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‎2019届二轮复习短文语法填空专题模拟试题10篇训练之九 ‎[一]‎ I had hardly sat down on the train and opened a bar of chocolate 61 a really old man with huge bags sat down across from me. I said hello 62 him, smiling sweetly and then I suddenly thought, “Why not offer him a piece of chocolate?” So I did. He was quite 63 (surprise), but accepted and thanked me. He said that people didn’t usually do things like this for 64 (strange) — at least that was what I understood, because he was speaking a really 65 (usual) dialect.‎ Then he opened one of his bags and gave me 66 handful of freshly picked cherries, 67 (explain) that he had just taken them from his orchard. The cherries were really lovely, better than those in the shops, and I enjoyed them very much. It had been just an impulse (冲动) to offer him a piece of chocolate, but if I 68 (not do) so, I would never have tasted those lovely cherries, 69 I didn’t even know he had at the time. Life is about giving and taking, and it’s 70 (general) true that if you give, you will receive.‎ 参考答案:‎ ‎61. when 62. to 63. surprised 64. strangers  65. unusual  ‎ ‎66. a 67. explaining  68. had not done  69. which  70. generally ‎ ‎[二]‎ Two years after announcing strict volunteer requirements for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics and 61 (realize) they could not get enough help for free, the Japanese ministry has instead turned to university and their vast human 62 (resource).‎ ‎ In the past few weeks, to encourage students to volunteer for the Olympics, a large number of universities 63 (begin) to offer academic credits. According to a survey, 49 percent of universities in Tokyo—both 64 (nation) and private—are now considering that option.‎ ‎ While rewarding student volunteers 65 credits to advance their undergraduate programs 66 (be) a nice gesture, the move also makes clear that the Olympic Committee does not want to pay for highly-skilled individuals 67 must speak a foreign language, and work over ten full days--- Not to mention that they must pass 68 interview.‎ ‎ The move also raises the question of what it means to volunteer. It's quite obvious by now that there isn't enough people 69 (fill) the 110,000 vacant ‎ positions.‎ ‎ Offering academic credits to Japanese students seems like the wrong way to encourage volunteerism, but precious time is going by for the Olympic Committee. If they cannot get the 70 (require) 110,000 volunteers soon, an army of emotionless robots might just work.‎ 参考答案:‎ ‎61. realizing 62. resources 63.have begun 64. national 65. with 66. is ‎ 67. who / that 68. an 69. to fill 70. required ‎[三]‎ New York, 10 November 5:27 pm, yesterday. Biggest power failure in the city's history.‎ Thousands of people got 61 (stick) in lifts. Martin Saltzman spent three hours between the 21st and 22nd floors of 62 Empire State Building. "There were twelve of us. But no one 63 (panic). We passed the time telling stories and 64 (play) word games. One man wanted to smoke but we didn't let him. Firemen finally got us out."‎ ‎"It was the best night we've ever had," said Angela Carraro, 65 runs an Italian restaurant on 42nd Street. "We had lots of candles on the tables and the waiters were carrying candles on 66 (they) trays. The place was full and all night, in fact, for after we had closed, we let the people stay on and spend the night here. Business was 67 (good) than usual."‎ The zoos had their problems like everyone else. Keepers worked through the night. They used blankets 68 (keep) flying squirrels and small monkeys warm. While zoos had problems keeping warm, supermarkets had problems keeping cool. "All of our ice cream and 69 (freeze) foods melted," said the manger of a store in downtown Manhattan. "They were worth $50,000."‎ The big electric clock in the lobby of the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in downtown Manhattan started ticking (滴答) again at 5:25 this morning. It was almost 70 time.‎ 参考答案:‎ ‎61. stuck 62. the 63. panicked 64. playing 65. who ‎66. their 67. better 68. to keep 69. frozen 70. on ‎[四]‎ Recently, Alice Thompson 61 (take) her first ride on the famous Ghan train with her friend to the 62 (center) part of Australia. She spent two days and nights on the train. It was 63 wonderful journey. The food 64 (cook) by experts tasted delicious and the scenery was so changeable along the way from colorful fields to desert. 65 (sudden), she seemed to come to a place from another time----she ‎ saw abandoned farms, 66 were built more than a hundred years ago. ‎ ‎ 67 (kill) time on the train, she sat and looked out of the window and sometimes chatted with other 68 (passenger). She also read books and listened to her Chinese cassettes. On night 69 about midnight, she watched the stars 70 (shine) like diamonds. What a ride it was!‎ 参考答案:‎ ‎61. took 62. central 63. a 64.cooked 65. Suddenly ‎ ‎66. which 67. To kill 68. passengers 69. at 70. shining ‎[五]‎ On October 23, 2018,President Xi Jinping announced the opening of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB) at an opening ceremony in Zhuhai, Guangdong province. ‎ The HZMB, 61 (locate) at the waters of the Lingdingyang of Pearl River Estuary, is a huge sea crossing, linking Hong Kong and Macao to the Chinese mainland city of Zhuhai. As the world’s 62 (long) sea-based project, the 55-kilometre bridge is the result of five years of research and another nine years of building. It has been described as one of the “seven 63 (wonder) of the modern world” by the Guardian.‎ The project 64 (make) up of a 22.9-kilometer-long main bridge, a 6.7-kilometer-long tunnel and an artificial island off the bridge. It is designed with ‎ 65 service life of 120 years. It can withstand a strong wind equal 66 a maximum Beaufort scale 16. The bridge’s engineers had to consider many environmental factors to protect the 67 (surround) environment while building the bridge. Chinese white dolphins, an endangered species that lives in the area, 68 (be) a particular concern.‎ The HZMB will make 69 much more convenient to travel between the three areas it connects. It will bring people in Hong Kong, Macao and Guangdong within a “one-hour living circle”, 70 is expected to attract more visitors to the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. It will be a transport link as well as a social, economic, cultural, and tourism connection among the three areas.‎ 参考答案:‎ ‎61.located 62.longest 63.wonders 64.is made 65. a ‎ ‎66.to 67.surrounding 68.were 69.it 70.which ‎ ‎[六]‎ Nowadays, it is the common situation for the young people to stay up. Some are going out and find fun with their friends, and some are addicted 61 the computer games. The lack of sleep not only reduces their work ability, but also 62 (obvious) hurts their physical fitness.‎ The lack of sleep always happens among young people, and most of 63 (they) expect to make up sleep on weekends, for the irregular lifestyle in most of the time. I used to stay up, playing computer games or 64 (watch) TV series at midnight. One day a week later, all of 65 sudden, I found my skin turned darker and there came some freckles (雀斑). So I made up my mind 66 (give) up staying up and kept enough sleep. A few days passed, my skin 67 (become) better and I had the energy to study. ‎ Enough sleep can also make us stay young. Look at those people 68 look young in an old age. The secret is to keep a 69 (health) lifestyle and taking enough sleep is one of the important 70 (way). Don’t think you are young and have the energy to stay up, some day, you have to pay for it. ‎ 参考答案:‎ ‎61. to 62. obviously 63. them 64. watching 65. a66. to give 67. beccame 68. who / that 69. healthy 70. ways ‎[七]‎ A few years ago, I had to stay at the hospital for three days for a medical test. I 81. (ask) to stay awake for more than 30 hours because of the test. It could be 82. (extreme) difficult for anyone. And I didn't believe I could make it. My mother said she would accompany me. But I knew even 83. my mother accompanying me, it wouldn't be easy.‎ To my surprise, that afternoon 84. my mom came to my room, she had my friend Susan with her. That afternoon Susan called my mother. As soon as she 85. (hear) I needed to stay awake for so long, she decided to help me. So she offered 86. (come) to the hospital to stay with me and help keep me awake. Things became much 87. (easy) than I had imagined with Susan's help. She told me stories and jokes , and time passed very quickly.‎ Without Susan's help,88. whole stay in the hospital would have been much more difficult. And our 89. (friend) became deeper from then on. I think nothing ‎ can keep us apart. I'm so 90. (thank) that I have such a friend.‎ 参考答案:‎ ‎81.was asked 82.extremely 83.with 84.when 85.heard ‎86.to come 87.easier 88.the 89.friendship 90.thankful ‎[八]‎ As an old saying goes, “Friends are like wine, the older, the better.” Many people consider old friends to be more important than new ones. For example, if two pieces of advice ___61___ (give) to solve a problem, one from a new friend and the other from ___62___ old friend, people would prefer the ___63___ one to the former one, even though the new friend’s advice may be better.‎ I, however, ___64___ (agree) with the old saying, believing that new friends are not necessarily ___65___ (bad) than old friends. It is not always right ___66___ (determine) your friendship by the length(长度) of time.‎ Once you call someone a friend, he must be a person who is ___67___ (rely) and whose interests are in common with ___68___ (you). It is mainly his character (性格) and interests ___69___ make him your friend. It actually has little to do with time. People’s appearance may change, but their character usually stays the same. Therefore, on this point, there is no ___70___ (different) between old friends and new friends.‎ 参考答案:‎ ‎61. are given 62. an 63. latter 64. disagree 65. worse 66. to determine ‎ ‎67. reliable 68. yours 69. that 70. difference ‎【解析】‎ 这是一篇议论文。文章讲了作者并不认同谚语中所说“朋友如美酒,时间越长越好”,作者认为友谊不应该由时间的长短来决定。‎ ‎【62题详解】考查冠词。文中表示“另外一条建议来自于一位老朋友”,泛指“一位老朋友”,old首字母发音是元音,所以填不定冠词an。‎ ‎【63题详解】考查常见用法。句意:人们更喜欢后者,而胜过前者。文中表示“‎ 后者”,所以填latter。‎ ‎【64题详解】考查动词。句意:然而,我不同意这句谚语,认为新朋友不一定比老朋友差。表示“不同意”,所以填disagree。‎ ‎【65题详解】考查比较级。句意:然而,我不同意这句谚语,认为新朋友不一定比老朋友差。根据than old friends.可判断出这里在进行比较,用比较级,所以填worse。‎ ‎【66题详解】考查不定式。It是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式结构,所以填to determine。‎ ‎【68题详解】考查名词性物主代词。句意:一旦你称呼某人为一个朋友,他一定是一个可信赖的人,并且他的兴趣和你的兴趣有共同之处。题干中表示“你的兴趣”,用名词性物主代词,所以填yours。‎ ‎【69题详解】考查强调句。把It is和该空去掉,句子变成mainly his character (性格) and interests make him your friend.结构仍然完整,所以mainly his character (性格) and interests make him your friend.是一个强调句,填that。‎ ‎【70题详解】考查名词。句意:因此,在这一点上,老朋友和新朋友没有差别。该空需要使用名词,所以填difference。‎ ‎[九]‎ I had hardly sat down on the train and opened a bar of chocolate 61 a really old man with huge bags sat down across from me. I said hello 62 him, smiling sweetly and then I suddenly thought, “Why not offer him a piece of chocolate?” So I did. He was quite 63 (surprise), but accepted and thanked me. He said that people didn’t usually do things like this for 64 (strange) — at least that was what I understood, because he was speaking a really 65 (usual) dialect.‎ Then he opened one of his bags and gave me 66 handful of freshly picked cherries, 67 (explain) that he had just taken them from his orchard. The cherries were really lovely, better than those in the shops, and I enjoyed them very much. It had been just an impulse (冲动) to offer him a piece of chocolate, but if I 68 (not do) so, I would never have tasted those lovely cherries, 69 I didn’t even know he had at the time. Life is about giving and taking, and it’s 70 (general) true that if you give, you will receive.‎ 参考答案:‎ ‎61. when 62. to 63. surprised 64. strangers  65. unusual  ‎ ‎66. a 67. explaining  68. had not done  69. which  70. generally ‎ ‎[十]‎ Two years after announcing strict volunteer requirements for the Tokyo 2020 Olympics and 61 (realize) they could not get enough help for free, the Japanese ministry has instead turned to university and their vast human 62 (resource).‎ ‎ In the past few weeks, to encourage students to volunteer for the Olympics, a large number of universities 63 (begin) to offer academic credits. According to a survey, 49 percent of universities in Tokyo—both 64 (nation) and private—are now considering that option.‎ ‎ While rewarding student volunteers 65 credits to advance their undergraduate programs 66 (be) a nice gesture, the move also makes clear that the Olympic Committee does not want to pay for highly-skilled individuals 67 must speak a foreign language, and work over ten full days--- Not to mention that they must pass 68 interview.‎ ‎ The move also raises the question of what it means to volunteer. It's quite obvious by now that there isn't enough people 69 (fill) the 110,000 vacant positions.‎ ‎ Offering academic credits to Japanese students seems like the wrong way to encourage volunteerism, but precious time is going by for the Olympic Committee. If they cannot get the 70 (require) 110,000 volunteers soon, an army of emotionless robots might just work.‎ 参考答案:‎ ‎61. realizing 62. resources 63.have begun 64. national 65. with 66. is ‎ 67. who / that 68. an 69. to fill 70. required

