人教版八年级英语上册 第一单元测试卷(附参考答案)

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人教版八年级英语上册 第一单元测试卷(附参考答案)

八上人教笔试英语测评卷第一单元 一、(  )1.—What did you do on the beach?‎ ‎—We       beach volleyball there.‎ A.play B.plays C.played D.playing 二、(  )2.—       did you go there with?‎ ‎—I went there with my parents.‎ A.How B.When C.Where D.Who 三、(  )3.—       you go to Kunming last month?‎ ‎—Yes, I did.‎ A.Do B.Did C.Does D.Are 四、(  )4.—       was your vacation?‎ ‎—It was great.‎ A.Where B.What C.How D.Why 五、(  )5.There are       apples in the box.We need to buy some.‎ A.few B.a few C.little D.a little 六、(  )6.The cake       good.Can you give me another one?‎ A.feels B.tastes C.sounds ‎ D.hears 七、(  )7.It was very cold.They decided       at home.‎ A.stay B.to stay C.stayed D.staying 八、(  )8.Do you enjoy       books?‎ A.seeing B.to see C.reading D.to read 九、(  )9.There must be       wrong with the clock.It doesn’t work.‎ A.anything B.something C.everything D.nothing 十、(  )10.I’m not interested in the movie.I feel       .‎ A.boring B.bored C.excited D.exciting 十一、完形填空。‎ Dear Amy,‎ ‎  I’m writing to you at home now.I just  11  back from Sludge Beach yesterday.Peter and I were on vacation there  12  our children for a week.‎ ‎  We were  13  on the way to the beach.But when we got there, things were different.The weather wasn’t good.It was  14  and it was a little cold.On the last day, it was still (仍然) raining and we only  15  at the hotel.It was really boring.Our children weren’t happy.They didn’t go to the beach  16  it rained heavily.Sometimes they lay on the bed, and sometimes they  17  TV.They were bored and didn’t  18  a good time.‎ ‎  Also, the restaurants there weren’t  19 , and the food was awful.We really had a terrible  20 .I hope our next vacation can be better.‎ ‎                                    Yours,‎ ‎                                     Lucy ‎(  )11.A.come B.comes C.came D.coming ‎(  )12.A.on B.with C.for D.from ‎(  )13.A.excited B.tired C.sad D.bored ‎(  )14.A.sunny B.rainy C.windy D.snowy ‎(  )15.A.ate B.arrived C.visited D.stayed ‎(  )16.A.and B.or C.but D.because ‎(  )17.A.watch B.watched C.see D.saw ‎(  )18.A.have B.make C.decide D.think ‎(  )19.A.expensive B.clean C.crowded D.busy ‎(  )20.A.camp B.festival C.report D.vacation 十二、根据短文内容,判断句子正(T)误(F)。‎ ‎  Tea is popular in the world, but more than three hundred years ago most of the people in Europe did not know anything about tea.‎ ‎  Once an English trader came back from China for Christmas holiday.He gave his uncle some tea as a present.His uncle told his friends about the present and asked them to come to a “tea party”.When his friends came,he took out some tea-leaves and asked them to eat.Of course, nobody liked the tea-leaves.‎ ‎  Just at that time the trader came in.He looked at the table and asked, “Uncle, what did you do with the tea?”‎ ‎  “I boiled it as you said.”‎ ‎  “And what did you do with the water?”‎ ‎  “I poured it away, of course.”‎ ‎  “Now you may throw away the leaves, too,”said the trader.‎ ‎(  )21.The trader gave his uncle some tea as New Year’s present.‎ ‎(  )22.The trader was an Englishman.‎ ‎(  )23.The trader’s uncle did not know how to drink tea.‎ ‎(  )24.In the story, everyone liked drinking tea.‎ ‎(  )25.More than three hundred years ago most Europeans knew nothing about tea.‎ 十三、根据短文内容,从题中所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出正确选项。‎ ‎            How Do I Like to Travel?‎ ‎  Many people like to travel by plane, but I don’t like it because an airport is usually far from the city.You have to get there early and wait for hours for the plane to take off and it is often late.You can’t open the windows.You can’t choose the food.Planes are fast, but you still take hours to get out of the airport and into the city.‎ ‎  I like traveling by train.I think trains are safe.Railway stations are usually in cities.When you are late for a train, you can catch another one.You can walk around in the train and open the windows.You can see many interesting things on your way though it takes a little more time.‎ ‎  I also like cars.You can start your journey when you want to, and you don’t need to get to a railway station or a bus stop.Also you can carry many things with you in a car.But sometimes there are too many cars on the road.‎ ‎(  )26.Why do many people like to travel by plane?‎ A.Because it is fast.‎ B.Because it is safe.‎ C.Because you can walk around in the plane.‎ D.Because you can open the windows.‎ ‎(  )27.Which is not the good thing about the train?‎ A.It is safe.‎ B.It takes a little more time.‎ C.You can open the windows.‎ D.You can walk around in the train.‎ ‎(  )28.If you want to take a lot of things with you,what do you take to go out?‎ A.A bus.‎ B.A car.‎ C.A train.‎ D.A plane.‎ ‎(  )29.What is the bad thing about the car?‎ A.You needn’t go to a station.‎ B.You can start your journey when you want to.‎ C.There are too many cars on the road.‎ D.You can carry many things with you.‎ ‎(  )30.What does the writer think of the plane,train and car?‎ A.He can’t open the windows in the train.‎ B.He likes to take a train because it takes a little more time.‎ C.He likes to take a car because he has a car.‎ D.He thinks it takes a lot of time to go to and get out of the airport.‎ 十四、根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ ‎  Last weekend our geography teacher, Mr.Read, took us to Greentown on a school trip.He wrote letters to some hotels there.In the end he chose Ally Hotel.‎ ‎   31  Mr.Read drove the school bus.The journey took many hours! Some of us were asleep on the way because we got up very early in the morning.We finally arrived in Greentown at nearly 11: 30 a.m.Then it started to rain heavily.On Sunday morning, when we went downstairs for breakfast, we got a surprise. 32  Then at lunchtime, one of the boys fell into the river.Luckily,  33  He heard his shouts and ran out to save him.The Sunday afternoon was terrible, too.Two girls didn’t tell Mr.Read and went to the center of the town.They got lost.A policeman brought them back to our hotel. 34  We returned to our city on Sunday evening. 35  We had a terrible trip! ‎ A.We were cold, wet and tired.‎ B.There was water everywhere in the kitchen.‎ C.We left home at 7:00 a.m.on Saturday.‎ D.Mr.Read shouted at them because he was very angry.‎ E.We got up early on Sunday morning and looked outside.‎ F.Mr.Read was very good at swimming.‎ G.We were very happy.‎ ‎31.      32.      33.      34.      35.    ‎ 十五、根据句意,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。‎ ‎36.I decided          (buy) a new bag.‎ ‎37.The boy         (wait) for his friends on the street yesterday.‎ ‎38.My mother        (try) going shopping online last year.‎ ‎39.Bob          (do not) have breakfast this morning.‎ ‎40.I can look after       (I) when my parents are not at home.‎ 十六、将下列句子中的汉语部分译成英语,注意使用适当的形式。‎ ‎41.Laura           yesterday.(待在家里)‎ ‎42.         people like this food.(相当多)‎ ‎43.        , there are other ways of doing this.(当然)‎ ‎44.What do people usually do          ?(在假期)‎ ‎45.We didn’t go to the park           the bad weather.(因为)‎ 十七、书面表达。‎ ‎  你一定有过许多难忘的假期。请你写一篇60词左右的英语短文,描述你印象最深刻的那个假期。包括以下内容:‎ ‎  1.Where did you go? ‎ ‎  2.What did you do? ‎ ‎  3.How was the weather there?‎ ‎  4.How were the people and the food there? ‎ ‎  5.What did you think of it?‎ ‎                                       ‎ ‎                                       ‎ ‎                                       ‎ ‎                                       ‎ 参考答案 一、C 二、D 三、B 四、C 五、A 六、B 七、B 八、C 九、B 十、B 十一、11-15 CBABD ‎16-20 DBABD 十二、21-25 FTTFT 十三、26-30 ABBCD 十四、31-35 CBFDA 十五、36. to buy 37. waited 38. tried 39. didn’t 40. myself 十六、41. stayed at home 42. Quite a few 43. Of course 44. on vacation 45. because of 十七、Last weekend my parents and I went to Mountain Tai. We took a bus there. It was sunny and hot that day. We went to the top of the mountain. We took many photos and I bought some gifts for my friends. The people there were friendly. We ate much good food. I can’t call its name, but it was delicious. On Sunday we were back home. I think our trip is very good. I want to go there again.‎

