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黑龙江省大庆实验中学2019-2020学年高二七月 第一次周测 说明: 1. 本套试题共分为四个部分:阅读理解、完形填空、语法填空和单选 ‎2. 答题时间50分钟,总分90分。‎ 第一部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分26分)‎ 第一节(共8题,每小题2分,共16)‎ ‎ A ‎ One day, I was taking a nap in the red chair in my office when I woke up to the sound of a car crash. I sat up and looked, immediately, out my window. Across the street, in a parking lot, a car had just backed into a chain-link fence. The car must have been moving fast, because it was in bad shape: Its hood had popped up. The fence was damaged, bent out in exactly the shape of the car’s back end. ‎ I watched the driver get out of the car. He was strong with a shaved head; he wore cargo shorts and a flannel (法兰绒) shirt unbuttoned to expose his chest hair. I disliked him immediately. After a few seconds of assessing the damage, he attempted to pull the ruined fence back into place, but it wouldn’t move. He tried to push the fallen piece of bumper (保险杠) back onto his car, but that only made the rest of his bumper fall off too. ‎ I sat in my red chair, looking out my window, silently cheering. I think I laughed out loud. This was a ridiculous masterpiece. He climbed out from under the collapsed fence and limped back to the apartment building above the lot, rubbing his elbow. The man—that disgusting man—was going to leave all the chaos behind for someone else to clean up. ‎ But the man appeared a few minutes later with some tools. He got to work immediately, removing one of the fence’s bent support bars and hammering it straight on the asphalt (沥青). For the next hour, I watched out my window as he doggedly(固执地) fixed the fence, even improved it. Now the fence would be extra secure, stronger than before, impossible to damage. ‎ This strange man was actually a hero. I was the lazy one, with my kneejerk (应激反应) judgments, my superiority (优越感) from three stories up. My ugly assumptions, I realized, were all about myself. I would never have fixed that fence; I would have panicked and run away. ‎ Years later, I still look out my window at that fence almost every day. It still looks brand ‎ new, It makes me wonder what else that man has improved, and how I can make myself more like him.‎ ‎1. Why did the driver leave a bad first impression on the writer?‎ A. Because he badly damaged the fence.‎ B. Because he acted rudely and impolitely.‎ C. Because he escaped and left the mess to others.‎ D. Because he had a strange appearance and dressed casually.‎ ‎2. The last two paragraphs tell us that ________.‎ A. if the writer were the driver, he thought he would do better B. the writer gave a quick judgment from his previous experiences C. the driver acted like a hero and had a great influence on the writer D. the writer looks out his window often and expects to see the driver again ‎3. Which of the following words can best describe the driver?‎ A. Rude but honest. B. Lazy but strong-minded.‎ C. Impatient but generous. D. Ordinary-looking but responsible.‎ ‎4. What can be the best title of the text?‎ A. Don’t Judge a Book by Its Cover B. One’s Thinking Directs One’s Actions C. Treat Other People As You Hope They Will Treat You D. The Environment Depends on What You Think in You Mind B For 21-year-old Malhar Kalambe, weekends are not about hanging out with friends. Instead, they have a different mission----cleaning the Dadar beach. It’s their expression to thank their city and make it cleaner for people who come and live here. Collectively, they have made such a huge difference to the beach that the United Nations has recognized their contribution.‎ His initiative, “Beach Please” started on September 10, 2017 and since then, Dadar beach has been cleaner than other beaches of Mumbai. “Actually the idea arose from my vacation to Bali, the unexploited clean beach left me in awe. When it returned, our beaches were in shambles(一片狼藉). During conversation with my mother, I was complaining about how bad our beaches are compared to beaches in Bali, and my mother just said, don't complain, if you care, just go and ‎ clean and thus ‘Beach Please’,” Malhar Kalambe spoke to India Times. ‎ Malhar remembers September10, 2017 as school reunion as most of the people who turned up to clean the Dadar beach on his call were his school mates. “Frankly saying, I hadn't expected that most of the people I had called would turn up. It began and we cleaned the garbage on the beach and thereon, it became a weekend routine. Currently, we are 25 volunteers spend our weekends cleaning the beach.” ‎ Cleaning the beach every weekend is of a little help as there is no end to it and Malhar is also aware of it. "Various studies have shown that only 5 per cent garbage comes on beach and the rest remains on sea bed polluting the marine life. Our effort is little, but we are trying to make whatever difference possible.Therefore, we are taking this to another level by talking to the source through which garbage is done in the sea and also making people aware of not dumpling their garbage in the sea." said Malhar.‎ And his friends have also realized that in order to make a sustainable difference, They must have to make people understand that they have to stop dumping garbage into any source,which further dumps it into oceans. “Awareness, recycling and cleaning are three steps which can bring a change which is long lasting impact. As a result, we have started awareness programme that people don’t dump garbage in the river apart from the regular cleaning every week.I hope people realize that it’s their duty to keep their surroundings as well as the ocean clean.”Malhar added.‎ ‎5. Why was Malhar inspired to send out the "Beach Please" invitation?‎ A. Because it was the mission of school reunion.  B. Because the beaches in the city where he lives were in shambles.  C. Because it was the government that made him make the initiative. D. Because his mother wanted a clean beach.‎ ‎6. Which is true about the first time cleaning?‎ A. It was held by Malhar’s school as a reunion.‎ B.There were 25 volunteers helping cleaning.‎ C. The cleaning took place at an weekend.‎ D. The number of people coming was less than Malhar excepted.‎ ‎7. What can we learn from the passage?‎ A. Only five percent garbage remains on the sea bed after "Beach Please".‎ B. “Beach Please”simply aims to clean the beach and make it a better place. ‎ C. Most of the people who help to clean the beach were students studying in Malhar Kalambe’s old school.‎ D. The best way to make a sustainable difference is to raise the awareness.‎ ‎8. In which section of a magazine will we find this passage?‎ A. Education B. Campus life C. Environment D. Entertainment 第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)‎ 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。‎ We‏’‏ve all been asked that question ‎‏“‏Where do you see yourself in 5 or 10 years?”, and many of us may try our best to answer that. While thinking ahead is important, 9 So we‏’‏ve put together three of our top tips on living in now and not stressing too much about the future.‎ Stop worrying about what hasn‏’‏t happened yet. Worrying about a situation that hasn‏’‏t happened yet is only going to ruin all the good things that are happening now. 10 Remember, worrying about the future isn‏’‏t going to change it. If it is really eating you up, try thinking about what you can do to avoid the negative situations you might be worried about.‎ ‎ Surround yourself with people that make you feel good. In order to fully live in the present, surround yourself with people that make you comfortable. 11 So if you find yourself doubting your achievements and feeling less than someone because they have a nicer car or a better job, take a step away from them for a while.‎ ‎  12 You are your own number one, and looking after yourself before anyone else is the most important. Work towards the goals you want to achieve, not the ones others want you to achieve or think you should be achieving. 13 For example, if you don‏’‏t want to get married, that‏’‏s ok, and if you do, go ahead.‎ A. Do what you want and don’t listen to other people’s opinion.‎ B. Put yourself first and stop trying to please other people.‎ C. it sometimes give rise to unnatural behavior.‎ D. If you focus on the future too much, it can make the present irrelevant.‎ E. Just make sure that anything you do is done for yourself.‎ F. it can often be the cause of unnecessary stress.‎ G. It is so easy to get caught up in other people‏’‏s lives and compare your achievements to theirs.‎ 第二部分:完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满30分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。‎ 第二部分:完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满30分)‎ 阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。‎ My Dad passed away a year ago in March. I can remember his 14 smile and his warmth. He 15 his love in everything, every word and every 16 . He was a very pious man — deeply religious and very mild mannered. He did just about everything for all of us.He always had a kind 17 with everyone.He was a saint(圣人)among us and I was 18 to have such a man for a father.‎ In talking with the Pastor (牧师) after his 19 , he said that most people have a good side and a bad side and when they passed 20 they left the bad side but that my father was one of those very 21 people that had no bad side. I knew that was how it was with my father. I can remember him saying to me 22 , “Judy, did you say your prayers?” I would get a bit 23 by that, but now, I would give anything to hear him ask me that question. I could 24 a page with examples of his 25 to family. When times were tough, Dad 26 his coffee money to give to the church. He walked miles and miles to work when there wasn’t 27 for a bus. Dad would 28 me miles to church, 29 my feet would get tired. He did everything for us even though he worked two jobs and like I said did it 30 — nothing seemed to be too much for him to do for us.‎ My father did something even more than what I 31 , he showed us what true love, compassion(同情、怜悯) and faith really 32 and is. 33 he be in the comfort in the paradise.‎ ‎14. A.relieved B.slight C.broad D.thrilled ‎15. A.gave B.showed C.allocated D.divided ‎16. A.act B.aspect C.advantage D.advice ‎17. A.attitude B.impression C.figure D.word ‎ ‎18. A.blessed B.admired C. misfortuned D.blamed ‎19. A.return B.arrival C.death D.life ‎20. A.away B.by C.off D.over ‎21. A.grateful B.honest C.brave D.special ‎22. A.at one time B.all the time C.of all time D.in no time ‎ ‎23. A.annoyed B.distracted C.surprised D.ashamed ‎24. A.make B.write C.give D.fill ‎25. A.meaning B.devotion C.significance D.duty ‎26. A.provided B.spent C.abandoned D.sacrificed ‎27. A.much B.extra C.abundance D.enough ‎28. A.carry B.take C.lead D.drive ‎29. A.when B.while C.as D.unless ‎30. A.hopefully B.lovingly C.sincerely D.patiently ‎31. A.believed B.mentioned C.realized D. had ‎ ‎32. A.affects B.symbolizes C.means D.counts ‎33. A.May B.Could C.Would D.Should 第三部分 单项选择(共19小题,每小题1分)‎ ‎34. Rather than ___ on a crowded bus, he always prefers _____ a bicycle.‎ A. ride; to ride B. riding; ride C. ride; ride D. to ride; riding ‎35. As I will be away for at least a year,I’d appreciate     from you now and then _______ me how everyone is getting along.‎ A. hearing;tell B. to hear;tell C. hearing;telling D. to hear;to tell ‎36. She_______ an old friend of hers yesterday while she was shopping at the department store.‎ A. turned down B. came across C. took after D. dealt with ‎37. The new bridge is ______ the one built last year.‎ A. three times width of B. three times that of C. three times the width D. three times the width of ‎38. I know this is not quite the right word, but I can’t be ________ to think of a better one.‎ A. disturbed B. bothered C. troubled D. worried ‎39. What time is it now? My watch is________.‎ A. out of shape B. out of place C. out of step D. out of order ‎40. The hotel wanted to charge $150 for the room service, but we couldn't ____________ to live in such an expensive hotel.‎ A. pay B. afford C. charge D. pay for ‎41. It is the third time ____ late this month.‎ A. that you arrived B. when you arrived C. that you’ve arrived D. when you’ve arrived ‎42. What___ it is to have a cold drink after an _____ game!‎ A. fun, exciting B. a fun, exciting C. funs, excited D. fun, excited ‎43. —Mom,I can't see any point in working hard at all the subjects at school.‎ ‎—Come on,dear. Years of hard work will surely ________ in the future.‎ A. make sure B. pay off C. pay for D. pay back ‎44. The dog was approaching_____ the garden when she ran out.‎ A. to B. towards C. for D. /‎ ‎45. They have ____signs in some places to remind(提醒)the visitors not to step on the grass。‎ A. put on B. put up C. put down D. put out ‎46. I first met Lisa three years ago. She ___ at a radio shop at the time.‎ A. has worked B. was working C. had been working D. had worked ‎47.    553 metres into the sky,the CN Tower is the third tallest in the world.‎ A. To rise B. Rising C. Rise D. Risen ‎48. China,a country with 145 million elderly people,will     an aging society during this century,according to Chinese population experts.‎ A. suggest B. remain C. replace D. become ‎49. — Have you got the results of the final exam?‎ ‎— Not yet.It will be a few days     we know the full results.‎ A. before B. after C. since D. when ‎50. He     a long pole in the center of the field,and on the top of it hung the lamp. ‎ A. put up B. put out C. put on D. put up with ‎51. It seems there are     people out of work.Something must be done to create more employment.‎ A. a great many B. a great many of C. a great deal D. a great deal of ‎52. The poor little boy     by his heartless parents was seen begging in the street.‎ A. abandoning B. to be abandoned C. having abandoned D. abandoned 第四部分:阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)‎ Any dog owner will tell you, there's a reason our pups are called “man’s best friend”. However, some of the owners enjoy the 53 (relate) with pets of more strength.‎ Anna Chandler, 20, from Gateshead lost her dad two years ago, 54 made her suffer a period of depression and 55 (anxious). However, through the darkness 56 (come) Labrador River who Anna described as her best friend.‎ Anna said: "Mum brought her home for me as a surprise and she hasn’t left my side. She is my best friend. She gets every single emotion of mine 57 (pick) up. She sits on the floor right next to me. She even sleeps in her own bed in my bedroom. I can’t imagine life 58 her. She’s got me through quite a lot. "‎ Originally 59 (train) as a dog for the blind, River passed all her tests but finally failed due to a skin allergy. Although this was 60 (disappoint), Anna's family were fascinated when they could welcome her as a member of the family.‎ Anna added: "Everyone loves River. She is such 61 easy-going dog. I’ve signed her up to be a pet dog blood donor and to go into care homes when all this is over.‎ ‎“I’d rather lose my arm than lose her. She's 62 (constant) there for me.”‎ ‎【参考答案】‎ 阅读:1- 8 DCDA BCDC 9-13 FDGBE 完形填空:14-18 CBADA 19-23 CADBA 24-28 DBDDA 29-33 CBBCA 单选:‎ ‎34-38 ACBDB 39-43 DBCAB ‎44-48 DBBBB 49-52 AAAD 语法填空 ‎53. relations/ relation / relationship/ relationships 54. which ‎ ‎55. anxiety 56. came ‎57. picked 58. without ‎59. having been trained 60. disappointing ‎61. an 62. constantly

