译林版七年级英语上册期末复习课件Unit 3 Welcome to our school

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译林版七年级英语上册期末复习课件Unit 3 Welcome to our school

Unit 3 Welcome to our school! 课时 1 Comic strip & Welcome to the unit 译林版七年级上 一、根据首字母及汉语提示写出单词 。 1. [ 安徽蚌埠期末 ]We can learn a lot about Chinese h ( 历史 ) from this book. 2. W ( 哪 一 个 ) is your favourite player, Simon? 3. Sandy is good at M ( 数学 ) . hich aths istory 4 . —What’s the d ( 日期 ) today , Amy? —It’s 7 July. 5. The class m ( 会议 ) begins at three o’clock tomorrow afternoon. ate eeting 二、单项选择 。 6. [ 中考 · 安徽 ]—Will you go to the picnic this Saturday ? — I’d like to, ____ I’ll have to help look after my baby sister. A. but B . or C . and D . so A 7 . —Ann, is this your new school? — _______. A. Yes, this is B . No, this isn’t C. Yes, it is D . No, it not C 8 . We have an _______ lesson every week. A. music B . Chinese C. art D . history C 9 . The sports meeting begins ______three o’clock______ the afternoon. A. at; in B . at; on C. in; at D . on; at A 10 . —What time is it now? — ______. A. It’s Tuesday B . It’s spring C. It’s five o’clock D . It’s a fine day C 三、用方框中所给词的适当形式填空 。 11. There are some _______ on the plate on the table . lesson, England, meet, cake, good cakes 12 . We have a parents’ __________ every term. lesson, England, meet, cake, good meeting 13. Some teachers from other schools can watch some of our __________. lesson, England, meet, cake, good lessons 14 . Who is good at __________ in your class ? lesson, England, meet, cake, good English 15 . Which of the subjects do you like __________ ? lesson, England, meet, cake, good best 四、根据汉语意思完成句子。 16. 汤姆告诉他的朋友关于他学校的事。 Tom _________ his friends _________ his school. tells about 17. 我最喜爱的科目是地理。 My favourite _________ is _________ . subject geography 18 . 我们每周都有一次班级会议。 We have a _________ _________ every week . class meeting 19 . 我们的英语课在八点钟开始。 Our English lesson _________ _________ 8:00. begins at 20 . 在学校门口碰面怎么样? _________ _________ meeting at the school gate? What/How about 五、补全 对话 ( 有 两项 多余 ) Amy : Hello, Cindy! ______21 Cindy : Maths. ______22 Amy : No. I like PE because I like playing sports. Oh , _____23, do you know? A. Which is your favourite subject? B. What’s the day today? C. Can you come? D. It begins at 7:50 in the morning. E. what’s the date today F. Do you like Maths? G. What about you, Amy? A F E Cindy : It’s 13 October. Our school has a sports meeting. _____24 Amy : Yes, I can. What time is it? A. Which is your favourite subject? B. What’s the day today? C. Can you come? D. It begins at 7:50 in the morning. E. what’s the date today F. Do you like Maths? G. What about you, Amy? C Cindy : ______25 Amy : OK. Let’s meet at the school gate. Cindy : Goodbye. Amy : Bye. A. Which is your favourite subject? B. What’s the day today? C. Can you come? D. It begins at 7:50 in the morning. E. what’s the date today F. Do you like Maths? G. What about you, Amy? D Unit 3 Welcome to our school! 课时 2   ReadingⅠ 安徽译林版七年级上 一、根据首字母及汉语提示写出单词 。 1. Can you s ( 引 , 带 ) me around your middle school ? 2. The teaching b ( 楼房 ) is very tall. 3. Snow covers the g ( 地面 ) . 4. Our classroom is clean and b ( 明亮的 ) . 5. There is a garden in f ( 前面 ) of the classroom building . uilding round right ront how 二、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 6. How many classroom __________( build) are there in your school? buildings 7. There are two big __________ ( library) in our town . libraries 8 . Her dress __________ ( look) very modern . looks 9 . Let __________ ( he) go home by bike, please . him 10 . Mr Wu is our __________ ( China) teacher. Chinese 11. Our head teacher has all the __________( parent ) telephone numbers . parents’ 12 . She is a __________ ( wonder) teacher. We all like her . wonderful 13 . Do you have any __________ ( meet) rooms in your school , Millie ? meeting 14 . Mike likes watching football __________ ( match) in the evening . So he often has no time to do his homework . matches 15 . He is one of the __________ ( hero) in my heart. heroes 三、单项选择。 16 . [ 中考 · 福建 ]—Is that your headmaster? —You mean the man _____ blue ? A. on B . with C. in D . for C 17. ______ city would you like to choose to live in , Chengdu , Beijing or Hefei? A. How B . Where C. When D . Which D 18 . [ 模拟 · 阜阳二中 ]Alice likes doing housework . She ______ her room every afternoon. A. cleans B . cleaned C. is cleaning D . clean A 19 . —Where is your friend? —I ______ he’s at home. A. look B . think C. show D . collect B 20 . There _______ a lot of juice in the bottle. A. is B . are C. has D . have A 21 . —What does Kate often do on Sundays? —She often _______ books in the library. A. read B . reads C. to read D . reading B 22 . Our principal( 校长 )often _______ visitors _______ our school. A. shows; to B . show; for C. showing; in D . shows; around D 23 . The tree is _____ the library. A. in the front of B . in front C. in front of D . in the front C 24 . Millie lives _____ the building, _____ the third floor. A. on; on B . in; in C. in; with D . in; on D 25 . —Is there _____ art room in your school? —Yes, there is _____ . A. an; one B . an; a C. the; one D . one; the A 四、根据汉语意思完成句子。 26. 他看上去很快乐。 He ________ ________ . looks happy 27. 请往这边走,图书馆在那边。 ________ ________ , please. The library is________ ________. This way over there 28 . 那个穿白衬衫的男人是谁 ? Who is that man ________ ________ ________ ________? in a white shirt 29 . 这座图书馆看起来既现代又漂亮。 The library ________ ________ and ________ . looks modern beautiful 30. 现在让我带你参观一下我们的学校。 Now let me ________ you ________ our school . show around 31 . 教学楼前面有许多高大的树木。 ________ ________ many tall trees ________ ________ ________ the classroom building . There are in front of 32 . 学生们喜欢在操场上做运动。 The students like to ________ ________ ________ ________ ________. play sports on the playground 33 . 你们学校里有几个计算机机房? How many ________ ________ are there in your school? computer rooms 34. 简的父母在学校开放日来参观她的学校。 Jane’s parents _______ and visit her school _______ the _______ _______ . come on Open Day 35 . 这所学校非常美丽。所有的学生都热爱它。 The school is _______ _______ . _______ _______ _______ love it. really nice/beautiful All the students 五、按要求完成句子 。 36. His school looks beautiful. (改为一般疑问句) ________ his school ________ ________ ? Does look beautiful 37. We have an art room and two music rooms in our school . (同义句转换) ________ ________ an art room and two music rooms in our school . There is 38 . Mr Green teaches English in this school. (同义句转换) Mr Green is ________ ________ ________ in this school . an English teacher 39 . They have lunch at school ( . 用 He 替换 They 改写句子) He ________ ________ at school . has lunch 40 . There are 18 classrooms in my school. (改为同义句) My school ________ ________ ________ . has 18 classrooms 六、完形填空。 We are students of No.1 Middle School. In our school the teachers are _____41 to us. Our school is not big _____ 42 beautiful. 41. A. friend B. friendly C. happy D . happily 42 . A. and B . so C . but D . or B C There are ____43 teachers and students. There are some trees, ____44. 43. A. many B . any C . lot D. much 44 . A. also B . too C . to D . with A B There are _____45 students in our class , twenty-six girls and twenty-four _____ 46. 45. A. thirty B. forty-five C. fifty D . sixty 46. A. books B. students C. teachers D . boys C D Our classroom is big. There are six windows and two doors. There are two _____47 on the wall . 47 . A. classrooms B . pictures C. desks D . schools B _____48 my classroom there is a big blackboard . Our desks and chairs are new . 48. A. Between B . Next to C. In the front of D . Under C Our classroom looks clean and ____49. We like to ____ 50 here . 49 . A. bright B . bad C . heavy D . strong 50 . A. work B . write C . study D . sleep A C Unit 3 Welcome to our school! 课时 3   Reading Ⅱ 安徽译林版七年级上 一、根据首字母及汉语提示写出单词 。 1. I think your reading room is very m ( 现代的 ). 2. The parents’ meeting is in the school h ( 礼堂 ). 3. Our classrooms are very b ( 明亮的 ). 4. It’s good for students to keep a d ( 日记 ). 5. —Your little sister is s ( 如此 ) beautiful . —Thank you. all right iary o odern 二、单项选择。 6. [ 芜湖期末 ]Children always have much fun ______ Children’s Day. A. on B . in C . at D . for A 7 . You have a bike. I have a bike, ____. A. also B . too C . either D . neither B 8 . —Excuse me, where’s the school hall? — ____ . A. Thank you B . This way, please C. In our school D . In our classroom B 9 . —Who is the woman in a white dress? — ____ . A. She is a nurse B. She is Miss Gao, our English teacher C. She is a teacher D. She is in Class One, Grade Seven B 10 . Does she have _____ homework to do every day? A. a lot B . much C . many D . lots B 11 . Miss Li is _____ teacher and she teaches _____ Chinese . A. our ; our B . our; us C. us; our D . ours; our B 12 . Look! There are _____ students on the playground. A. many B . lots of C. a lot of D . A, B and C D 13. That building _____ very beautiful. A. looks B . be C . begins D . comes A 14 . They _____ have a school library. A. doesn’t B . don’t C. aren’t D . are B 15 . — _____ floors are there _____ this building? —There are sixteen floors. A. How many; on B . How much; in C. How many; in D . How far; to C 16. [ 合肥一六八教育集团调研 ] — _____ students are there in your class? — There are fifty-five students, thirty boys and twenty-five girls. A. Who B. How much C. How many D . How C 17 . — _____ today ? —It’s July 26. A. What date B . What’s the date C. What day is it D . What’s the day B 18 . [ 中考 · 北京改编 ]Sam ______ basketball with his friends every weekend. A. play B . is playing C. to play D . plays D 19 . [ 中考 · 淮安 ]—Mr. Black, ______ will the parents ’ meeting last? —It’s hard to say. Maybe one hour or more. A. how long B . how much C. how far D . how often A 20 . [ 中考 · 梧州 ]The city museum closes _____ 7 o’clock in the evening. A. at B . from C. on D . of A 三、根据汉语意思完成句子。 21. 他们在他们学校礼堂开会。 They ________ ________ in their school hall. have meetings 22. 我们的图书馆在一楼。而且很容易找到。 Our library is ________ ________ ________ ________ and it is easy to find . on the ground/ first floor 23 . 那个穿蓝色衣服的男孩是 Dick 。 The boy ________ ________ is Dick . in blue 24 . 我们的音乐教室既干净又明亮。 Our ________ room is ________ and ________. music clean bright 25 . 咱们去图书馆吧。 Let’s ________ ________ ________ ________. go to the library 四、按要求完成 句子。 26. Our English teacher is wearing a white shirt. (同义 句转换 ) Our English teacher is _______ a _______ _______ . in white shirt 27 . I will show you around my school. (改为祈使句) _______ _______ _______ you _______ my school . Let me show around 28. It is 12 October today. (对画线部分提问) _______ _______ _______ _______ today? What is the date 29 . We have meetings in our school hall . (改为 一般疑问句) _______ _______ _______ meetings in your school hall ? Do you have 30 . Their school looks beautiful. (改为否定句) Their school _______ _______ beautiful . doesn’t look 五、完形填空。 Hi, Millie. I am very ____31 to get an email from you . In your email you say that your school is very ____ 32. I know you like your school . 31 . A. sad B . unhappy C . happy D . angry 32 . A. bad B . big C . middle D . dirty C B That’s great! I ______33 my school , too. I often do my homework _____ 34 my classroom and I can finish it quickly . 33. A. don’t like B . doesn’t like C. like D . likes 34 . A. to B . on C . in D . with C C My best friend is Jack . I like to play tennis. ____35 likes to play basketball . 35. A. He B. Him C. I D . Me A And we both( 都 ) like playing ____36. We often play football with our friends _____37 the school playground. 36. A. tennis B. basketball C. volleyball D . football 37 . A. in B . at C . with D . near D A You say Chinese is your favourite lesson, _____38 I don’t know any Chinese words. I go to the Computer Club. 38. A. because B . so C. and D . but D Mr Smith, our computer teacher, is ______39 to us. We all like him. I hope I can ______ 40 you soon . 39. A. bad B. kind C . new D . old 40 . A. watch B . read C . look D . see B D Unit 3 Welcome to our school! 课时 4   Grammar 安徽译林版七年级上 一、语法专练:用合适的人称代词填空 。 1. ________ is my grandma. We often visit ________ at the weekend. (she) 2. ________ aren’t good at English. Sandy sometimes helps ________ . (they) 3. ________ is a dog. We like ________ very much. (it ) They It it She her them 4 . My friends and ________ ( me) often play basketball together . 5. Tom is over there. Can you see ________ ( he)? I him 二、单项选择 。 6 . [ 芜湖期中 ] Mr Wu teaches ______ English . We all like ______ very much. A . we; he B . our; him C. me; them D . us; him D 7 . [ 合肥庐江县一模改编 ]—Excuse me, are these_____ new shoes? —No, they aren’t. _____ shoes are black over there. A. your; My B . you; I C. her; She D . my; You A 8 . Joe, let _____ tell _____ about my new school. A. I; your B . I; you C. me; you D . my; your C 9 . My uncle is a worker. ______ is very kind. A. His B . She C . He D . Him C 10 . The new shoes are for ______ . A. you and me B . me and he C. I and you D . me and you A 三、用正确的人称代词填空 , 完成对话 。 A : Hello, Adam. B : Hello, Jack. A : How are _______11 ? B : Fine, thanks. A : How many books do _______ 12 have? B : _______ 13 have five books. you you I A : Can ________14 have one, please? B : Sure. Here ________ 15 are. A : Thank you. B : ________ 16 are welcome . I you You A : By the way, Lucy and Tom want to have some books, too. ________ 17 are friends. ________ 18 like reading very much. Lucy likes reading comic books. And Tom likes reading storybooks. B : OK! I can lend( 借 ) two books to _______19 . A : ________20 is very kind of you. They They them It 四、完形 填空。 Dear Joan, How are you? It’s very _____21 of you to write to me. 21. A. easy B . nice C . careful D . glad B From your letter, I _____22 a lot about you and your school . Now let me tell you something about _____ 23 and my school . 22 . A. buy B . study C. talk D . know 23 . A. I B . you C . me D. my D C I am thirteen years old. I am in Class Two, Grade Seven at Changjiang Middle School. My father is a teacher. ___24 teaches _____25 English. 24 . A. Him B. His C . She D . He 25 . A. our B . they C . us D . their D C My mother is a doctor . I _____26 early every morning and then _____ 27 English books at home . 26 . A. go to bed B . have lessons C. get up D . come here 27 . A. look B . see C . watch D . read C D Our school is very big. It has 3,000 students and 250 teachers. ______28 the teachers and the students work hard . 28. A. Many B . Some C . All D . Every C After school, I like playing _____29 volleyball with my friends. 29. A. a B. an C . the D . / D Please come and have a look at our school if you are ____30 . Please write to me soon. Yours , Millie. 30. A. busy B. tired C. free D. hungry C Unit 3 Welcome to our school! 课时 5   Integrated skills & Study skills 安徽译林版七年级上 一、根据首字母及汉语提示写出单词 。 1. What k ( 种类 ) of books do you often read ? 2. These small chairs are o ( 仅仅 ) for children. 3. —May I have a look at your new pen? — S ( 当然 ) . 4. It t ( 花费 ) me half an hour to clean my bedroom . 5. Is there a r room( 阅览室 ) in your school? nly ure akes eading ind 二、用所给词的适当形式填空 。 6. I like this storybook. It is _________( real) interesting. really 7. There_________ (be) many classrooms in our school . are 8 . Sometimes Lisa with her brother _________ ( play ) games at home . plays 9 . My friends are very nice, so I love _________ ( they ) very much . them 10 . There are all kinds of _________ ( ball) under the bed. balls 三、单项 选择 。 11. [ 中考 · 遂宁 ] It usually takes me 10 minutes ______ to school every day. A. to get B . get C. gets D . getting A 12. The supermarket is open _____ 10:00 a.m . _____ 8:00 p.m. A. from; in B , from; to C. between; to D . between; with B 13 . [ 中考 · 北京 ]— _____ do you usually go to school , Mary ? —By bike. A. When B . How C. Where D . Why B 14. —Do you often borrow books _____ the library? —Yes, I do. A. of B . in C. out D . from D 15 . The cinema _____ for 10 hours a day and it _____ at 2 p. m. A. is open; opens B. opens; is open C. is opening; is open D. opens; is opening A 四、根据汉语意思完成 句子。 16. 让我想想。那个长头发的女孩是谁 ? _________ _________ _________ . Who is the girl with _________ _________? Let me see long hair 17. 周末 Tommy 经常在电话里和朋友聊天。 Tommy often chats with his friends ________ ________ ________ on weekends . on the phone 18 . 看那个男人。你认识他吗? ________ ________ that man. Do you know ________? Look at him 19 . 课后一起做游戏怎么样? ________ ________ playing games together ________ ________? What about after class 20 . 我们教室的墙上有一些美丽的图片。 There ________ some beautiful pictures ________ ________ ________ in our classroom . are on the wall 21 . 汤姆每天什么时候起床? When ________ Tom ________ ________ every day ? does get up Unit 3 Welcome to our school! 课时 6   Task & Self -assessment 安徽译林版七年级上 一、根据首字母及汉语提示写出单词 。 1. I often get l ( 信函 ) from my pen friends. 2. There are only a f ( 少数 ) apples on the tree. 3. It t ( 花费 ) me about fifteen minutes to get to school . 4. Our classmates and teachers are all very f ( 友好的 ) . 5. I live far a ( 远离 ) from my parents. ew akes riendly way etters 二、单项选择 。 6. Helen and Mary are good friends. ______ often help each other. A. Them B . She C. They D . Their C 7 . [ 中考 · 安徽 ]On sunny days, my grandma often reads a novel ______ the window. A. by B . for C. with D . from A 【 点拨 】 句意:在晴朗的日子,我的祖母经常在窗边读小说。本题考查介词的用法。 A 项意为“在旁边” ; B 项意为“为了” ; C 项意为“和,用” ; D 项意为“从”。故选 A 。 8 . [ 中考 · 苏州 ] — ______ does it take you to get to school by bike? —About fifteen minutes. A. How soon B . How often C. How long D . How far C 9 . Thank you ______ me . A. for help B . for helping C. to helping D . helping B 10 . —I will have my final( 最终的 ) exam tomorrow. — ______ A. All the best! B . Thank you! C. This way ! D . Sorry! A 三、根据汉语意思完成句子 。 11. 我们有时在图书馆里看书。 Sometimes we _________ _________ _________ _________ . read in the library 12. 米莉每天花大约半小时到学校。 It takes Millie about ________ ________ ________ _________ ________ ________ school every day . half an hour to get to 13 . 你通常步行去上学吗? Do you usually go to school _________ _________ ? on foot 14 . 我们的老师们对我们都很好。 Our teachers _________ _________ _________ _________ to us. are all very kind 15. 早起锻炼 , 有益健康。 It’s good for your health to _______ _______ early and exercise . get up 16 . 他住得离他的学校很远。 He _______ _______ _______ _______ his school . lives far away from 17 . 他们经常在电话里聊天。 They often chat _______ _______ _______ . on the phone 18 . 他们经常下课后去阅览室。 They often _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ after class . go to the reading room 19 . 我的哥哥现在在第一中学学习。 My elder brother _______ _______ No.1 Middle School now. studies at 20 . 艾米在她的新学校只有几个朋友。 Amy has _______ _______ _______ friends in her new school. only a few 写作素养提升练 Unit 3 Welcome to our school! 安徽译林版七年级上 本单元的主题是参观我们的学校,学校是我们 成长 的摇篮,是我们记忆中无法忘记的圣地。本 单元将 一起学习如何介绍我们美丽的校园。 安徽译林版七年级上 假如你是 Jim, 请根据下面提示写一封信 , 向你 的朋友 Wendy 介绍你的学校。(不少于 70 词) 提示:学校很大,有很多教室,教室干净明亮 。有 一个图书馆和两间阅览室。操场在教学楼前面, 操场 也很大。我们经常在那里做运动。 我们的老师都很好,我很喜欢他们。 我住在学校附近,每天步行上学,大约十分钟 到学校 。 【 思路构建 】 步骤 构思 列纲 1 总体描述学校 very big 2 详细描述学校的 教学楼与操场 many class rooms, a library and two reading rooms, playground… 3 对老师进行简单描述 very kind 4 我的出行方式 on foot Dear Wendy, Thanks for your letter. Now let me tell you something about my school. My school is very big. There are many classrooms in it. They are clean and bright. We have a library and two reading rooms . Our playground is in front of the teaching building . 【 精彩范文 】 It is very big. We often play sports there. Our teachers are all very kind. I like them very much. I live near the school. I go to school on foot every day. It takes me about ten minutes to get to school. Yours, Jim 1. I study at… 2. There are…classrooms in… 3. We have/do not have a playground/a library/a hall… 4. It is not…but… 5. I live far away from/near the school . 6 . I take a bus/walk to school. 7. I go to school by bike/by bus/on foot… 8. It takes me…to get to school. 请以 “My school” 为题 , 写一篇文章,要点如下: 1. 我的学校非常美丽 , 教学楼有四层,有 20 个教室 。图书馆 和电脑教室在一楼,在二楼有五个教师 办公室 。 2. 老师都很好。 3. 我们学校里有两个花园,花园里有许多美丽的花 和树 。教学楼前有一个大操场,我们经常在那里做运动 。 4 . 学校离我家不远,我每天骑自行车去上学,大约 要十五分钟 到学校。 要求:要点清晰,书写工整,不少于 70 词。 ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ My school My school is very beautiful. We have a classroom building. It has four floors. In the classroom building, there are 20 classrooms. The library and the computer room are on the ground floor. On the first floor, there are five teachers' offices. All the teachers are very kind to us at school. There are two gardens in my school. There are ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ many beautiful flowers and trees in the gardens. There is a big playground in front of the classroom building. We often do sports there. My school is not far from my home. I go to school by bike every day. It takes me about fifteen minutes to get to school. 中考考点专练 Unit 3 Welcome to our school! 安徽译林版七年级上 一、单项选择 。 1. —_____ is your sister? —The girl on the yellow bike. A. What B . When C . How D . Which D 二、根据汉语意思完成 句子。 2. ________ ________ your house? 哪一栋是你的房子 ? 3. ________ ________ is your father’s birthday? 你父亲的生日是哪一天? Which is Which day 单项选择。 1. [ 中考 · 安徽 ]A better future is the goal (目标 ) of the Chinese people, _____ it’s also the common interest (共同利益) of the world . A. so B. and C. or D. but B 2 . [ 中考 · 天水 ]Taxi Apps (打车软件) can help us travel around more easily. _____ more and more people like using them. A. Or B . So C . And D . But B 根据汉语意思完成句子或短语。 1. 让我带你游览合肥。 Let me ________ ________ ________ Hefei . 2. 杰克给我们展示了他的新电脑。 Jack ________ ________ his ________ ________ . 3. 你能给我看看你的照片吗 ? Can you ________ your photos ________ ________ ? show you around shows us new computer show to me 4 . 这是我最喜欢的节目。 This is my ________ ________ . 5. 时装表演(时装秀) fashion ________ 访谈节目(脱口秀) talk ________ favourite show show show 一、单项选择。 1 . There is a teacher’s desk _____ the classroom. Mr Liu is standing _____ it. A. in front of; in front of B. in the front of; in the front of C. in the front of; in front of D. in front of; in the front of C 二、翻译句子。 2. 房子的前面有一些树。 __________________________________________. 3. 教室的前面有一块黑板 。 __________________________________________. There are some trees in front of the house. There is a blackboard in the front of the classroom. 一、单项 选择。 1. [ 中考 · 包头 ]Everyone can help in _____ way or another to make our city more beautiful. A. any B . one C . every D . either B 【 点拨 】 句意:每个人都可以以这样或那样的方式帮助我们的城市变得更加美丽。 any 任何 ; one 一个 ; every 每一个 ; either( 两者中 ) 任何一个。固定搭配 in one way or another 意为“以这样或那样的方式”,故选 B 。 二、用 one 或 it 填空。 2. My bike is broken. I have to borrow ________. 3. I have a pet, and I like ________ . 4. I don’t like this red pen. I like that green ________ . 5. A monkey is climbing the tree. Can you see ________ ? one it one it 一、单项 选择。 1. [ 中考 · 天水 ]—How long may I _____ these books? —For a week. A. borrow B . to borrow C. keep D . lend C 二、 用 borrow, lend 和 keep 填空。 2. We often _________ books from our school library. 3. Thank you for _________ me your bike. 4. You can _________ my recorder for three days. borrow lending keep 一、单项选择。 1. [ 中考 · 阜康、米泉 ]He often takes time _____ the summer holiday with his grandparents. A. to spend B . spend C. spent D . spending A 二、根据汉语意思完成句子。 2. 步行到火车站花费我十分钟。 It ________ ________ ten minutes ________ ________ to the train station. 3. 我每天晚上花两个小时做作业 。 It ________ me two hours to ________ ________ ________ every night. takes me to walk takes do my homework 4 . 艾米每天花一个小时读这本书。 Amy ________ an hour ________ the book every day. spends reading 用 few, a few, little 和 a little 填空。 1. ________ people know it. 几乎没有人知道它。 2. Don’t worry. There’s still ________ time . 别着急,还有一点时间 。 Few a little 3 . There is ________ water in the bottle . 瓶子 里几乎没有水了。 4. She has ________ books about stars . 她 有几本关于星星的书。 little a few

