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Ⅰ.单词拼写 1The people are in a festal ______ (气氛). 2She is not used to the new ______ (环境). 3______ (污染)poses a threat to the continued existence of this species. 4The ______ (沿海的)areas have mild winters. 5She is ______ (担心的)about how little food I eat. 6There wasn't enough ______ (证据)to prove his guilt. 7Exercise has a ______ (主要的)part to play in preventing and combating diseases. 8I'm afraid something ______ (紧急的)has come up;I won't be able to see you tonight. 9He's devoted his whole life to the ______ (保护)of the rare animals. 10I trust his discretion ______(完全地). Ⅱ.完成句子 1 对我个人来说,你怎么做都可以。 ______________ you can do whatever you like. 2 简言之,它确实令人惊奇! ______ it has been ______ amazing! 3 天气最糟糕了。 The weather______________. 4 我只得接受邀请。 I______________ the invitation. 5 酒精对司机的影响很大。 Alcohol______________ drivers. Ⅲ.把下面的句子翻译成汉语 1The damage that human activities have caused to the environment surprises people greatly. ________________________________________________________________________ 2To protect the environment is a long process which takes the joint effort by all human beings. ________________________________________________________________________ 3People have to consider what life will be like if we don't do enough to protect the environment. ________________________________________________________________________ 4We can't help but admire the persons who make great contributions to the environmental protection. ________________________________________________________________________ 5Though it is a hard task to protect our environment,we can do nothing but go ahead. ________________________________________________________________________ Ⅳ.单项填空 1Seeing the ______ snake,Mary was ______ and began to cry. A.frightened;frightened B.frightening;frightening C.frightening;frightened D.frightened;frightening 2I can do nothing but ______. A.reading B.to read C.read D.to be reading 3The actress looked so beautiful in red that we took ______ pictures of her. A.many of B.masses of C.the number of D.a large amount of 4Will you describe the ______ of building a ship? A.progress B.programme C.process D.project 5In such dry weather,the young trees have to be watered if they ______. A.have survived B.are to survive C.would survive D.will survive 6Ashes from the fire fall on the ice surface and ______ more radiation from the sun. A.take in B.pick up C.draw on D.bring in 7______ he's concerned,nothing is as important as his daughter. A.As far as B.As long as C.As soon as D.As well as 8I like the flowers grown on the top of my house,for they ______ sweet smell. A.give in B.give off C.give away D.give out 9What children learn from their parents ______ them. A.have an important effect on B.has an important effect to C.have an important effect to D.has an important effect on 10If you say I am connected with the case,can you show us enough ______? A.evidence B.cause C.reason D.excuse Ⅴ.书面表达 下面是你今天前往机场接一位朋友的经历。请根据汉语提示写一篇 100 词左右的英语日 记。 要点提示: 1.下午 2:00 离开家,朋友的飞机是 3:40 到。 2.由于遇到沙尘暴,能见度降低,在环城路上遭遇堵车,耽误了 20 分钟。 3.在 3:50 赶到机场,接到朋友。 参考词汇:能见度 visibility;降低 decrease March 16 Saturday Fine ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 参考答案 Ⅰ.答案:atmosphere 2 答案:environment 3 答案:Pollution 4 答案:coastal 5 答案:concerned 6 答案:evidence 7 答案:major 8 答案:urgent 9 答案:protection 10 答案:absolutely Ⅱ.1 答案:As far as I'm concerned 2 答案:In a nutshell;absolutely 3 答案:couldn't be worse 4 答案:could not but accept 5 答案:has a great effect on Ⅲ.1 答案:人类活动对环境造成的巨大损害令人极为吃惊。 2 答案:环境保护是一个长期的过程,需要全人类的共同努力。 3 答案:人们不得不考虑如果不做足够的工作来保护环境未来的生活会是什么样子。 4 答案:我们不得不佩服为环境保护作出巨大贡献的人们。 5 答案:尽管保护环境是一项艰巨的任务,但我们除了继续别无选择。 Ⅳ.1 解析:句意:看到可怕的蛇,玛丽感到很恐惧,开始哭起来。frightening 主语一般 是物,本句中表示蛇令人感到恐惧,frightened 主语一般是人,本句中表示玛丽心理的变化。 答案:C 2 解析:句意:除了看书,我什么也不能干。can do nothing but+动词原形表示“只能 做……,别无选择”。 答案:C 3 解析:句意:那位女演员身穿红色衣服看起来很漂亮,我们给她拍了很多照片。masses of 后跟可数名词的复数形式;many 后直接加可数名词复数形式;the number of 意为“…… 的数目”;a large amount of 修饰不可数名词。 答案:B 4 解析:句意:你介绍一下生产轮船的工序好吗?progress 意为“进展,进步”; programme 意为“节目,项目”;process 意为“进程,过程”;project 表示“工程,项目”。 根据句意,应选择 C 项。 答案:C 5 解析:句意:天这么干,如果要这些树活下来,需要(让人)给它们浇水。if 引导的条 件状语从句中可用 be to do 或 be doing 的形式表示将来。 答案:B 6 解析:考查短语辨析。句意:大火的灰烬落在冰面上,吸收太阳的辐射。take in 吸收, 符合题意。pick up 拿起;取,接;学会;好转;继续。draw on 动用,利用;临近,接近。 bring in 介绍;带进,引进。 答案:A 7 解析:句意:对他来说,什么也比不上他女儿重要。as far as...is concerned 就……而 言,符合题意。 答案:A 8 解析:句意:我喜欢长在我家房顶上的花,因为它们散发出芳香。根据句意,give out“发 出,放出(气味、热等)”符合句意。give in 意为“让步”;give away 意为“捐赠、发放”; give off 意为“发出(光、蒸汽等)”。 答案:D 9 解析:句意:孩子们从父母那里学到的东西对他们有着重要的影响。have an important effect on 意为“对……产生重要影响”,主语为 what 名词从句,谓语动词应为 has。 答案:D 10 解析:句意:如果你说我和这件事情有关联,你有足够的证据吗?evidence 表示“证 据”;cause 意思是“引起……的原因”;reason 意思是“原因”;excuse 表示“借口”, 结合句子的意思“……,你有足够的证据吗?”选择 A 项。 答案:A Ⅴ.参考范文: March 16 Saturday Fine I drove away from home at 2:00 p.m.to meet my friend at the airport,whose plane was arriving at 3:40 p.m.Unluckily,when I was on the way,I was caught in a sudden sandstorm.Since the visibility was decreased greatly,drivers couldn't see the road clearly and I was stuck in a traffic jam on the ring road.I was very worried and twenty minutes later,the condition returned to normal and I hurried to the airport as soon as possible.At last I arrived at the airport at 3:50 and met my friend.

