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Unit4 Then and now A Let’s learn Mar.14 th 2017 Sissi play football grass [ grɑ:s ] dining hall Where are the people? gym play basketball play ping-pang play tennis now thirty years ago . now thirty years ago now thirty years ago In the Tang dynasty… At that time, there were no gym s. motel There were no tall buildings in Xi’an sixty years ago. Now there are many tall buildings and great mansions in Xi’an. There be 句型 现在时 There is +n (单) … There are+n( 复 )… 过去时 There was +n (单) … There were+n( 复 )… Tips:There be 句型就近原则要牢记 1 、 There____ two apples in the basket. A. is B. was C. are 2 、 There ____ an apple, two pears and five watermelons on the table. A. is B. was C. are C A 3 、 There ____ no gyms in my school 2 years ago . A. was B. are C. were 4 、 There ____ no grass in my school last year . A. was B. are C. were 5 、 There ____ no gym, no dinning halls and no library in my school six months ago . A. was B. are C. were C A A There was a school in my country ten years ago. ( 改为一般疑问句 ) Was there a school in my country ten years ago ? They could use the Internet. ( 改为否定句 ) They could not use the Internet. couldn’t There was no cinema at that time. ( 对划线部分提问 ) What was there at that time?

