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人教版小学六年级英语下Unit4 A Lets learn Unit4A Let’s learn 教学设计 教学内容:Unit4 My holiday  A Let’s learn 教学目的:‎ ‎1、知识目标:能够听说读写下列动词短语:learned Chinese,sang and danced, took pictures,climbed a mountain,ate good food; 并能运用what did you do on your holiday ? I learned Chinese 等进行口语交际 ‎2、能力目标:能用英语相互交流自己的假日活动并在交际中培养他们的自信心和口语表达能力 ‎3、情感目标:通过活动、歌曲、游戏激发学生学习英语的兴趣让学生敢于、乐于开口讲英语 教学重点:四会五个动词短语的过去式形式 教学难点:正确运用过去时态进行表达 课前准备:‎ ‎1、 录音机及相关的录音带 ‎2、 五个动词短语的课件及卡片 ‎3、 Unit 3中学过的动词过去式短语的卡片 ‎4、 一架相机What’s your favourite season的歌曲录音带 教学过程:‎ 一、          Warm-up T:Hello!Boys and girls!My name is Chen Jing.xIelwou can call me Miss Chen.Today I’ll give you a new lesson.I’m very happy.I wish we will have a good time.Now let’s devide the whole class into two groups.One is Apple groupand the other is Banana group.Let’s have a race.OxieLw.cOm?‎ S:OxieLw.cOm!‎ T:The winning group of each person will get five scores and the other group of each person will get three scores after class.Let’s say”go go go”for my own group!‎ S:Banana banana,go go go!Apple apple,go go go!‎ T:Now the competition is begin.At first let’s sing a song “At the zoo”.‎ ‎1、师生共唱At the zoo,边唱边做相应的动作 T:Singing songs is very happy,but playing games is fun,too.Now let’s play “Brother Words”.For example,if Apple group says“I play football,”Banana group says “I played football”quickly.‎ ‎2、玩单词对抗赛的游戏老师迅速出示短语一组说原形另一组快速说出过去式4个短语之后交换哪组表现好可得一枚标志 二、          preview Let’s start T:Just now you all did good job!Come on!Playing games is fun,taking a trip has more fun.This class we will learn Unit 4 My holiday.(老师板书课题)生读Now please open your books,turn to page 38.Look at let’s start.(看38页let’s start图展开讨论在与学生的交流中自然引入新的词组)‎ T:Do you like holiday?‎ S:xIelwes,I do.‎ T:What do you usually do on your holiday?‎ S1:I usually watch TV.‎ S2:I usually do my homework.‎ ‎(S3:I usually go on trips.)‎ ‎……‎ T:Do you go on trips?‎ S:xIelwes,I do./No,I don’t.‎ T:Where did you go?‎ S:I went to……‎ T:What do you usually do during your trips?‎ S1:I usually eat good food.‎ S2:I usually buy presents.‎ S3:I usually take pictures.‎ ‎……‎ 三、          Presentation Let’s learn ‎1、预习环节老师提问学生:What do you usually do during your trips?时有的学生可能会回答:I usually take pictures.‎ T:Oh,We are the same.I like taking pictures.(出示课件:盘古广场照片)Look at this picture.It’s beautiful.I took the picture last week.(出示took pictures图片)T:Look here.What did my sister do yesterday?(学生或许回答take pictures,T:Take pictures?Pay attention to “yesterday”.)(出示took pictures 与take pictures的对比课件)出示词卡:book 和took 利用以旧引新的方法学习新词took ( book)采取单人读、组读、全体读相结合的方式并做oo的字母操(oo  book took cook look good foot )在熟读的基础上利用规律书空拼读会写后老师板书学生把这个词组写在自己的调查表中。‎ T:What did you do on your holiday?‎ S:I took pictures.‎ T:(转向另一组)What did shehe do on his holiday?‎ S:SheHe took pictures.(再交换)‎ ‎2、 老师出示爬山的课件 T:Last summer I                   .(出示climbed a mountain图片)如果能有学生说出climbed a mountain 就给这一组得一枚标志(说climb a mountain,T:? Pay attention to ‎ “last summer”)(出示对比词的课件)强调ed的读音让学生自己读词采用单个读排读、组读、全体读等多种方式最后拼读书空哪组表现好可以得枚标志老师板书学生把这个词组写在自己的调查表中 T:Have you ever been to any famous mountains?‎ S:xIelwes.‎ T:Where did you go on your holiday?‎ S:I went to……‎ T:How did you go there?‎ S:By trainbus……‎ T:What did you do there?‎ S:I took picturesclimbed a mountain……‎ ‎3、 T:Last summer I climbed Huangshan Mountain.Then I was hungry.I went to a restaurant.Guess,what did I do there?(出示ate good food图片)(同上处理)可能会有学生猜到 eated 这时出示ate good food 与对比的两张图片同样利用以旧(date)引新的方法自己拼读ate(做动作)并告诉学生:Letter “e”is very naughty.He jumps from the first letter to the last letter.Do you remember?读词组:ate good food并书空拼写最后老师板书学生把这个词组写在自己的调查表中 ‎4、 老师做着动作说:On my holiday I took pictures,climbed a mountain and ate good food.What else did I do there?Guess!(师放Friend的歌曲录音师生共唱歌曲并表演)What did we do just now?(出示sang and danced 课件)出示对比课件如上法学习新词sang (apple),danced /t/,领读数遍师生一同书空拼写师板书学生把此短语填在调查表上 游戏:击桌传球 T:Now let’s play a game.Let’s beat the desk and pass the ball quickly.We all say “sang and danced”.When I say “stop”.The student who has a ball will sing a song or say a sentence.(如有学生唱歌老师就问:What did heshe do just now.)‎ ‎5、 师出示书Let’s learn部分图说:What did John do on his holiday?‎ S:He……‎ T: What did Mike do on his holiday?‎ S:He took pictures.‎ T:What else did he do?‎ S:He                (或许能作答出:learned  Chinese,此时出示课件)‎ 师强调learned “ed”的读音/d/指名读此词组然后组读全体读最后拼写师板书学生把此短语填在调查表上 ‎6、 听录音跟读同桌玩我指你读的游戏 ‎7、巩固:自编歌曲 ‎     What did you do on your holiday?‎ ‎    ‎ What did you do on your holiday?‎ On your holiday,on your holiday,‎ What did you do on your holiday?‎ I took,took pictures.‎ ‎ ‎ What did you do on your holiday?‎ On your holiday,on your holiday,‎ What did you do on your holiday?‎ I climbed,climbed a mountain.‎ ‎ ‎ What did you do on your holiday?‎ On your holiday,on your holiday,‎ What did you do on your holiday?‎ I learned,learned Chinese.‎ ‎ ‎ What did you do on your holiday?‎ On your holiday,on your holiday,‎ What did you do on your holiday?‎ I sang,sang and danced.‎ ‎9、快速抢答游戏 全班分成两大组请一组的一名学生到前面抽一张卡片并让另一组的同学猜计时1分钟然后交换最后看哪一组在相同的时间内猜对的个数多就获胜可为本组获得一枚标志 三、巩固 Let’s find out 拿出同学们已经快要制成的表格如下表 ‎ ‎ I know you can!‎ Name:       ‎ ‎ 一、Please interview your parter and finish the chart.‎ ‎   activities ‎ ‎ name ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ I sang and danced.‎ What did you do on your holiday?‎ ‎ ‎ 二、Please talk about with your partner.‎ e.g.:  Zhang Xin took pictures and eat good food.‎ Li Ping climbed a mountain and learned Chinese.‎ Zhang Peng sang and danced.‎ ‎……‎ ‎1、Now you can interview your partner.For example:xIelwou can ask:“Zhang Xin, what did you do on your holiday?”If she answers:“I sang and danced.”So you “√”here.让学生去采访五个同伴.‎ ‎2、然后两人一组互相说说采访的内容T:Please talk about with your partner.For example:Zhang Xin sang and danced. Li Ping took pictures.‎ ‎ ‎ Talk about your trips.‎ ‎(出示幻灯片16)‎ Where did you go?‎ When did you go?‎ How did you go there?‎ What did you do there?‎ 师先示范说一说然后给学生2分钟时间练一练找1-2名同学谈谈他/她的旅行 四、总结本节课所学内容 ‎1、总结本节课所学内容 ‎2、数一数哪组得的标志多哪组获胜胜利组每人累积5分另一组每人累积3分 师生表演唱What did you do on your holiday.‎ 结束 课后反思:‎ 本节课所有的活动都是围绕 “What did you do on your holiday?”展开四会五个动词短语的过去式能正确运用过去时态简单谈论自己的假日活动 教学过程中我采用以旧带新不断滚动知识点的方法逐步分散教学难点基本达成了三个目标学生始终在轻松愉快的氛围中学习;为学生创设了多个任务型活动制作表格、利用表格采访、汇报采访内容、谈论旅行等让学生在多层次的练习中体会到了“语言运用”的必要性;大量的TPR活动肢体动作与语言意义的结合促进了语言的学习;注重了语音教学等 有待改进的地方:‎ ‎1、五个动词短语的过去式呈现完之后应再强调一下动词过去式的规则变化的规律及加ed之后的发音为即将升入初中打基础 ‎2、虽然给学生创设了大量的有意义的语言实践的机会但有一部分同学仍难于开口讲英语被动接受多主动实践少 ‎3、结束课堂教学时没有对分组竞赛的结果进行及时的公布和评价

