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上海中考英语读音规则题 2 解题方法和真题演练 2 一、中考考纲对读音规则要求 2 二、读音规则 2 (一)元音字母在重读开、闭音节中的读音规则 2 1、a的发音 3 2、e的发音 4 3、i的发音 5 4、o的发音 6 5、u的发音 7 (二)辅音字母读音规则 8 1、辅音字母读音规则 8 2、辅音字母组合读音规则 8 3、h的读音 9 4、词尾s的读音 9 5、半元音y的发音 9 (三)字母组合读音规则 9 1、a字母组合 9 2、e字母组合 10 3、i字母组合 12 4、o字母组合 12 5、u字母组合 14 6、双元音字母+r 14 (四)重音规则 15 真题答案 16 上海中考英语读音规则题 解题方法和真题演练 一、中考考纲对读音规则要求 a. 元音字母在重读开、闭音节中的读音规则 b. 辅音字母的基本读音规则 c. 字母组合的读音规则 d. 单词重音 注:几个名词解释 音节:英语中以元音来划分音节,一个元音一个音节,以此类推,辅音是音节的分界线,但 两辅音之间不管有多少元音都是一个音节。 重读音节:就是加了重读符号‘ 的音节,如果是单音节词,这个唯一的音节就是重读音节。如果没有 重读符号,重读第一个音节。 开音节:指该音节以元音结尾。分为两种: 绝对开音节:以元音字母结尾的重读音节,叫绝对开音节,比如me; 相对开音节:含有1个元音字母的重读音节中,1个辅音+1个元音+1个辅音(r除外)+1个e结 尾,比如nose。 闭音节:指该音节以辅音结尾。 弱音节(非重读音节):指不重读的音节。重读音节符号’ 之后的那个音节是重读音节,其余音节都 是非重读音节。 附:48个音标 1、20个元音: 12个单元音/ɑ:/ / ʌ/ / ɔ:/ /ɒ/ /ə/ / ɜ:/ /i:/ /ɪ/ /u:/ /ʊ/ /e/ /æ/ 8个双元音:/eɪ/ /aɪ/ /ɒɪ/ /ɪə/ /eə/ /ʊə/ /əʊ/ /aʊ/ 2、28个辅音: 10个清辅音:/p/ / t/ / k/ /f/ /θ/ /s/ /ʃ/ /ts/ /tʃ//tr/ 18个浊辅音:/b/ /d/ /g/ /v/ /ð/ /z/ /ʒ/ /dz//dʒ/ /dr/ /m/ /n/ /ŋ/ / j/ / w/ / ǀ/ / h/ / r/ 二、读音规则 (一)元音字母在重读开、闭音节中的读音规则 a e i o u 开音节 (字母本身音) 音标 eɪ /i:/,/iə/ /aɪ/ /əu / ju: / 例 age he,serios kite nose cute 重读闭音节 音标 æ /e/ /i/ /ɔ/ /ʌ/ 例 bag desk six hot cut 弱音节 (非重读音节) 音标 /ə/,/i/ /ə/,/i/ /ə/,/i/ /ə/,/ɔ/,/əu /ə/,/ju:/ 例 ability发/ə/,private发/ɪ/ open发/ə/,become发/ɪ/ holiday发/ə/,family发/ɪ/ together发/ə/,mango发/ɔ/,obey发/əu/ album发/ə/,avenue 发/ju:/ 其他 o 如果出现在l、m、n、v和ther前,常常变音为中元音 [ʌ] 辅音字母j、l、r、s 后读 /u:/ come rude 1、a的发音 (1)a在重读开音节中发/eɪ/ age /eɪdʒ/ cage /keɪdʒ/ make /meɪk/ made /meɪd/ save /seɪv/ (2)a在重读闭音节中发/æ/ act /ækt/ dad /dæd/ catch /kætʃ/ fan /fæn/ hand /hænd/ (3)a在非重读闭音节,且是开头第一个音节,一般发/ə/ ability /əˈbɪləti/ ago /əˈgəʊ/ American /əˈmerɪkən/ 特殊: China /'tʃaɪnə/ animal /ˈænɪm(ə)l/ (4)a 在非重读音节,且是最后一个音节,一般发/ɪ/ private [ˈpraɪvɪt] image /‘ɪmɪdʒ/ manage /‘mænɪdʒ/ village /‘vɪlɪdʒ/ climate [ˈklaɪmɪt] 真题: (1)15年中考26. Which of the following words is pronounced /ʃeɪp / ? A.shape B.sheep C.shop D.ship (2)16奉贤一模26. Which of the following word matches the sound [seɪf] ? A.seem B.seat C. sense D. safe (3)18普陀二模 26. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others? A.This tea table is for sale B.Mark will plan for a trip to HongKong C.Where is my school bag? D.We usually have some noodles for lunch (4) 18浦东二模 26.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation ? A. garage B. manage C. lazy D. carry (5)15杨浦二模27. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others? A.I cried because of his angry words. B. This was my last chance to escape. C. He was wearing a dark brown jacket. D.He read by the light of the bedside lamp. (6)18金山一模26. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others? A.contact B.manage C.captain D.escape (7)16静安一模26. Sam was found innocent in the case and was finally set free. Which of the following is correct in pronunciation for the underlined word? A. /keis/ B. /kʌs/ C. /kaɪs/ D. /ka:s/ (8)17杨浦一模26. A much bigger battle is ahead for the president. Which of the following is the correct pronunciation for the underline part? A. /e/ B. /æ/ C. /a:/ D. /ei/ (9)17松江一模26. Which of the following words is pronounced /tæp / ? A. tap B. top C. tip D. tape (10)17黄浦一模26. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation? A. cake B. main C. map D. stay (11)16长宁一模 27. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others? A.Why are you so unhappy? B.We managed to get to the airport in time. C. She was captain of the volleyball team. D. Variety is the spice of life. (12)18闵行一模26. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation? A. admit B. familiar C. apologize D. program 2、e的发音 (1)e在开音节中发/i:/或/iə/ 开音节中发/i:/ eve /i:v/ n. 夏娃 theme /θi:m/n. 主题 zebra /'ziːbrə] n.斑马 he /hiː/ pron. 他 she /ʃiː/ n. 女人 me /mi:/ pron. 我 we /wiː/ pron. 我们 开音节中发/iə/ serios zero hero (2)在闭音节中发/e/ leg /leg/ n. 腿 desk /desk/ n. 办公桌 cell /sel/ n. 细胞 chest [tʃest] n. 胸 net /net/ n. 网 web /web/ n. 网 nest /nest/ n. 巢,窝 pencil /'pensəl/ n. 铅笔 beg /beg/ vi. 乞讨 edit /'edɪt/ vt. 编辑 less /les/ n. 较少 pen /pen/n. 钢笔 (12)字母e 在非重读音节中发[ə] 或/i/ 当e未非重读音节,且该e在重读音节后面,该e发/ ə /: evidence /‘evɪdəns/ angel /‘eɪndʒ(ə)l/ darken /‘dɑːk(ə)n/ novel /‘nɒv(ə)l/ happen /‘hæp(ə)n/ label /‘leɪb(ə)l/ open /‘əʊp(ə)n/ silent /‘saɪlənt/ camel /‘kæm(ə)l/ even /‘iːv(ə)n/ enemy /‘enəmɪ/ 当e未非重读音节,且该e在重读音节前面,该e发/ ɪ / become /bɪ’kʌm/ behave /bɪ’heɪv/ decide /dɪ’saɪd/ deny /dɪ’naɪ/ predict /prɪ’dɪkt/ resist /rɪ’zɪst/ belong /bɪ’lɒŋ/ relax /rɪ’læks/ 特殊:elephant /‘elɪf(ə)nt/ 真题: (1)16中考26· Let's take a rest and listen to somemusic.Which is correct for the underlined part? A./e/ B./i:/ C./i/ D./ə/ (2)18杨浦二模26.Which of the following words is pronounced as /fens/? A. fans B. fence C. face D.fax (3)18虹口一模 26. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation? A. method B.schedule C.text D.serious (4)17徐汇一模 26.Many leaders from different countries attended the open ceremony of the G20 summit in Hangzhou in 2016.Which is correct for the underlined part? A. /i/ B./e/ C./ə/ D./ʌ/ (5)16普陀一模 26.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others? A. He has a good memory for face. B.The valley goes from west to east.. C. She has changed a lot in recent years. D. He had a pain in the neck.. (6)17宝山一模26. The mother tries to prevent her child from playing computer games. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence? A./prɪ'vent/ B./pre'vent/ C. /prə 'vent/ D./prɪ'vənt/ (7)18杨浦一模26. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation? A. method B. enemy C. memory D. recent (8)18徐汇一模26. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation? A. rest B. mention C. result D. mess (9)18宝山一模 26. Mother told Tom to behave himself. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence? A./bɪ'hev/ B. /bɪ'heɪv/ C. /be'heɪv/ D. /bɪ'hi: v/ (10)17崇明二模 27.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others? A. I play table tennis with her every afternoon. B. After she graduated from university, Kate was sent to Japan at once. C. We're going to listen to a lecture given by a famous professor. D. He had a high fever because of the changeable weather. 3、i的发音 (1) i在开音节中发/aɪ/ bite /baɪt/ climate /'klaɪmət/ bike /baɪk/ like /laɪk/ kite /kaɪt/ knives /naɪvz/ writer /‘raɪtə/ pie /paɪ/ ice /aɪs/ rice /raɪs/ crime /kraɪm/ Bible /'baɪb(ə)l/ cry /kraɪ/ dry /draɪ/ July /dʒʊˈlaɪ/ type /taɪp/ my /maɪ/ shine /ʃaɪn/ shy /ʃaɪ/ sky /skaɪ/ fly /flaɪ/ try /traɪ/ five /faɪv/ time /taɪm/ tide /taɪd/ strike /straɪk/ while /waɪl/ alike /ə’laɪk/ (2) I在闭音节中发 /ɪ/ bit /bɪt/ cliff /klɪf/ bridge /brɪdʒ/ dig /dɪg/ fit /fɪt/ kiss /kɪs/ lip /lɪp/ mix /mɪks/ pity /'pɪtɪ/ big /bɪg/ city /'sɪtɪ/ pig /pɪg/ pick /pɪk/ myth /mɪθ/ sit /sɪt/ wind /wɪnd/ six /sɪks/ (3) 字母i 在非重读音节中发/ə/ /ɪ/ , clinic /‘klɪnɪk/ family /‘fæmɪlɪ/ holiday /'hɒlɪdeɪ/ hospital /'hɒspɪt(ə)l/ native /'neɪtɪv/ medicine /'medɪsɪn/ (4) 字母i 在非重读音节中发/aɪ/ advertise /‘ædvətaɪz/ apologize /ə’pɒlədʒaɪz/ appetite /‘æpɪtaɪt /exercise /‘eksəsaɪz/ 其他: (5)双音节词的结尾是“辅音字母+le”,前面的i所在的音节是绝对开音节时,i读[ai]。 例如:title[’taitl] Bible[’baibl] rifle[raifl] (6)在-igh,-ight,-ign,-ild,-ind中,i读[ai]。 例如:bright [’brait] high[hai] child[tʃaild] 但是也有例外, 例如:children['tʃildrən] wind[wind] (7)在词尾-ile,-ite,-ise,-ize,-wise里,i读[ai]。 例如:advertise ['ædvətaiz] crocodile['krɔkə,dail] appetite[’æpitait] realize['riəlaiz] otherwise['ʌðəwaiz] (8)在词尾一ique里,i读[i:]。 例如:antique [æn’ti:k]; technique [tek’ni:k]; unique [ju’ni:k] . (9)在双音节和多音节词中i读。 例如:differ ['difə]; fifteen ['fifti:n]; history ['histəri]; mixture ['mikstʃə]; village ['vilidʒ] ;winner ['winə]; 真题: (1)16崇明一模26.Which of the following words is pronounced as /prais/? A.piece B. price C. praise D. practice (2)17长宁二模26. Which of the following words matches the sound /laif/? A. laugh B. leaf C. life D. live (3)长宁二模26.Which of the following words is pronounced as /praiz/? A. praise B. prize C. price D. prison (4)15奉贤二模27. Which of the following words matches the sounds /praiz/? A. prize B. praise C. price D. piece (5)15浦东二模26. Mr. Li awarded me a prize for my wonderful performance at the English party. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word? A. /priz/ B. /praiz/ C. /pris/ D. /prais/ (6)16普陀一模 26.Which of the following words matches the sound / baɪt /? A. bit B. bite C. beat D. boat (7)15金山二模26. Which of the following word matches the sound /wain/? A. win B. wine C.when D. widen (8)16闵行二模 26. Which of the following words is pronounced / 'faɪə/ ? A.floor B.fine C. fire D. flight (9) 18崇明二模 26. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation? A.wisdom B.blind C.trip D.simple (10)16杨浦一模26.Which of the following words is pronounced as /waild/? A. world B. wide C. wild D. wind (11)16崇明二模26.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others? A.Sue is flying the kite with her cousin on the grass. B. He began to go to his company on his bicycle. C. Would you please help me pick out the bad oranges? D. I saw Mike hiding behind the sofa when I entered (12).18黄浦二模26.Which of the following underlined parts matches the sound /i /? A. wine B. fight C. high D. habit (13)15闵行二模26. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others? A. Ann survived in the earthquake. B. Would you like some tea?. C. My aunt lives in the east of China. D. There is a picture in my mind. (14)17宝山一模27. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others? A.He acts as a killer in the film. B. When did you arrive at the airport? C. Can you help me fix the chair? D. This is an industrial robot (15)18崇明一模26. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation? A.medicine B.list C.bright D.city (16)15徐汇二模26. Little Tom hid himself under the bed. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word? A. /haid/ B. /ha:d/ C. /hid/ D. /hæd/ 4、o的发音 (1) o在开音节中发/əu/ no /nəʊ/ go /gəʊ/ nose /nəʊz/ rose /rəʊz/ vote /vəʊt/ toe /təʊ/ ago /ə'gəʊ/ close /kləʊs/ coke /kəʊk/ lotus /‘ləʊtəs/ 特殊:host/həust/ (2) o在闭音节中发/ɔ/ hot /hɒt/ body /'bɒdɪ/ boss /bɒs/ clock /klɒk/ coffee /'kɒfɪ/ copy /'kɒpɪ/ frog /frɒg/ god /ɡɒd/ job /dʒɒb/ ox /ɒks/ fox /fɒks/ box /bɒks/ cop /kɒp/ (3) o 在非重读音节中发[ə] together /tə’geðə/ connect /kə'nekt/ consist /kən’sɪst/ contain /kən'teɪn/ domain /də'meɪn/ (4) o 在非重读音节中发/əu/ hotel /həʊ’tel/ Leo /‘li:əu/ mango /‘mæŋgəʊ/ photo /‘fəʊtəʊ/ radio /'reɪdɪəʊ/ tomato /tə’mɑːtəʊ/ November /nəʊ’vembə/ obey /əʊ’beɪ/ (5) o 如果出现在l、m、n、v和th前,常常变音为中元音[ʌ] colour come none love other nothing (6) 在move, prove及其派生词中发/u:/,如improve 真题: (1)18松江二模26. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others? A. sorry B. pocket C.also D.common (2)18静安一模 27. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others? A. We have a training program. B. The way you speak is very common. C. The doctor operated on him immediately. D. I have been in contact with him. (3)18虹口二模 26. My dream is to be a host in the future.Which of the following is correct for underlined parts? A. /hɔst/ B./hɔ:st/ C./həust/ D./haust/ (4)17普陀二模26.My friends are not interested in politics . Which of the following is correct for the underlined letter in the word ? A. /ʌ/ B./ɔ/ C./u/ D./ə/ (5)18金山二模 Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation? A. cotton B. wonder C.stomach D.onion (6) 15杨浦二模26. They are searching for the plane’s lost flight recorder. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence? A./ lu:st/ B./lʌst / C./lɔst/ D./ləust/ (7) 16静安二模26. Which of the following words is pronounced/mʌnθ/ ? A. mouth B. month C. maths D. mouse (8) 16虹口二模26. He showed them the pictures to prove his idea. Which of the following is correct? (9) 18嘉定二模26.We chose to do cross-country running.Which of the following is correct for the underlined part? A./ t u:z/ B./ t əuz/ C./ t əz/ D./ t uəz/ 5、u的发音 (1) U在开音节中发/ ju: /,例如:(注:本文所有//的音标为英音音标,[]的音标为美音音标. duty /'djuːtɪ/ huge /hju:dʒ/ music /ˈmju:zɪk/ puma /ˈpju:mə/ use /ju:s/ tutor /'tjuːtə/ cucumber /'kjuːkʌmbə/ (2) U在闭音节中发[ʌ] bubble /'bʌb(ə.l/ cut /kʌt/ dust /dʌst/ luck /lʌk/ hug /hʌg/ lung /lʌŋ/ rubbish /ˈrʌbɪʃ/ summer /ˈsʌmə(r./ (3)字母u 在非重读音节中发[ə] album /'ælbəm/ circus /ˈsɜ:kəs/ autumn /'ɔːtəm/ bonus /'bəʊnəs/ lotus /'ləʊtəs/ submit /səb'mɪt/ supply /sə'plaɪ/ support /sə'pɔːt/ (4)字母u 在非重读音节中发/ju:/ accurate /'ækjʊrət/ avenue /ˈævənju:/ costume /'kɒstjuːm/ educate /'edjʊkeɪt/ annual /'ænjʊəl/ situate /ˈsɪtʃueɪt/ statue /ˈstætʃu:/ value /ˈvælju:/ (5)字母u 在辅音字母l、r、j、s 后读/u:/ ,例如: clue /kluː/ n. 线索 exclude /ɪk'skluːd/ junior /'dʒuːnɪə/ n. 年少者 rude /ruːd/ rule /ruːl/ rumor /'ru:mə/ vt.谣传 salute /səˈlu:t/ n.敬礼; 致敬blue/blu:/ super /'suːpə/ n. 特级品 Susan /'su:zn/ n. 苏珊(女子名) 真题: (1) 17静安二模26. How is your lunch at school ? Which is correct for the underlined part ?// A./u/ B. /ʌ/ C. /ɔ:/ D. /a:/ (2) 16徐汇二模26.It’s not right to judge a book by its cover. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word? A. /dʒu: dʒ / B. 〔ju: dʒ〕C. 〔dʒʌdʒ〕D. 〔dʒʌŋg〕 (3) 17松江二模26. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others? A. You just leave the door open. B. He passed the driving test out of luck. C. Don’t push me with your hand. D. It is not allowed to hunt for wild animals. (二).辅音字母读音规则 1、辅音字母读音规则 2、辅音字母组合读音规则 3、h的读音 一般发/h/,例如how;在句首,有时不发音,如honest, hour, honor 真题: (1) 16嘉定一模27.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others? A. My dad is the most honest man I have ever met before. B. It is a great honor not only for our country but also for the city. C. I have a horrible feeling we're going to miss the plane. D. It took me half an hour's ride to the company from my home. 4、词尾s的读音 (1) 轻音+/s/, 如p,k,t,f+/s/ 例如:jumps (2) 响亮音+/z/, 如/ʒ/,/w/, /l/+/z/ 例如:interviews (3) s类似的音,如x ,s,ch +/iz/,例如:boxes, churches, buses, foxes, dishes, watches 真题: (1) 17浦东一模26. Which of the following underlined parts is different from the others in pronunciation? A. jumps B.conclusions C. interviews D. miles 5、半元音y的发音 (1) 一般句首发/j/,如young; (2)不在句首,单词中不含a,i,e,o,u五个元音时,y当元音,发/ai/ (3) 不在句首,单词中含a,i,e,o,u五个元音时,y发/i/ 真题: (1) 17中考26. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation? A. fly B. lazy C. already D. cloudy (三) 字母组合读音规则 1、a字母组合 字母组合 位置 读音 例词 真题 ai,ay 重读音节中 / ei/ wait fail main rain chain say may today 特殊:said/sed/ 有 au,aw 重读音节中 /ɔ:/ autumn,August draw saw 无 al 在大多辅音字母前 /ɔ:/,/ɔ:l/ ball wall small talk 有 在f,m前 /a:/ half,calm,palm(棕榈树) 无 ar 通常 /a:/ garden guard 有 非重读音节 /ə:/ dollar 无 字母w,qu后 /ɔ:/ warm quarter 有 真题: (1) 18青浦二模26. When it rains, it pours.Which is correct for the underlined part? A. /e/ B. /i:/ C. /ai/ D. /ei/ (2) 16杨浦二模26. Which of the following is pronounced as /tʃein/? A. train B. chance C. Chain D.shine (3) 17虹口二模26. Which of the following words is pronounced/sed/? A. seed B. sad C. said D. side (4) 17奉贤二模26. The mother elephant was walking “hand in hand” with her baby. Which of the following is correct for the underline word in the sentence? A. ['wз:kiŋ] B. ['wɔ:kiŋ] C. ['wa:kiŋ] D. ['wi:kiŋ] (5) 18静安一模26. Which of the following words is pronounced as /gɑːd/? A. garden B. gold. C. guide D. guard (6) 18长宁一模 26. Which of the following words as pronounced as /mɑ:k/ ? A. match B. March C. mark D. math (7) 16普陀二模27. He was tired after running a quarter of a mile. Which of the following is correct for the underlined letters in the word? A./ɔ:/ B./e/ C./a:/ D./ʌ/ (8) 17闵行二模26. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others ? A. Smoking is harmful to our health. B. There is a warning a sign on the wall . C. Tom is a big fan of cartoon films D. My mother bought some fish in the market . 2、e字母组合 字母组合 位置 读音 例词 真题 ea 重读音节 /i:/ read(原型. meat speak tea leave reason 有 重读音节 /e/ bread read(过去式,过分. insteadhealthy 有 重读音节 /ei/ great steak 有 重读音节 /iə/ fear 有 ee 重读音节 /i:/ bee feel screen 有 ei 重读音节 /ei/ weight 无 er 重读音节,一般 /ə:/ person nervous 无 非重读音节 /ə/ teacher player yesterday 有 ew 重读音节 /ju:/ new 有 重读音节 /u:/ crew 无 ed结尾 清辅音p,k,f,s后 /t/ worked finished 有 元音+浊辅音后 /d/ lived called 无 /t/和/d/后 /id/ wounded needed started 有 真题: (1) 16宝山二模26.Nodding head means“yes” in our country.Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence? A./mi:ns/ B./mi:nz/ C./mi:ŋs/ D./mi:ŋz/ (2) 16长宁金山二模26. Mary can speakAmerican English very well. Which of the following matches the underlined word? A. /spek/ B. /speik/ C. /spə:k/ D. /spi:k/ (3) 15静安二模27. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others? A. Old John has been dead for a year. B. Smoking is harmful to our health. C. The headline has told us a lot. D. It' nice to breathe fresh air in the park. (4) 18普陀一模26.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others? A. Don’t put your feet on my seat! B. We will reach Beijing in 2 hours. C. What’s the meaning of this word? D. Could I have some noodles instead of rice? (5) 15松江二模 26. Which of the following words matches the sound /redi/ ? A. ready B. read C. ride D. red (6) 18奉贤二模26.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others? A. Have you read the headline of China Daily toady? B. Robert was eager to talk about his life in the army. C. His friendship meant a great deal to her, especially when she was in trouble. D. Susan had a pleasant night on her birthday with her friends. (7) 16徐汇一模27.Which is of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others? A. Jane’s diet is very healthy. B. What a heavy rain it is! C.Let’s get ready for the party! D. Nobody knows the reason. (8) 15宝山二模26. John read the book again in order to get more information from it. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence? A. /r i :d/ B. /red/ C. /reid/ D. /raid/ (9) 17长宁二模27. Which of the following underlined parts is different iii pronunciation from the others? A. You will be able to read in peace. B. Shall I ask for a larger steak? C. Ice cream is high in fat and sugar. D. Who is weak in spoiling in our class? (10) 16黄浦二模26. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others? A. You will be able to read in peace. B. Shall I ask for a large steak? C. Ice cream is high in fat and sugar. D. Who is weak in spelling in class? (11) 18黄浦一模26.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation? A. meat B. cheap C. reach D. steak (12) 17静安一模26.Which of the following words is pronounced /skri:n/? A. storm B. screen C. steam D. stone (13) 15长宁二模27. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation? A. Jenny is a very humorous person. B. I went shopping yesterday. C. There is an advertisement board. D. Don’t be nervous, please! (14) 17徐汇二模26.Which of the following words matches the sound / nju: /? A. now B. nor C. new D. near (15) 17嘉定一模fetchedWhich of the following is correct for the underlined word? A. /‘fetʃd/ B. /‘fetʃt/ C. /‘feitʃd/ D. /‘feitʃt/ (16) 16宝山二模27.Which of the following on the right parts is different in pronunciation with others? A.They saved that wounded soldier. B. They lacked much money. C. He asked me to help his sister. D. He jumped highest in his class. (17)嘉定一模26.My cousin had a bad cold last week. She coughed day and night. Which of the following is correct for the underlined part? A. [kͻfd] B. [kͻft] C. [kͻ:fd] D.[kͻ:ft] 3、i字母组合 字母组合 位置 读音 例词 真题 ia 重读音节 /iə/ media 无 ie 重读绝对开音节 /ai/ lie pie die tie 无 重读,辅音字母前 /i:/ field piece 有 /aiə/ diet 无 ir 重读音节 /ə:/ first girl skirt 无 igh 重读音节 /ai/ night right high 无 真题: (1) 16奉贤二模 27. Which of the following words matches the sound /fi:ld/? A. feed B. field C. fed D. find 字母组合 位置 读音 例词 真题 oa 重读音节,一般 /əu/ boat coat 有 重读音节,特殊 /ɔ:/ broad abroad 有 oi oy 重读音节 /ɔi/ oil noise boy join 无 oo 重读音节,一般 /u:/ room tool cool too tooth fool food 有 重读音节,k前 /u/ book look cook full wood good foot 有 重读音节,特殊 /ʌ/ blood flood 有 ou 重读音节 /au/ house 有 重读音节,l前 /əu/ shoulder soul foul mould 有 重读音节,gh前 /ʌ/ enough tough 此外: double young country touch 有 重读音节,特殊 /u:/ soup would 有 重读音节,特殊 /u/ you 无 重读音节,ght前 /ɔ:/ thought 有 非重读音节 /ə/ famous 无 重读音节 /ɔ/ cough 无 4、o字母组合字母组合 位置 读音 例词 真题 or 重读音节,一般 /ɔ:/ boring north door for 有 非重读音节 /ə/ director 无 重读音节,w后 /ə:/ word worm 无 重读音节,特殊 /ɔ/ foreign 有 ow 重读音节,通常鼻音后 /au/ cow now how brown 有 重读或非重读音节,通常摩擦音后 /əu/ slow blow window throw 有 真题:(1)16崇明一模27.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation? A. abroad B.boat C.goal D.coat (2)18徐汇二模 26.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation? A. abroad B.coat C.goal D.road (3)18青浦一模26.Which of the followingwords matches the sound /ful/? A.fill B.fool C.full D.fall (4)16松江二模26.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others? A. He is an excellent cook in the hotel. B. Please have a look at the blackboard. C. He is really good at spoken English. D. The food price is going up every year. (5) 15崇明二模26. The food my mother cooks is delicious. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word? A. /f ɔ:d/ B./fu:d/ C./fud/ D./fɔnd/ (6)15长宁二模26. The greenhouse effect may cause the level of the sea to rise and flood cities or even countries. Which of the following is correct for the underlined word in the sentence? A. /flɔ:d/ B. /flu:d/ C. /flʌd/ D. /fləud/ (7)15奉贤二模26. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others? A. More and more people spend their holidays in another country. B. The young lady over there is my aunt. C. He is old enough to look after himself. D. This house is made of wood. (8)17崇明一模Which of the following underlined words is pronounced /sound/? A. song B. sound C. son D. soon (9)18奉贤一模Which of the following underlined words matches the sound /θru:/? A. though B. through C. thought D. thorough (10)18闵行二模26. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others? A. double B. proud C. shouted D. house (11)18嘉定一模27.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others? A. Linda helps do the housework at home. B. Speak louder, please? C.I would like to be a pilot. D. Could you please give me a discount? (12) 17普陀一模26.Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others? A. Put your hand on my shoulder B. Mother is so proud of me C. Tom drew a mouse just now D. Can the kid count numbers (13)17虹口一模26. We express our thought with words. Which of the following is correct for the underlined part in the word? A. /ɔ:/ B. /əu/ C. /au/ D. /ɔ/ (14)16黄浦一模26.Which of the following matches /nɔ:θ/? A. nice B. nose C. north D. noise (15)18静安二模26.Which of the following matches /bɔ:riŋ/? A. bring B. boring C. brown D. borrow (16) 16闸北二模26.foreign . Which of the following is correct for the underlined word? A. /‘fɔ:rin/ B. /fɔ’rein/ C. /‘fɔrin/ D. /fɔ:’ri:n/ (17)16奉贤二模26. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation? A. You’d better stay at home because the wind blows strongly outside. B. There are many beautiful scenes out of the window in spring. C. Could you tell me how to get to the Natural Museum? D. Throw the litter when you go out . (18)17青浦一模26. Which of the following underlined parts is pronounced /au/? A. know B. narrow C. Brown D. owner (19)15宝山二模27. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation with others? A. The new store is crowded with customers. B. Brown is Lucy’s favorite color. C. They waited for the news with a growing sense of anxiety. D. Nowadays children prefer watching TV to reading books. 5、u字母组合 字母组合 位置 读音 例词 真题 ue 重读音节 /u:/ blue 无 重读音节 /ju:/ Tuesday 无 重读音节 /uə/ influence 无 ui 重读音节 /ju:/ fruit 无 重读音节 /u:/ suit 无 ur 重读音节 /ə:/ nurse turn hurt Thursday 无 真题:无 6、双元音字母+r 字母组合 发音 例词 真题 air /eə/ hair air fairpair 有 eer /iə/ cheer beer 无 ear /iə/ dearclear 有 /eə/ bearfear 有 /ə:/ learn 无 oor /uə/ poor 无 /ɔ:/ door 无 our /auə/ our 无 /ɔ:/ four 无 真题:(1)15黄浦二模26. Which of the following word matches the sound /peə/? A. pain B. pair C. pale D. pearl (2)17黄浦二模26.Which of the following words is pronounced[feə]? A. fill B. fair C. fear D. fire (3)18浦东一模26.Which of the following words is pronounced[fiə]? A. fill B. fear C. fair D. feel (4)16徐汇一模26.I can see fear in his eyes.Which on the following is correct for the underlined word? A. /fiə/ B. /feə/ C. /fi:ə/ D. /faə/ 7、tion 字母组合 位置 发音 例词 真题 tion 一般 /ʃən/ station information 无 es后面 /tʃən/ question suggestion 有 真题:(1)16奉贤一模27. Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from others? A. Tom needs some information for his project. B. I have many questions to ask you. C. His situation is even worse than before. D. Cars are a major source of pollution. (四)重音规则 真题答案 (一)1、a的发音:1.A 2.D3.A4.C5.B6.A 7.A 8.B 9.A 10. C 11.D 12. D 2、e的发音:1.A 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.C 6.A 7.D 8.C 9.B 10. D 3、i的发音: 1.B 2. C 3.B 4.A 5.B 6.B 7.B 8.B 9.B 10.C 11.C 12. D 13.C 14.B 15.C 16.C 4、o的发音:1.C 2.A 3.C 4.B 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.C 9.B 5、u的发音:1.B2.C 3.C (二.辅音字母的发音 1、h的发音1. C 2、s的发音1.A 3、y的发音1.A (三)字母组合的发音 1、a字母组合1.D 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.D 6.C 7.A 8.B 2、e字母组合1.B 2.D 3.D 4.D 5. A 6.B 7.D 8.B 9.B 10.B 11.D 12.B 13.B 14.C 15.B 16.A 17.B 3、i字母组合 1.B 4、o字母组合 1.A 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.B 6.C 7.D 8.B 9.B 10.A 11.C 12.A 13.A 14.C 15.B 16.C 17.C 18.C 6、双元音字母+r 1.B 2.C 3.B 4.A 7、tion 1.B 查看更多