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2000 年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷) My Experience in a Free School 【答案与解析】 本文讲述了“我”在一所 free school 的经历。free school 与一般学校不同:教室里没有 成排的桌椅,没有上课的铃声,学生可以不必在教室上课,也不必按时就寝…总之,free school 充分体现 free。但是令“我”意想不到的是,那儿的学生却非常自觉。 1. A。根据常识和题目中提到的 free school 以及空格后的 in rows,可知答案选 A。 2 C。由于学校一切都很 free,不仅没有上课的铃声,而且也没有人要求学生一定要去 上课(go to class)。 3. B。根据前面几句的句意和句子结构可知答案选 B。 4. D。在一般人看来,在如此 free 的学校里,学生一定会为所欲为,但事实完全不是 那样,所以作者这是件很“奇怪的”(strange)事。(注:本句中的 practically 意为“几乎”) 5. A。and 表并列关系。 6. C。作者在此将新生与老生作了个对照:老生按时上课和就寝,而有的新生则熬夜(即 不按时就寝)和缺课(miss class)。 7. B。根据其后的 but this never lasted long 可知此处应填 at first(起初)。 8. A。指学生需要一定的时间来适应 free school 里的这种特殊的“自由”(freedom)。此句 也可说成 It took the students some time to get used to the freedom。 9. D。一般情况下,老师都把学生当孩子看待,但这里的老师却把学生当作 grown-ups(成 年人)看待——这也是 free school 与一般学校不同的地方。 10. C。比较四个选项,同时联系空格后用作宾语的 stand up, sit down, speak out,可知 选 C 最佳。这里的 play 表示“做”,同时含有“表演”的意思。 11. D。比较四个短语的意思可知 D 最佳。 12. B。答案依据是文章最后一句…between the free school and the regular school。 13. C。/ 14. A。春秋两季不上植物课,取而代之去 …planted two gardens, a vegetable garden and a flower garden——这正是这所 free school 与一般学校不同之处。 15. B。then 表示时间顺序。即春秋先播种,然后冬天再研究所种植物。 16. D。particular 在此表示“特定的”。 17. C。在数学课上同学们学习建造储藏室——这当然(of course)是小房子而不是大房子。 18. B。had a great time 意为“过得愉快”。 19. D。figure out 意为“算出”。如:Please figure out the total cost. 请计算出总费用。 20. A。作者在文中介绍 free school 中的一般情况时,均用了主语 we,但在谈到 math 时,作者则说 In math the students built… / They did this… / They really had… 等,这说明作 者把自己排除在学数学之外,故此题 A。I didn’t take math 的意思是“我没有选修数学”。 21. C。作者没有选修数学有两方面的原因:一是认为他受不了学数学过程中的设计、 绘图、计算等烦琐事;二是认为只要会进行基本的数字运算,就够(enough)了。 22. A。on the whole(总的说来)在此表示概括和总结。 23. B。作者认为自己与同龄人一样能读会写,而且能 think better,所以他认为自己“更 优秀”(better)。 24. C。这是在概括 free school 与 regular school 的区别。 25. D。由于作者与同龄人一样能读会写,而且能 think better,这说明 free school 与 regular school 的最大区别就在于 the amount of thinking。 2000 年高考英语完形填空真题详解(全国卷) I climbed the stairs slowly, carrying a big suitcase, my father following with two more. By the time I got to the third floor, I was ___1___ and at the same time feeling lonely. Worse still, Dad ___2___ a step and fell, sending my new suitcases ___3___ down the stairs. “Damn!” he screamed, his face turning red. I knew ___4___ was ahead. Whenever Dad’s face turns red, ___5___. How could I ever ___6___ him to finish unloading the car ___7___ screaming at me and making a scene in front of the other girls, girls I would have to spend the ___8___ of the year with? Doors were opening and faces peering out(探出), as Dad walked ___9___ close behind. I felt it in my bones that my college life was getting off to a(n) ___10___ start. “__11___ the room, quickly,” I thought. “Get him into a chair and calmed down.” But ___12___, would there be a chair in Room 316? Or would it be a(n) ___13___ room? ___14___ I turned the key in the lock and ___15___ the door open, with Dad ___16___ complaining(抱怨) about a hurting knee or something. I put my head in, expecting the ___17___. But to my ___18___, the room wasn’t empty at all! It had furniture, curtains, a TV, and seven paintings on the walls. And there on a well-made bed sat Amy, my new ___19___, dressed neatly, greeting me with a nod, she said in a soft voice, “Hi, you must be Cori.” Then, she ___20___ the music and looked over at ___21___, “And of course, you’re Mr. Faber,” she said ___22___. “Would you like a glass of iced tea?” Dad’s face turned decidedly ___23___ before he could bring out a “yes”. I knew ___24___ that Amy and I would be ___25___ and my first year of college would be a success. 1. A. helpless B. lazy C. anxious D. tired 2. A. took B. minded C. missed D. picked 3. A. rolling B. passing C. dropping D. turning 4. A. suffering B. difficulty C. trouble D. danger 5. A. go ahead B. look out C. hold on D. give up 6. A. lead B. help C. encourage D. get 7. A. after B. without C. while D. besides 8. A. best B. beginning C. end D. rest 9. A. with difficulty B. in a hurry C. with firm steps D. in wonder 10. A. fresh B. in a hurry C. bad D. unfair 11. A. Search B. Find C. Enter D. Book 12. A. in fact B. by chance C. once more D. then again 13. A. small B. empty C. new D. neat 14. A. Finally B. Meanwhile C. Sooner or later D. At the moment 15. A. knocked B. forced C. pushed D. tried 16. A. yet B. only C. even D. still 17. A. worst B. chair C. best D. tea 18. A. regret B. disappointment C. surprise D. knowledge 19. A. roommate B. classmate C. neighbour D. companion 20. A. turned on B. turned down C. played D. enjoyed 21. A. Dad B. me C. the door D. the floor 22. A. questioning B. wondering C. smiling D. guessing 23. A. red B. less pale C. less red D. pale 24. A. soon B. there C. later D. then 25. A. sisters B. friends C. students D. fellows 【答案与解析】 本文记述作者作为一名大学新生到校第一天的不寻常经历。 1. D。根据语境(提着一个大箱子爬上三楼),再结合四个选项的意思,只有 tired 最合 适。 2. C。根据下文的 and fell, sending my new suitcase rolling down the stairs,可知父亲是在 上楼时踩空了一步(miss a step)。 3. A。根据上文(父亲摔了跤),再结合四个选项的意思,只有 roll down(滚下)最合适。 4. C。根据下一段的内容可知,“我”在设法使父亲不 screaming at me。这说明父亲可能 会因摔跤而迁怒于我,所以此题选 C 较合适。 5. B。上文说“父亲脸红了,我知道会来麻烦了”。所以此处的语境应是:每当父亲脸红, 我就得“小心”(look out)了。 6. D。比较四个选项,只有 D 最合适。get sb to do sth 的意思是“使某人做某事”。 7. B。scream at sb 意为“冲着某人吼叫”;make a scene 是习语,意为“吵架”或“(当众)大 吵大闹”。根据语境,此处应填 without,表示避免发生其后的情况。 8. D。the rest of the year 指这一年剩下的时间。 9. A。父亲提着箱子爬楼,又摔了跤,所以现在走起路来很费劲(with difficulty)。 10. C。根据上文所发生的不愉快的情况可知,作者认为“她的大学生活开头不顺”。get off to a bad start 是习语,意为“开头不顺”。 11. B。根据下文可知,作者知道自己的房间号码是 316,但现在还未找到,所以此题应 填 find。 12. D。then again 的意思是“还有”、“另外”。 13. B。此处句意为:316 房间会不会有椅子,或者是间空(empty)房? 同时请注意第 18 空后 the room wasn’t empty at all 对此有所暗示。 14. A。从上楼到找到房间经历了一个过程,所以这里说“终于”(finally)找到了房间。 15. C。比较四个选项只有 C 最合适,即开锁之后“推”(push)开门。 16. D。父亲从摔跤开始 scream,到现在还在 complain,故用 still。 17. A。由于父亲因摔跤扭伤了膝盖,到现在还在报怨,“我”担心要是房间里要是像想 像的那样,连一把椅子都没有,那情况就更糟了。expect the worst 的意思是“预计会有更有 糟的情况”。 18. C 。 但 实 际 上 , 房 间 内 家 具 齐 全 , 与 “ 我 ” 的 expecting 大 不 一 样 , 所 以 令 “我”surprise。 19. A。同住一室的人叫 roommate。 20. B。Amy 一边与“我们”打招呼,一边将音乐“关小”(turn down)。 21. A。根据下文的 And of course, you’re Mr. Faber 可知,Amy 此时在打量着我的“父 亲”。 22. C。根据上文的描述可知,Amy 是一位热心、客气、有礼貌的女孩,所以此处填 smiling 较合适。 23. C。指父亲受到 Amy 的友好接待之后,心情好转了一些,所以他的脸也就 turned less red。 24. D。then 意为“当时”、“那时”。 25. B。根据上文描述的“我们”与 Amy 的短暂接触,以及下文的 and my first year of college would be a success 可知,我们会成为“朋友”。 2001 年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷) People do not analyse every problem they meet. Sometimes they try to remember a solution from the last time they had a ___1___ problem. They often accept the opinion or ideas of other people. Other times they begin to act without ___2___; they try to find a solution by trial and error. ___3___, when all of these methods ___4___, the person with a problem has to start analysing. There are six ___5___ in analysing a problem. ___6___ the person must recognise that there is a problem. For example, Sam’s bicycle is broken, and he cannot ride it to class as he usually does. Sam must ___7___ that there is a problem with his bicycle. Next the person must ___8___ the problem. Before Sam can repair his bicycle, he must know why it does not work. For example, he must ___9___ the parts that are wrong. Now the person must look for ___10___ that will make the problem clearer and lead to ___11___ solutions. For example, suppose Sam ___12___ that his bike does not work because there is something wrong with the brakes. ___13___, he can look in his bicycle repair book and read about brakes, ___14___ his friends at the bike shop, or look at his brakes carefully. After ___15___ the problem, the person should have ___16___ suggestions for a possible solution. Take Sam as an example ___17___, his suggestions might be: tighten or loosen the brakes; buy new brakes and change the old ones. In the end, one ___18___ seems to be the solution ___19___ the problem. Sometimes the ___20___ idea comes quite ___21___ because the thinker suddenly sees something new or sees something in a ___22___ way. Sam, for example, suddenly sees there is a piece of chewing gum (口香糖) stuck to a brake. He ___23___ hits on the solution to his problem: he must ___24___ the brake. Finally the solution is ___25___. Sam does it and finds his bicycle works perfectly. In short he has solved the problem. 1. A. serious B. usual C. similar D. common 2. A. practice B. thinking C. understanding D. help 3. A. Besides B. Instead C. Otherwise D. However 4. A. fail B. work C. change D. develop 5. A. ways B. conditions C. stages D. orders 6. A. First B. Usually C. In general D. Most importantly 7. A. explain B. prove C. show D. see 8. A. judge B. find C. describe D. face 9. A. check B. determine C. correct D. recover 10. A. answers B. skills C. explanation D. information 11. A. possible B. exact C. real D. special 12. A. hopes B. argues C. decides D. suggests 13. A. In other words B. Once in a while C. First of all D. At this time 14. A. look for B. talk to C. agree with D. depend on 15. A. discussing B. settling down C. comparing with D. studying 16. A. extra B. enough C. several D. countless 17. A. secondly B. again C. also D. alone 18. A. suggestion B. conclusion C. decision D. discovery 19. A. with B. into C. for D. to 20. A. next B. clear C. final D. new 21. A. unexpectedly B. late C. clearly D. often 22. A. simple B. different C. quick D. sudden 23. A. fortunately B. easily C. clearly D. immediately 24. A. clean B. separate C. loosen D. remove 25. A. recorded B. completed C. tested D. accepted 【答案与解析】 本文主要阐述了人们碰到问题时怎样分析问题和解决问题。文中还以 Sam 如何解决自 行车车闸出现的故障为例,阐述了人们解决问题通常经历的几个阶段。 1. C。根据 …try to remember a solution from the last time(设法回忆上次的解决方法)可知 答案选 C 最佳,因为只有问题“类似”(similar),人们才会想到“上一次”的办法。 2. B。比较四个选项,同时结合下文内容可知此题应填 thinking,因为作者在后面说,“当 所有前面提到的办法都失败后,他们才会开始分析和思考”,说明此时人们解决问题还不会 去思考。 3. D。前后意思转折,故用 however。 4. A。fail 意为“失败”、“不奏效”。 5. C。根据下文内容可知,作者讲的是解决问题的六个阶段(stage)。 6. A。联系下文提到的 next,finally 等可知,此处应填 first(首先)。 7. D。作为分析的第一步,Sam 必须要明白或意识到(see)自行车出了毛病。 8. B。知道有问题,还要找到(find)问题,以便于进一步分析和解决。 9. B。determine 在此表示“确定”,与前面一空的 find 同义,因为此句是对前一句的举 例说明(注意句首的 for example)。 10. D。根据下文提到的…he can look in his bicycle repair book and read about brakes, talk to his friends at the bike shop , 可 知 Sam 必 须 查 找 有 关 自 行 车 修 理 的 资 料 和 信 息 (information)。 11. A。既然尚在查找资料阶段,故只能确定可能的(possible)方案。另外,下文(第 16 空 后)也有 a possible solution 这样的暗示。 12. C。decide 与 determine 同义,指 Sam“确定”了自行车出毛病的部位是车闸。 13. D。比较四个词组的意思可知选 D 最佳。at this time 意为“此时”。 14. B。搜集资料的方式很多,“与自行车商店的朋友交谈”也是搜集资料的方式之一。 15. D。上文 Sam 所做的工作均属于 studying(学习、研究)的范围。 16. C。根据下文所列举的 tighten or loosen the brakes, buy new brakes and change the old ones 等,可知此处应填 several。 17. B。由于仍以 Sam 修自行车为例,故用 again。 18. A。根据上文内容可知,在提出的几个对问题可能解决的建议或方案中,有一个建 议可能解决问题。 19. D。表示“对…的解决方法”,solution 后接介词 to。 20. C。从下文的内容来看,有时导致解决问题最终(final)办法纯属意外。 21. A。上文提到 Sam 解决自行车车闸问题可以有多个方案——拧紧或放松刹车、买新 刹车、更换旧刹车等,而下文又说 Sam 突然发现刹车上粘有一块口香糖。显然这个解决问 题的最终办法有点“出人意料”(unexpectedly)。 22. B。由于意外地发现刹车粘有一块口香糖,这使 Sam 采取了一种完全不同的(different) 解决办法(既非拧紧或放松刹车,亦非更换刹车)。 23. D。原来花了那么多时间研究都没有发现的症结,现在突然发现是因为刹车上粘有 一块口音糖,当然是要马上(immediately)把它清除掉(clean)。 24. A。既然刹车上粘有口香糖,显然只需清除掉(clean)即可。 25. C。问题解决后,应当进行检验(test),看是否成功。 2001 年高考英语完形填空真题详解(全国卷) He has been called the “missing link”. Half-man, half-beast. He is supposed to live in the highest mountain in the world — Mount Everest. He is known as the Abominable Snowman. The ___1___ of Snowman has been around for ___2___. Climbers in the 1920s reported finding marks like those of human feet high up on the side of Mount Everest. The native people said they ___3___ this creature and called it the “Yeti”, and they said that they had ___4___ caught Yetis on two occasions ___5___ none has ever been produced as evidence (证据). Over the years, the story of the Yetis has ___6___. In 1951, Eric Shipton took photographs of a set of tracks in the snow of Everest. Shipton believed that they were not ___7___ the tracks of a monkey or bear and ___8___ that the Abominable Snowman might really ___9___. Further efforts have been made to find out about Yetis. But the only things people have ever found were ___10___ footprints. Most believe the footprints are nothing more than ___11___ animal tracks, which had been made ___12___ as they melted(融化) and refroze in the snow. ___13___, in 1964, a Russian scientist said that the Abominable Snowman was ___14___ and was a remaining link with the prehistoric humans. But, ___15___, no evidence has ever ___16___ been produced. These days, only a few people continue to take the story of the Abominable Snowman ___17___, but if they ever ___18___ catching one, they may face a real ___19___: Would they put it in a ___20___ or give it a room in a hotel? 1. A. event B. story C. adventure D. description 2. A. centuries B. too long C. some time D. many years 3. A. heard from B. cared for C. knew of D. read about 4. A. even B. hardly C. certainly D. probably 5. A. as B. though C. when D. until 6. A. developed B. changed C. occurred D. continued 7. A. entirely B. naturally C. clearly D. simply 8. A. found B. declared C. felt D. doubled 9. A. exist B. escape C. disappear D. return 10. A. clearer B. more C. possible D. rare 11. A. huge B. recent C. ordinary D. frightening 12. A. strange B. large C. deep D. rough 13. A. In the end B. Therefore C. After all D. However 14. A. imagined B. real C. special D. familiar 15. A. so B. besides C. again D. instead 16. A. rightly B. actually C. normally D. particularly 17. A. lightly B. jokingly C. seriously D. properly 18. A. succeed in B. insist on C. depend on D. join in 19. A. decision B. situation C. subject D. problem 20. A. zoo B. mountain C. museum D. laboratory A【答案与解析】 本文主要向人们讲述有关 Snowman 的一些情况,这种非人非兽的动物到底是否真的存 许多人看法不一,尽管有人说他们看到了甚至抓到了 Snowman,但实际上却没有相应的证 据。 1. B。根据下文中 Over the years, the story of the Yetis has continued. 和 These days, only a few people continue to take the story of the Abominable Snowman seriously 可知此题应填 story。 2. D。比较四个选项并根据下文的 in the 1920s 这一信息,可知此题选 D 最佳。 3. C。指当地人听说过(know of)这种动物。其他几项均不合句意,注意不要选 A,hear from 的意思是“收到…的来信”,但若改为 hear of 则可以。 4. A。even 用于加强语气,意为“甚至”。 5. B。前面说 they had even caught Yetis on two occasions,而后面又说 none has ever been produced as evidence,比较四个选项,只有选 though 意义才最合适。 6. D。文章第 1 段说 Climbers in the 1920s reported finding marks like those of human feet high up on the side of Mount Everest,第 2 段又说 In 1951, Eric Shipton took photographs of a set of tracks in the snow of Everest,有关 Yetis 的传说在继续(continue)流传。 7. D。比较四个选项的意思:entirely=整个地;naturally=自然地;clearly=清楚地;simply= 只是,仅仅。同时结合本句语境以下与下文 the Abominable snowman might really exist 的逻 辑关系,选项 D 最合适。 8. C。此处的 felt 与前一句的 believed 大致同义,均表示当事人的主观判断。 9. A。Shipton 认为那不仅仅是猴子或熊的足迹,也就是说他认为 Abominable Snowman 真正存在的可能性。 10. B。根据文章第 2 段中的 Climbers in the 1920s reported finding marks like those of human feet high up on the side of Mount Everest,以及 Further efforts have been made to find out about Yetis 和其后的 Most believe the footprints are nothing more than ordinary animal tracks 可知此题填 more 最佳。 11. C。本句语境为:大多数人认为这不过是普通(ordinary)野兽的足迹。空格前的 nothing more than 意为“和…一样”。 12. B。根据常识并比较四个选项,可知选项 B 最合适。注意空格后的 As they melted and refroze in the snow 说明了人们发现的脚印要比普通的动物足迹大的原因。 13. D。下句说 in 1964, a Russian scientist said that the Abominable Snowman was real and was a remaining link with the prehistoric humans,这与句说的“大部分人认为脚印只不过是普 通动物的足迹”为转折关系,故填 However。 14. B。前后两句意思转折,看法相反——即苏联科学家认为 Abominable Snowman 的 确存在。 15. 第 4 至 5 空处说“有人说他们有两次还捉住了 Yetis 但是没有证据”,此处又说“没 有证据”,故填 again。 16. B。比较四个选项,此处填 actually(实际上)较合适。 17. C。由于找不到雪人存在的证据,现在人们对有关雪人的故事已经冷淡下来,只有 很少人认真对待此事。take sth seriously 意为“认真对待某事”。 18. A。四个选项后均可接动名词,但意义不同:succeed in doing sth=成功地做好某事, insist on doing sth=坚持做某事,depend on doing sth=依靠做某事,join in doing sth=参加做某 事。结合下文语境,此题选 A 最佳。 19. D。冒号后引出的是一个“问题”,故填 problem。 20. A。由于雪人是 Half-man, half-beast,所以若真的抓到了雪人,那到底是应将其当作 beast 关时动物园呢,还是将其当作 man 让其住进宾馆?——这倒真是个问题。 2002 年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷) Tim Becker and his neighbors are doing something to make their neighborhood a trouble-free area. When Tim Becker gets in his car to go shopping, he doesn’t ___1___ drive to a store and back home. He always looks ___2___ up and down the streets of his neighborhood. He looks for anything ___3___ such as strange cars, loud noises, ___4___ windows, or people gathering on street corners. Tim ___5___ to a neighborhood watch group in Stoneville, Indians, USA. The neighborhood watch group ___6___ on the third Wednesday of every month. That’s ___7___ Tim gets together with about ten of his neighbors to discuss community ___8___. Members of the neighborhood watch group want to help the police ___9___ their homes, streets, and families safe. Tina Stedman, president of ___10___ neighborhood watch group, agrees with Tim. “People seem to think that crime (犯罪) happens to other people but not ___11___ them. Well, it’s never happened to me.” She said, “But I don’t think anyone has the ___12___ to steal from other people or to make them feel ___13___ sitting in their own homes.” Alex, a member of the group, said that all the neighbors ___14___ out for one another. “We ___15___ each other’s homes. We keep watch on the neighborhood at night and on weekends. Usually a ___16___ of four or five of us goes out together. If something doesn’t look right, then we call the ___17___. For example, if we notice a group of teenagers who seem to be looking for ___18___, or someone destroying property (财产), we report to the police.” Alex feels the neighborhood watch groups ___19___ a lot in keeping crime down. Her husband Jim agrees, “Police are good people, but they can’t do ___20___.” 1. A. yet B. still C. just D. rather 2. A. carefully B. clearly C. nervously D. coldly 3. A familiar B. unusual C. expensive D. interesting 4. A. curtained B. open C. old D. broken 5. A. attends B. belongs C. goes D. turns 6. A. meets B. quarrels C. sings D. searches 7. A. where B. why C. when D. how 8. A. politics B. wealth C. health D. safety 9. A. keep B. hold C. let D. protect 10. A. its B. his C. their D. your 11. A. round B. on C. about D. to 12. A. right B. chance C. courage D. mind 13. A. unlucky B. unsafe C. disappointed D. discouraged 14. A. set B. let C. hold D. look 15. A. care B. enter C. watch D. manage 16. A. group B. set C. number D. crowd 17. A. judges B. police C. firemen D. doctors 18. A. work B. burden C. service D. trouble 19. A. produce B. find C. get D. help 20. A. anything B. everything C. harm D. wrong B【答案与解析】 本文主要介绍某社区一些居民自发组成治安联防队协助警察维护社区的安全的一些情 况。 1. C。根据下文内容:当 Tim Becker 开车去买东西时,他还要到居民区巡视——这说 明他不只是(just)开着车从家到商店直去直回。 2. A。通读全文可知,Tim 对居民区的保卫工作很负责任,故此处填 carefully 为佳。 3. B。陌生人的车辆、大的噪音、打破的窗户或者人们聚集在街角等均属 unusual 的情 况。 4. D。按常理,curtained windows, open windows, old windows 都不算 unusual,只有 broken windows 才算 unusual。 5. B。根据上下文可知,Tim 是 Stoneville, Indians, USA 的治安联保队队员,故填 belong。belong to 为固定短语,其意为“属于”。 6. 根据后面的 ...Tim gets together with about ten of his neighbours to discuss… 可推知此 处填 meet 最恰当。 7. C。此句的主语 that 即指前一句的 the third Wednesday of every month,故此题填 when,它相当于 the time when。如下面两例中的 when 就属此用法:The morning is when I’m busiest. 早晨是我最忙的时候。/ April is when the lilacs bloom. 四月是丁香开花的季节。 8. D。根据上下文可知,治安联保队的目的是保卫社区的安全,故此处应填 safety。 9. A。keep sth safe 意为“使某物处于安全的状态”,即通常说的“保卫某物的安全”。注 意不要选 protect,因为它通常不用于“动词+宾语+宾语补足语”的结构。 10. C。根据上下文的语境可推知。 11. D。but not to them 为 but doesn’t happen to them 之省略。此处句意为:人们好像觉 得犯罪(案件)只会发生在别人身上而不会发生在自己身上。 12. A。right 意为“权力”,句意为:我认为任何人都没有权力偷别人的东西。 13. B。由于本文讲的是关于社区安全的问题,所以选 B 较恰当。 14. D。比较四个选项,只有 look 与其后的 out for 搭配成 look out for(留心,注意)在 此最合语境。 15. C。比较四个选项只有 watch 在此最恰当。另外,后面一句 We keep watch on… 也 有相应的暗示。 16. 后面的 four or five of us 决定了答案应是 a group of(一小组,一小队),而不是 a set of(一套)、a number of(若干个)或 a crowd of(一大群)。 17. B。根据其后的 For example, if ..., we report to the police 可推知此处应填 police。这 里的 For example 是把前面一句的内容具体化。 18. D。后面说 we report to the police,这说明出现了一些违法或犯罪现象,如 someone destroying poverty 等,四个选项中能与此并列的应是 look for trouble,即选 D。 19. D。比较四个选项,help 用于此空意思最恰当,即社区治安联保队对减少犯罪有很 大帮助。 20. B。Jim 说“警察都是些好人,但是他们也不可能做好一切”,正因为如此,社区治安 联保队的存在就很有必要了。 2002 年高考英语完形填空真题详解(全国卷) What is intelligence(智力) anyway? When I was in the army I ___1___ an intelligence test that all soldiers took, and, against ___2___ of 100, scored 160. I had an auto-repair man once, who, on these intelligence tests, could not ___3___ have scored more than 80. ___4___, when anything went wrong with my car I hurried to him and he always ___5___ it. Well, then, suppose my auto-repair man ___6___ questions for some intelligence tests. By every one of them I’d prove myself a ___7___. In a world where I have to work with my ___8___ I’d do poorly. Consider my auto-repair man ___9___. He had a habit of telling ___10___. One time he said, “Doc, a deaf-and-dumb (聋哑) man ___11___ some nails. Having entered a store, he put two fingers together on the counter and made ___12___ movements with the other hand. The clerk brought him a hammer. He ___13___ his head and pointed to the two fingers he was hammering. The clerk ___14___ him some nails. He picked out the right size and left. Well, Doc, the ___15___ man who came in was blind. He wanted scissors (剪刀). ___16___ do you suppose he asked for them?” I lifted my right hand and made scissoring movements with my first two fingers. He burst out laughing and said, “Why, you fool, he used his ___17___ and asked for them. I’ve been ___18___ that on all my customers today, but I knew ___19___ I’d catch you.” ”Why is that?” I asked. “Because you are so goddamned educated, Doc. I knew you couldn’t be very ___20___.” And I have an uneasy feeling he had something there. 1. A. failed B. wrote C. received D. chose 2. A. an average B. a total C. an exam D. a number 3. A. always B. possibly C. certainly D. frequently 4. A. Then B. Thus C. Therefore D. Yet 5. A. fixed B. checked C. drove D. changed 6. A. answered B. practiced C. designed D. tried 7. A. teacher B. doctor C. winner D. fool 8. A. brains B. effort C. hands D. attention 9. A. again B. as usual C. too D. as well 10. A. lies B. jokes C. news D. tales 11. A. bought B. tested C. found D. needed 12. A. cutting B. hammering C. waving D. circling 13. A. nodded B. raised C. shook D. turned 14. A. brought B. packed C. sent D. sold 15. A. clever B. other C. right D. next 16. A. What B. How C. Who D. Which 17. A. imagination B. hand C. voice D. information 18. A. trying B. proving C. practicing D. examining 19. A. for sure B. at once C. in fact D. right now 20. A. clear B. silly C. slow D. smart 【解析与解析】本文主要讲述了一位曾经当过兵的医生,在部队进行的智商测试得分很 高,但后来却被一名普通的汽车修理工所开的一个小玩笑“耍”了一次。 1. C。表示“接受测试”,要用动词 receive。 2. A。an average of 100 意为“平均分为 100 分”。其前的 against 表示对比。全句意为: 平均成绩为 100 分,而我得到了 160 分。 3. B。这只是作者的主观看法,故意填 possibly 较合适。 4. D。yet 表转折,意为“然而”。 5. A。比较四个选项的意思同时结合一名汽车修理工的职责,可知只有 fixed(修理)最恰 当。 6. C。此句意为:假设由这位汽车修理工来设计一些智力测试题。 7. D 。 By every one of them 中 的 介 词 by 说 明 手 段 或 方 式 , them 指 代 前 面 的 questions,全句意为:用汽车修理工所设计的每一个问题,都会证明“我”是一个 fool。 8. C。从上下文可以看出作者是一名智商很高的医生,是脑力劳动者。比较 I’d do poorly,可知作者假设用自己的双手工作,会做得很差。 9. A。由于前面两段已提到这位汽车修理工的一些情况,这里再次以他为例,故用 again。 10. B。根据下文的“聋哑人买钉子”和“盲人买剪刀”这两个笑话可知,此处选 B 为合适。 11. D。这位聋哑人之所来到商店,是因为他“需要”(needed)一些钉子。注意不要选 bought,因为“买了一些钉子”是到商店来的结果,不是原因。 12. B。根据常识可知:这个聋哑人要想售货员明白他想买钉子的意图,只有做 hammering movement 较合适。 13. C。售货员根据这个聋哑人的 hammering movement 认为他想要锤子,故拿给他 hammer——这不是聋哑人想的东西,所以他摇了摇头(shook his head)。 14. A。经过聋哑人的进一步“解释”,售货员终于明白了他的意思,于是给他拿来了 (brought)钉子。 15. D。前面来一个聋哑人,接着来一个瞎子。用 the next 表示先后顺序。 16. B。how 表示方式,即指这个盲人用什么方式来说明自己的意图。 17. C。盲人虽不能看,但会说话,所以他们买东西时是用自己的话语表达自己意思, 即填 voice。 18. A。try 意为“测试”。trying sth on sb 意为“用某事测试某人”,在英国口语中也可理 解为“用某事戏弄某人”。 19. A。根据上下文的语气可知答案。for sure 是习语,意为“肯定地”、“有把握地”。 20. D。比较四个选项,同时结合上下文的语境,只有 D 较合适。 2003 年高考英语完形填空真题详解(北京春季卷) You Did More Than Carry My books Mark was walking home from school one day when he noticed the boy ahead of him had dropped all of the books he was carrying, along with a baseball bat and several other things. Mark___1___ down and helped the boy pick up these articles. ___2___ they were going the same way, he helped to carry some of them for him. As they walked Mark ___3___ the boy’s name was Bill, that he ___4___ computer games, baseball and history, that he was having a lot of ___5___ with his other subjects and that he had just broken ___6___ with his girlfriend. They arrived at Bill’s home first and Mark was ___7___ in for a Coke and to watch some television. The afternoon passed ___8___ with a few laughs and some shared small talk, and then Mark went home. They ___9___ to see each other around school, had lunch together once or twice, and then both ended up from the same high school. Just three weeks before ___10___, Bill asked Mark if they ___11___ talk. Bill ___12___ him of the day years ago when they had first met. “Do you ___13___ wonder why I was carrying so many things home that day?” asked Bill. “You see, I ___14___ out my locker because I didn’t want to leave a mess(脏乱) ___15___ anyone else. I had planned to run away and I was going home to ___16___ my things. But after we spent some time together ___17___ and laughing, I realized that ___18___ I had done that, I would have ___19___ a new friend and missed all the fun we would have together. So you see, Mark, when you picked up my books that day, you did a lot more. You ___20___ my life.” 1. A. fell B. sat C. lay D. knelt 2. A. Although B. Since C. After D. Until 3. A. discovered B. realized C. said D. decided 4. A. played B. loved C. tried D. made 5. A. questions B. ideas C. trouble D. doubt 6. A. up B. out C. off D. away 7. A. called B. helped C. invited D. allowed 8. A. peacefully B. willingly C. freely D. pleasantly 9. A. continued B. agreed C. forced D. offered 10. A. graduation B. movement C. separation D. vacation 11. A. would B. should C. could D. must 12. A. demanded B. reminded C. removed D. asked 13. A. ever B. usually C. even D. never 14. A. checked B. took C. cleaned D. put 15. A. over B. into C. with D. for 16. A. find B. pick C. pack D. hold 17. A. talking B. playing C. reading D. watching 18. A. before B. if C. while D. as 19. A. forgotten B. passed C. left D. lost 20. A. helped B. recovered C. improved D. changed 【解析与解析】 本文主要讲一个想离家出走的小男孩与一个不期而遇的校友的友谊故事。 1. D。从前文可知,Bill 所带的书、棒球拍等撒落一地,此时 Mark 帮 Bill 捡起这些 东西,比较四个选项,只有 D 最合适。kneel down 意为“跪下”、“屈膝蹲下”。 2. B。since 表原因。此处句意为“因为他们同路,所以 Mark 帮 Bill 提一些东西”。 3. A。比较四个选项,只有 A 较合适。discover 意为“发现”、“了解到”。注:本段后 面的几个以 that 开头的句子均为动词 discovered 的宾语(从句)。 4. B。能同时接 computer games, baseball, history 作宾语的只有 loved 最合适。注意不 能选 played,因为它虽然可说 played computer games, 但不能说 played baseball, 也不能说 played history。 5. C。本处谈到的几个情况是为下文提到的 Bill 想离家出走作铺垫——喜欢打游戏、 功课不好、与女朋友分手等。 6. A。break up 是固定短语,有许多意思,如表示:停止,散开,拆开,分解,衰弱, (精神)崩溃,解散,打断,断交,绝交,破裂,(天气)突然变化,使苦恼,结束,(学校期末) 放假,等等。在此句中它表示“分手”。 7. C。比较四个选项,同时联系到他们现在的这种关系,选 invited 较合适。 8. D。根据空格后的 with a few laughs and some shared small talk,以及后面讲到的 Bill 因为 Mark 的巨大改变,可推知此应填 pleasantly。 9. A。这次不期而遇之后,他们还有时见面,说明这是在 continued。 10. A。此题可用排除法做:比较四个选项并结合全文内容,可知此处填 graduation 最 合适。 11. C。此题填 could 意思最通顺,即“Bill 问 Mark 他们是否可以(could)谈谈”。 12. B。remind sb of sth 是固定搭配,意为“提醒某人想起某事”。 13. A。ever 意为“曾经”,常用于否定句、疑问句等句型中。 14. C。clean out 是固定短语,意为“清理”、“把…打扫干净”。其后的 locker 指“(有锁 的)存物箱”。 15. D。介词 for 在此表示“给”、“为”。此句的语境是:我之所以把存物箱清理干净, 是因为我不想把不一片脏乱留给其他任何人。 16. C。根据此处语境并比较四个选项,此处应填 packed。句意为“我本想离家出走的, 我当时回家是为了把(要带走的)东西包装好”。 17. A。根据上文(第 8 空后)提到的 with a few laughs and some shared small talk 可知此 处应是 talking and laughing。 18. B。if 在此引出一个虚拟条件句,该句的通常词序是 I realized that I would have lost a new friend… if I had done that. 19. D。lose a new friend 在此指失去一位像 Mark 这样的朋友。 20. D。Mark 一个小小的帮助,使得 Bill 打消了离家出走的想法,甚至还使他有了不 少 laughing 和 fun 等,这说明 Mark 改变了 Bill 的生活。 2003 年高考英语完形填空真题详解(安徽春季卷) Andy was still traveling in Spain when he realized he had to confirm (确认) his flight home with the airline company (航空公司). He was visiting Spain in order to ___1___ his Spanish. When he was speaking to people ___2___ he had no ___3___ understanding what they said. ___4___, when he was speaking on the phone, he ___5___ had a problem. Andy ___6___ the airline. And the clerk confirmed that his plane was leaving at nine o’clock three days from that day. She ___7___ told Andy to be at the airport two hours ___8___ in order to check in his luggage and get a seat. Since he was ___9___ in three days, Andy didn’t ___10___ any time. He visited as many places as he could. He thought that it would probably be a while before he had enough money again. He wished he could ___11___ and spend a year in Spain. Too ___12___, the final day arrived. Andy left early for the airport to arrive two hours before take-off. He hated to ___13___. He went to the clerk to ___14___ his ticket. The clerk looked at the ticket with ___15___. “Why, sir, but your flight was at nine o’clock in the morning, and ___16___ it is eight in the evening.” “But I confirmed my flight,” ___17___ Andy. “Will I have to pay for another ticket?” “No, sir. However, the next flight out will be three days from now.” Andy’s ___18___ of shock turned to one of ___19___ as he realized that now he could continue his ___20___. 1. A. prepare B. improve C. enjoy D. learn 2. A. slowly B. in public C. in person D. carefully 3. A. difficulty B. idea C. mistake D. interest 4. A. Instead B. Therefore C. Meanwhile D. However 5. A. even B. just C. still D. seldom 6. A. called B. liked C. trusted D. asked 7. A. again B. also C. only D. once 8. A. before B. earlier C. later D. after 9. A. moving B. returning C. staying D. leaving 10. A. take B. have C. lose D. find 11. A. wait B. go home C. stop D. come back 12. A. shortly B. quickly C. badly D. early 13. A. speak B. go C. rush D. delay 14. A. buy B. present C. order D. provide 15. A. astonishment B. patience C. respect D. delight 16. A. maybe B. so C. here D. now 17. A. insisted B. apologized C. replied D. demanded 18. A. experience B. expression C. look D. face 19. A. pleasure B. comfort C. sadness D. hopelessness 20. A. plan B. flight C. journey D. vacation 【解析与解析】 本文主要讲述 Andy 在西班牙旅游度假时准备乘飞机返回时的一段小经历。 1. B。对比四个选项,只有 B 最合适。improve one’s Spanish 意为“提高西班牙语水 平”,注意不能选 learn,因为可说 learn Spanish,但不能说 learn one’s Spanish。因为表示“语 言”的名词前是不使用物主代词的,除非这个语言名词表示的是“某人运用某种语言的水平或 能力”。 2. C。此处指 Andy 与西班牙人面对面(in person)交流时,他能听懂他们的话。因为 Andy 来西班牙的目的是为了提高西班牙水平,说明的西班牙语水平不是很好,面对面交流之所以 没有什么困难,是因为面对面交流可以借助手势语(这是常识问题)。 3. A。have no difficulty (in) doing something 指“做某事没有困难”。 4. D。文章前句说 Andy 与西班牙人面对面交流时,他能听懂他们的话,而后面说 Andy 在通过电话交流时就有点困难。说明两句间含转折关系,故用 however。 5. C。比较四个选项的意思,只有 still(还)较合语境。 6. A。Andy 要与航空公司联系,根据常识,只有 call 最合适。另外,前文讲到他在打 电话时仍有语言困难,这也是在为下文作铺垫。 7. B。航空公司的工作人员说安迪要乘坐的航班是在三天后的早晨 9 点,同时还告诉他 要提前两小时到达机场,便于检查行李、找坐位等,显然前后两句之间用副词 also(还)衔接 最恰当。 8. B。根据常识,无论乘飞机还是坐火车,人们都应“提前”到机场或车站,所以此处填 earlier 最合适。另外,下文的第 12 空至第 13 空之间也有暗示(…to arrive two hour before take-off)。 9. D。句中的 in three days 意为“三天后”,结合上文航空公司工作人员说的 Andy 搭乘的 航班是在三天后,可知此处应填 leave,即 Andy 三天后离开。注:此处用的是进行时表示 将来意义。 10. C。比较:take time=从容进行,花费时间;have time=有时间;lose time=浪费时 间;find time=找时间。根据下句讲到的“安迪充分利用这三天时间又参观了西班牙的很多 地方”,说明他没有浪费时间。 11. D。上文说“三天后就要乘飞机离开西班牙”,而此句又说“…希望能在西班牙呆一 年”,比较四个选项,只有 come back 符合句意,即“希望以后能再来西班牙呆上一年”。 12. B。根据下文的...the final day arrived 可知 Andy 觉得时间过得太快(quickly)。 13. C。根据上文的 Andy left early for the airport…(安迪早早就动身去机场…),可知安 迪不想太匆忙(rush)。 14. B。根据上文语境可知,安迪早已买好了返程的机票,故排除 buy(买)和 order(预订)。 比较 provide(提供)和 present(出示),显然 present 更佳。 15. A。航空公司的工作人员看了安迪的机票后,发现 Andy 的航班是在早晨 9 点,而当 时已是晚上 8 点了——此时的工作人员显然应是“惊讶”。 16. D。根据语境显然可知。 17. A。因 Andy 说的话即不是在道歉也不是在要求,故可排除 apologized 和 demanded;另外,由于航空公司的工作人员没有“问”,所以他也不必 answered。比较之下, 只有 insisted 较合适(因为他的 确打电话到航空公司确认过)。 18. C。比较:experience=经历,经验;expression=表情,脸色;look=神色,神态,外 表;face=脸,面孔,面容,表情。比较之下,look 最佳,因为严格说来,脸上的“震惊”(shock) 应属“神态”或“神色”,而不属“表情”。 19. A。比较:pleasure=高兴,comfort=安慰,sadness=悲伤,hopelessness=毫无希望。 此处的语境是:安迪听完航空公司工作人员的话,先是感到震惊,而后转为高兴,因为他很 喜欢继续呆在西班牙。 20. D。比较四个选项,同时结合文章第 1 段的内容,可知选项 D 最佳。 2003 年高考英语完形填空真题详解(全国卷) I played a racquetball game against my cousin Ed last week. It was one of the most ___1___ and tiring games I’ve ever had. When Ed first phoned and ___2___ we play, I laughed quietly, figuring on an ___3___ victory. After all, Ed’s idea of ___4___ has always been nothing more ___5___ than lifting a fork to his mouth. ___6___ I can remember, Ed’s been the least physically fit member in the family, and ___7___ proud of himself. His big stomach has always ballooned out between his T-shirt and trousers. Although the family often ___8___ about that, Ed refused to buy a ___9___ T-shirt or to lose weight. So when Ed ___10___ for our game not only with the bottom of his shirt gathered inside his trousers but also with a stomach you could hardly ___11___, I was so surprised that I was ___12___. My cousin must have made an effort to get himself into shape. ___13___, at the point in our game when I’d have predicted(预计) the score to be about 9 to 1 in my favor, it was ___14___ 7 to 9 — and Ed was ___15___. The sudden realization was painful. We ___16___ to play like two mad men. When the score was 16 up, I was having serious ___17___ about staying alive until 21 years old, let alone ___18___ that many points. When the game finally ended, both of us were lying flat on our backs, too tired to ___19___. In a way, I think we both won: I the game, but cousin Ed my ___20___. 1. A. encouraging B. hopeless C. surprising D. regular 2. A. declared B. mentioned C. persuaded D. suggested 3. A. unforgettable B. unexpected C. easy D. early 4. A. exercise B. preparation C. joy D. fitness 5. A. time-saving B. comfortable C. suitable D. effort-making 6. A. As soon as B. As long as C. When D. Since 7. A. strangely B. personally C. reasonably D. eagerly 8. A. cared B. forgot C. quarreled D. joked 9. A. clean B. larger C. straight D. darker 10. A. set out B. got ready C. arrived D. returned 11. A. notice B. admire C. believe D. measure 12. A. nervous B. curious C. careless D. speechless 13. A. After all B. As a result C. Above all D. At last 14. A. mistakenly B. then C. instead D. naturally 15. A. leading B. coming C. waiting D. counting 16. A. pretended B. stopped C. continued D. decided 17. A. thoughts B. doubts C. situations D. problems 18. A. scoring B. completing C. receiving D. keeping 19. A. play B. start C. sleep D. move 20. A. friendship B. respect C. support D. favor 【答案与解析】 本文主要讲述 Ed 的身材变化及他和“我”之间的一场结果出乎意料的网球比赛。 1. C。根据下文描述的比赛过程和结果可知此题选 C 最佳。 2. D。根据语境和 we play 中的动词时态可知,此题应填 D,因为动词 suggest(建议) 后的宾语从句通常用“should+动词原形”(should 可省略)。 3. C。根据前句说的 I laughed quietly,可推知这应该“是一场很容易(easy)打赢的比赛”。 4. A。比较四个选项,只有 exercise 与比赛、锻炼之类的活动有点联系。 5. D。此处的语境是(注意作者对 Ed 在体力方面的轻视):Ed 关于 exercise 的想法只 不过就像把叉子送到嘴里一样不费力。effort-making 由 make an effort 变来,其意为“费 劲”;nothing more than 是习语,意为“不多于”、“与…一样”。 6. B。as long as 有两个意思是:一是作为习语,表示“只要”;二是表示作为自由短语, 意为“与…一样长或一样久”。此处的 as long as 用作自由短语,as long as I can remember 意 为“与我能记忆的一样久”,即“在我的记忆中”或“凭我的记忆”。 7. A。虽然 Ed 体力状况在一家人中最差,但却莫名其妙(strangely)地为自己感到骄傲。 8. D。由于 Ed 太胖,他的肚子就像一只气球,所以家人经常就此开他的玩笑(joke about that)。 9. B 。 上 文 讲 到 His big stomach has always ballooned out between his T-shirt and trousers(他的大肚子总是像一只气球一样突出在汗衫与长裤之间),这说明他的 T-shirt 不够 大。 10. C。Ed 身材的变化应是在他到来(arrived)之际才能发现。 11. A。此句主要是描述 Ed 身材的变化之大:他的衬衣扎在裤子里,肚子几乎让人看 不出来(a stomach you could hardly notice)。 12. D。这里指 Ed 身材变化如此之大,简直令作者惊讶得说不出话来(speechless)。 13. B。因后面的内容讲的正是 Ed 因改变体形而在比赛中曾一度领先的结果,故选 as a result。 14. C。作者原认为会 9:1 自己领先,而结果却是 7:9,故用 instead 表示后者取代了前 者。 15. A。下文说 The sudden realization was painful,说明比赛的结果不是像作者的那样自 己领先,而是 Ed 领先。 16. C。前面讲比分为 7 to 9,而后面又说比分达到 16 平,这说明比赛在继续 (continued)。 17. B。此处的语境是:当比分达到 16 平时,我便怀疑自己能否活到 21 岁——这充分 说明比赛的激烈程度以及作者的疲惫程度。 18. A。let alone scoring that many points 的意思“更不用说还要得那么多分”,其中的 that 为副词,相当于 so。 19. D。上文说“当比赛结束的时候,我们俩人平躺在地上”,同时比较四个选项,只有 move 最合语境,即“累得动都不能动”。 20. B。这两句为省略句,其完整形式为:I won the game, but cousin Ed won my respect.

