ 教师出示fun time大圆盘 T: I use the seasons to name them, read together: spring, summer, autumn and winter.‎ T: 4 months consist of a season, who knows?‎ 学生可讨论。‎ T呈现正确的答案,将季节用月份填充,如图fun time.‎ ‎2T: We can do different things in different seasons.‎ What do you usually do in spring?(指一生问)‎ S 1: I usually…‎ What about you?‎ S 2: I ….‎ S 3 :I …‎ T 可以根据学生的回答在上面画些草图。‎ T:What’s the weather like in spring?‎ Ss: It’s warm.‎ ‎3.T: Right. Let’s summarize. ‎ Spring is in march, April and may. In spring, it’s warm. We see …in spring. We …in spring.‎ ‎4.Work in group T: Now, it’s your turn to discuss the other 3 seasons. And you can draw in the book.‎ 学生小组互学,5分钟。‎ ‎5.小组展示,教师评论。‎ Step5 Conduction T : Last term, we learnt a poem about season, do you remember?‎ In spring ,it is warm. We fly kites, we go boating.‎ In summer, it is hot. We eat ice creams, we go swimming.‎ In autumn, it is cool. We have picnics, we go climbing.‎ In winter, it is cold. We make snowmen, we go skating.‎ 在音乐中欣赏此首小诗。教师可组织学生进行朗诵比赛,评选“最佳诗人”。‎ 26‎ 第3课时cartoon time 教学目标:‎ ‎1. 能够听懂、会说、会读卡通故事中出现的词汇:Father’s Day, Mother’s Day.‎ ‎2. 能够流利地朗读卡通部分。‎ ‎3. 能够整体理解并简单表演卡通对话。‎ ‎4. 能在节日里学会感恩。‎ 教学重难点:‎ 学生能正确理解、朗读Cartoon time中的故事,能读懂其中的趣味之处,能在教师的指导下表演故事 Teaching procedures 教学过程 教学设计(主备)‎ 复备 Step 1 Warming up and revision ‎1.Greeting ‎2. Brain storm 出示几组单词:January, first, spring festival 让学生说出同类单词,越多越好,复习一二课时重点词汇。‎ Step 2 Presentation ‎1.T : Well done! You know a lot. So what do you do at spring festival?‎ S 1 :….‎ S2:…..‎ S3…..‎ T:总结:………‎ ‎ 2.T: What about mother’s day? What information do you know and want to know?‎ You can write down some questions.‎ Ss write down some questions.‎ T : Who wants to ask something about it?‎ 学生问学生答。将基本问题先解决掉,比如时间等。‎ ‎3.T : Now let’s watch a cartoon and try to tell me the information you get.‎ Ss watch the cartoon.‎ 学生回答问题,将自己看完一遍后得到的信息分享给大家。‎ ‎4.T: Great! You get so many. But this time I need you read the story by yourself, and do a judge.‎ 学生选择喜欢的方式读课文。‎ It’s mother’s day today.‎ 26‎ It’s on the second Saturday of may.‎ People give parents presents on mother’s day.‎ Bobby and Tina give mother a card and some flowers.‎ Dad is happy too.‎ ‎5.教师教学生词和疑难句子。‎ ‎6. Watch the cartoon again and Ss read after it.‎ ‎7. Happy reading.‎ ‎8. Ss act in roles.‎ Step 3 Consolidation ‎1.T: Bobby and Tina give their mother some presents, right? What can you do for your mother on that day?‎ S1…..‎ S2….‎ S3…..‎ S4…‎ T: Besides presents, we can also do some housework for them, because they are very tired.‎ ‎2.T : Tina’s father doesn’t get presents. Maybe he is not happy. But we can buy presents on Father’s Day.‎ 讨论话题:假如今天是父亲节,我们可以为父亲做什么让他度过一个难忘有意义的节日呢?‎ Homework ‎1. 正确熟读并表演课文 ‎2.为父母做一些力所能及的家务。‎ 板书设计: ‎ 26‎ 第4课时sound time, culture time and checkout time 教学目标:‎ ‎1. 能正确朗读字母组合th在单词中的发音。‎ ‎2. 能了解万圣节的由来及庆祝方式。‎ ‎2. 能独立完成checkout time中的练习。‎ 教学重难点:‎ ‎1. 能正确朗读字母th在单词中的发音。‎ ‎2. 能独立完成checkout time中的练习。‎ Teaching procedure 教学设计(主备)‎ 复备 Step 1 Greeting Step 2 Sound time ‎1.T: Look, it’s a tree. Can you guess What’s in the tree?出示一张大树的图片 Ss try to guess.‎ S1….‎ S2….‎ T: There are some birds in the tree.出示鸟。‎ T: How many birds are there? Let’s count together.‎ Ss :One ,two……thirty-three.‎ T: You are right. Follow me again: thirty-three.‎ Ss: Thirty-three. ‎ T: Pay attention to the pronunciation of “th”.‎ T: What are the birds doing?‎ Ss: They are singing.‎ T: Yes. They are singing to mike. Because today is his birthday.引导学生说出单词birthday.‎ Ss read “birthday” again. ‎ ‎2. Follow the tape ‎3. Say the chant in pairs ‎4. Sum up ‎ T: T: Look at these words: mouth, thank, thin, think. What does “th” pronounce?‎ Ss try to read and say.‎ T: Can you give more words?‎ 26‎ 教师将学生说的单词写在黑板上。‎ ‎6. I have some new words, try to read them.(PPT呈现新单词)‎ Step 3 Culture time ‎1.出示一个普通的南瓜。‎ T: It’s a pumpkin, right? Look, is it a pumpkin too? 出示南瓜灯 Ss: No, it’s a pumpkin lantern.‎ T: Great! What holiday is it ?‎ Ss: It’s Halloween.帮助学生回答,出示中文。‎ T: When’s Halloween? Who knows anything about the festival?‎ 可让了解的学生讲讲。‎ 教师给学生具体的讲一下万圣节。‎ Step 4 Checkout time ‎1. Ask and answer T: Look, here are four cards. First, let’s read.‎ Next, you try to ask some questions according to the card..‎ We do it one by one.‎ 出示第一个图片,师问生答。‎ Work in pairs.‎ Have a check.‎ T: Just now we learnt Halloween, can you make a card like these four?‎ 将一组学生制作的信息卡展示给学生们看,然后以相同的方式问一些问题进行拓展。‎ ‎2. Think and write T: We know there are so many festivals. Which one do you like best? And tell us why.‎ ‎3分钟时间学生准备。‎ 出示think and write 信息表。‎ T: You can say like this. Who wants to share?‎ 点名3、4个学生。‎ 抽取一名学生的festival 大家可齐读。‎ 组内说说。‎ 教师可介绍自己的最喜爱的节日。‎ 板书设计:‎ 26‎ 第5课时ticking time 教学目标:‎ ‎1. 能正确说出中国的传统节日。‎ ‎2. 能正确朗读和拼写月份。‎ ‎3. 知道字母组合th在单词中的正确发音。‎ 教学重难点:‎ ‎1. 能正确朗读和拼写12个月份。‎ ‎2. 能与别人谈论中国的传统节日。‎ Teaching procedure 教学设计(主备)‎ 复备 Step1 Free talk T: What festivals can you name?‎ Ss ……‎ T: When’s spring festival?‎ S1: It’s in January or February. ‎ T: What do you do on that day?‎ S2: I eat dumplings.‎ S3: I …….‎ Step 2 Presentation ‎1. Show teaching aims In this lesson, we’ll have some learning aims. First, I can talk about Chinese festivals.‎ Then, I can name the months of the year. Finally, I know the sound of “th”.‎ PPT出示目标。‎ ‎2. Now let’s come to the first aim. 教师说出节日传统食物,学生说对应节日。可拓展其他的节日。‎ ‎3. Act the story 教师出示课文图片,学生根据记忆复述课文。‎ a. Work in groups b. Ask some Ss to act T: How many stars can you get? PPT出示ticking time 1. ‎ Step 3 Grammar time Let’s turn to the second aim.‎ T: How many months are there in a year?‎ Ss : Twelve.‎ 26‎ T: What are they?‎ Ss: They are January, February………December.学生拼写,教师出示十个月月份及缩写。‎ T: We divide the 12 months into 4 seasons. Who remember?‎ 学生回答。‎ 出示Fun time,小组合作将四个季节包含的月份填写完整。‎ T: We do different things in different seasons.‎ For example: Spring is in March, April and May. In spring, it’s warm. We see……we …..‎ Work in pairs ‎ T: How many stars can you get? PPT出示目标。‎ Step 4 Sound time T: Lcome to the third aim.‎ 出示单词 mouth, thank, thin, think.‎ Read and find T: What’s the pronunciation of “th”?‎ Can you say more words? ‎ Try to read.‎ T: How many stars can you get? PPT出示目标。‎ Homework 板书设计:‎ ‎ ‎ 26‎ 第6课时Ticking time( exercise)‎ 教学设计(主备)‎ 复备 一、用所给单词的适当形式填空 ‎1. People usually visit ___ (they) grandparents in the Double Ninth Festival.‎ ‎2. Halloween is on the _______ (thirty-one) of October. ‎ ‎3. When _____ (be) the Spring Festival?‎ ‎4. Let’s ________ (climb) the mountain together.‎ ‎5. Liu Tao’s mother _____ (call) him Taotao.‎ ‎6. There ____ (be) dragon boat races at the festival.‎ ‎7. Do you like ________ (eat) rice cakes?‎ ‎8. They are _______(cut) the rice cake.‎ 二、单项选择 ‎1. The Double Ninth Festival is a festival for ______.‎ ‎ A. children B. old people C. teachers ‎2. They are talking _____ festivals in china.‎ A. about B. to C. with ‎3. _______ is in June, July and August.‎ ‎ A. autumn B. winter C. summer ‎4. We _________ eat rice cakes in this festival.‎ A. too B. also C. are ‎5. Winter is in January, February and ________.‎ A. March B. December C. November ‎ ‎6. What’s festival is in _________?‎ It’s ____________.‎ A. Mother’s Day B. Father’s Day C. Women’s Day ‎7. _______ Day in June.‎ A. Father B. Fathers’ C. Father’s ‎8. They ________ together now.‎ A. gets B. is getting C. are getting ‎9. People eat rice cakes at the __________.‎ A. Double Ninth Festival 26‎ Spring Festival Dragon Boat Festival ‎10. When’s Double Ninth Festival?‎ A. It’s in October or November.‎ B. It’s in September or October.‎ C. It’s in January or February.‎ 三、按要求改写句子 ‎1. I like the Spring Festival. (改为一般疑问句)‎ ‎______ you ______ the Spring Festival?‎ ‎2. People usually climb mountains at this festival. (对划线部分提问)‎ ‎_______ do people usually ______ at this festival? ‎ ‎3. Teacher’s Day is in September. (对划线部分提问)‎ ‎______ __________ Teacher’s Day.‎ ‎4. Chinese New Year is coming. (改为同义句)‎ The _____ _________ is coming.‎ ‎5. we eat dumplings at this festival.(改为否定句)‎ We ______ ___________ dumplings at this festival.‎ ‎5Bunit7 Chinese Festivals ‎(Sound time&Culture time&Cartoon time)‎ 教学内容:unit7 Sound time&Culture time&Cartoon time 教学目标:‎ ‎1、了解字母组合th在单词中的读音/θ/‎ ‎2、了解万圣节的相关内容 ‎3、能够理解并表演cartoon time内容 ‎4、能够体会在母亲节所表达的情感,在即将到来的母亲节向母亲节表达感情 教学重点:‎ 26‎ ‎1、字母组合th在单词中的读音/θ/‎ ‎2、能够理解并表演cartoon time内容 教学难点:能够理解并表演cartoon time内容 教学准备:PPT,卡通版块表演相关道具 教学过程:‎ Step1:Warming up and revision ‎1、song: twelve months ‎2、Brain-storming复习月份和节 ‎3、talk about your favourite festival Step2:Culture time ‎1、师介绍自己喜欢的节日Halloween.在介绍过程中教授新单词:‎ halloween ,dress up, knock, trick or treat ‎2、PPT呈现一些万圣节的图片让学生进一步感知万圣节相关知识 ‎3、跟读录音。‎ ‎4、介绍万圣节 Step3:Sound time ‎1、Play trick or treat game 生说trick or treat,PPT呈现礼物:a songbird(一只鸣鸟),从门内出现更多的鸣鸟,直到33只,出现单词thirty-three ‎ ‎2、PPT呈现图片,教授单词,词组 Q:What are the songbirds doing?‎ They are singing songs to Mike.‎ Q: Why?‎ 26‎ Because today is Mike’s birthday.‎ 在讨论图片的过程中,朗读singing songs,birthday。‎ ‎3、Say a rhyme 出示sound time中的小诗,跟节奏朗读,然后齐读 ‎4、出示包含th 的单词,请生朗读,体会th的发音 ‎5、教授/θ/的发音,模仿跟读 ‎6、读读更多包含th的单词 Step4 Cartoon time ‎1、PPT出示卡通版块图片,猜测What are they talking about?‎ ‎2、观看动画,确定自己猜测是否正确 ‎3、自己仔细阅读对话,回答问题 When is Mother's Day?‎ What do people do on Mother's Day?‎ What do Tina and Bobby give to their Mum?‎ ‎4、指导朗读 送母亲礼物时应该说的话,说话的语气和包含的感情 Happy Mother's Day, Mum!‎ We love you!‎ ‎5、续编故事 教授父亲节的相关知识,教育学生对待父亲也应该像母亲节时一样,爱自己的父母亲 ‎6、跟读对话,自读对话 ‎7、小组准备表演对话,表演对话 ‎8、情感教育 26‎ 告诉学生今年母亲节,父亲节的具体日期,建议学生应该怎么做。‎ 观看公益短片:family让学生体会父母亲的辛劳和自己应该做的事情,体会家的情感。‎ Step5 Homework ‎1、读熟 cartoon time并表演 ‎2、为即将到来的母亲节准备一份礼物 ‎3、复习第七单元 ‎ ‎ Unit 7 Chinese festivals 教学建议:‎ 本单元的话题是中国的传统节日。教师可结合五上Christmas引入,课前可要求学生搜集一些关于中国的传统节日的信息,包括日期、食物和风俗习惯等,为课堂教学做准备。本单元的词汇除了节日名词和食物之外,还包括十二个月份,教师可帮助学生复习季节类和星期类的词汇。为了方便教学和操练,师生可准备日历本。‎ 本单元的句型有两个,都是一般现在时态,一个是用来表达节日的日期,一个是用来描述人们在不同节日里的常见活动和庆祝方式。‎ 教学目标:‎ ‎1.能听懂、会读、会说节日单词:the Spring Festival ,the Dragon Boat Festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival, .the Double Ninth Festival.‎ ‎2.能听懂、会读、会说不同节日的传统食物和活动。‎ ‎3.能正确的理解并朗读课文,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复述课文内容。‎ ‎4.让学生初步了解更多的传统节日,更加热爱中国的传统节日。‎ 26‎ 教学重点和难点: ‎ 能正确理解并朗读课文,在教师的帮助下尝试复述课文。‎ Teaching procedure:‎ 教学设计(主备)‎ 复备 Step1. Pre-reading ‎ ‎1.Greeting ‎2.Play a game T: Do you like games? So first, let’s play a game: look and say the words as quickly as you can. ‎ They can make a new word: festival(teach) Show the new words, who can read them? After teaching to read, Ss can read together.‎ T: what other festivals do you know? Ss::…‎ ‎ You know so many festivals, some are western festivals, some are Chinese festivals. Which one do you like? Why? Ss:…‎ Yes, we are Chinese and there are a lot of delicious food in Chinese festivals. Today, we will learn: Chinese festivals.‎ Step2.While-reading ‎1.watch and find How many festivals do they talk about? What are they? Ss:…‎ Teach four festivals: the Spring Festival ,the Dragon Boat Festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival, .the Double Ninth Festival.‎ ‎2.watch and match ‎3.Which festival do you like best? Why? (the Spring Festival, Let Ss tell the reason)‎ ‎4. Today, let’s learn more about the Spring Festivals First, listen and answer three questions.‎ Q1:When is it?‎ Ss: It’s in …出示月份January, February,帮助学生回答。‎ Q2:What do people do?‎ Ss: They……..‎ T: How do you spend your spring festival?‎ 26‎ Ss : I ……‎ Q3:What do people eat?‎ Tips: Ff we meet the new words we can guess according to the pictures. ‎ T: What do you eat at this festival?‎ T: Now, let’s read after the tape.‎ ‎5.Try to retell the festival ‎6.Let’s try T: This time, I want you to read the rest 3 pictures by yourself ,I will give you 3minutes. You have two tasks (1) Read and circle the new words (2) Know the information of the three festivals. ‎ (3) Let’s check.‎ Step 3.Post-reading ‎1.Let’s read ‎2.Let’s retell Try to retell according to the pictures and the words on the blackboard.‎ Look at the pictures again. Can you say something about them? Please do in your group. Only 1minutes. You can choose one festival to talk about.‎ ‎3.Boys and girls, we learn a lot from the storybook, right? Are there only four Chinese festivals in china.? Ss:..‎ ‎4.Let’s enjoy more.‎ Step 4 Homework ‎1.listen to the tape and read after the tape.‎ ‎2.Look for more Chinese festivals ‎ ‎3.Try to retell the text after class.‎ 26‎ 板书设计:Unit 7 Chinese festivals Chinese festival date activity food 教学反思:本节课用了四个场景呈现了四个传统节日。节日的介绍主要围绕日期,活动和食物这三方面来展开。这篇文本都贴合学生的实际生活,学生也有自己的知识储备。,从单词festival开始,先介绍中西方节日,再引出学生对中国节日的喜爱,再上升到自己最喜欢的节日,感情提升,选择自己最喜欢的节日。 学生与老师一起学习最重要的节日the Spring Festival,从时间,活动和食物三方面入手,详细了解春节,并让学生联系自己的实际生活来说说自己在春节的活动和饮食。然后放手让学生按照方法来学习其他三个节日。最后总结四个中国传统节日的共性:together.最后以欣赏组传统节日来结尾,更加激发学生对传统节日的喜爱之情,情感得以升华。‎ ‎ 在整个教学过程中,还需要更加放手让学生来学习,真正做到以学生为主体。学生对于传统节日不陌生,多多少少都有些了解,可以试着让学生自己来学习这些节日。‎ 五下Unit 7 Chinese festivals (Story time)‎ 教学目标:‎ ‎1.认识,会读,会说Spring Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, Double Ninth Festival节日 ‎2.了解四个节日相关的知识,如名称,时间,活动等 ‎3.感受每个节日带给我们的氛围,并能在学习完课文之后,对照板书,用自己的语言复述四个节日 教学重点:‎ ‎1.认识,会读,会说Spring Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, Double 26‎ ‎ Ninth Festival节日 ‎2.了解四个节日相关的知识,如名称,时间,活动等 教学难点:‎ 感受每个节日带给我们的氛围,并能在学习完课文之后,对照板书,用自己的语言复述四个节日 教学准备:PPT,板书。‎ 教学过程:‎ Step 1 Greeting ‎ Step 2 Pre-reading ‎ 1. Do you know?‎ T: What are the traditional festivals in China?‎ ‎ Which festival is the most solemn in China? ‎ ‎2.引出Spring festival.‎ ‎(1)Listen and answer ‎ ①When is the Spring Festivals ? Teach: January February ‎ ‎ ②What do people do? Get together (板书)‎ ‎ ③What do people eat? Teach: dumplings ‎ ‎ ④Work in pairs ‎ (2) Read and underline (Dragon Boat Festival)‎ ‎ 自读Part2,遇到不会读或不理解的内容,组内成员互相帮助。‎ ‎ ①. When is the festival? Teach: June ‎ ‎ ②. What do people usually do at this festival?‎ ‎③. What food do people eat at this festival?‎ ‎(3)Read and ask Introduce the Mid-Autumn Festival in groups.‎ ‎(4) Look and choose 自读Part4小组讨论,选择正确短语填空。(Double Ninth Festival )‎ Step 3 While-reading ‎(1)Watch and feel ‎ ‎(2) reading time ①.Reading after the tape 26‎ ‎②. Choose a way to read in four Step 4 Retell time ‎1. T: You know more about Chinese festivals now. Can you say more about them?‎ ‎2. Try to retell according to the pictures and the words on the blackboard.‎ Step 5 Homework ‎1. Dragon Boat Festival is coming, try to learn how to make a rice dumpling.(学包粽子)‎ ‎2. Surf on the Internet and look for another festival. Try to write down. ‎ 板书设计:‎ Unit 7 Chinese Festivals Name ‎ When ‎ Do ‎ Eat ‎ Spring Festival In January or February ‎ Get together ‎ Dumping ‎ Dragon Boat…‎ In May or June ‎ Havewatch…‎ Rice dumping ‎ Mid-Autumn Festival In September or October ‎ Look at the moon ‎ Moon cakes ‎ Double Ninth Festival In October or November ‎ Visit parents…‎ Rice cakes ‎ 教学反思:‎ 这篇课文的四小段分别介绍春节、端午节、中秋节和重阳节,而每一段的结构都是相同的。所以在处理文本的时候我先选择第一段带领学生一起学习,帮助学生提炼段落中的关键词:When; do; eat。然后让学生通过阅读找到问题答案学习端午节、小组合作学习中秋节,最后让学生填写重阳节小短文。通过不同的形式让学生学习文本,避免学习形式单调性,同时也培养学生小组合作和自主学习的学习方式。‎ 在整个上课过程中还存在以下问题:‎ ‎1.学会放手,让学生多提问。在处理文本阅读的时候可以再紧凑一些,直接让学生通过第一段的学习,在掌握第一段的结构后,用同样的方法自主学习二、三、四段落。这样更能够培养孩子的自主学习能力和合作学习能力。‎ 26‎ ‎2.巩固练习做的不够,在课文结束后,没有对文本进行拓展和再建构,为孩子们提供的补充材料也不够,所以在这节课中孩子们个性化的展示几乎没有。‎ 教学设计 学校:‎ 班级:五(5)班 人数:43‎ 日期:‎ 课题:五下Unit 7 Chinese festivals (Grammar time &Fun time )‎ 执教:‎ 一、 教学目标:‎ ‎1.  能准确熟练认读12个月份及其缩写形式。 ‎ ‎2.  能熟练运用句型表述节日所在的月份。 ‎ ‎3.  能用英文介绍自己喜欢的四季。 ‎ ‎4.  体会节日和四季带给人们的感受 二、 教学重难点:‎ ‎1.  能准确熟练认读12个月份及其缩写形式。 ‎ ‎2.  能熟练运用句型表述节日所在的月份。 ‎ ‎3.  能用英文介绍四季的特征。‎ 教 学 过 程 Time Lead-in Teacher’s activities Learners’ activities design idea ‎2‎ mins Warming-‎ up ‎1.Free talk: I am your new English teacher.‎ ‎ Let’s be good friends.‎ ‎2.let’s guess.‎ What ’my favourite season?‎ What ’my favourite festival?‎ Ss know more about the new teacher.‎ 通过教师自我介绍和学生猜测来增加师生之间的交流,激发学生的兴趣,逐步进入英语课堂学习。 ‎ ‎5mins Revision ‎1.Show the pictures of story time T: My favourite festival is Spring festival. Can you say something ‎1.Say sth. about the story time.‎ 26‎ ‎ about it?‎ ‎2.How about another festivals?‎ ‎2. Read and fill in the blanks.‎ 作为第二课时,首先应该对前一课时的内容进行及时的复习和巩固,同时以旧引新,进入到本课时的内容学习之中,真正发挥其板块承上启下的作用。‎ ‎13‎ mins Grammar time ‎ 1. Read and find the rules.‎ ‎.The Spring Festival is in January or February ‎.The Dragon Boat Festival is in May or June ‎.The Mid-Autumn Festival is in September or October ‎ .The Double Ninth Festival is in October or November ‎2.Tell the story about the origin of March &August.‎ ‎3.Show the shortened forms of January& December ‎4.Talk about the months in pairs then write down shortened forms.‎ ‎1.Talk about the rules.‎ Chinese Festivals 中国传统节日+ is in + month 月份 ‎2.Try to find out more about the origin of the twelve months. ‎ ‎3.Write and find two special ones.‎ 通过学生的自主学习和发现,语法板块的规律和现象,从而层层推进,提炼出本单元的重点句型。学生在充分地参与和学习之中能准确理解和运用。‎ 26‎ ‎10‎ mins Fun time 1. There are 12 months in a year.‎ How mang seasons are there in a year?‎ Show the four seasons.‎ ‎2.Do you know the months of four seasons?‎ ‎3.What season do you like best?‎ Why?‎ ‎4.What parts can we talk about the seasons?‎ ‎5.Think and say ‎6.Draw and write ‎1.Four : spring,summer, autumn and winter ‎2. use the structure to talk about the seasons ‎“_____ is in ________.”‎ ‎3.Talk about the favourite season.‎ ‎4.the months ‎ things we see things we do festivals we have ‎5.Say something about the favourite season to partners.‎ ‎6. Draw and write something about your favourite season.‎ 通过对板块一系列的活动,从节日月份过度到对季节的充分学习,学生对所学知识进行推进式的综合输出。‎ ‎10‎ mins Group work:‎ ‎1.Show your writing in groups.‎ ‎2.Make a poster in your group.‎ ‎3.Make your poster more beautiful.‎ ‎4.show your poster in the class.‎ Talk about the seasons and write down something on the poster,then show the 通过海报制作,把所学语言融入海报中,达到强化。‎ 26‎ ‎ poster.‎ Homework ‎1.Try to know more about the names of twelve months.‎ ‎2. Make your poster better.‎ ‎3. Preview the culture time and cartoon time .‎ Blackboard writing Unit 7 Chinese festivals (Grammar time &Fun time )‎ Chinese Festivals 中国传统节日+ is in + month 月份 Unit7 Chinese festivals ( period2 )教学反思 我执教的是五年级下册unit7 Chinese festivals第二课时内容。我充分利用小组合作,自主学习,激发学生积极主动的参与教学活动,让学生在学校过程中不仅能构建知识,提高语言能力,而且通过感知、体验、实践、参与和合作探究活动等方式,主动完成任务和实现教学目标。‎ 在Grammar time的教学中,句式结构比较简单。在月份的教学中,月份的朗读和拼写是十分让人头痛的。因此,我让学生找一找月份之间的规律或是月份的来源来帮助记忆和拼写。所有月份的首字母都需要大写,在缩写中,May是没有一个缩写点的,Sept.是有四个字母组成的。‎ 26‎ 在复习完四个季节后,我直接由此导入了Fun time的教学,让学生来回答四个季节分别有哪些月份组成,并让学生说一说四个季节的天气和活动情况。在这一部分的教学中,我让学生先回忆了一下四年级学习的相关内容,方便学生掌握。为了进一步提高小学高年级学生英语学习能力,在完成书中Fun time板块中的Draw and say之后,我设计了小组四人一组设计海报的环节,让小组成员每个人挑选自己喜欢的季节,从不同角度进行绘画,写作及表达。超出我想象的事,学生的设计都很精彩,虽然有个别学生在用英语进行表达介绍时还存在着语法或细节的错误,但是他们乐于参与,敢于表现的精神值得我们称赞。‎ 下课后,根据学生的反馈,整节课总的来说内容不难,他们十分喜欢Fun time板块的绘画和制作活动。但是学生对于中国的传统节日和国际性的节日还是没有很好地区分。因此,对于这部分的情感教育还需要加强。此外,小组活动过程中,还应该更加关注到后进生的一些想法和表现,对其进行必要的指导。‎ 26‎

