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高考英语交际用语分类总结 ‎1.告别 考点:See you. Take care. ‎ 难点: “See you. ”道别时用语.同Good-bye.但有别于You see,“你知道”.如:You see , everything has two sides.而Take care 也是道别是用语,但表示“多保重” ‎ ‎--- It‘s getting late. I’m afraid I must be going now . ‎ ‎---OK.____.‎ A. Take it easy B.Go slowly C. Stay longer D. See you ‎ ‎2.介绍 l考点: Nice/ Pleased/ Glad to see /meet you. Nice meeting you ‎ l难点:“ Nice to meet you.’’为初次见面时的礼貌用语; ”Nice meeting you.’’为初 次见面后的告别语.‎ ‎---Let me introduce myself. I’m Albert . ‎ ‎---___.‎ A. What a pleasure B. It’s my pleasure C. Pleased to meet you D. I’m very pleased ‎ ‎3.感谢和应答 感谢:Thank you. Thanks. It’s very kind /nice of you.‎ 回答:Not at all. It’s/That’s all right . You’re welcome. It’s a pleasure .‎ My pleasure .That’s OK. Don’t mention it.‎ 难点: “My pleasure.’’ 同”It’s a pleasure.’’是感谢应答语译作“不用谢’’;‎ ‎ 而”With pleasure.’’是请求应答语译作“乐意效劳,非常愿意’’ ‎ ‎ --It’s been a wonderful evening .Thank you ‎--____. ‎ A. My pleasure B. I’m glad to hear that C. No ,thanks D. It’s OK ‎ ‎4.道歉、遗憾和应答 道歉:What a pity/ shame . I’m sorry.‎ 应答:It’s /That’s all right .That’s OK. It doesn’t matter. Never mind . Forget it . ‎ 难点:“Forget it.’’ 共有三种意义: ①休想,不可能.You expect Tom to come earlier .Forget it, he always comes late.②没关系,别在意 ,忘了吧.‎ ‎------I’m terribly sorry for having broken your mirror. ‎ ‎-----Forget it . ‎ ‎③别提它了,算了吧.表不原重复所说之话.‎ ‎----What were you saying just now? I didn’t hear.‎ ‎---- Oh, nothing. Forget it. ‎ Get it .明白了. Make it.干成,做成. Take it.拿去吧. Put it. 说…… (as sb put it) ‎ ‎ --I’m sorry I’m calling you so late. ‎ ‎--___ Okay.‎ A. This is B. You’re C. That’s D. I’m ‎ ‎5.请求、允许和应答 请求:May /Can /Could I…? Would /Do You mind…?‎ 应答(肯定):Yes/Sure/Certainly. Yes, please. Of course( not) ,you may/can. Take your time. Yes ,help yourself .Go ahead, please .Not at all .That’s OK /all right .Not in the least .Not a bit.‎ ‎(否定):I’d rather you didn’t .You’d better not. I’m sorry you can’t.‎ v难点:“Take it easy.’’安慰对方不要生气、紧张不安,即to tell someone to become less upset or angry; ”Take your time.’’同no hurry .安慰对方不要急,慢慢来, “Sure, go ahead .’’当然可以,干吧、做吧、说吧等; ”‎ ‎ help yourself.’’同意对方使用,让对方自己动手取; Not in the least.一点也不 ‎-- Can I look at the menu for a few more minutes before I decide?‎ ‎--Of course . ______,sir. ‎ ‎ A. Make yourself at home B . Enjoy yourself ‎ C. It doesn’t matter D. Take your time ‎6.祝愿、祝贺和应答 祝愿:Good luck! Enjoy yourself! Have fun! Congratulations.‎ 应答:Thank you. The same to you . You, too.‎ 难点: Well done!干得好,真棒!用以赞扬对方做得好.‎ ‎ Congratulations!祝贺对方已取得成功.‎ ‎ “Good luck !‘’ 祝愿对方交好运,‎ ‎ 反语为:Bad luck!或Just my luck! ”真倒霉,真不走运,我的运气总是这样差.‎ ‎ Have fun!’’祝愿对方玩得开心,同Enjoy yourself. ‎ ‎7.打电话 考点:Is that… speaking? Hold on, please. Just a minute,please. Hello, who is it /that 〈speaking〉?Hello ,this is …speaking. There’s no Pippa here. Speaking. ‎ 难点:熟练掌握打电话用语.指对方时用指示代词that/it.指说话者本人时用指示代词this.打电话用语还有:Are you there?你还在接听吗?Suppose you ring me up.你给我打电话好吗?等等.‎ ‎--Good morning ,Grand Hotel.‎ ‎– Hello, I’d like to book a room for the nights of the 18th and 19th. ‎ ‎--_____.‎ A. What can I do for you ? B. Just a minute, please ‎ C. What’s the matter? D. At your service ‎8.就餐 v考点 Help yourself to some… ;I’m full,thank you.; Just a little ,please .‎ Yes, I’d like a drink .Yes ,sir ?‎ ‎ ‎ 难点: “Yes,sir?’’ 是应答语,用于应答呼唤或表示在关注倾听对方,不必作出回答,可译作语气词”哎’’而“What?’’则表对方介绍一种情况,说话者觉得难已置信,希望对方重复部分内容,译作”啥’’.‎ ‎--Waiter! ‎ ‎--_____. ‎ ‎--I can’t eat this. It’s too salty. ‎ A. Yes, sir? B. What? C. All right ? D. Pardon?‎ ‎9 .提醒注意 v考点:Mind your step/ head! Wet floor!、Look out!、Be careful!、Don’t touch!、Take care!‎ v难点: “Look out!’’警告对方有危险;.‎ ‎ "Take care ”警告对方做事要小心,还可作道别时用语, 译为“请多保重’’;‎ 与look 相关的交际用语还有: Just have a look.随便看看.‎ ‎ Look what you ’ve done! 看看你干了些什么!‎ ‎--____for the glass!‎ ‎--It’s OK. I’m wearing shoes. ‎ A. Look out B. Walk out C .Go out D. Set out ‎10.请求和应答 ‎ 请求:Can/Could/ Would you please…?‎ 应答:No/ Less noise ,please .What for?‎ 难点:与what相关的交际应语:“what for?’’ 相当于“why?’’表’’为什么’’,还可表示’’为何’’,即for what purpose ; “Guess what!’’ ‘’你猜猜发生了什么事?’’用于说出令人感到惊讶的事情前;而“What’s up ?’’表示“What’s happening ?’’译作:有啥事? “So what?’’ 表示“是······又怎么样’’;’’那有什么了不起’’ “与我有什么关系’’ “What’s wrong?’’ 表焦虑; “What a shame!’’ 表遗憾; “What is it?’’ 是什么; “What about…?’’ 表劝告或建议; “What a surprise !’’表惊讶. ‎ ‎--Susan, will you please go and empty that drawer? ‎ ‎--______.‎ A. What for B. What is it C. How is it D. How come ‎11.同意和不同意 同意:Certainly /Sure/Of course/Exactly .No problem. Yes ,please. Yes, I think so .All right/OK. It’s a good idea. Sounds good. I couldn’t agree more. I will. With pleasure. Sure, go ahead. Yes, help yourself. I dare say, .I should think so. If you like, Why not? So it is.‎ 不同意:No. I don’t think so. I’m afraid not. No way. Far from it. Forget it. No chance. v难点:No way.没门儿;No chance.决不可能,即说话者确信某事不可能发生; I couldn’t agree more .我非常赞成或我再同意不过了.比较级用于否定句中表最高级.又如:It can’t be better/worse. Far from it. 远不是,差得远呢,表远非达到某种程度,视具体语境,译法灵活.如:Do you think he is a good worker ?Far from it. “I will.’’表允诺、同意,译作”我会的’’.如:--Do you remember me to your wife ? --I will. I should think so.表强烈赞成,译作“当然’’.I should think not. 与之相反,译作”当然不’’.‎ v---I think you should phone Jenny and say sorry to her .‎ ‎---______. It was her fault.‎ A. No way 、B. Not possible C. No chance 、 D. Not at all ‎12.肯定和不肯定 v考点:Perhaps/Maybe. It’s hard to say . I have no idea . It depends. It’s up to you . No chance. Not as far as I know . That’s right.‎ v难点:It depends.“视情况而定’’,表目前尚不确定,待情况发展而定.I have no idea .”不清楚、不知道’’,表说话者对此事不曾知晓.如:--Has Bob finished his homework? --I have no idea . It’s up to you.“你看着办吧’’,表说话者无所谓或无权作出决定,靠对方自己作出决定. ‎ ‎--How often do you eat out? ‎ ‎--_____, but usually once a week.‎ A. Have no idea B. It depends ‎ C. As usual D. Generally speaking ‎13.意愿和预见 v考点 I hope so /not. I would rather not tell you .I believe so /not. I guess so/ not.‎ v难点 I(don’t) guess/ believe/think /suppose so /not.但不可说I don’t hope so.‎ v真题:--You haven’t lost the ticket, have you ? ‎ ‎--_____.I know it’s not easy to get another one at the moment .‎ A. I hope not B. Yes ,I have ‎ C. I hope so D. Yes ,I’m afraid so ‎ ‎14.表扬和鼓励 v考点:Well done/Good work ! Come on ! You can do it !You’re doing fine!‎ v难点:“Come on!’’有多种意义:①表敦促,译作”快点’’.②表鼓励、煽动,译作"加油,打呀,高兴点’’等.如:Come on, boys ,you can do it. Come on , then, hit me! I dare you ! ③ 了解对方所说的不是事实,译作"别逗了,算了吧’’.如:Oh ,come on ,nobody will believe you .‎ v ‎ --Now, where is my purse? ‎ ‎--____! We’ll be late for the picnic.‎ A. Take your time B. Don’t worry C. Come on D. Take it easy ‎ ‎15.高兴 ‎ v考点:That’s nice /wonderful/great/lovely! How nice/wonderful! I’m glad/pleased /happy to…‎ v难点:I’m glad to hear that.此句是考查热点,表高兴或喜悦.‎ ‎--I had a really good weekend at my uncle’s. --Oh, I’m glad to hear that.‎ ‎---Guess what! I came across an old friend at the party last night .‎ ‎--_____. I’m sure you had a wonderful time.‎ ‎ A. Sounds good! B. Very well. C. How nice! D. All right ‎16.惊奇 v考点 Really? Guess what! Oh dear! How come? what? What a surprise! No wonder.‎ v难点 Guess what!“你猜猜发生了什么事!”用于说出令人感到惊讶的事情前.What?则表对方介绍一种情况,说话者觉得难以置信,希望对方重复部分内容.No wonder.表因果,前一原因导致后来结果,译作“难怪,不足为奇’’.How come ?“怎么会呢?”表惊讶.如:How come you are still here ? I thought you had left. How’s that?询问对方是否满意,译作“怎么样?’’ 如:Come up ! How’s that ? Can you see it clearer now ?还表示”“那是怎么回事? 如:I, m sorry I can’t go with you . How’s that? Haven’t we fixed it?‎ ‎---Brand was Jane’s brother!‎ ‎--_____he reminded me so much of Jane!‎ vA. No doubt B. Above all C. No wonder D. Of course ‎ 高频交际用语答案词:‎ 1. No way 没门,决不可能;‎ 2. No problem (回答请求)没问题;‎ 3. No comment. 无可奉告;‎ 4. No wonder. 难怪 5. Forget it(应答道歉)忘掉它吧,算了吧;‎ 6. Got it懂了,知道了;‎ 7. I mean it我是认真的 8. That’s it.正是这样 9. Not likely!不可能,不行;‎ 10. Not in the least一点也不;‎ 11. Far from it一点也不;‎ 12. Not really不全是,不会吧 13. ‎;Not exactly!不完全如此;‎ 14. Come on.快点;加油;得了吧;‎ 15. Why not?好哇,干嘛不(同意建议);‎ 16. Help yourself.随便吃,自己拿 17. How come?怎么会呢?(惊讶);‎ 18. So what?那又怎样?‎ 19. What for?为了什么;‎ 20. What if? 如果…将会怎样?‎ 21. It’s a deal.成交;‎ 22. It’s a bargain.便宜货;‎ 23. Let’s go Dutch. AA制;‎ 24. It’s my treat.我请客 25. I can’t agree more.完全同意;‎ 26. It depends.看情况,视…而定;‎ 27. ‎(It’s) up to you.由你决定;‎ 28. Absolutely.完全可以 29. By all means当然可以,尽一切办法,务必;‎ 30. Go ahead.开始吧,请吧,用吧,继续 31. Take it easy.别急,别烦恼;‎ 32. Take your time.慢慢来;‎ 33. It’s nothing./Think nothing of it.没什么(回答感谢);‎ 34. Never mind.不要紧,没关系,不用担心;‎ 31. It doesn’t matter.没关系,不生气,不介意 36. Me too.我也是;‎ 37. Me neither.我也不是;‎ 38. It’s a piece of cake.小菜一碟;‎ 39. Cheer up.振作些;‎ 40. Cheers./Drink to one’s health.(为健康)干杯;‎ 41. Better play it safe慎重,别冒险 42. ‎;You can’t be serious! Are you kidding? 开玩笑 43. Pardon me.对不起;‎ 44. Just in case.以防万一;‎ 45. Yes?我在这儿,有什么事?(A : Waiter! B: Yes, sir?)‎ 46. ‎.So far so good.目前为止,一切都好;‎ 47. That’s not like him.那不像是他的风格; ‎ 48. It’s better than nothing.总比什么都没有好;‎ 49. Good luck.祝你好运;‎ 50. Just my luck.真倒霉,真不走运;‎ 51. You bet!当然;‎ 52. Drop me a line.写信给我 53. I’ll keep my ears open.我会留意的;‎ 54. You’re the boss.听你的;‎ 55. If I were in your shoes如果我是你的话 56. That’s all right = That’s OK不用谢;没关系;‎ 57. That’s great /Good idea太好了 ;‎ 58. It couldn’t be better 这再好不过了;‎ 59. It couldn’t be worse 这再糟糕不过了 60. I’d rather you didn’t 我宁愿不要…;‎ 61. Hold the line,please别挂电话 ;‎ 62. Don’t mention it/you’re welcome不用谢 63. That’s all right = That’s OK不用谢;没关系;‎ ‎64.Please remember me to your mum 请代我向你的妈妈问好 ‎65.A pleasure.=My pleasure=It’s a pleasure. 意为“不用谢”,当别人表示感谢时用它来回答;‎ ‎66.With pleasure. 意为“非常乐意”,当别人请自己帮忙时,自己爽快的接受(伴随着快乐)‎ ‎67.Never mind用于当别人为某事烦恼或向你道歉时;‎ ‎68.Help yourself 随便拿/吃…;‎ ‎69.you guessed it 你猜对了;‎ ‎70.Great,/exactly,/definitely/absolutely表示同意和赞成 ‎ ‎71.That’s very nice of you 你真好;‎ ‎ 72.That’s for sure 当然;‎ 73. Thanks anyway不过,还是得谢谢你;‎ 74. It depends视情况而定;‎ 75. Not really不全是,并不是真的/真的不行(礼貌的拒绝);‎ 76. I’m glad that you like it so much (别人夸奖你的服务等你表示感谢的用语)‎ 几个常见的交际用语的使用及比较 1. That is all right.没关系; 不客气(用于别人道歉或致谢时)‎ ‎ That is right说得对 (相当于you are right.) ‎ ‎ All right: 不错 --How is the school going, Steve? --Oh, all right. I guess.‎ ‎ 没事的 Everything will be all right 好的,行(=ok) --Can you get my dress ready by Friday? ‎ ‎-- All right. You'll have it soon.‎ ‎2. with pleasure十分乐意(用于别人求助时) ; 非常乐意(用于邀请时)‎ ‎ ( It is /That is ) a /my pleasure别客气 (用于别人道谢时) ‎ ‎3. Don’t mention it. 不用客气(主要用于别人道谢时) ‎ ‎ 没关系(少数情况下也可用来回答道歉) ‎ ‎4. No problem 没问题 (=By all means / Out of question答应别人) ‎ ‎--Could you post the letter for me? --No problem.‎ ‎ 没问题;不在话下” (表示有能力做某事) ‎ ‎ --Can you make a kite? --No problem. ‎ 没问题(用来表示安慰) ‎ ‎--I’ve left my money at home. --(That’s) no problem. I can lend you some.‎ ‎ 不用谢/别客气 (主要用于美国英语中) --Thank you very much. --No problem.‎ 没关系/没什么” (主要用于美国英语中) ‎ ‎ -- I’m sorry to have kept you waiting. -- No problem ‎5. Forget it没关系/别在意(用来回答道歉) ‎ ‎–I’m really sorry to have broken your vase. –Forget it. I’ve got many.‎ 别放在心上(表示某物/事不重要) ‎ ‎---How much do I owe you?? --Forget it.‎ 算不了什么/不用谢了(用于回答感谢) ‎ ‎--I'm most grateful to you for your help. -- Oh, It’s nothing, Forget it.‎ 别提它了(表示不想重复刚才的话) ‎ ‎–What was that? I didn’t hear. –Forget it. Nothing ‎ 休想/不可能 —Can you lend me 1000 dollars? --Forget it. No way. ‎ ‎ 别说了/省省吧(表示对别人所说的有点烦) Forget it. It's been set for weeks.‎ ‎ 6. Don’t you think? 你说呢?/你说是吗?(用来询问对方的看法)‎ ‎ --It must be a very good book, don’t you think?‎ 难道你不这样认为吗?(委婉的否定/反驳)‎ ‎--He married a beautiful girl. --Oh, really? But I think she is a little too short, don’t you think?‎ ‎7. at your service 愿为您效劳! I'm at your service no matter what you ask me to do 听候吩咐 –Peter ? --At your service, Madame.‎ ‎8. excuse me劳驾 (打听情况/引人注意)‎ ‎-- Excuse me, but will you please lend me a match?‎ ‎--Excuse me, sir, will you tell me the way to the post office? ‎ ‎ 对不起(客气地打断别人的话) --Excuse me, telegram has just arrived. ‎ 劳驾;对不起(经过别人面前时)‎ He pushed his way through the crowd, saying "Excuse me. "‎ 对不起(表示中途退席或暂时告退--Excuse me, just a moment. 对不起,请稍候 ‎--Excuse me, I’ll be back in a minute. ‎ 用来对有失礼仪的行为表示抱歉. 打嗝时/喷嚏时说一声 Oh, excuse me. ‎ ‎8. go ahead说吧/做吧/开始吧/请便(表示同意或允许)‎ ‎--May I start? --Yes, go ahead. ‎ ‎--Will you do me a favour? --Go ahead. 说吧 ‎--Do you mind if I smoke? --No, go ahead不,你抽吧 ‎ 继续…吧(表示继续做某事)--Go ahead, we’re all listening. ‎ ‎--Don’t interrupt me when I am explaining --All right, go ahead. ‎ ‎9 Hang on 别挂断(=hold on)--Hang on! I’ll call him.‎ 等一下(用作电话以外的情况) ‎ ‎--We’re going, Mary. --Hang on a minute. I’m not quite ready. ‎ ‎10. help yourself随便吃 (招呼客人吃东西)‎ ‎--Make yourself at home, and help yourself to anything you like. ‎ 请自便,自已拿吧(客气地允许别人做某事) ‎ ‎--Can I use your dictionary? --Yes, help yourself. ‎ ‎11. after you! 你先请(用作进出门或进餐等场合) --After you, sir. --Thanks. ‎ ‎12. Not at all不用谢;不客气(回答感谢) --Thanks for helping me. --Not at all. I enjoyed it. ‎ 没关系(回答道歉)‎ ‎--I’m sorry to keep you waiting. --Not at all. I’ve been here only a few minutes. ‎ ‎ 一点也不/不见意(回答Would you mind)‎ ‎--Do you mind my opening the window? --Not at all, go ahead.‎ ‎13. I bet. 我敢肯定;保证没错(有把握或信心) ‎ ‎ --I bet he (will) win. 我肯定会赢.‎ You bet. 当然啦;那还用说(表示对方所提出的事实是显然的)‎ ‎-Can you do it? -You bet. 当然啦.‎ ‎--I think he knows the secret. --You bet (he does). ‎ ‎14. Good luck祝你走运 –I’ll take an important exam. –Good luck. ‎ ‎ Bad luck / Hard luck/ ill luck 运气真不好! 真倒霉(同情或安慰某人 ‎ ‎--Bad luck! Better luck next time. ‎ Congratulations 祝贺你 Congratulations on your new job!‎ ‎15. 表赞同对方的话,同意对方的请求几个特殊表达 ‎ I can’t agree more再同意不过了.‎ Absolutely /Exactly/Definitely完全是如此;正是 ‎ ‎ --Can I talk to you for a minute? -Absolutely, come in. ‎ ‎--Do you mean he is to blame --Exactly ‎ absolutely not 绝对不行;绝对不会(表示强烈的否定或拒绝)‎ ‎--Do you think I can trust him? --Absolutely not.‎ ‎ Not exactly 不见得;不完全是--Do you mean to say he’ll refuse us? --Not exactly ‎ ‎--S0 you missed the meeting. –Not exactly. I got there five minutes earlier before it started. ‎ not really确实不行 ‎ ‎-- Do you think we can get to the station on time? --Not really unless we take a taxi. ‎ 不完全是 --Do you hate other's smoking in the office? --Not really. ‎ ‎--Do   you   enjoy   the   party   last   night?   --Not   really. ‎ ‎ by all means 当然可以/没问题 --May I borrow your bicycle? --By all means.‎ ‎ by no means绝不 ‎ out of the question不可能/不行 ‎ ‎16. 常用的几个省略表达:‎ ‎ If so:如果是那样的话 If not:如果不那样的话 What if...如果出现某种情况怎么办 ‎ How come +....从句? 怎么会/为什么出现某种情况;‎ If only......! 但愿;要是...就好了 ‎ So what....?那又能怎么样呢? (表示不在乎,不服气的语气)‎ ‎17.take one’s time表示“慢慢来;不着急”;‎ ‎18.with pleasure 相当于certainly,意为“当然可以;愿意效劳”;‎ ‎19. hold on 在电话用语中表示“请别挂断”;‎ ‎20. Got it 知道了,明白了 ‎21. I couldn’t agree more表示完全同意对方的观点或看法等,可译为:我完全同意;我举双后赞成;你说得很对 ‎22. It (all) depends. / That (all) depends.表示某事或某情况还没有决定,得看情况而定,‎ ‎23. So what? 那又怎样?‎ ‎ ‎

