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浙江省杭州市长征中学2019-2020学年高一上学期期末考试 英语试题 共150分,时间120分钟。‎ 第一卷(三部分,共95分)‎ 第一部分 听力(共20小题;每题1.5分, 满分30分)‎ 第一节 听下面五段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。‎ ‎1. What did the man do yesterday afternoon?‎ A. He wrote some letters to his friends. B. He typed some business letters. C. He read some business letters. ‎2. What did the man lose?‎ A. A book. B. A wallet. C. A jacket. ‎3. Where is the man going?‎ A. The station. B. The airport. C. The office. ‎4. How much does the pen cost?‎ A. 13 yuan. B. 27 yuan. C. 7 yuan. ‎5. What is the man’s plan?‎ A. To earn money. B. To visit China. C. To finish his study. 第二节 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。‎ 听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7两个题。‎ ‎6. What is the woman’s native language?‎ A. Korean. B. English. C. Chinese. ‎7. How does the man practice his German?‎ A. He often travels to Berlin. B. He uses German a lot in his work. C. He speaks to his neighbor from German. 听下面一段对话,回答第8和第9两个题。‎ ‎8. Why does Julia want to leave her present job?‎ A. She does not like the job. B. She wants to do something different.‎ C. She wants to travel and teach English. ‎9. Who is Tom?‎ A. Julia’s husband. B. Julia’s brother. C. Julia’s boss. 听下面一段对话,回答第10至第12三个小题。‎ ‎10. Where did the two speakers go for dinner?‎ A. To McDonald’s. B. To KFC. C. To a Chinese restaurant. ‎11. Why didn’t they eat at home?‎ A. Because Jill’s mother was not in the house. B. Because Jill was tired of her father’s cooking. C. Because Jill’s father wanted to eat fried chicken. ‎12. What did Jill want for her dinner?‎ A. Hamburger, salad, coffee and chicken. B. Hamburger, salad, Coke, and ice cream. C. Hamburger, vegetables and coffee. 听下面一段对话,回答第13至第16四个小题。‎ ‎13. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?‎ A. Neighbours. B. Workmates. C. Policewoman. ‎14. What is the purpose of the woman’s visit to the man?‎ A. To borrow his telephone. B. To get information about a theft. C. To ask him to call the police. ‎15. What happened last night?‎ A. The woman’s house was broken into. B. The window of the woman’s house was smashed. C. The woman’s car was broken into. ‎16. What did the woman do last night?‎ A. She worked late. B. She bought a CD player. C. She went to a party. 听下面一段独白,回答第17至第20四个小题。‎ ‎17. What kind of products would people buy, according to the advertisers?‎ A. The most expensive products. B. The products of the latest fashion. C. The products that people they admire are using. ‎18. Why do so many ads feature famous people?‎ A. Because they ask for more money. B. Because they know more about the products. C. Because ordinary people like to follow them. ‎19. Why do we want to follow those“best”people?‎ A. Because we want to give them some advice. B. Because we want to show we are as good as them. C. Because we want to get their signatures. ‎20. What principle are many ads based on according to the text?‎ A. Keeping talking about something long enough. B. Doing ads on TV.‎ C. Discussing something with people. 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分35分)‎ 第一节 (共10个小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分25分)‎ A Some students prefer a part-time job after class to earn some money and improve themselves. Here are some good companies.‎ ‎1. IN-N-Out Burger It is the best hamburger shop in the west of America. Regarded as one of the best employers, it offers flexible(灵活的) hours and the highest part-time salaries. Above all, the company treats ‎ its employees the way they would like to be treated: like family. However, there is no discount(折扣) offered to its employees.‎ Position: selling assistant (experience required)‎ Website: www.in-n-out.com ‎2.Starbucks Coffee Starbucks has been at the forefront(前沿) of the United States’coffee revolution. Working hours are flexible. Fit twenty hours of work into your week. There is a 30% discount and a free pound of coffee or box of tea every week.‎ Position: assistant coffee taster (experience required)‎ Website: www.starbucks.com ‎3.Whole Food Market Whole Food Market is the world’s largest natural and organic food selling company. With its focus on organic ingredients, Whole Food Market is about health. Working hours are not fixed. Benefits include paid-time off and a 20% discount so you can eat like a king or at least like a top chef in training. There are also training courses on health and food every week.‎ Position: secretary Website: www.wholefoodmarket.com ‎4.Lands’End Lands’End is a Wisconsin-based clothes store that focuses on casual comfort and warmth for the great outdoors. Employees(even part-time employees) have the chance to go to a company-owned entertainment center and get a 25% discount on theme parks and movies, and an invitation to the yearly company picnic. Besides, part-time employees can come to work anytime they like as long as they work for 4 hours a day.‎ Position: salesperson Website: www.landsend.com ‎21. Which company offers its employees the best discount?‎ A. IN-N-Out Burger B. Starbucks Coffee C. Whole Food Market D. Lands’End ‎22. Which website should you visit if you are interested in selling clothes?‎ A.www.in-n-out.com B.www.starbucks.com C.www.wholefoodmarket.com D. www.landsend.com ‎23. What is the common characteristic(特征)of the four companies?‎ A. Working hours are flexible B. Training courses are offered C. Enough experience is required D. Employees can get high salaries B Think for a few seconds. If you are around people, stop and look around. Take a moment and observe the people walking by you or sitting at the tables near you. Most of the time, you don’t need to listen to their conversations or ask them what they’re thinking or trying to communicate. Directly or indirectly, everybody’s body language speaks louder than words.‎ Take for example, someone that is sad. You can easily tell by their behavior that they are not happy. They are annoyed and they walk about as if a dark cloud follows over them. On the other hand, someone that is happy walks about as if they are surrounded by sunshine. They smile with joy and their body shines with every step. This is body language.‎ Understanding basic body language helps one be a better communicator and person. I know a young boy who cannot for the life of him stay out of social trouble. He’s great at starting friendships but not maintain those relationships. A good reason why he has this trouble is due to his lack of understanding body language. Instead of noticing his friend needs time alone or is not interested in playing at the moment, the boy will press for the friend to do what he or she does not want to do. This quickly creates friction and a quarrel or even a fight will then occur.‎ Understanding body language is not always simple. The person you are trying to read may have other meanings. For example, the crossing of arms is widely understood as that the person is against what he or she is hearing. But, in many cases this can also mean the person is seriously thinking about what is being discussed. A third possibility is simply trying to keep warm.‎ I once heard that body language is really 95% of what we say. Words are only 5%. Our own efforts are the key to becoming better language communicators.‎ ‎24.What would be the best title for the passage?‎ A. Body Language and Our Life B. Common Types of Body Language C. Body Language Louder Than Words D. Secrets and Science of Body Language ‎25. Seeing a person with his arms crossed, we can safely say that _____.‎ A. he doesn’t agree to what he is hearing B. he is in deep and serious thought C. he is simply trying to keep warm D. each of the above is possible ‎26. In the passage, the author presents his idea by _____.‎ A. making comparisons B. giving examples to support his argument C. raising questions and answering them. D. expressing his opinions directly.‎ C When something goes wrong, it can be very satisfying to say, “Well, it’s so-and-so’s fault” or “I know I’m late, but it’s not my fault; the car broke down.” It is probably not your fault, but once you form the habit of blaming somebody or something else for a bad situation, you are a loser. You have no power and could do nothing that helps change the situation. However, you can have great power over what happens to you if you stop focusing on whom to blame and start focusing on how to remedy the situation. This is the winner’s key to success.‎ Winners are great at overcoming problems. For example, if you were late because your car broke down, maybe you need to have your car examined more regularly, Or, you might start to carry along with you the useful phone numbers, so you could call for when in need.For another example, if your colleague causes you problems on the job for lack of responsibility or ability, find ways of dealing with his irresponsibility or inability rather than simply blame the person is not reliable and find creative ways to work successfully regardless of how your colleague fails to do his job well.‎ This is what being a winner is all about—creatively using your skills and talents so that you are successful no matter what happens. Winners don’t have fewer problems in their livers; they have just as many difficult situations to face as anybody else. They are just better at seeing those problems as challenges and opportunities to develop their own talents. So, stop focusing on “whose fault it is,” Once you are confident about your power over bad situations, problems are just stepping stones for success.‎ ‎27.According to the passage, winners_______.‎ A. deal with problems rather than blame others ‎ B. meet with fewer difficulties in their lives C. have responsible and able colleagues ‎ D. blame themselves rather than others ‎28.The underline word remedy in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ____‎ A. avoid B accept C. improve D. consider ‎29.When your colleague brings about a problem, you should_______‎ A. find a better way to handle the problem B. blame him for his lack of responsibility C. tell him to find the cause of the problem D. ask a more able colleague for help ‎30.When problems occur, winners take them as_________‎ A. excuses for their failures B. barriers to greater power C. challenges to their colleagues D. chances for self-development 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ How old is “old”? 31 . Two hundred years ago, you were old at 35. That was the average life then. At the turn of this century, as medical knowledge advanced, the average life span(长度) increased to 45. In 1950, 70-year-olds were really old. Today, a healthy 70-year-old is looking forward to many more active years.‎ So, how old is old? The answer is one you’ve heard many times, from all sorts of people. “You are as old (or young) as you feel!” The calendar(日历) simply tells you how many years you have lived. 32 .‎ Once an unknown author wrote ,“ 33 . Nobody grows old by living a number of years; people grow old by giving up their goals.”‎ ‎34 . Alice Brophy, when she was with the New York City commission for the Aging, said, “It upsets me when people say, ‘Gee, you look young for your age!’ What does that mean? Is there some model that you’re supposed to look a certain way at 65 and 75 and 85? You know you can die old at 30 and live young at 80”‎ There are many wrong ideas about aging. 35 . Here are some of the more common ones. For example, most older people are in poor health, or older people are unable to change.‎ A. It’s extremely terrible to be grown old.‎ B. Youth is not a time of life but it is a state of mind.‎ C. These ideas stereotype(固化) people on the basis of age.‎ D. Old is a point of view.‎ E. Older people are stubborn, unable to change.‎ F. The answer has changed over the years.‎ G. Your body tells you how well you’ve lived.‎ 第三部分 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。‎ When I was a little girl, there was the magic of Mercurochrome (红药水). It was good for cuts, scratches (抓痕), or other 36 . My brother and I tested and 37 the powers of Mercurochrome many years ago.‎ It was summer and hot. Mama was not feeling well and had become 38 tired. She told us that she was going to 39 on her bed. Only a few minutes had passed when Ronnie 40 a scratch on his knee that needed immediate 41 . We tiptoed(踮脚走) into Mama’s room and asked her if we could put Mercurochrome on Ronnie’s scratch. 42 on her back, Mama had fallen into a deep sleep and made no answer.‎ We stole into the bathroom, took the Mercurochrome and 43 Ronnie’s knee. Undoubtedly, he immediately began to feel better. 44 , we tiptoed into Mama’s room to show her that we had taken care of our scratches without 45 her. But she was in sound sleep. Then we whispered that 46 Mama didn’t feel well, perhaps Mercurochrome would make her feel 47 .‎ Twenty minutes 48 , we painted every scratch and every freckle(雀斑)of Mama’s skin. She had Mercurochrome 49 her legs, arms and face. At Ronnie’s encouraging, we _50__ tried to paint her fingernails and toenails.‎ When Mama screamed in 51 , we knew that she was awake. With all the 52 , it didn’t seem at first that she was feeling better, 53 she burst into laughter as she stared at her image in the mirror.‎ We laughed a lot the next few days. If anyone had asked us, we would have 54 that Mama had been cured by the 55 of Mercurochrome.‎ ‎36. A. matters B. worries C. troubles D. wounds ‎37. A. marked B. proved C. collected D. ignored ‎38. A. suddenly B. gradually C. hardly D. extremely ‎39. A. lie down  B. settle down  C. go down  D. look down ‎40. A. doubted B. learnt C. noticed D. recognized ‎41. A. service B. attention C. advice D. study ‎42. A. Round B. Tight C. Wide D. Flat ‎43. A. painted B. designed C. completed D. decorated ‎44. A. Politely B. Proudly C. Carelessly D. Properly ‎45. A. pleasing    B. bothering     C. exciting  D. worrying ‎46. A. before B. unless C. until D. since ‎47. A. better  B. rarer C. worse D. stranger ‎48. A. earlier B. ago C. later D. ahead ‎49. A. in B. on C. over D. under ‎50. A. always B. ever C. even D. only ‎51. A. disappointment B. shame            C.horror        D.excitement ‎52. A. laughing B. talking C. screaming D. joking ‎53. A. so B. although C. because D. but ‎54. A. pretended      B. expected           C. insisted            D. accepted ‎55. A. story B. reality C. secret D. magic 第二卷(四部分,共55分)‎ 第一节:语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。‎ How do we help kids make wise choices about their money? Anne Kersten, 56 Financial teacher in America, says that she starts it by opening an ongoing dialogue. Kersten leads two workshops 57 (design) for families. Both are values-based money management workshops 58_ provide parents with tools and talking points on how to share, save and spend money 59 (wise). Children who attend the workshop receive either a blue piggy bank 60 a Cash Cache(贮存物) .‎ Long before Kersten began teaching other people’s kids about wise money management, she taught her own daughters. When her daughters 61 (be) only 4 and 5 years old, they each received a small allowance(零用钱) to learn how to share, save and spend. “Saving is important because it helps mentally prepare for long-term 62 (goal),” Kersten says, adding that her daughters knew they would be responsible for a part of their college fee. After spending a term ‎ ‎63 (study) abroad, Kersten’s older daughter graduated 64 college last year. She used scholarships(奖学金) along with her savings 65 (help) pay her way. Kersten’s younger daughter saved enough to cover her fee and she will graduate debt-free in 2020.‎ 第二节 词汇知识(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示,写出单词的正确形式,每空限填一词。要求上下文语意正确,单词拼写准确。‎ ‎66. You should not i your mistakes if you want to make greater progress.‎ ‎67. Dave's so s that he never listens to others' advice.‎ ‎68. Many people were t in the burning building waiting for help.‎ ‎69. As a teacher, you should both teach and e students.‎ ‎70. After her heart operation, my grandmother (逐渐地)recovered.‎ ‎71. They don't want to solve the problem with v________________(暴力). Instead, they hope to solve it in a peaceful way.‎ ‎72. We should pay more attention to the q_________ as well as the quantity.‎ ‎73. I am d____________(决心) to change my job. No one else can change my mind.‎ ‎74. When asked, he a___________ stealing the necklace.‎ ‎75. Hundreds of______________(志愿者) have come forward to offer their help.‎ 第三节 单句表达 (共15空,每空1分,满分15分)‎ 根据所给汉语完成下列句子,使句子意思完整、正确。每空限填一词。‎ ‎1. 首先,在公元450年到1150年间,人们在英国所说的英语和今天所说的英语有很大的不同。‎ At first the English spoken in England between about AD450 and 1150 76 very 77 78 the English spoken today.‎ ‎2. 虽然她并不知道去某些地方的最佳方法,她却坚持要自己把这次旅游安排得尽善尽美。‎ Although she didn’t know the best way of getting to places, she 79 that she 80 the trip 81 .‎ ‎3.他们所能住的城区都是由白人决定的。‎ The parts of the town 82 83 they had to 84 were decided by white people.‎ ‎4. 彼得失业了,所以全家人正经历一个非常困难的时期。‎ Peter has lost his job, and the family 85 86 87 a very difficult time.‎ ‎5. 众所周知,科学家们正在寻找癌症的治愈方法。‎ As is known, scientists are 88 89 90 a cure for the disease.‎ 第四节:应用文写作(满分15分)‎ 假定你是李华,是学校机器人俱乐部(robot club)的主席,俱乐部即将举办机器人设计比赛。请你给外教Mr. Brown 写封邮件,邀请他担任比赛的评委。‎ 内容包括:‎ ‎1、活动目的;‎ ‎2、时间、地点等。‎ 注意:‎ ‎1、词数80左右;‎ ‎2、可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ ‎________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎【参考答案】‎ 听力(共20小题;每题1.5分, 满分30分)‎ ‎1-5 BCAAB 6-10 ACBCA 11-15 BBABC 16-20 CCCBA 阅读理解(共两节,满分35分)‎ ‎21-23 BDA 24-26 CDB 27---30 ACAD 31-35 FGBDC 完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ ‎36-40 DBDAC 41-45 BDABB 46-50 DACBC 51-55 CCDCD 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ ‎56.a 57.designed 58.that/which 59. wisely 60.or ‎61.were 62.goals 63. studying 64. from 65. to help 词汇知识(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)‎ ‎66. ignore 67. stubborn 68. trapped 69. educate 70. gradually ‎71. violence 72. quality 73. determined 74. admitted 75. volunteers 单句表达 (共15空,每空1分,满分15分)‎ ‎76. was 77.different 78.from 79.insisted 80.organize 81.properly 82.in ‎ ‎83.which 84.live 85.are 86. going 87. through 88.in 89.search 90.of 应用文写作(15分)‎ One possible version:‎ Dear Mr. Brown,‎ I’m Li Hua, chairman of our school robot club. I’m writing to invite you to be the judge for the robot designing competition organized by us.‎ The competition, whose aim is to promote students’ creativity, will be held in the school hall. It starts from 2 and lasts about 2 hours on the afternoon of January 25. Every competitor is to present his works and give a brief introduction to it.‎ I would appreciate it if you accept my invitation. Looking forward to your reply.‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua

